
Suzanne Spolarich

Missionary to France


Autumn is at its height in the Paris, France area.



FEIC Summit

What a joy it was to be in Vienna, Austria, at the FEIC Summit Conference held October 12 and 13. FEIC is a relational Fellowship of European International Churches. The conference hadn't been held for two years due to Covid.

It was so encouraging to be with colleagues from all over the European continent. We ate together, we worshipped together, we prayed together. The final message was to stay close to one another.


Sara Jönsson from Finland and I reconnected once again.


Joy and Dan West serving in Portugal and I got together for a pumpkin soup dinner.


Saint Stephen's Cathedral


Gutenberg Place


French Assemblies of God Convention

The French Assemblies of God invited all of the AGWM missionaries serving in France to attend the annual convention from October 5-8 in Montluçon. We were very warmly welcomed at a luncheon in our honor. This was a historic event for all of us. At the Northern region meeting, I was blessed to be honored for 27 years of service in France. What a blessing!


Farah Abdillahi, president of the Assemblies of God of Martinique, the main speaker at the Convention.


The Cher River in Montluçon.


Mark and Dalene Good, two of the LeCossec brothers and I at the Convention during a break.


New ministers being ordained into service.


The Bridge International Church

At Pastor Kelly's departure, we already had our new pastor chosen. However, due to delays in obtaining a new passport and applying for a visa, the new pastor has been waiting just as we at The Bridge have been waiting and developing patience.

We are all in a holding pattern as we wait for administrative procedures to fall into place.

I have been serving the Bridge as Lead Interim Pastor since July. It is my joy. Here I am preaching. Facebook live for sermons.


I recently had the delight of dedicating two babies born into our congregation.


Prayer Corner

  • I am grateful to the Lord for good health. Pray for me to be wise in managing a balanced life style, working well, getting exercise, and also having some fun.

  • I always have more than enough to keep me very occupied. Pray for me to set a reasonable schedule and get tasks accomplished in due time.

  • I am so thankful for your faithfulness in prayer and monthly financial support. I praise God for each one of you!

  • I haven't been back to the USA to visit churches and raise a cash budget and more monthly pledges since 2018. My actual support has dropped about $1000 monthly since April 2021. I ask you to please pray for me and with me to find

  • 20 individuals or churches that could support me at $50/month or

  • 10 individuals or churches that could support me at $100/month.

God is able and it is He who has called me here in France to pastor The Bridge International Church at present. I believe He will provide as He always has.

God bless each one of you!

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