First United Monday Spotlight

January 13, 2025

Divas Begin the New Year

Join our Dining Divas for their first monthly gathering of 2025. It's planned for Tuesday (1/21) beginning at 6pm at the Olive Garden (2819 Oneida St.). Please R.S.V.P. to Pastor Meggan very soon so she can plan for the size of the group. Come enjoy an evening with the Divas!

You Can Read, Understand, & Love the Bible

The Bible Recap has begun, but you can still catch up and continue daily reading through the year. We meet weekly to share what we've read and learned either on Sunday at 5:30pm or Monday at 9am in the Koinonia Lounge. If you'd like to join in and catch up, please contact Pastors Luke or Meggan or the group leader, Jennifer Heil ( It promises to be an amazing experience for everyone to share!

Our Vision Statement:

We are a welcoming community FIRST UNITED in proclaiming FAITH in Jesus Christ, sharing HOPE for the future, and inspiring LOVE of our neighbors.

Watch for our "Weekly Newsletter" on Thursdays for the latest updates on everything. If you ever have questions, information to add, or want to be added to our regular email list, please contact the Church office or our Communications Team (see links below).

> Weekly "Bible Recap" Meeting #2 (Koinonia Lounge) - Today (1/13) 9am (*Try to attend Sunday night or Monday morning meeting each week)

> Handbell Group Rehearsal (Music Room) - Tuesday (1/14) 6:30pm

> P.W. Esther Circle (Library) - Wednesday (1/15) 9:30am

Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Music Room) - Wednesday (1/15) 6:30pm

> "Joyful Noise" Band Rehearsal (Sanctuary) - Wednesday (1/15) 7:30pm

> "Joyful Noise" Rehearsal (Sanctuary) - Sunday (1/19) 8am

> Worship Service (Sanctuary) Sunday (1/19) 9am

> Coffee Fellowship Time (Family Life Center) Sunday (1/19) after worship

> Sunday School for all ages (various rooms) Sunday (1/19) 10:30am

> Weekly "Bible Recap" Meeting #1 (Koinonia Lounge) - Sunday (1/19) 5:30pm OR next Monday (1/20) 9am (*Try to attend Sunday or Monday meeting each week)

> Youth Group Meeting (Youth Media Room) - Sunday (1/19) 6pm

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“Christ First” Global Methodist Church Events ("nesting" congregation)

> Various Group Meetings (Room 7 - downstairs) - Tonight (5:30-6:30pm), Tuesday (6-8pm), & Thursday (6-8pm)

> Worship & Fellowship (Sanctuary & Gathering Area) - Sunday (12/19) 4pm

*Please contact the church office to schedule a meeting or to make changes

so we can keep everyone up to date. Thanks!

"Changing Lives Through God's Love in Christ"

Contact us with your questions and needs...

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