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December 14, 2023

This issue's header photo was taken this past Monday at the site of Holy Innocents Church, and amongst the ruins, a plant blooms where the entrance into the church would have been. See this issue's Feature Story about Canon Sandy Graham's visit to the site and blessing of the grounds. (Contributed photo)

Third Sunday of Advent

Stir up your power, O Lord, and with great might come among us; and, because we are sorely hindered by our sins, let your bountiful grace and mercy speedily help and deliver us; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit, be honor and glory, now and for ever. Amen.

From the Bishop


The Reverend Canon David P. Coon (age 95) died on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 after a long illness. Dave was ordained to the transitional diaconate (6/18/54) at St. Paul’s in Flint, Michigan by Bishop Richard Emrich on behalf of Bishop Harry S. Kennedy and the Mission District of Honolulu, and then to the priesthood (12/21/54) by Kennedy at St. James’ in Kamuela, Hawai’i. He was the Headmaster of ‘Iolani School from 1970 to 1992. He served in various ministries through the years: St. James’ Episcopal Church, Waimea, Big Island; Hawai‘i Episcopal Academy (now named the Hawai‘i Preparatory Academy); and St. Philip’s Mission (now St. John the Baptist), Waianae.

In 2014, he was named an Honorary Canon of the Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu, to fill the Kaʻiulani Chair for “his leadership in our Diocese, in several congregations, in the community and at ʻIolani School, and in thanksgiving for his ministry of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and nurturing others in fellowship, righteousness and love.”

Please keep Joanne and the Coon family in your prayers. 

O God, who hast made thy servant David to flourish among the Ministers of Apostolic Succession in the honorable office of a Priest: grant, we beseech thee, that he may also be joined with them in perpetual fellowship. Through thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Rest eternal grant him, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.

The Right Reverend Robert L. Fitzpatrick

(Pronouns: he, him, his)

Bishop Diocesan 

The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i

From the St. James' e-news, Father Coon's service information and family considerations are shared below:

Service is scheduled for Saturday, January 13 at 11 o’clock at St. James' Church with catered reception following. The Family has asked that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to St. James' Church and/or to 'Iolani School. Notes of sympathy may be sent to: Joanne Coon, 64-728 Punakea Street, Kamuela, HI 96743

Be sure to stay informed with the Bishop's latest messages by clicking on the button shown. All video messages also appear on the Dioceseʻs YouTube Channel and Facebook page.

From Canon Sandy

Maui / Holy Innocents / Missioner Update

The outpouring of love for Maui continues, even though the spotlight has diminished over time. Like you, dear reader, all of the Diocese is committed to the long-term recovery in Lahaina, upcountry, and Holy Innocents in particular.

We need to remember that opening up the site for limited visiting is still a long way from getting answers about toxicity or future building zone restriction changes, so any realistic plans for land reclamation or rebuilding, though exciting, are not currently within our grasp.

We are still in a search for our Maui Recovery Efforts Missioner. Our first round of searching involved some wonderful people, but none were the right fit for our needs. We are particularly thankful to the Maui Reviewing Committee for their research, discernment, and recommendations to the Bishop. Please pray for this ongoing search and spread the word! From the previously posted job description:

PRIMARY PURPOSE: To coordinate the relief efforts of the ministries of Holy Innocents, A Cup of Cold Water, various government agencies, and other outreach organizations and coordinate communications with the Diocese.

DESCRIPTION: The position provides disaster relief and administrative support to Diocesan entities and interests, in particular, those on Maui.

Other helping hands continue their amazing work. A special mahalo must go to the congregations, school, and clergy of Maui. Because of their central location, Good Shepherd in Wailuku has been particularly connected with the needs of people affected by the fires. Mahalo to Moki Hino and the whole staff for the witness you’ve been to those in need. A Cup of Cold Water continues to astound – their outreach remains agile to new realities, and they have been a great help in distributing aid on behalf of the Diocese.

The good and faithful folks of Holy Innocents have met several times, but will be kicking off a more regular schedule of gathering and worship [that started] on the First Sunday of Advent. This is particularly poignant as Advent is not only a season of hope and expectation, but also the start of the new (Church) year. I will have the privilege of celebrating the Eucharist with them on the first and third Sundays of Advent, and they have plans for both Morning Prayer (Katy Shroder had been in our first Waiolaihui‘ia Licensed Lay Ministry class and was licensed just weeks before the fire) and Eucharist from time to time. I know that they are very much looking forward to this more regular schedule, and we are all most thankful for the hospitality of Honolua United Methodist Church for hosting them Sunday mornings free of charge.


Maui: Hope Blooms

After nearly four months to the date since the devastating Maui wildfires destroyed Lahaina town, the Diocese of Hawai'i received the official announcement for authorization to access the Zone where Holy Innocents Church once stood.

"Monday [December 11] was the first day the Zone opened," said Canon Sandy Graham, who has been flying over often to meet with Maui members since August. "We were there first thing. It gets really hot, there’s no shade, and those suits really heat up - so as early in the morning as possible is key!"

Holy Innocents' members, Jacob Marsh, Leanna Roberts, and Katy and Bob Shroder were also on site with Canon Sandy who blessed the grounds and offered gifts of lei.

With so much toxicity in the area and potential for contamination, Personal Protection Equipment (PPE: masks, goggles, gloves, and Tyvek suit), are required. Instructions and preparations for accessing the burned sites are spelled out on Maui County's Re-entry website that includes a 13-minute video with explicit instructions. Special passes are required to access Lahaina town, and various volunteer organizations are available to help clear debris and sift through ash. 


Visit the Diocese's Calendar page HERE for Diocesan events & activities.

Bishop's New Official Portraits

Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick has updated his official portraits which are now avialable on our Media webpage HERE. His portrait comes in different sizes for your media applications.

Did you know? The media page also contains the official Episcopal Church shield files with pantone colors, and other Diocesan graphics. The Media page can be found through the Resources menu under Communications.

Waiolaihui'ia Center for Ministry:


The Diocese of Hawai'i's formation program, Waiolaihui'ia Center for Ministry (WCM), has expanded to include Licensed Lay Ministry, and their webpage has also expanded to include separate pages for those seeking the ordination track (deacon or priest) and lay members wishing to become licensed ministers. Visit the updated webpages under Education > Waiolaihui'ia, or click HERE to go to the main overview page now.

The Diocese needs lay and ordained leadership, and WCM may be the perfect avenue for those who have a desire to serve in a more profound way. Originally established for those seeking a path to ordination, this past year saw the first class of graduates from the new licensed lay ministry program who have become licensed lay preachers, catechists and worship leaders!

COMING UP: On January 13, 2024, new opportunities for both lay and ordained ministry will begin. Plan to join the WCM team on Zoom, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM, for:

  • Licensed Lay Ministry - Orientation session to introduce the 10-month program (meets once a month*) and answer your questions. To enter the program, you will need the support of your clergy and/or wardens.

  • Ordained Ministry - Join the Insight Space Program to start the journey for ordination as a deacon or priest. This is a 4-month required program of the Diocese for those discerning and preparing for theological education.

Whether you are certain of your path or just curious, take your first steps by visiting the WCM webpage HERE, or by talking to your priest or other clergy. Then contact WCM and register to be a part of the next classes beginning on January 13, 2024.

*Note: In the previous Chronicle, it stated classes were once a week and should be once a month.

December 2023 Hui Baibala

By Kahu Kaleo Patterson

The Ma Ka Moku project of 2015, a project funded by the Episcopal Church's Indigenous Ministries as a leadership development project, placed emphasis on the Hawaiian language, and renewed ability to embrace the culture, foster indigenous theological reflection, create a more central unifying element in the liturgy, worship, and formation needs of the Diocese. The hope is to publish a working Hawaiian-English Three-year Lectionary with selected Hawaiian words and definitions for each Gospel reading of each Sunday.

A sample Hui Baibala Study Set created for the month of December is now available. This format has been used over the last nine years in local parishes, 'Iolani Guild, Prison Ministries, and in specialized liturgical settings, formats, and forums. To learn more and view the December set, click HERE.

Storymakers Renewal and Continuing Partnership

Earlier this year, the Diocese partnered up with Storymakers NYC to provide Sunday school materials to our congregations. At the time, the Diocese purchased a subscription program for 42 weeks, and made it available to congregations at no cost! Now that churches have had a chance to use Storymakers, the Diocese will continue to support the program by covering 50% of the cost. For those already using Storymakers, you should have received the special discount code, or contact Canon Sandy Graham for it. For those new to the program, visit their website for more information, then contact Canon Sandy for the code and begin using Storymaker's at half the cost!

Governance Update

The empty seat on Diocesan Council has been filled by the Rev. George Wong, Rector of St. John's Episcopal Church on Maui.

Reminder: Order Now! Holy Innocents Notecards are going fast!

Makes a great gift! The set of 4 notecards with artwork and artifacts of Holy Innocents that made its appearance at Convention 55, is now available for purchase. The 4.24" x 5.5" notecards with envelopes feature artwork from the mural, altar, and pulpit of Holy Innocents, and one with a photo of the rooftop cross that survived the fire. The set is only $5 plus shipping. All profits will go towards Maui wildfire relief. To save on shipping costs, consider bundling your order with others, or arrange to pick them up at the Diocesan Support Center.


EASING YOUR CLIMATE ANXIETY - Are you anxious about all the bad news about climate change? If so, here are suggestions to help:

  1. The podcast Everybody in the Pool by Molly Wood delivers weekly good news in the form of interviews with people who are innovating climate solutions. Ms. Wood refuses to focus on the doom and gloom, and always delivers a good dose of hope. Click HERE to go there now.
  2. Katharine Hayhoe, a climate scientist (and a Christian) and author of Saving Us: A Climate Scientistʻs Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World, writes a weekly e-newsletter that gives you the Good News and the Bad News along with What You Can Do. You can subscribe to it by visiting her website HERE.
  3. Spend time in nature - being close to the natural world can reduce anxiety and help you feel connected to the world around you.
  4. Talk about it with others and figure out what you can do, even if itʻs a small step. Taking action will help.

2024 FORMA - January 22-25, 2024, Virtual watch parties TBA

2024 Clergy Retreat - January 29-31, 2024, Camp Mokulēʻia, O'ahu

2024 Vestry Orientation (New or not!) - February 10, 2024 (Virtual)

2024 Spring Training - March 23, 2024, The Cathedral of St. Andrew, O'ahu

Visit the Diocese's Community Calendar page HERE for ongoing activities in your neighborhood.


Coming Up: The Longest Night (Blue Christmas)

Thursday, December 21, 7:00 PM - We invite you to join us in prayer, candle-lighting, and song, or just to be with us, listening. We trust, we pray, that you will find hope and comfort this night in knowing you are not alone and remembering that light will always conquer darkness. “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” John 1:5

From the Cathedral E-News:


During the annual celebration of the Feast of the Holy Sovereigns, the Bishop and members of Hawai'i's Royal Societies and Civic organizations gathered at the Cathedral's Wahi Kapu to honor King Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma. The Feast Day, which is officially designated on November 28, is celebrated around the Diocese and was observed on Sunday, November 26, at The Cathedral.


The Cathedral held the Society of St. Andrew's annual Kirkin' of the Tartan service on Thursday, November 30, complete with Celtic pipes and drums! Dinner followed in Davies Hall. Canon Sandy Graham can be seen 5th from left dressed in kilt, and although he didn't play on this day, he's known to play a mean bagpipe! To view a video clip of the procession, click HERE.


For many years, Kalihi Waena Elementary School has been the beneficiary of the Cathedral's outreach ministry, with drives for school supplies, slippers and food. Pictured above, Santa visited the students during the annual "Breakfast with Santa" event on December 9, 2023. Bags of food and treats are shared, along with lots of fun and entertainment!

O'AHU: Coming Up this Saturday - A Merry Little Christmas Party at Emmanuel

Emmanuel Episcopal Church and the Kailua Chamber of Commerce are getting ready for the annual Merry Little Kailua Christmas event being held this Saturday, December 16, from 5:00 PM-8:00 PM. It's not too late to make a donation for the nearly 300 gifts they are expecting to pass out to Windward families. Click HERE for more information on how you can help or make a donation, or call Mother Annalise at (808) 780-0471. Emmanuel is located at 780 Keolu Drive in Kailua.

O'AHU: Coming Up - Organ Concert at St. Christopher's

International concert organist, Gail Archer, will be performing at St. Christopher's Episcopal Church in Kailua, Saturday, December 30, 2023, at 6:00 PM. She will be playing a Bach program followed by Ukranian selections and music by women composers. Donations suggested. All proceeds will go to the St. Christopher's Organ Fund. For more information about Garil Archer, the organ fund, and to view the concert program, click HERE. St. Christopher's is located at 93 North Kainalu Drive.

O'AHU: 'Tis the Season!

Families from St. John the Baptist in Ma'ili, were decked out and ready for the Waianae Christmas parade that took place on Saturday, December 9. (Photo from their Facebook page)

The folks from Good Samaritan Episcopal Church in Palolo took to the streets in the trolley during the Kaimuki Christmas Parade, passing out candy and waving to their neighbors and fellow community members. After the parade, they enjoyed dinner together in the parish hall. (Photo from the Good Samaritan Facebook page)

St. Andrew's Schools upper school, held their annual Christmas concert in the Cathedral on Wednesday, December 6, 2023. Performing, were the Middle School Choir, Chamber Choir, Intermediate and Advanced Strings, Chamber Strings, Middle School Band, and High School Band. (Photo from the St. Andrew's Schoold Facebook page)

HAWAI'I ISLAND: In the Spirit!

St. Augustine's Episcopal Church in Kapa'au has been busy both in their congregation and in the community. Pictured above from left, they hosted the community's annual ecumenical Christmas event that brings together seven churches for an evening of fellowship, food and entertainment. St. Augustine's teen group provided entertainment along with Vicar Jennifer Masada (4th from left); Deacon Lani Bowmn helps a young one during the St. Augustine Thrift Shop's Keiki Giving Spree, where children shop and wrap gifts for the grown-ups in their lives; over 400 poinsettia plants were sold in their annual fundraiser! (Contributed photos)

St. James' Episcopal Church in Waimea transformed their pavilion into "A Night in Bethlehem" event, where keiki and their families took a journey through the Bethlehem Marketplace, making stops at the different "vendors" to enjoy all sorts of activities that included the Bethlehem Bakery, carpentry shop, Scribe's Tent, the pottery shed, and painter's hut. Pictured at far right is Susan Acacio, their youth coordinator who organized the event and welcomed everyone arriving at "The City Gates." (Photos from the St. James' e-news)


(Visit the Diocesan website HERE for more information.)

  • O'AHU: St. Mary's - Parish Administrator (Part-time)
  • OʻAHU: The Cathedral of St. Andrew - Seeking Volunteer Docents
  • OʻAHU: St. Stephen's Church, Wahiawa - Organist (Part-time)
  • HAWAI'I ISLAND: Holy Apostles - Minister of Music (Part-time)
The Episcopal Church & Beyond

Presiding bishop released from hospital, continuing recovery at home

[12/8/23]  Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has been released from the hospital and is continuing his recovery at home, according to a Dec. 8 press release from The Episcopal Church’s Office of Public Affairs. READ MORE

To stay up-to-date with the Presiding Bishop's health, click HERE.

Photo: ENS SS



Reminders (Previously Announced)

2024 CONVENTION 56 CHANGE OF DATE - Because of various scheduling issues, the Bishop has rescheduled the 2024 Annual Meeting of Diocesan Convention to Saturday, October 12 (with Education Day on Friday, October 11). As you look to elections of lay delegates at congregational annual meetings in January, and as you plan your congregational (and personal) calendars, please reserve those dates. 

Required Safe Church Training - This is a reminder that Safe Church training is mandatory for all clergy, employees, vestry members, and most volunteers. Please read The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai‘i Safeguarding Policy and the Diocesan Safe Church Training Webpage. This training needs to be renewed every three years. Contact your church's Safe Church Administator or priest for more information, or if you have questions, email Nani Carroll.

Do you have a question? Contact us at (808) 536-7776
The Diocesan Support Center (DSC) staff is ready to help answer your questions. Some of the most common topics are listed along with the person to contact. Click on the linked name to send an email.
BISHOP (meeting with): Nani (ext. 302)
Annual Meeting: Rae (ext. 326)
Archives: Rae (ext. 326)
Budget/Finance: Sam (ext. 306)
Communications/News/Website: Sybil
Congregational Membership: Sandy (ext. 309)
Diocesan Portfolio/Investments: Sam (ext. 306)
Hiring/Human Resources: Rae (ext. 326)
Monthly Statement: Fatima (ext. 307)
Ordination/Licensed Ministries: Nani (ext. 302)
Payroll: Sam (ext. 306)
Property (Contracts, Insurance, Agreements): Rae (ext. 326)
Safe Church: Nani (ext. 302)
Stewardship: Sandy (ext. 309)
Supply/Visiting Clergy: Nani (ext. 302)
Worship/Sacraments: Sandy (ext. 309)
Don't forget to visit our FORMS & DOCUMENTS page on the Diocesan website HERE.
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Contact Information
The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i
229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 536-7776