Celebrating EID-UL-ADHA

A Festival of Sacrifice

Thursday 28th June 2023

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READ articles by the spiritual leader His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad on the significance of Eid ul Adha

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Eid ul Adha is celebrated by Muslims around the world on June 28th 2023

A great event recorded in both the Bible and Quran, where Prophet Abraham ( peace be upon him) , was called upon by God to sacrifice his only son " Ishmael" as a sign for the coming generations to make every sacrifice to win God’s pleasure. At the last moment, when both father and son were ready to obey this commandment, God stopped Prophet Abraham and advised him to sacrifice an animal instead. So till this day Muslims around the world sacrifice an animal on Eid ul Adha and distribute the meat to the less fortunate to remind them of their duty to God Almighty.

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