This issue's header photo was taken during the annual Chrism Mass at The Cathedral of St. Andrew this past Saturday, March 23, 2024. The service included the renewal of Baptismal Vows and Reaffirmation of Ordination Vows for clergy. Our Maui clergy (pictured above) were chosen to administer the sacraments for Communion. The Chrism Mass and ChurchBiz Conference is one of the feature stories in this issue. (Photo: S. Nishioka) | |
Almighty God, who through your only-begotten Son Jesus Christ overcame death and opened to us the gate of everlasting life: Grant that we, who celebrate with joy the day of the Lord's resurrection, may be raised from the death of sin by your life-giving Spirit; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
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Bishop's Easter Message 2024 | |
I am on Maui for Holy Week 2024. While here, I am spending time with all of the congregations, A Cup of Cold Water, the clergy, and especially God’s people of Holy Innocents’ Church, Lahaina. The months since the August fire have been very difficult for the people of Maui.
I also am praying for the ‘Iolani School ‘Ohana as they continue to recover from the murder earlier this month of senior Sakura Oda along with her two siblings and mother by her father before he took his own life. The School community has responded with care, but it is a time of grief.
This all comes as war rages in Ukraine, Gaza, Sudan, and too many places in our world. The political discourse of our nation is filled with hate and vindictiveness.
What does Easter 2024 bring us?
For me, these words from Paul’s Letter to the Philippians (2:5-11) best express the meaning of Easter. Paul is likely sharing an “hymn” or “affirmation” of the very early Church. This passage is sometimes called the “Christ Hymn”:
Adopt the attitude that was in Christ Jesus,
Though he was in the form of God,
he did not consider being equal with God something to exploit.
But he emptied himself
by taking the form of a slave
and by becoming like human beings.
When he found himself in the form of a human,
he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death,
even death on a cross.
Therefore, God highly honored him
and gave him a name above all names,
so that at the name of Jesus everyone
in heaven, on earth, and under the earth might bow
and every tongue confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Paul urges us to take on the attitude of Christ. How do we do that? Look at the three verbs of the Christ Hymn: “Emptied,” “Humbled,” and “Obeyed.”
(Bishop is pictured at Trinity By-the-Sea in Kihei, on Palm Sunday - Trinity Facebook page)
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Reminder: Good Friday Offering to support ministries of the Anglican Communion Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East. Click HERE to make an online donation now.
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Be sure to stay informed with the Bishop's latest messages by clicking on the button shown. All video messages also appear on the Dioceseʻs YouTube Channel and Facebook page. | |
Annual Chrism Mass & ChurchBiz: Gathering of the Faithful
The Diocese of Hawai'i's Annual Chrism Mass and ChurchBiz Conference (formerly Spring Training) took place at The Cathedral of St. Andrew on Saturday, March 23, 2024. Over 80 participated in the daylong event that began with the Chrism Mass, followed by the ChurchBiz Conference that offered a variety of topics to choose from. READ FULL ARTICLE
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Women's History Month:
Celebrating The Rev. Heather Mueller
By Cindy Schumacher
As we observe Woman’s History Month in March, we celebrate the Rev. Heather Mueller, retired pastor from St. John’s Episcopal Church in Kula, Maui. From the get-go, Heather fought for and still is, an advocate for women’s rights. She is one of the first women ordained as a priest in the Episcopal Church, and the second woman ordained in the Diocese of Hawai'i. Heather’s installation was held on December 3, 1981, by the Rt. Rev. Edmond L. Browning, Bishop of Hawai'i. She retired on October 1, 2010. READ FULL ARTICLE
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A Reflection on the United Nations 68th Session of UNCSW
By The Rev. Annalise Pasalo
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I had the privilege of attending the 68th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW68) as a part of the leadership team supporting the Presiding Bishop's Delegation. It was my sixth session. For me, advocacy work is an expression of my commitment to honor the dignity of every human being.
The 2024 priority theme dealt with poverty and the problematic financial institutions and systems that disproportionately discriminate against women and girls.
Like years past, I heard amazing stories of resilience and innovation. That was not the whole picture, though. It is painfully clear that there is pushback on women’s rights globally. Women today have less rights than their mothers and grandmothers. The patriarchy is holding on to the status quo with a death grip. Artificial intelligence is widening the digital divide at an alarming rate. After all, AI is only as intelligent and unbiased as those who write the algorithms. It is one aspect of the systematic discrimination contributing to gender inequality.
Gender equality is not a women’s issue. It is a human issue. It is intersectional and complicated. It will not resolve itself. We must actively focus on gender parity in leadership, women’s participation in decision-making, and offering protections for women and girls in all their diversity- both in the church and in the world. Ultimately, when we allow this injustice to continue, we all suffer and lose out on the amazing contributions of half of the world’s population. We cannot ignore the wisdom of the Spirit as she calls us to justice.
(Photos from the Facebook page of the The Episcopal Church and the United Nations and Annalise Pasalo)
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Be sure to check Holy Week & Easter service schedules in your area HERE.
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Visit the Diocese's Calendar page HERE for Diocesan events & activities. | |
Welcoming Kalani Holokai to Assist on Maui | |
The Diocese of Hawai'i is delighted to welcome on board Kalani Holokai who is the new Community Partnership Administrative Assistant, serving the Maui community in the aftermath of last year's wildfires. Kalani started on March 16, and will be assisting the Community Partnership Coordinator (see job posting below), for whom the Diocese is currently seeking. Kalani has been a familiar face in the Diocese for many years through her active participation in a number of ministries. Welcome Kalani!
Diocese is Seeking a Community Partnership Coordinator on Maui
The Diocese of Hawai'i is currently accepting applications for a Community Partnership Coordinator on the island of Maui. This is a full-time exempt position that reports to the Bishop. The primary purpose of this position is to help ensure that the interests of Episcopal entities on Maui are heard and represented with various government agencies and other outreach organizations, and to coordinate communications with the Diocese and The Episcopal Church. To view the full job description, click HERE or visit the Diocese's Lay Position Openings webpage HERE under Maui.
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Hurry! Deadline to apply is April 4!
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The deadline is fast approaching for two Diocesan student scholarship opportunities for the 2024-2025 school year. They are:
- The Bishop's Scholarship Fund
- The Chang Clergy Children's Scholarship Fund
Deadline for submission is Friday, April 4, 2024, at 4:00 PM. For more information and to download the application packet, visit the Diocesan website HERE. Should you have any questions, please contact Nani Carroll, Executive Assistant to the Bishop, by email HERE or call her at (808) 536-7776, ext. 302.
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General Convention Youth Presence: Congratulations Nicholas Livingston!
Eighteen young people from every province in The Episcopal Church will serve as the Official Youth Presence for the 81st General Convention, meeting June 23-28, 2024, in Louisville, Kentucky. Representing Province VIII and a member of Holy Nativity Episcopal Church in ʻĀina Haina, is Nicholas Livingston, a junior at 'Iolani School. Nicholas has already served as a delegate at Diocesan Convention for Holy Nativity the past couple years, serves as an acolyte, assists with their tech team, service readings, and is an alumnus of Holy Nativity School. CONGRATULATIONS NICHOLAS!
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Coming Up! Mark Your Calendars!
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The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS) is offering the following FREE online webinars for the Diocese of Hawai'i, beginning April through August. All webinars will be held at 9:00-10:30 AM (HST). Churches should encourage their clergy, lay leaders, treasurers and wardens to attend these informative sessions. Be sure to mark your calendars and register for each webinar. For descriptions of each workshop and to register for a webinar, visit the Diocese's Stewardship webpage HERE.
Saturday, April 13, Uncovering Motivations for Generational Giving
Saturday, May 11, Creating Budgets that Meet your Ministry Goals
Saturday, June 8, Community Needs Assessment – Discerning Ministry in your Neighborhood
Saturday, August 31, Creating a Culture of Generosity
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Episcopal 'Ohana Stay-Cay at Camp Mokulē'ia! |
Want to reconnect with your church ʻohana? Need a break, but don't have time for a vacation? Join us May 3-5, 2024, for our Episcopal ʻOhana Stay-Cay! Bring your swimsuit, a smile and let us do all the work for you! This weekend is designed for you to be able to connect with families across our Diocese! With our youth, we have seen the power of building relationships across our congregations and want to offer this chance for you too! The price includes lodging, meals, and all the activities! Choose from tent camping, tentaloes, cabins, or the lodge! We will have kayaking, stand-up paddle boarding, zipline, a family art activity, a movie night under the stars, and a special fire night dance/Polynesian dance by the Tau Tua Dance Company.
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FAITH CLIMATE ACTION WEEK (APRIL 19-28) - ORDER YOUR KIT NOW! Does your faith call you to action toward protecting the climate? Do you wonder what your faith community can do to make an impact? Interfaith Power and Light has made it simple to join with other churches around the world to celebrate the ten days around Earth Day by recognizing our call as Christians to Mālama ʻĀina. This yearʻs theme is “Common Ground: Cultivating Connections Between Our Faith, Our Food, and the Climate” and an organizerʻs kit may be purchase for $26 plus shipping HERE. The kit includes short film suggestions, a fact sheet, discussion materials, and more. Your Green Team can use the kit to help plan some meaningful discussions and worship so that your Earth Day worship services can be focused on solutions and actions.
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2024 Diocesan Youth Retreat - April 12-14, Camp Mokulē'ia, O'ahu
2024 FREE TENS Webinars - April 13, May 11, June 8, August 31 (9:00-10:30 AM HST)
2024 Annual Clergy Conference - August 19-21, more info to come
2024 Camp Mokulēʻia Concert in the Country Fundraiser, October 5, Camp Mokulēʻia, O'ahu
2024 Convention 56 - October 11 & 12, The Cathedral of St. Andrew, O'ahu
2024 EAM Young Adult Retreat - October 25-27, Camp Sloggett, Koke'e, Kaua'i
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Visit the Diocese's Community Calendar page HERE for ongoing activities in your neighborhood.
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The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) of Hawai'i met at The Cathedral of St. Andrew's Davies Hall on Saturday, March 16, 2024, for their annual Lenten Consolation Gathering. The Rev. Moki Hino led the group in morning devotions and prayers followed by Stations of the Cross. After lunch, the Rev. Canon Heather Patton-Graham arranged for them to watch the documentary, The Philadelphia Eleven. (Photo from the Good Shepherd Facebook page) | |
St. John's Practices Interior Stillness
By Cindy Schumacher
On February 10, 2024, an online Centering Prayer training session took place on Zoom for friends and members of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Kula, Maui. The training was led by the Rev. Sun-Hwan Spriggs from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Tustin, California, a good friend of St. John's priest, the Rev. George Wong. Rev. Spriggs is a spiritual director and Centering Prayer presenter and facilitator, and has started numerous centering prayer groups. READ FULL ARTICLE
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O'AHU: Coming Up! The Return of the Chocolate Extravaganza at Emmanuel
Emmanuel Episcopal Church is excited to announce that their signature fundraising event has returned! It's a fun event for anyone who loves chocolate! It's their 20th Chocolate Extravaganza that will be held on Saturday, April 27, 2024, from 5:00 - 6:30 PM. ONLY 75 TICKETS are being sold, so purchase your tickets online ASAP! You can also support Emmanuel through their Online Auction that will run from April 11-27. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit their event webpage HERE.Emmanuel is located at 780 Keolu Drive in Kailua.
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KAUA'I: Coming Up! Organ Concert at All Saints'
All Saints' Episcopal Church will be hosting an all Bach concert featuring Jonathan Dimmock on Saturday, April 6, 2024, at 6:00 PM. He has recorded more than fity CDs including Grammy Award-winning CD of Mahler Symphony 8 with the San Francisco Symphony. The concert is free. for more information, visit the All Saints' website HERE. The church is located at 4-1161 Kuhio Highway in Lihue.
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MAUI: Coming Up! Rummage & Bake Sale at St. John's
St. John's Episcopal Church in Kula, will be holding a Rummage and Bake Sale on April 19 & 20, 2024, from 9:00 AM-4:00 PM. There will be a large variety of items at great prices. Please bring your own bag. St. John's is located at 8992 Kula Highway. For more info, call the church office at (808) 878-1485.
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(Visit the Diocesan website HERE for more information.)
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- NEW! MAUI: Community Partnership Coordinator (Full-time, Exempt)
- KAUA'I: All Saints', Kapa'a - Youth Director (Part-time)
O'AHU: St. Mary's - Parish Administrator (Part-time)
OʻAHU: The Cathedral of St. Andrew - Seeking Volunteer Docents
OʻAHU: St. Stephen's Church, Wahiawa - Organist (Part-time)
HAWAI'I ISLAND: Holy Apostles - Minister of Music (Part-time)
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The Episcopal Church & Beyond... | |
Presiding bishop joins global Christian leaders calling for Gaza cease-fire in Holy Week letter
IMore than 140 global Christian leaders, including a Guatemalan Catholic cardinal and the presiding bishops of The Episcopal Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, called for a permanent cease-fire in Gaza and for an end to foreign military support for Israel in a March 26 letter to U.S. President Joe Biden and other politicians. READ MORE
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Photo: Bassam Masoud/REUTERS | |
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Reminders (Previously Announced)
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ST. ELIZABETH'S IN HONOLULU IS NOW RECEIVING NAMES until April 15, 2024, for a full-time Priest-in-Charge position (with the possibility of being named Rector). For more information and to view the church profile, visit the Diocesan website HERE, or email the Rev. Canon Alexander (Sandy) Graham HERE. DO NOT contact the congregation directly.
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EPISCOPAL ASIAMERICA MINISTRY (EAM) YOUNG ADULT RETREAT - The EAM Young Adult Convocation is holding a retreat for Episcopal young adults in their 20s from across the United States. This retreat will be held at Camp Sloggett on the island of Kaua‘i, October 25-27, 2024. For more information and to register, visit the Diocesan website HERE, or scan the QR code shown. If you have any questions, contact Carolyn Morinishi by email HERE.
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Do you have a question? Contact us at (800) 536-7776 | |
The Diocesan Support Center (DSC) staff is ready to help answer your questions. Some of the most common topics are listed along with the person to contact. Click on the linked name to send an email.
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BISHOP (meeting with): Nani (ext. 302)
Annual Meeting: Rae (ext. 326)
Budget/Finance: Sam (ext. 306)
Communications/News/Website: Sybil
Congregational Membership: Sandy (ext. 309)
Diocesan Portfolio/Investments: Sam (ext. 306)
Hiring/Human Resources: Rae (ext. 326)
Monthly Statement: Fatima (ext. 307)
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Ordination/Licensed Ministries: Nani (ext. 302)
Property (Contracts, Insurance, Agreements): Rae (ext. 326)
Safe Church: Nani (ext. 302)
Stewardship: Sandy (ext. 309)
Supply/Visiting Clergy: Nani (ext. 302)
Worship/Sacraments: Sandy (ext. 309)
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Don't forget to visit our FORMS & DOCUMENTS page on the Diocesan website HERE.
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Catch up on articles you may have missed below! | |
Contact Information
The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i
229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 536-7776
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