Important TVCS Fall Dates to Remember
No School for Kindergarten
In an effort to give Ms. Coles the needed time to complete all Kindergarten conferences there will be NO SCHOOL on Thursday October 25 for Kindergarten ONLY.

Thursday October 25 & Friday October 26 are conferences. If you have not already received contact from your child's teacher with sign up information please contact them directly to get a conference time.
Trunk or Treat
Come join us on Saturday October 27th from 6PM-9PM for a safe fun evening of candy, games, and good food. We will have local businesses and TVCS families handing out candy, food trucks to help with dinner and lots of fun for families. If your family or business is interested in having a trunk please contact Jennifer at
November PTO Meeting
The November PTO meeting will be held on Thursday November 8th at 6:30PM in Mrs. Hansen's room. This is a great opportunity for families to learn more about ways they can help the school.
November Board Meeting
The November Board Meeting will be November 15th at 7:00 PM in Mr. Pye's classroom. Board meetings are always open to the public.
Thanksgiving Break
There will be no school November 19-23 for Thanksgiving break. The office will also be closed during this time. We hope everyone has a wonderful, restful break.