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January 25, 2024

This issue's header photo was taken this past Sunday at The Cathedral of St. Andrew during a special Choral Evensong in observance of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Pictured above from left are the Most Rev. Larry Silva, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Honolulu, who delivered the homily; the Rev. Samuel Domingo from The Hawai'i District of the United Methodist Church, our own Bishop, the Right Rev. Robert Fitzpatrick, and the Rev. Dr. David Popham, Hawai'i Conference Minister from the United Church of Christ. More photos from the Week of Prayer for Christan Unity services can be found under the Feature Story section below. (Photo: R. Costa)

Fourth Sunday After the Epiphany

Almighty and everlasting God, you govern all things both in heaven and on earth: Mercifully hear the supplications of your people, and in our time grant us your peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Be sure to stay informed with the Bishop's latest messages by clicking on the button shown. All video messages also appear on the Dioceseʻs YouTube Channel and Facebook page.


Week of Christian Unity 2024: Celebrating Our Faith

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is an annual ecumenical observance celebrated worldwide, January 18-25. It provides an opportunity for people of all denominations to come together for worship so that "Christians are reminded of Jesus’ prayer for his disciples that 'they may be one so that the world may believe' (see John 17.21)." (World Council of Churches website)

Here in the Diocese of Hawai'i, communities came together to hold special services that were open to all. As shown in the header photo at the top of this issue, a very special Choral Evensong was held at The Cathedral of St. Andrew. The service featured music led by Director of Music Nicholas Keone Lee, organist Mark Wong, and the magnificent voices of the Cathedral Choir with Orvis Scholars. In the photo above, the Rev. Canon Heather Patton-Graham delivers the Dismissal with celebrating clergy. The service can be viewed in its entirety on the Cathedral's Facebook page HERE.

Below, a Taizé Prayer for Christian Unity service was held Wednesday evening, January 24, at Newman Center/Holy Spirit Parish at the University of Hawai'i in Honolulu. This gathering was hosted by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Honolulu, bringing together a number of clergy, including our Bishop and Archdeacon Steve Costa. (Photos: R. Costa)

St. Andrew's Schools: Onipa'a

On Wednesday, January 17, 2024, we commemorated the 131st anniversary of the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi. Every year on this date, kamaʻāina and malihini alike gather to recognize this significant event in Hawaiʻiʻs history. The observance begins with traditional Hawaiian protocol at Maunaʻala (the Royal Mausoleum) followed by a procession to ʻIolani Palace and the Queen Liliʻuokalani Statue. 

Students, faculty, and staff of St. Andrew's Schools stood together in front of the Cathedral of St. Andrew to offer our aloha to the lāhui and acknowledged the procession passing by with oli and mele as was done many years ago when the Cathedral and our school extended aloha to Queen Liliʻuokalani during that historic time. To this day, Queen Liliʻuokalani is honored in the life of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaiʻi and the larger Episcopal Church as a model of steadfast faith. In striving for reconciliation, justice, and peace, she demonstrated her devotion to God and love for her people. (From the St. Andrew's Schools Facebook page)

St. Columba's Blesses Renovations for Mission and Outreach

St. Columba’s Episcopal Church in Pa’auilo has plenty to sing about! After years of dreaming, planning, and eight months of construction, "renovations for mission and outreach" were blessed by the Right Rev. Robert Fitzpatrick, the Bishop for the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai’i, during their Sunday service on January 14. The build includes a new certified kitchen, multi-purpose keiki building, storage room, ADA compliant bathrooms, and outside grill and wok area. READ FULL STORY


Visit the Diocese's Calendar page HERE for Diocesan events & activities.

Donation Mahalo Letters

The second half of 2023 was a particularly challenging time for the Diocesan Support Center (DSC) that was already busy preparing for the upcoming Diocesan Convention and Annual Meeting. In August, the devastating effects of the Maui wildfires and loss of Holy Innocents Church thrust the small staff of eight into unchartered territory. In the weeks that followed, logistical, emotional and legal issues were compounded by the sheer number of donations flooding in. The DSC found itself overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tasks that needed to be handled. The staff deeply apologizes for any oversight in responding to our generous donors in a timely manner. A belated Mahalo letter was released this week that we hope reached everyone who made a donation in 2023. If you did not receive either an email or letter, please contact us HERE. A copy of the letter can be viewed HERE.

Be sure to sign up!

Vestry (New or Not!) Orientation

What does a Vestry member do? What are my responsibilities? All new and returning Vestry members are invited to attend the Diocese's online Vestry Orientation gathering, to learn about the role of the Vestry and to answer your questions. This informative session is taking place on Saturday, February 10, 2024, from 9:00 AM- 12:00 Noon. There will be a presentation from the Bishop, a new version of our "Who's Kuleana Is It" game, and lots of time for Q&A! To register, click HERE. Deadline to register is Wednesday, February 7, 2024.

BacPac Project Needs Your Help

The Diocese's Prison Ministry is grateful to all the churches who have been supporting their BacPac project over the past several years, providing essential items to newly released inmates from correctional facilities. The supplies have been a welcomed part of their re-entry back into society. They are anticipating at least 400 BacPacs will be needed this year. Be sure to check with your church if they are participating, and consider making a donation! Suggested items are: Toiletries Body Care, Hygiene Bar Soap, Bath Towel / wash cloth, Tooth Brush/Tooth Paste, Hair Brush / Comb, Deodorant, Shampoo, Conditioner, Disposable Razors Shave Cream, Nail Clippers, Dental Floss, Body Lotion, Band Aids, Antiseptic Cream, Water Bottle, Bedding (sheets), Pillow, Pillow Case, Forks/Spoons, Cocoa Drink Mix, Cup of Noodles, Mix Nuts, Instant Coffee, Pen / Pencil, Writing Tablet, Detergent, Facial Tissue

Pictured below left, Holy Nativity recently blessed BacPacs put together by their Sunday School, and at right, the Rev. Haaheo Guanson and Archdeacon Steve Costa, who are involved with the Prison Ministry, blessed The Cathedral's latest donations. (Photos of church online e-news)

COLUMBARIUM / CEMETERYSTATUS REQUESTS: Holy Innocents' members, friends, and family who may have someone inurned in the columbarium/cemetery and would like to know about a specific burial inurnment, please complete the request form HERE, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Church leadership was finally able to access the site just a few weeks ago, and all niches seem to be intact, complete with their informational plaques. Damage to the columbarium is significant, but mostly this involved the roof, marble facing, and the central sculpture. The debris makes it difficult to approach every part of the structure, and access to the site is still somewhat limited.

A ZERO PLASTIC HOUSEHOLD - In this issue, we feature slide #3 from 'Iolani School's presentation at Spring Training 2023: As many people know, plastic can be very harmful to our environment and especially our oceans. It takes many years to biodegrade (depending on the type). However, many new products have been made to make it easier for people to reduce their plastic consumption, such as: Bamboo toothbrushes, Reusable straws, Reusable grocery and shopping bags.

2024 Clergy Retreat - January 29-31, 2024, Camp Mokulēʻia, O'ahu

2024 Vestry Orientation (New or not!) - February 10, 2024 (Virtual)

2024 Chrism Mass & ChurchBiz - March 23, 2024, The Cathedral of St. Andrew, O'ahu

2024 Diocesan Youth Retreat - April 12-14, Camp Mokulē'ia, O'ahu


Visit the Diocese's Community Calendar page HERE for ongoing activities in your neighborhood.

O'AHU: Now Showing! Forward Together - African American Prints from the Jean & Robert Steele Collection at HoMA

The Honolulu Museum of Art (HoMA) has recently opened an exhibition of prints from the Jean and Robert Steele Collection, just in time to celebrate Black History month in February. Many in the Diocese know the Rev. Deacon Robert Steele who has played an active role in the Diocese, including serving on the Racial Reconciliation Task Force. He spoke about some of his prints during a presentation at last year's Spring Training. The Steele's donation to HoMA will be on display through September 15, 2024. For more information, visit the HoMA website HERE. He is pictured here during an interview on HI Now Weekender last February.

O'AHU: Scholarship Awarded

Pictured at right, Bishop Bob presented grant checks to Kevleen Ichita and Kevleen’s Mother for Nina Fichiosy from “The Victory Fund.” The Fund was established in 1999 by an anonymous donor as a commitment of outreach from the Episcopal Church in Hawaiʻi. The purpose of the Fund is to provide grants to indigent youth in Kalihi and Waianae. The grant is for an individual’s remedial education, vocational education, or higher education. Grants are dispersed every two or three years as funds become available in consultation with the clergy and others in the two designated communities

KAUA'I: St. Michael & All Angels Receives Award

St. Michael and All Angel's Loaves and Fishes food ministry received the 2023 Farm to Table Champion Award from Mālama Kaua‘i! The award states the following:

Mālama Kaua‘i proudly recognizes St. Michael's Loaves and Fishes for supporting over 130 local farmers, ranchers, and food producers by sourcing through Mahalo nui for your leadership in prioritizing the importance of our island's food security, and commitment to honoring the authenticity of our local food system and producers.

Pictured are Deann Megonnel and Carol Baker, the ministry's co-chairs. (From the St. Michael Enews)


(Visit the Diocesan website HERE for more information.)

  • O'AHU: St. Mary's - Parish Administrator (Part-time)
  • OʻAHU: The Cathedral of St. Andrew - Seeking Volunteer Docents
  • OʻAHU: St. Stephen's Church, Wahiawa - Organist (Part-time)
  • HAWAI'I ISLAND: Holy Apostles - Minister of Music (Part-time)

The Episcopal Church & Beyond...

‘A Case for Love’ screening draws praise, commitment from Episcopalians

[1/25/24] Unselfish love is an antidote for the divisions ailing society, said some Episcopalians from the Diocese of Los Angeles after attending the one-day Jan. 23 screening of “A Case for Love,” a feature-film documentary inspired by the teachings of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. READ MORE



Reminders (Previously Announced)

THE ANNUAL CHRISM MASS & CHURCHBBIZ (formerly Spring Training) Event will be taking place on Saturday, March 23, 2024, at the Cathedral of St. Andrew. The theme for this event is "Lessons Learned" as we take a look at the impact that recent catastrophies have had on our churches in the Diocese. Both COVID and the Maui wildfires have presented many challenges that we continue to learn from. Mark your calendars and save the date for this very important gathering! More information and registration will be coming soon!

HOLY INNOCENTS NOTECARDS FOR SALE - The set of 4 notecards with artwork and cross of Holy Innocents is still available for purchase. The 4.24" x 5.5" notecards features artwork by Delos Blackmar, that adorned the church's mural, altar, and pulpit, and also includes one notecard with a photo of the rooftop cross that survived the fire. The set is only $5 plus shipping. All profits will go towards Maui wildfire relief. To save on shipping costs, consider bundling your order with others, or arrange to pick them up at the Diocesan Support Center. To place your order, click HERE.

2024 CONVENTION 56 CHANGE OF DATE - Because of various scheduling issues, the Bishop has rescheduled the 2024 Annual Meeting of Diocesan Convention to Saturday, October 12 (with Education Day on Friday, October 11). As you look to elections of lay delegates at congregational annual meetings in January, and as you plan your congregational (and personal) calendars, please reserve those dates. 

Required Safe Church Training - This is a reminder that Safe Church training is mandatory for all clergy, employees, vestry members, and most volunteers. Please read The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai‘i Safeguarding Policy and the Diocesan Safe Church Training Webpage. This training needs to be renewed every three years. Contact your church's Safe Church Administator or priest for more information, or if you have questions, email Nani Carroll.

Do you have a question? Contact us at (800) 536-7776

The Diocesan Support Center (DSC) staff is ready to help answer your questions. Some of the most common topics are listed along with the person to contact. Click on the linked name to send an email.
BISHOP (meeting with): Nani (ext. 302)
Annual Meeting: Rae (ext. 326)
Archives: Rae (ext. 326)
Budget/Finance: Sam (ext. 306)
Communications/News/Website: Sybil
Congregational Membership: Sandy (ext. 309)
Diocesan Portfolio/Investments: Sam (ext. 306)
Hiring/Human Resources: Rae (ext. 326)
Monthly Statement: Fatima (ext. 307)
Ordination/Licensed Ministries: Nani (ext. 302)
Payroll: Sam (ext. 306)
Property (Contracts, Insurance, Agreements): Rae (ext. 326)
Safe Church: Nani (ext. 302)
Stewardship: Sandy (ext. 309)
Supply/Visiting Clergy: Nani (ext. 302)
Worship/Sacraments: Sandy (ext. 309)
Don't forget to visit our FORMS & DOCUMENTS page on the Diocesan website HERE.

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Visit the Diocesan News Website for past articles and Special Announcements

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Contact Information
The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i
229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 536-7776