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Mouhamadou Alou comes from a long line of service-oriented individuals. Growing up, his mother was a nurse, and his father was a member of the United Nations Police. In his home country of Niger, Mouhamadou remembers his mother ministering to the entire community and encouraging him to donate clothes and shoes, much to his dismay, to neighbors who needed them. Years later, he fondly reflects on that memory as an inspiration for why he likes supporting his community.   


Mouhamadou’s family moved to New York in October 2020. Knowing little English, Mouhamadou was thrust into a new school and a new environment (which included his first experience with snow!). After just one year in a program for new English learners at Mt. Vernon High School, Mouhamadou was ready to move into classes with English speakers. He says that while he wasn’t particularly outgoing before he came here, the experience forced him to become more of an extrovert. Within a very short time, he used those skills and his innate drive to serve his community to create the “Knights Boutique” at his school, a store that allows students to “shop” for free clothes, school supplies, and toiletries.     


Reminiscing about his experience serving his community in Niger, Mouhamadou saw an empty classroom in the school building, and he had an idea for how it could be put to good use. He says that he wasn’t sure that his idea would work, but he was encouraged by a teacher to give it a try. The positive response was immediate. Even then, Mouhamadou continuously worked to improve the store, including efforts to ensure that the merchandise was well organized and displayed. Mouhamadou graduated from Mount Vernon High School in 2023, but the boutique continues to thrive.    


When he arrived here, Mouhamadou was struck by the differences in how people lived in New York compared with Niger. He noticed that while everyone in his community in Niger was considered family, people in New York tended to “mind their own business.” Through his courage and initiative in creating the Knights Boutique, Mouhamadou managed to bring a little bit of Niger to Mt. Vernon. Mouhamadou plans to continue serving as he embarks on his career: he is studying nursing to become a military nurse. Mouhamadou’s philosophy is that “being fortunate enough to give is a blessing,” and our community is lucky to have this young man in our midst. 

The Volunteer Spirit Awards is the premier volunteer recognition event in our region, with an expected attendance of nearly 600 community leaders, business leaders, and elected officials.

44th Annual Volunteer Spirit Awards

Friday, April 12th, 2024

7:45 AM - 10:00 AM: Registration and Awards Program

10:00 AM: Coffee and Connections in the Legacy Suite

The 44th Annual Volunteer Spirit Awards is officially sold out.

Please join us in celebrating volunteerism and community by donating in support of our mission to mobilize our community to address its greatest challenges.

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Event Sponsors

as of April 3rd

Brown & Brown of New York

PCSB Community Foundation

Carla Rojas

PKF O'Connor Davies, LLP

Con Edison


The Gallin Family

Retirement Transformed

Hudson Valley Credit Union

The Seiden Family

Mercy University

Webster Bank

Nelson Services Systems


New York Life

Zaro Family Bakery

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