Salem Matters News of What Matters This Week

in Salem Presbytery

February 7, 2024 | Volume IX, Number 6

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Churches/Ministries of the Week

Rumple Memorial Presbyterian - Blowing Rock

Joyce Presbyterian - Stoneville

Salem Presbytery as it prepares for the Stated Meeting on February 13

Salem Presbytery will gather by Zoom on Tuesday, February 13th at 9:00 am. Please use the links below to register and to download the presbytery packet. Sessions, please remember to elect your commissioner(s) if you haven't already.

Please note:

  • All pre-registrants will receive an email from "ZOOM" on or around February 11 with the sign-in ZOOM credentials for the meeting. Save these credentials carefully for use on 2/13.

The Zoom meeting will be opened around 8:45 am on Tuesday morning. You may join the meeting any time after that.

Register for Presbytery Meeting Here
Download Presbytery Packet Here

Presbytery News and Information


The EQUIP team of Salem Presbytery is excited to sponsor our Winter Training Event. This event will be held on Saturday, February 10th at First Presbyterian in Greensboro from 9 am to 1 pm. In addition to worship and a time for fellowship, the following workshops will be offered:

  • Communion Leadership for Ruling Elders
  • Church Finance Safeguards
  • Faithful and Effective Leadership
  • Child and Youth Protection
  • Church Tech A to Z: Adobe to Zoom

Use the links below for more information and to register.



  • Where do I go? First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro, enter from Fisher Park Circle into the Welcome Center
  • When do I have to be there for my workshop? Coffee and gathering begins at 9 with a short worship and workshop orientation at 9:30a.m. All workshops begin at 10a.m. with the exception of Deacon training following Elder/Officer training. IMPORTANT UPDATE: As of now there are no registrations for a second workshop option at 11:30a.m. Register today if you would like to take a second workshop. Secondary workshop options are likely to be cancelled.
  • What is the cost? There is no cost unless you would like to purchase a box lunch.
  • Is nursery provided? Nursery is provided if you request that option on your registration. Please bring snacks if needed for your child(ren). If there are no registrations requesting childcare there will not be a worker on site.
Click Here for Full Event Flyer and Workshop Information
Click Here to Register


I bet you weren't aware that for the second year in a row, there is a connection between Salem Presbytery and the upcoming Super Bowl this Sunday, the 11th. Rev. Timothy Bates' (Cameron and Cameron Presbyterian Churches) son, Javon Hargrove, is playing the game for the San Francisco 49ers. Congrats to Tim and Javon!


If your church has any interest in meeting other churches with a small confirmation class for an overnight retreat this spring, please send your church name and number of youth to [email protected] The Presbytery is surveying interest.

Earth Care Congregations

The presbytery is compiling a list of all Earth Care Congregations within the presbytery. Any church that is a part of thi group should please contact Christine at the presbytery office ([email protected]).


The North Carolina Presbyterian Historical Society promotes knowledge of the history of Presbyterian churches in North Carolina with an annual award accompanied by a small stipend for the best published book or best printed pamphlet on North Carolina Presbyterian church history. Topics covered may include church founding, building(s), leaders, governance, worship and the arts, Christian education, missions, community relations. 

Church published history books and printed pamphlets issued during the calendar year 2023 are eligible for consideration for this annual award. Authors deemed to have written the best book or pamphlet will be honored at the Society's 2024 spring meeting. If your church produced a church history in either form, please send two copies to Peter G. Fish, 1006 Urban Avenue, Durham, NC 27701-1531. The deadline for submission is March 15, 2024. 

Inquiries concerning membership in the Society may be addressed to Sarah Alexander 

([email protected]). 

Bilingual Help Needed

Salem Presbytery is looking for someone who is bilingual in Spanish/English with conversational capabilities who can aid the presbytery in communicating with our Spanish speaking churches. Contact Christine Ratledge in the presbytery for more information ([email protected])

Racial Equity Equipping

In May of 2022, Salem Presbytery adopted a policy requiring Racial Equity Equipping (aka Training). Once every three years, Teaching Elders, Commissioned Ruling Elders, Certified Christian Educators, Members-At-Large, and Salem Presbytery Staff are to complete the course offered by the Peace and Justice Task Force. Completion of the equipping is strongly encouraged for Honorably Retired Ministers of Word and Sacrament, Ruling Elders serving Salem Presbytery Committees and Task Forces or representing Salem Presbytery, Candidates for ministry under care of Salem Presbytery, members of individual Sessions and Church Staffs within the Presbytery, and any other leaders within the church. 

In 2024, the P&JTF Racial Equity Equipping Team will provide three opportunities for completion of the training requirement, using the curriculum What Lies Between Us. Please save these dates: Feb 24th/May 16th/Sept 28th and plan to join us for one session to fulfill the requirement. The February 24th training will be at First Presbyterian-Burlington. You can register at this link

Executive Certificate in Religious Fundraising 

Presbyterian College is proud to partner with the Lake Institute on Faith & Giving at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy (Indiana University) to offer the Executive Certificate in Religious Fundraising (ECRF). This unique partnership enables this outstanding course to be offered in the southeast region. The executive certificate program provides the research, tools, and customized training to meet the growing needs of leaders in religious communities and fundraisers of faith-based organizations. 

This program would be ideal for clergy or other faith leaders and stewardship or advancement staff members in religious communities, schools, or service organizations. Scholarship opportunities to cover some of the cost of attending the ECRF may be available through a church financial leadership grant from the Presbyterian Foundation.  

More details and Registration:

Program Dates: May 20-22, 2024 

Location: Covenant Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC

Summer Internship Opportunity


CROSS Missions, a ministry of Myers Park Presbyterian, is an urban service and discipleship experience for youth and their leaders. We hire and train 6 college-aged students each summer to lead teenagers through urban mission experiences and spiritual development. CROSS engages young people through service, justice, and discipleship with the goal of raising up empowered and equipped young people to serve God and serve the world. Each week we combine worship, reflection and service in order to grow in God’s love for neighbors and discern God’s call to work for justice. Interns lead groups in service and reflection each day and assist with the evening program. The internship starts May 20 with a 10 day training and ends the first week of August. It is a paid internship, with housing and most meals included. Interns grow from a community living opportunity and mentorship based on their vocational aspirations. 


Rev. Erika Funk

Director of CROSS Missions

Direct line: 704-927-1282

A Vital Gift from Our Board of Pensions for Members of Your Presbytery


Last summer, the Board of Pensions of the PC (USA) began the Clergy Wellness Support Program. This initiative provides ministers with grants up to $5,000 to foster renewal and wholeness. The grants can be taken every six years.


The Clergy Program at the Davidson Centre for the Professions is one of the seven preapproved programs of the Clergy Wellness Program:


Since 2004, more than 1,200 clergy have participated in this on-site intensive wellness program —The Clergy Program. This program in Davidson, North Carolina has strengthened lives and revitalized careers, especially for those in transition and stress. This grant from our Board of Pensions will cover the full cost of this program and all related travel expenses for pastors earning under an $80,000 salary.


We caregivers tend to give care for everyone, except ourselves. This onsite Clergy Program includes intensive wellness work with certified counselors, spiritual directors, consultants, life coaches, nutritionists, financial counselors, and personal fitness trainers. It is a great week of self-care and a way to obtain tools for personal/professional resilience. General information is found at This is an independent, ecumenical, HIPAA compliant service, and a validated ministry of our church.


If you believe you or your pastor might benefit from this program, please contact Salem General Presbyter Tony De La Rosa at [email protected]. Thank you.

Position Opening at First Presbyterian Burlington

First Presbyterian Church in Burlington is advertising for the position of Part-Time Interim Youth Ministry Coordinator. Follow the links below for the job description and/or to apply.

Read Job Description Here
Apply Here

Position Openings at First Presbyterian Salisbury

First Presbyterian Church in Salisbury is advertising three positions. See the links below for job descriptions and information.

Director of Music
Contemporary Worship Team Leader

Position Opening at First Presbyterian High Point

First Presbyterian Church in High Point is advertising for the position of Next Gen Director. See the link below for job description and information.

Next Gen Director - First Presbyterian High Point

Position Opening in Montreat

Greetings from Montreat Conference Center. We have a full-time, exempt position open for a Director of Development Communications. Follow the links below to read a full job description and/or to apply.

Click Here for Job Description
Click Here to Apply

Attention Clerks of Session

The compensation report - a part of the 2023/24 statistical reporting exercise - is only for installed pastors and associate pastors. Please call or email if you have any questions. David Vaughan

Sign Up for Peace & Justice Newsletter

The Peace and Justice Task Force invites you to sign up for their monthly newsletter addressing Peace and Justice issues and events. Click the link below to sign up.

Sign Up for Peace & Justice Newsletter

Looking Ahead - Upcoming Events

Association of Smaller Congregations

The 2024 conference of the Association of Smaller Congregations will be held February 29-March 3, 2024 at Epworth-by-the-Sea on St. Simons Island, GA. Click the link below for more information.

Association of Smaller Congregations Conference Info

Please pass along congratulations to the following who are celebrating anniversaries of their ordinations:

Parish Matters

RISE (Race an In Depth Spiritual Examination) was a two day faith based racial equity training hosted by Soldiers Memorial AMEZ Church, Trinity Presbyterian Church, First Presbyterian Church, Salisbury.

At First Presbyterian Church in Boonville, our brothers and sisters will participate in Super Bowl festivities with a Soup-er Sunday feast and fundraiser. Donations collected will support a local Christian Ministries fund. Then, the last Sunday in February, they will have Old Fashioned Day. This is a time for old-timey clothes (think overalls and such) and some old-fashioned tasty food with lots of flavor (and maybe lots of cholesterol)!

Baird’s Creek Presbyterian will participate in the Souper Bowl with a collection of non-perishable food for the community food bank, but they added a twist. They have two bins, and folks who participate can “vote” for their team, depending on which bin they put their food in.

And here’s an ongoing ministry of North Wilkesboro:

Prayer Matters
Click Here for the 2024 Prayer Calendar

February Prayers for:

 Church Growth and

Transformation Committee

Commission on Ministry

Please Hold the Following in Your Prayers
  • Rev. Eric Larsen on the death of his father on February 1, 2024.
  • Rev. Fred Horner on the death of his wife Ruth Ann on January 28, 2024.

We will list these prayer requests for two weeks unless we are notified that they are to be continued. You may submit prayer requests through the link below.

Submit prayer request here.

PCUSA Matters
PCUSA Job Opportunities

The latest in Job Opportunities with the PCUSA, as of October 10, 2023

Job Opportunities - English

Job Opportunities - Spanish

Job Opportunities - Korean

Board of Pensions Call to Health

Click the link below to join the Board of Pensions Information

Board of Pensions Call to Health

Board of Pensions Board Bulletin

PCUSA News and Announcements

Click below for the latest news and announcements from the PCUSA.

Quarterly Resource Preview - August 2023


PCUSA Website

Mid Council Relations Newsletter

Click HERE for Synod of Mid-Atlantic Assembly Highlights

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