January 12, 2023
This issue's header photo was taken by the Rev. Bruce DeGooyer during the annual clergy retreat at Camp Mokuleia this past week. The north shore camp is not only a venue for fun and adventure, but with its stunning views, dramatic sunrises and sunsets, and lots of secluded spots to escape from it all, it's an ideal place for a retreat! More photos are shared further below.
From the Bishop
In case you missed it...
The Bishop's Epiphany Message 2023
Na ke aloha o ke Akua ma loko o Iesu Kristo, e aloha iā ʻoukou ā pau!

We begin 2023, yet again, in a complicated and uncertain time. The economy is shaky, there is war in Europe and threats to peace in Asia, a pandemic continues, and our national government seems to be unsteady. This year is beginning like so many other years in human history. What does reality mean for us who know God in Jesus Christ. READ MORE
RIP The Rev. Joseph H. Pummill
A former Priest of the Diocese of Hawaiʻi, the Reverend Joseph H. Pummill, died in California on December 26, 2022, at age 96. While in this Diocese, he served as the Rector of St. Markʻs Church, Honolulu, from 1960 to 1969; Assistant to the Rector of St. Clement’s Church, Honolulu, and Campus Minister from 1974 to 1977; and Vicar of the Episcopal Church on West Kauaʻi from 1977 to 1979. His time in the Diocese included experimental ministries to the community. After leaving Hawai'i in 1979, he held various positions in the Diocese of California. Though he continued to reside in California after retiring, he returned to the Islands for visits and the occasional short-term ministry opportunity.

ALMIGHTY AND ETERNAL GOD, to whom there is never any prayer made without hope of mercy, be merciful to the soul of your faithful servant, Joseph, being departed from this world in the confession of your Holy Name that he and all the departed may be welcomed into the company of thy saints, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Rest eternal grant him, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon him. May our brother, Joseph, rest in peace. Amen.
Be sure to stay informed with the Bishop's latest messages by clicking on the button shown. All video messages also appear on the Dioceseʻs YouTube Channel and Facebook page.
Featured Photo Gallery
Annual Clergy Retreat at Camp Mokulē'ia
The Diocese's Annual Clergy Retreat was held at Camp Mokulē'ia, January 8-11, 2023, led by Brother Randy Greve from the Order of Holy Cross. Enjoy these photos taken by the Rev. Bruce DeGooyer who captured the beauty and camaraderie of the event.
Visit the Diocese's Calendar page HERE for Diocesan events & activities.
Welcome Sam Okita!
Diocesan Support Center Updates
The Diocesan Support Center is committed to serving the Diocese, and with the new year, several changes have taken place. We would like to officially welcome Sam Okita, the new Diocesan Controller, who replaces Danny Casey. Sam comes to us with over 20 years experience as a Controller/Director of Finance. He has worked in the legal and hotel industries and has consulted for nonprofit organizations. Sam has been working with Danny since late November, and will continue to do so through the end of the month to help with a smooth transition. Please join us in welcoming Sam to our 'ohana!
In addition, several internal changes have been made with familiar faces. The Episcopal Church in Hawai'i (the official name for our Diocese) is pleased to announce:

New Employees of TECH:
  • Stuart Ching, P/T Archivist (formerly a volunteer Historiographer)
  • Spencer Lum, P/T Financial Review Assistant (formerly a leased employee)
  • Sybil Nishioka, Creative Communications Specialist (formerly a contractor)

TECH Employee in Transition:
  • Danny Casey, P/T Accounting Transition Specialist
Continuing Employees of TECH:
  • Rae Costa, Operations Manager
  • Denise Esposito, Executive Assistant to the Bishop and Canon
  • Robert Fitzpatrick, Bishop Diocesan
  • Sandy Graham, Canon to the Bishop
  • Fatima Houchens, Financial Support Administrator
  • Sonny Liu, P/T Office Assistant

  • Sharon Billingsley, Air Travel Coordinator
  • Norma Chun, Office
  • Steve Costa, Archdeacon
  • Bruce DeGooyer, Coordinator, Chaplain to Retired Clergy

Visit the Diocesan Support Center wepage HERE for contact information.
Chrism oils
Save the Date!
Annual Chrism Mass & Spring Training Coming Up
The Diocese's annual Chrism Mass and Spring Training will be taking place on Saturday, March 4, 2023, at The Cathedral of St. Andrew in Honolulu. The Chrism Mass will also include a renewal of both baptismal and clergy vows. More information will be coming out soon.
Parochial Report Online Filing Now Open
It's that time of year when churches need to file their 2022 Parochial Reports, and online filing is now open on the General Convention Parochial Report webpage HERE. Deadline is March 1. The webpage also includes both video and written instructions. If you have any questions, email Rae Costa.
Required Safeguarding Training for the Diocese of Hawai'i
(Renewal Required Every 3 Years)
Safe church logo
This is a reminder that Safeguarding training is mandatory for all clergy, employees, and most volunteers. This includes all paid employees, members of diocesan commissions/committees, youth group leaders and directors, Sunday school volunteers and directors, choir directors, acolyte leaders, lay eucharistic ministers and visitors, vestry members, worship leaders, anyone going into someone’s home in any role related to the church, regular church volunteers, etc.

Please read The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai‘i Safeguarding Policy and the Diocesan Safe-Church Training Webpage. This training needs to be renewed every three years. Please complete your training if you haven’t done so in the past three years. Contact your Parish Administator or priest for more information, or if you have questions, email Denise Esposito.
Retired Clergy Families:
The Talk Story Project with The Rev. Richard Shields
The latest installment in the Retired Clergy Families Talk Story Project is now posted on the Diocesan website HEREIn this month's posting, the Rev. Richard Shields shares his journey to ordained life. The Talk Story Project is a (growing) collection of stories from Diocesan-related retired clergy, spouses, and widows. Stay tuned for updates!
The Diocese of Hawai'i invites all youth to take part in upcoming events. ALL youth means just that! You DO NOT need to be a member of a particular Episcopal Church. Those who already belong to a church youth group are invited to bring along friends from school or clubs! Welcoming youth who do not have a church home or who are just curious, provides an opportunity for all of us to share His love with others!
The Episcopal Youth Event 2023 (EYE23)
Deadline to be on the delegation extended to Friday, January 13!
It's not too late for all high school youth currently in grades 9-12 to be a part of the Hawai'i delegation and experience the energy and excitement of the triennial Episcopal Youth Event being held at the University of Maryland, July 4-8, 2023. The Hawai'i delegation plans to stay a few more days to perform community service in the areas nearby Washington, DC.

EYE is the Episcopal Church's second largest event (surpassed only by General Convention), that brings together well over 1,000 youth to worship, fellowship, learn, and create bonds with their peers from around the globe. Guest speakers, workshops, energized worship, and prayerful moments, are offered to help explore and deepen their faith, no matter where they are in their journey. To learn more and submit an application, visit the Episcopal Church's EYE23 webpage HERE, or visit the Diocese's EYE23 page HERE. There are also links to pictures, videos, and reflections by the youth from previous EYEs.

The application deadline has been extended to Friday, January 13, 2023. If you still need more time to get your form in, email Sybil Nishioka.
Register today! Scholarships available!
Camp Mokulē'ia Youth Retreat: Doing a New Thing With God
February 3-5, 2023
All youth in grades 6-12 are invited to attend the Diocese's first youth retreat since the pandemic began nearly 3 years ago! Join in on the fun and action ziplining, paddle boarding, playing games, making new friends, and getting a fresh start with God and our community.

The retreat takes place at Camp Mokule'ia, February 3-5, and will be led by special guest speaker and worship leader Easton Davis from the Diocese of Georgia. Scholarships are available, including air travel for neighbor island youth. Email Lynea (the Camp's Assistant Director) to take advantage of scholarship opportunities. For more information, download the Diocesan Youth Retreat flyer HERE. Youth and chaperones can register using the QR Code on the flyer or click HERE.
(This is a Chronicle series featuring articles from the Diocese's deputation team to GC80. In this issue, we feature the Rev. Malcolm Keleawe Hee from Good Samaritan. Visit the GC80 Connection webpage HERE where all featured articles are housed.)
The Rev. Malcolm Keleawe Hee: This was my second time attending a General Convention. My first was in Austin, Texas (2018) and recently in Baltimore, Maryland (2022). Having experienced it once before I had some familiarity on what to expect although many changes were made due to the pandemic. The business was streamlined, and we accomplished much in a short amount of time. Perhaps this will be the new norm for future conventions. What was important for me was how our Hawaii deputation got together for breakfast to start the day. This bonded us even more than we already are. If you are thinking of running as a deputy for the General Convention in the future, I highly recommend it!
TIPS FROM LOT'S LIST - "Ride The Bus, ride a bike, walk more often. Consciously combine errands - grocery, bank, Longs, Macy’s, YMCA."
HAWAI'I ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE AGENTS - Come work with us! Are you interested in having your voice heard by those making the policies governing the state? Do you want policies that will protect and restore our environment, address climate change, and enable resilience and adaptation? Is it important to you to live out your faith and values through action? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you may want to consider joining the Hawai'i Environmental Change Agents (HECA). Visit their website HERE.
Oʻahu Happenings
Visit the Diocese's Community Calendar page HERE for ongoing activities in your neighborhood.
Coming Up at The Cathedral...
Ali'i Sunday Commemorating Queen Kapi'olani
Sunday, January 15
Choral Evensong for the Feast of Epiphany
Sunday, January 15 at 5:30 PM
Click to view a 3-minute video of the chalking at The Cathedral.
The Cathedral "Chalks the Doors"
In a special Epiphany message from the Bishop that went out on January 6, 2023, we shared a photo of the folks at The Cathedral and Diocesan Support Center taking part in the "chalking of the doors" of the Memorial Building. Now you can view a video of the blessing and chalking by clicking on the image at left. It's a growing practice of an old tradition that churches and families are taking up! Learn more about this Epiphany blessing HERE.(Photos/video by S. Nishioka)
Epiphany Welcomes New Rector: The Rev. Christopher Bridges
The Bishop was with Epiphany Episcopal Church in Honolulu, on Saturday, January 7, 2023, for “The Renewal of Ministry with the Welcoming of a New Rector” service. The Rev. Christopher Bridges has been serving as the “Priest-in-Charge” for the past three years. Having been elected Rector by the Vestry with the support of the Bishop, Chris was formally instituted as Rector on Saturday. (Contributed photo)
Coming Up: 30th Anniversary of Queen Lili'uokalani Ho'okuikahi Reconciliation - Tuesday, January 17
The Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center (PJRC) has been organizing a very special service of remembrance and solidarity each year, in honor of Queen Lili'uokalani, who, even after the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawai'i, strongly believed in reconciliation and nonviolence. People and leaders of all faiths come together for this powerful service of reconciliation called Ho'okuikahi.

After a two-year absence due to COVID, the PJRC is pleased to announce the return of Ho'okuikahi on Tuesday, January 17, 2023. This year's event will take place at the First United Methodist Church, 1020 S. Beretania St. in Honolulu, beginning at 6:30 PM. For more information, view the letter to the Bishop, event flyer and Senate Resolution HERE, or contact the Rev. Kaleo Patterson.
Wallyhouse Welcomes New Workers
Wallyhouse, the successful outreach program stationed at St. Elizabeth's in Honolulu, welcomes Brother Damien Joseph (second from left) and the new House Manager, Eric Scotton (second from right). They are joined by Lovely, Jinna, and new volunteer Maurice. (Photo from the St. Elizabeth newsletter)
'Iolani School Seeking Chaplain Curate
'Iolani School in Honolulu is seeking a full-time Chaplain Curate for a two-year period. Housing is provided. The full job description can be viewed HERE. Apply direct with the school through their online portal HERE.
(Visit the Diocesan website HERE for more information.)

  • St. Christopher's, Kailua - Nursery Caregiver (Part-time, 3 hours, Sundays)
  • St. Stephen's Church, Wahiawa - Organist (part-time)
Kauaʻi Happenings
Visit the Diocese's Community Calendar page HERE for ongoing activities in your neighborhood.
Coming Up: Makana Mele Organ Concert at All Saints'
All Saints' Episcopal Church in Kapa'a will be hosting an organ concert featuring John W. W. Sherer, on Saturday, January 21, 2023, at 6:00 PM. The concert is free (donations welcome). For more information, visit the event webpage HERE.
Maui Happenings
Visit the Diocese's Community Calendar page HERE for ongoing activities in your neighborhood.
Coming Up: A Celebration of New Ministry at Trinity By-the-Sea: The Rev. John Hau'oli Tomoso
Trinity By-the-Sea Episcopal Church invites you to a Celebration of a New Ministry of the Installation of their Vicar, the Rev. John A. Hau'oli Tomoso, on Saturday, January 28, 2023, at 9:00 AM. Clergy are invited to vest - red stoles. A reception and lunch to follow. RSVP by Friday, January 13, 2023, by email or call (808) 879-0161.
Coming Up: A Celebration of New Ministry at Good Shepherd: The Rev. Moki Hino
Good Shepherd Episcopal Church invites you to a Celebration of a New Ministry with their Rector, the Rev. Moki Hino, on Saturday, February 4, 2023, at 10:00 AM. Clergy are invited to vest - red stoles. Potluck to follow - please bring a dish to share. Email or call (808) 244-4656.
Hawaiʻi Island Happenings
Visit the Diocese's Community Calendar page HERE for ongoing activities in your neighborhood.
(Visit the Diocesan website HERE for more information.)

  • Holy Apostles, Hilo - Minister of Music (Part-time, $12K-$15K)
The Episcopal Church & Beyond
On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Episcopalians can participate in these virtual and in-person celebrations
[January 6, 2023] Dioceses and parishes across The Episcopal Church will honor the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. on the holiday weekend of his birthday, Jan. 14-16, with services and other events both in-person and online. READ MORE
Reminders (Previously Announced)
St. Andrew's Priory Merit Scholarship - St. Andrew's Priory is now accepting applications for their Merit Scholarship, which is a half tuition award for new and current students entering grades 6, 7, and 9 in the 2023-24 school year. Deadline to apply is February 15, 2023. For more information view the postcard HERE, or visit their website HERE.
Do you have a question? Contact us at (808) 536-7776
The Diocesan Support Center (DSC) staff is ready to help answer your questions. Some of the most common topics are listed along with the person to contact. Click on the linked name to send an email.
BISHOP (meeting with): Denise (ext. 302)
Annual Meeting: Rae (ext. 326)
Archives: Rae (ext. 326)
Budget/Finance: Sam (ext. 306)
Communications/News/Website: Sybil
Congregational Membership: Sandy (ext. 309)
Diocesan Portfolio/Investments: Sam (ext. 306)
Hiring/Human Resources: Rae (ext. 326)
Monthly Statement: Fatima (ext. 307)
Ordination/Licensed Ministries: Denise (ext. 302)
Payroll: Danny (ext. 306)
Property (Contracts, Insurance, Agreements): Rae (ext. 326)
Safe Church: Denise (ext. 302)
Stewardship: Sandy (ext. 309)
Supply/Visiting Clergy: Denise (ext. 302)
Worship/Sacraments: Sandy (ext. 309)
Dont' forget to visit our FORMS & DOCUMENTS page on the Diocesan website HERE.
Catch up on articles you may have missed below!
Visit the Diocesan News Website for past articles and Special Announcements
More Quick Links:
Contact Information
The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i
229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 536-7776