Loyalty discounts
$5/mo loyalty discount applies after 3 months of service; additional $5/mo applies after 9 months of service, for a total of $10/mo on plans $40 or higher. Discount applies as long as your line is not disconnected.
Auto Pay discount
Auto Pay discount of $5/mo available after 1st month for all plans. Credit or Debit card required.
5G total access
- 5G Ultra Wideband available only in parts of selected cities. 5G Ultra Wideband access requires a 5G-capable devices inside the 5G Ultra Wideband Coverage Area.Includes 4K UHD streaming on capable devices.Downloads over 5G Ultra Wideband.Depending on location, uploads over 5G Ultra Wideband or 4G LTE.
- 5G Ultra Wideband Mobile Hotspot. Includes Unlimited 5G Ultra Wideband Mobile Hotspot when in a 5G Ultra Wideband location which means your smartphone becomes an ultra-fast and reliable WiFi connection for your other devices.
- 5G Nationwide available in 2,700+ cities. 5G Nationwide access requires a 5G Nationwide-capable device
Mobile Hotspot
When not in a 5G Ultra Wideband coverage area, Mobile Hotspot access includes 10 GB of 5G Nationwide / 4G LTE data, then speeds up to 600 Kbps the remainder of the month. Your data experience and functionality of some data applications such as streaming video or audio may be impacted.
Unlimited calling
Enjoy unlimited calling within the US and to Mexico, Canada, Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, and the US Virgin Islands
Unlimited texting
Unlimited texting within the US and to over 200 international destinations. See countries
Coverage while traveling outside of the US
Unlimited calls, text and data from Mexico, Canada, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.
4G or 5G World Device required. International data reduced to 2G speeds after 0.5 GB/day. If more than 50% of your talk, text or data usage in a 60-day period is in Mexico, Canada, Puerto Rico or US Virgin Island, use of services in those destinations may be removed or limited.
Data experience (5G Nationwide / 4G LTE)
DVD-quality streaming (up to 480p) on smartphones. In times of congestion, your data may be temporarily slower than other traffic.