At the top of the priority list today is the urgent need for funds. It's crucial that money is raised in order to continue moving this campaign forward. We realize it's difficult with the high cost of groceries, fuel, clothing, school supplies and basic necessities these days, but if you stop to think about how we got here, then you'd realize that supporting the right candidate is what will help put us back into a place where we can live financially stronger.
Have you had a chance to read some of the headlines this week? "Democrats excel in KY, OH and VA", "Democrats won big on Abortion Rights Tuesday", "Democrats Enjoy a Strong Night" and more. Democrats won five of the six key races this week. It's time for conservatives to take action and bring about change.
Stephanie is working harder than any other Senate candidate in NV and she's a fighter. She has the courage to stand against the establishment, to fight the narrative and she wants all of us to feel more secure and safe. She's not in anybody's pocket and will not be bought and paid for like other candidates. Most importantly, she's fighting to make NV a better place for Nevadans. In order for her to continue moving her campaign forward, she needs your help and support.
More and more people are asking for banners to be put on their properties and more yard signs are being distributed around the state. More people are interested in hosting fund raisers and meet & greet events and the cost to travel to all those locations is increasing with the frequency at which the events are being hosted.
If everyone receiving this message today could chip in just $10, that would help cover some of the costs for these things and Stephanie would be very grateful. A small $10 monthly recurring donation would also help continue to boost the campaign forward. The time is now and the need is critical.
Will you be a part of making history in Nevada?