Thank you for checking out What's Buzzing at New Hope! This communication piece will keep you updated on the latest happenings in and throughout our church. 

If you have questions or concerns, please communicate them to our Pastoral Staff.

We are a Hope-filled Community!
Road to Redemption - Protective Denial
Pastor Jedie Elliott (Sunday, April 3, 2022)

Peter replied, 'Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will.'
'Truly I tell you,' Jesus answered, 'this very night, before the rooster crows,
you will disown me three times.'
Matthew 26:33-35 NIV

Have you ever had an unpleasant realization that symbolically slapped you? 
I have, in fact, just last week. I did something where I knew better, even thinking, 'perhaps I shouldn't do this.' Let's fast forward two hours later. I'm beginning a Zoom call when Shari looks out the kitchen window and declares she sees smoke. Immediately, I knew that it was the result of my earlier careless action. 
Perhaps you're wondering, 'What happened?' I foolishly...
Cookies Needed

“When life gives you lemons, toss them aside and eat cookies instead!”

Now that we have your attention, we need your help, not with eating (that’ll be when the cookie crumbles), but we need help baking!

If you’re interested in baking some cookies for our Kentville Good Friday Service, please sign-up here!
Easter Weekend

New Hope invites you to attend our Easter Weekend Services.

Good Friday, April 15 - Kentville & Kingston Locations - 10:30 AM

The Good Friday Services will contain a time of reflection, worship, teaching and communion as we remember Christ's sacrifice for our sins.

Easter Sunday, April 17 - Kentville (9:30 & 11 AM) & Kingston (10:30 AM)

The Easter Sunday Services will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus through worship, teaching and a few extra service additions.
Helping Our Community

New Hope (Kentville/Kingston) supplies 40 at-risk school children with backpacks full of nutritious treats and food for the weekend.

Food insecurity in elementary school children can be linked to poor academic
performance, absenteeism, anxiety and other behavioural problems. Many of these children rely on school breakfast or lunch programs, but these resources are not available on the weekend.

Our mission is to fill in this “hunger gap” by providing bags of food for the children to take home on Fridays for the weekend.

The ministry is entirely volunteer-driven at no cost to the schools. Your $10 will help fill a backpack with nutritious snacks, proteins and fruit juice for one child for one weekend.

If you would like to contribute or help with this vital ministry, please get in touch with Pastor Karen.