Have a Safe and Fun Halloween

When Driving Be Alert for Trick-or-Treaters

Hello neighbors! Halloween is CREEPING up on us. The City wishes everyone a safe and happy Halloween experience. Please take a minute to read these safety tips, you don’t want to be a foolish mortal:

  • Trick-or-treat with trusted neighbors – in a neighborhood you are familiar with.
  • Turn on headlights early to spot kids from further away.
  • Dress to impress…..safely. Make sure costumes and candy bags or pails are reflective. Costumes shouldn’t drag too far on the ground to avoid tripping, and masks, hats, and shoes should be well-fitting. We recommend wearing high visibility clothing and using a flashlight so you can see and can be seen by other drivers.
  • Watch for kids. If you plan to be driving during trick-or-treat hours, watch for children walking on roadways, medians, and curbs. Be sure to enter and exit driveways carefully.
  • Stay on the path. Don’t stray from the well-marked routes to get to the candy. Always use the sidewalk, and do not cut across yards or use alleys. Wherever possible, cross the road at a crosswalk.
  • When in doubt, throw the candy out. Avoid candy that has loose wrappings, is completely unwrapped, has puncture holes, or is homemade and not factory-wrapped. 

The Santa Barbara Police Department urges those operating vehicles to drive cautiously, especially in residential neighborhoods where children may be trick-or-treating.

If your happy haunts involve alcoholic beverages, have a plan in place on how you will get home safely and do not drink and drive. Have a designated driver or use a convenient ride share app to arrive safe and sound at your destination; sober does not mean “least drunk of the group.”

The Santa Barbara City Fire Department has some additional fire safety tips to keep your little monsters safe:

  • Use a battery operated candle or glow-stick in jack-o-lanterns
  • Teach children to stay away from open flames including jack-o-lanterns with candles in them
  •  Dried flowers, cornstalks and crepe paper catch fire easily. Keep all decorations away from open flames and other heat sources like lightbulbs and heaters
  • Remember to keep exits clear of decorations so nothing blocks an escape route. Make sure all smoke alarms in the home are working. 

We want everyone in Santa Barbara to have a safe and enjoyable Halloween!

We are proud of our sense of community and implore people to be courteous of their neighbors.