

A Festival of Sacrifice

Thursday 28th June 2023

Eid Mubarak

Happy Eid

May the choicest blessings of God fill your life with peace , joy and prosperity.

Eid ul Adha is celebrated by Muslims around the world

A great event recorded in both the Bible and Quran, where Prophet Abraham ( peace be upon him), was called upon by God to sacrifice his only son "Ishmael" as a sign for the coming generations to make every sacrifice to win God’s pleasure. At the last moment, when both father and son were ready to obey this commandment, God stopped Prophet Abraham and advise him to sacrifice an animal instead. So till this day Muslims around the world sacrifice an animal on Eid ul Adha and distribute the meat to the less fortunate to remind them of their duty to God Almighty.


The Pilgrimage to Mecca ( Hajj) , is the 5th pillar of Islam. It is offered in the last month of the Islamic ( lunar) calendar, called Zul-Hajj. At least once in their life, Hajj is obligatory upon every Muslim adult who can afford to perform Hajj and also has safe access to Mecca. Hajj is performed from 8th to 12th of Zul-Hajj (the Gregorian date changes every year). On the 10th of Zul-Hajj, Muslims celebrate Eid-ul-Adha

The Steps of Hajj   

Ihraam and Talbiyyah

The Hajj begins when pilgrims reach certain designated places close to Mecca. The pilgrims enter the state of Ihraam (for males only) by wearing two unsewn white sheets, and recite Talbiyyah which consists of saying the following aloud: Here I am, O Allah, here I am; Here I am, No partner have You,here I am; Indeed, all praise and bounty are Yours, and Yours the Kingdom; No partner have You.

Tawaaf of the Ka'bah

The pilgrims then perform the Tawaaf of the Ka`bah by going around it seven times, starting from the position of the Black Stone, in an anticlockwise direction. 

Sa’ee between Safa and Marwah

Next, they perform the Sa`ee by running between the hillocks of Safaa and Marwah located near the Ka`bah, in memory of Hadrat Hajirara, who ran in search of water in this area. After Sa’ee, pilgrims move to Mina from Mecca. The next morning after Fajr, they leave for Arafaat.

Stay at Arafaat and Mina 

They worship during their stay at `Arafaat from the afternoon of the 9th Zul-Hajj until sunset. On their way back to Mecca they worship at Muzdalifah. They stay at Mina on the 10th of Zul-Hajj, where they perform Ramy-al-Hijaar - a symbolic act to strike the devil by throwing small stones at three pillars. Next, the pilgrims sacrifice their animals, shave their heads and end the state of Ihraam by wearing normal dress. On this day, Muslims all over the world celebrate Eid-ul-Adha. Before the 10th day of Zul-Hajj ends, they perform Tawaaf and Sa`ee for the second time at Mecca and once again return to Mina

Farewell Tawaaf

After passing, one or two more days at Mina, the pilgrims return to Mecca on the 12th or 13th of Zul-Hajj and perform the farewell Tawaaf of the Ka’bah, marking the completion of Hajj. Although it is not a part of Hajj, many people visit Medina before or after their Hajj.

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