The E-Newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i Reporting on the events & activities in our Diocese and beyond...
April 2017
Bishop's Calendar
***** APRIL *****
April 1
Non-Sunday Visit: St. Michael and All Angels, Lihue
April 2
Sunday Visitation: Christ Memorial, Kiilauea
April 6
Staff Retreat
April 8
Governance Meetings
April 9
Service: Holy Cross, Kahuku
April 9
Non-Sunday Visit (evening): St. Peter's, Honolulu
April 13
Maundy Thursday Service, St. Clement, Honolulu
April 14
Good Friday Service, Holy Nativity, Aina Haina
April 15-16 Easter
Service: The Cathedral ofSt. Andrew, Honolulu
April 17
Chapel: 'Iolani School, Honolulu
April 18
Chapel: The St. Andrew's Schools, Honolulu
April 23
Regional Confirmation: Moloka`i, Grace, Ho`olehua
April 25-27
Bishops' Colleague Group, Monterey, CA
April 30
Regional Confirmation: Oahu, The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu
***** MAY
May 3 (Tentative)
Non-Sunday Visit: Epiphany, Honolulu
May 6
Regional Confirmation: Big Island, St. Augustine's, Kapa'au
May 9
Bishop's Reception for Priory Seniors
May 10 (Tentative)
Non-Sunday Visit: St. Matthew's, Waimanalo
May 13
Regional Confirmation: Kaua`i, Episcopal Church of West Kaua`i (TBD)
May 16
Chapel: The St. Andrew's Schools
May 17
Non-Sunday Visit: St. Paul's, Honolulu
May 20
Governance Meetings
May 21
Regional Confirmation: West O`ahu, St. Timothy's, Aiea
May 25
Chapel: The St. Andrew's Schools
May 27
Graduation: Seabury, Maui
May 27
Regional Confirmation: Maui, St. John's, Kula
May 28
Chapel: The St. Andrew's Schools' Baccalaureate
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Diocesan Website:
House of Bishops Spring Meeting
The month of March was a busy one for Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick that included attending the Spring House of Bishops Meeting held March 10-14, 2017, at the Kanuga Conference Center in North Carolina. 130 Bishops from every province in The Episcopal Church were in attendance.
Adding to what has been a "year of courageous learning" the Bishops embarked on a three-day journey with a company called
a non-profit training and consulting organization, specializing in diversity and inclusion. The sharing of stories, deep personal introspection and discussion, led to transformative healing for many in attendance. It was followed by intensive work to equip the bishops to lead the Church into a "beloved, gracious community."
To read more about the meeting, visit the Episcopal News Service coverage on their website HERE. Links to daily video recaps of the meeting are shown below. Click on the images to be taken to that day's video.
Bishop Eugene Sutton of the Diocese of Maryland and Bishop Todd Ousley of the Diocese of East Michigan, reflect on the first day of the Spring House of Bishops Meeting. Bishop Sutton shares that the focus of these meetings is about "telling our stories as it relates to differences, problems with diversity, racism and the need for reconciliation." He notes how Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, quoting Dr. Martin Luther King several times, is calling the Bishops to action.
Bishop Ousley pointed out the Presiding Bishop's comment from Dr. King, where "we have a choice between chaos or community," and this Church chooses community.
March 11, 2017
Bishop Prince Singh of the Diocese of Rochester and Bishop William Franklin of the Diocese of Western New York, reflect on the second day of the meeting. They engaged in small groups around issues of racial justice and reconciliation, that began by looking deep within themselves at racism and gender bias in their own lives as well as within the House of Bishops. It included a moving and transformative healing service at the end of the day's session.
March 12, 2017
Bishop Ian Douglas of Connecticut and Bishop Anne Hodges-Copple of North Carolina offer insights into the third day of the meeting, and how we live with differences in the world. They were learning how to be equipped to turn the conversations into action for a "healthier, liberating, loving engagement with the world" on four levels: personally, inter-personally, institutionally, and culturally.
March 13, 2017
Bishop Scott Hayashi of the Diocese of Utah and Bishop Tom Ely of the Diocese of Vermont provide an overview of activities on the fourth day that was also the Presiding Bishop's birthday. The day included a very informative and stirring presentation by the Rev. Cn. Mark Stevenson, Director of Episcopal Migration Ministries, who talked about the great challenges that they and other agencies dealing with the refugee crisis around the world are facing.
March 14, 2017
A wrap-up video with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, Bishop Mary Gray Reeves of El Camino Real and Vice President of the House of Bishops, and Bishop Suffragan Diane Jardien Bruce of Los Angeles and the House's Secretary.
They talk about the hard work that has been done over the course of the meeting with VISIONS that addressed the many issues that divide us.
Presiding Bishop Curry noted how not knowing about each other can create a divide, and by sharing who we are and allowing ourselves to be vulnerable with each other, is how we begin the work of reconciliation.
Alaska Bishop Mark Lattime is shown with the one-word signs on the wall behind him that were part of a March 11 exercise about the impact of feelings. (Photo by Mary Frances Schjonberg/Episcopal News Service)
Annual Chrism Mass & Clergy Education Day
On Saturday, March 4, 2017, clergy gathered together for the annual Chrism Mass and Clergy Education Day. The Chrism Mass took place at St. Peter's Episcopal Church, and was followed by a Clergy Education Day at the neighboring Cathedral of St. Andrew's Von Holt Room. Pictured above from left is Bishop Fitzpatrick with Dcn. Peter Wu during the service; Charmaine Ito was recognized by the Bishop for faithfully serving the Diocese; Bishop blesses the oils of chrism, healing and the catechumenate; Clergy get their bottles filled up with the oils to take back to their churches.
Following the service, clergy strolled over to the Cathedral where Sister Barbara Jean "BJ" Brown would be leading the Clergy Education Day. Sister BJ, an Episcopal Nun for over 30 years, is the founder of Anamchara Fellowship, a new monastic style of Religious Life that follows a Celtic model. She is also the Director of The Interfaith Resource Center, a theological lending library that serves all faith traditions in Delaware and the Eastern Shore of Maryland.
The topic was "Developing Your Spiritual Language" and one of the things that gave the Rev. Diane Martinson pause for reflection (pictured above right flanked by the Revs. Alison Dingley and Richard Shields), was Brown's statement, "The test of a true sermon is that it can be converted to prayer."
Warm, humorous, energetic and straightforward, Sister BJ kept the group engaged as she shared her story and involved them in different "exercises."
The Rev. Malcolm Keleawe Hee, shown below with the Bishop, shared the following:
I met Sister BJ (as she likes to be called) and immediately felt drawn to her smiling face and warm demeanor. She walked with me and I showed her the room where she would be speaking.
She is the founder of Anamchara Fellowship, a non-residential monastery open to men and women. Anamchara is an Irish word meaning "soul friend" and this relates to the relationship between aspirants and a spiritual director.
Sister BJ shared about her life and writings. One book she featured and I purchased was Six Smooth
Stones: Spiritual Practices for Everyday Life.
It is a book of spiritual practices that are like stones that become smoothed by the continuous tumbling of time and effort. I purchased the book and find it perfect for this Lent season.
Even with all her knowledge and faith she didn't seem unlike you and me. In fact, she shared her secret desire for Jack in the Box tacos! Thanks be to God!
(Photos by Sybil Nishioka)
Episcopal Church Women
ECW Annual Quiet Day: Grow in Grace
By Lousie Aloy, President
On Saturday, March 11, 2017, twenty-five women gathered at St. Damien's House at the St. Anthony Retreat Center in Kalihi Valley for the Episcopal Church Women's Annual Quiet day. The theme this year was "Grow in Grace".
Fr. Moki Hino was our retreat leader and spiritual guide. He had each of the women introduce themselves and gave us three questions to share: 1) Who their favorite woman is in the Bible; 2) When they felt the closest to God; and 3) When they felt the farthest from God. There were a wide array of great answers and it was a wonderful way to learn a little more about each person.
After a short break, Fr. Moki laid out lots of photos and images from magazines. He asked each of us to pick three pictures and form small groups of four. He asked the question, "Where will our church be in 20 years?" The women shared their answers using the pictures that got everyone engaged in conversation.
Before lunch, Fr. Moki celebrated the Eucharist. All felt rejuvenated spiritually and expressed how much they enjoyed the morning session.
After lunch, the women participated in a Spring Craft workshop. It was a "Make-and-Take" project which only required some gluing and a little bit of creativity. Everyone went home with a desk post-it-note holder and calendar filled with Spring colors.
(Photos by Moki Hino and Laurie Lee)
The Order of the Daughters of the King
DOK Quiet Day at St. Anthony's: The Secret Place
By Luella Windisch, Treasurer
The Order of the Daughters of the King (DOK) participated in a Quiet Day retreat on Saturday, March 25, 2017. The retreat was held at the St
. Anthony Retreat Center in Kalihi. It is a place of peace, quiet and calm for those seeking to renew themselves spiritually.
The St. Nicholas Chapter hosted the event, and women from several chapters and different churches were in attendance. Pictured at top (in no particular order): Susan Anderson, Judy Martin, Dorothy Pierce and Karla Bee from The Cathedral of St. Andrew; Evangeline Barney, Adele Thomas, Simeona Gestone, Angustia "Angie" Hamasaki and Jeanne Inouye from St. Timothy's; Sandra Braham, Tusi Mayer and Delia Moore from Holy Nativity; Shauna Jones, Kala Holden, Brandy Donaldson, Brianna Anderson, Becky Fitzgerald and Luella Windisch from St. Nicholas.
At 9:00 AM the DOK Assembly President, Shauna Jones, opened the day. The Rev. Ernesto Pasalo began our spiritual journey with prayer, reflection and Celebration of the Eucharist. He also taught us the song "
." We enjoyed it so much we sang it twice.
After Eucharist the talented "Good and Bad Players" Adele, Shauna, Brandy and Tusi, presented a skit "Neglecting Word and Prayer" (shown below right). From the laughter in the room it was obvious the skit resonated with the audience. It was a humorous look at how we start with good intentions in the morning. Then the problems of the day trip us up. Slowly, easily and with great excuses we put God and prayer off to the side.
The rest of the day continued the theme of finding the importance of "The Secret Place", the place you go to be with God, meditate and pray. The study was based on scripture that emphasizes God's promise to be with us always. Many of us walked quietly around the grounds of St. Anthony's Retreat Center. There are various sites on the lush one hundred-twelve acre property; Hillside Stations of the Cross, meandering outdoor walkways and a meditation grotto provide a contemplative backdrop.
Quiet Day concluded at 2:00 PM, and attendees returned home with a renewed spirit and a mini prayer room in a special prepared bag. It is the Daughters' sincere wish that everyone who attended found peace and joy during their day of reflection, prayer and fellowship.
(Photos contributed by Luella Windisch)
'Iolani Guild
Annual Lenten Retreat at St. Stephen's
By Kahu Kaleo Patterson, Vicar
St. John the Baptist & St. Stephen's Episcopal Churches
On Tuesday, February 14, 2017, members of the 'Iolani Guild held their second annual
Kalema Lenten Retreat at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Wahiawa. The all-day event was hosted by St. Stephen's that began with a morning prayer session in the sanctuary, then a site visit to the three outreach ministries of St. Stephen's: The Food Pantry with Aloha Sanborn, the Thrift Shop with Marion Chow, and the Resume Service with Gail Honda. A joint Lectionary Bible Study with members of the church and 'Iolani Guild followed, and a wonderful Korean food luncheon prepared by the Sadao and Jean Honda 'Ohana. The retreat was a nice collaboration of preparing for Lent, and mutual learning about each organization's programs and ministries.
Pictured at top are members of the 'Iolani Guild and ministry leaders of St. Stephen's in the church's food pantry. Below, 'Iolani Guild members President Leimalama Lee Loy, Laurie Lee, Janice Motoshige and Ha'aheo Guanson hold their Lent tokens. At the end of the retreat is an activity called "crafty saints" which is a time to create a craft or token for the Lenten season. This year's materials included bamboo, formica sample, Hawaiian salt, glue, and raffia. The next photos are the 'Iolani Guild group, and the Korean luncheon feast by St. Stephen members. (Photos by Kaleo Patterson)
Our Schools
'Iolani School's Annual Founders' Day Chapel
The following contains excerpts from the 'Iolani School website news coverage of this event..
The 'Iolani student body gathered on February 10, 2017, for its annual Founders' Day Chapel celebrating the school's history and its many contributors.
The all-school service was held a day after the birthday of King Kamehameha IV, born Alexander ʻIolani Liholiho on February 9, 1834.
Along with his wife, Queen Emma, Kamehameha IV was the royal patron who brought the Church of England to Hawaiʻi in 1862. Shortly thereafter, Anglican clergymen established the school that would later bear his name.
Pictured above from left, school Chaplain, the Rev. Daniel Leatherman, welcomed everyone; members of the Hawaiian Benevolent Royal Societies presented ho'okupu to the King and Queen; Hālau 'Iolani, under the direction of kumu hula Ku Souza, performed "He Inoa No Ali'i 'Iolani," a hula noho 'uli'uli dedicated to Kamehameha IV out of respect and gratitude for his strength as a leader, his love for his people and his vision as king.
Head of School Dr. Timothy R. Cottrell and student Camryn Yee delivered the mo'olelo (sharing of story). They spoke of the legendary Father Kenneth A. Bray, who built up the sports program from scratch, and who instilled the "One Team" ethos into the foundation of 'Iolani School's culture. A video created by students in the Oral History class was shown that documented Fr. Bray's legacy and featured 'Iolani alumni who played football, basketball or baseball for him. Ten of his former athletes were present at the service.
Pictured above from left, Bishop Fitzpatrick giving the opening prayer; clips from the Fr. Bray video; School Chaplain, the Rev. Heather Patton Graham, offers the closing prayer. To view the service in its entirety and the featured video about Father Bray, visit the school website
(Photos from the school website and event video)
Seasonal Moments Around the Diocese
With Easter just a couple weeks away, we share some moments from around the Diocese bringing us into the Lenten Season including Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras, Burying of the Alleluias, and Ash Wednesday. Photos are from church newsletters, Facebook pages and other social media avenues.
Celebration of New Ministry: The Rev. Christopher Golding
On Sunday, February 12, 2017, Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Kailua formally welcomed the Rev. Christopher Golding as their Vicar in a Celebration of New Ministry. As shared in their online weekly e-news, t
'ohana "was delighted to welcome Fr. Christopher, his wife Julia and their children Phoebe and James into our faith family. We are also delighted to have shared this enchanting event with Bishop Bob, his wife Bea, and so many clergy, family, and friends."
Golding gave thanks for the beautiful service and his ministry to come in an online letter addressed to the church. "
As we met to renew our ministry together, and as I was formally welcomed into your midst as your vicar, priest, pastor, teacher, and friend, I experienced the real and present grace of God's Holy Spirit."
"Thank you for renewing and refreshing this gift through your aloha, love, and prayer.
As I sprinkled water on those gathered I experienced much joy: joy to be in your presence, joy to be in such a beautiful
, joy to be in ministry with you, joy to be called as your ordained minister of Word and Sacrament."
"That joy, God's joy, experienced in the gathered faithful, experienced in the wonderful messyness of Christian community; that joy is what gets me up every morning with energy and enthusiasm.
Thanks be to God the Holy Trinity for the gift of faith, hope, and love that brings great joy to all who experience the grace-filled presence of the Divine! And thank you, friends, for the gift of you." (Photos contributed by Emmanuel Church)
St. Elizabeth's: Speaking Out for Immigrants and Refugees
St Elizabeth's and many members of the Episcopal Church in Hawai`i joined with our Muslim brothers and sisters on February 1, 2017, at the Federal Building, to insist that all Americans be treated equally and that religious tests to immigration and visitation not be imposed by the federal government. Our banner "IMMIGRANTS AND REFUGEES WELCOME" is attracting a lot of attention with an effort underway to secure the same sign for each Episcopal Church!
(Article and photos from the St. Elizabeth's February newsletter)
St. Mary's Happenings
Pictured above from left, St. Mary's celebrated St. Patrick's Day by hosting an exhibition of the women who participated in the 1916 Easter Uprising which led to the formation of the Irish Republic. The exhibition, which included 20 display panels documenting the courageous roles these heroines played, was on loan from The Irish Museum in Albany, New York.
At far right, St. Mary's dedicated a shrine for the Blessed Virgin on the Feast of the Annunciation that took place on Saturday, March 25, 2017. The new grotto was designed, constructed and landscaped by Bill and Rachel May, with help from Kevin and Darren Conley, to fulfill the request of their beloved mother Nancy.
(Exhibition pictures contributed by Gregory Johnson; Grotto photo by Frank Condello)
Celebration of New Ministry: The Rev. Ernesto "JaR" Pasalo
On Saturday, February 25, 2017, a Celebration of New Ministry for the Rev. Ernesto "JaR" Pasalo was held in Kapolei. Pasalo, who has been serving as the Vicar of St. Nicholas Episcopal Church since July 2016, normally holds Sunday services in the Kapolei Elementary School cafeteria, but on this special day, the service was held across the street from the school on diocesan land that is currently vacant. Pictured at top, Fr. JaR with his parents and family who flew in from Maui, and fiance, the Rev. Annalise Castro.
(Photo by Kevin Shin) Pictured above, a large tent with banner welcomes guests; Clergy turn out to support Pasalo; St. Nicholas musicians, In the Nick of Time, performed with music leader, Kelly Connell.
(Photos by Charmaine Ito)
Above, St. Timothy's Prep provided angelic voices to the service, and Bishop's Warden, Shana Ikeda, gets ready to accompany Pasalo up to the altar for his introduction. Below, the service continues with the
Words of Institution, Renewal of Baptismal Vows and Litany for the Mission of the Church.
(Photos by Kevin Shin)
Below, the Peace, Eucharist and a joyous Pasalo. Following the service a feast featuring delicious Filipino food was enjoyed by everyone. (Photos below by Charmine Ito)
Closing Makahiki Ceremonies
In a note to Bishop Fitzpatrick and the Diocesan Council dated March 28, the Rev. Kaleo Patterson thanked them for supporting the programs he has been deeply involved with at the Waiawa and Halawa Correctional Facilities. Patterson and Ha'aheo Guanson had applied for and received a Diocesan Council Grant last year to expand their Baibala Pule Project (
see E-Chronicle February 2017), and inmates from both facilities recently held their closing Makahiki ceremonies.
"We were blessed this year to have the special endorsement and support of Princess Abigail Kawananakoa, UH West O'ahu, and Bumpy Pu'uhonua Kanahele, and others," said Patterson, and thanked the Office of Hawaiian Affairs for once again providing a "sumptuous Hawaiian meal."
He also mentioned the various churches and organizations involved in this year's ceremonies that included several Episcopal churches: St. Peter's, The Cathedral of St. Andrew, St.Nicholas, St. John the Baptist, and St. Stephen's, with special acknowledgments to Gerald Madison and the Rev. Ernesto "JaR" Pasalo.
Pictured above, the group at Halawa Correctional, and the men taking part in
, one of the Makahiki games; below, the men of Waiawa, and the Maoloha Net reenactment, taken from an ancient Hawaiian legend symbolizing the abundance of the coming year.
(Photos by Kai Markell, contributed by Kaleo Patterson)
St. Michael and All Angels Annual Jazz Festival
St. Michael and All Angels in Lihue kicked off their 11th annual All Angels Jazz Festival on Friday, February 3, 2017, and ended on Sunday, February 5 with their popular jazz masses. The weekend featured two concerts, a reception, and two Sunday jazz masses, bringing together some of the finest jazz musicians in Hawai'i. This year's line-up included
Abe Lagrimas, Jr., Hot Club of Hulaville, Bruce Hamada, Matt Lemmler, and Na Hoku Hanohano winner, Maggie Herron from the Big Island. The Sunday jazz masses paid tribute to legendary Duke Ellington.
The event requires an army of volunteers including Music Director Alan Van Zee pictured at top far left with local DJ celebrity Ron Wiley in the center, and Reception Coordinator Deborah Gilikin with the kitchen crew at bottom.
(Top left photo by Catherine Steinmann; all other photos by John Harter)
All Saints' Preschool Celebrates 50 Years
On Saturday, March 11, 2017,
Saints' Preschool celebrated its 50th anniversary in conjunction with their annual Discohana fundraiser. Proceeds from the event support the
Saints' Preschool Student Scholarship Fund. During the event, students, parents/guardians, alumni, and friends enjoyed dancing, face painting, a scavenger hunt, a photo booth, games, and lots of great food.
' Preschool was originally started in 1966 as a preschool for children of the congregation. It was located in the
' Gym with a staff of two and has since grown to nearly a dozen teachers/aides and over 40 students located in the church's Sloggett Building. (Photos from the All Saints' Church E-News)
A Cup of Cold Water Milestone: Honoring Its Founder Keku Akana
One of the Diocese's most successful outreach programs, A Cup of Cold Water (ACCW) on Maui, held its annual meeting on Thursday, February 24, 2017, at the Parish of Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Wailuku. It was a momentous time for the community care van program, with Keku Akana, its visionary founder and President, handing over the reins to the new Interim President, Paula Baldwin, from Trinity By-the-Sea Episcopal in Kihei (at right with Keku). Keku, who is a member of Good Shepherd, was thanked for his four years of tireless leadership, commitment and dedicated service.
(Photo of Paula and Keku by Bruce DeGooyer)
A month before the annual meeting, Maui Mayor Alan Arakawa, proclaimed January 21, 2017, Keku Akana Appreciation Day in honor of Keku's hard work to bring ACCW to fruition, and his excellent leadership. The proclamation coincided with the Tasteful Benefit event, a fundraiser for ACCW, at Trinity By-the-Sea in Kihei. Police Chief Tivoli Faaumu came out to read the proclamation during the Tasteful Benefit and the Mayor invited Keku and his entire family to his office for the physical proclamation presentation shown at top.
(Photo from the Maui Mayor's Office, contributed by Chuck Spence)
Back in 2013, with the blessing of Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick, and armed with a Diocesan Council grant of $5,000 and a $15,000 United Thank Offering grant, the fledgling program was able to purchase a van that would deliver food, water, clothing, and other supplies to the neediest of Maui. Members from the four Maui Episcopal churches supplied the initial base of volunteers to get the project off the ground, and on October 13, 2013, ACCW made its first run. It wasn't long before Keku, who continued to develop the vital ministry, saw an outpouring of support from the community.
Today, there are over 20 churches involved along with Buddhist missions, the Maui Dharma Center, hotels, businesses, and numerous individuals who come together as a team to serve people in the community at their point of need. It takes an incredible amount of organization and teamwork to run the island-wide program, but the ministry has been especially blessed with enthusiastic clergy and volunteers from all of the Maui Episcopal churches, too numerous to name, who actively raise funds, collect and sort donations, and make the arduous runs to those in need. Be sure to read their
Annual Report with special attention to page 8, that lists the Board and organizations who help lead this ministry.
"May this mission of charity and love continue with vigor and may we continue to march in unison and go to where the need is," said Keku in his final message as ACCW's President that appeared in the 2016 Annual Report.
With a heart as big as his stature, Keku remains a humble servant, preferring to focus on others and the work at hand, and shunning the limelight.
"Jesus meant it when he said, 'whoever wants to be first, must be last of all and servant of all.'"
Baldwin continues in Keku's giant footsteps, reaching out to any and all. "The need is there, the work continues, the giving and receiving of smiles and love will heal us all."
Mahalo nui loa Keku, Paula, the Board and to all of the devoted volunteers of ACCW for being a brilliant example of Christ's love in the world, and who have made this program such a wonderful and successful ministry!
To view the 2016 Annual Report that contains a powerful message from Keku, click
, and for more information on ACCW, visit their webpage
Good Shepherd Completes Sesquicentennial Celebrations
On Sunday, February 26, 2017, Good Shepherd Episcopal Church completed their year-long run of sesquicentennial events with a special Homecoming Sunday Celebration and luau. Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick was on hand to celebrate at the service and share in the festivities.
The service featured songs and readings from the 1910 service to dedicate the new church building, and church youth participated as lay readers and performed a hula.
One of the most anticipated highlights of the day was the opening of a time capsule from the corner stone of the present structure built in 1910. Peter Lee carefully brought out the time capsule from the bluestone box that housed it for over 100 years. With Mother Linda Decker ready to assist, Lee opened the capsule that ultimately contained two Hawaiian Kingdom coins dating back to 1883, and what appeared to be a rolled up newspaper. Unfortunately, they were not able to get the paper out, and didn't want to risk damaging it without the proper tools. To view the video of the capsule opening on Facebook, click
A grand luau with live music, traditional Filipino dances and delicious food followed. Pictured above at far right, even the Bishop got to be a part of the entertainment by trying out Tinikling, a traditional Filipino bamboo dance! To view more photos of the day's event, visit the Good Shepherd Facebook page
Good Shepherd still has Sesquicentennial items for sale. Pictured at right is Louise Aloy sporting the t-shirt, canvas tote bag, and mugs available for purchase. Prices are as follows:
- Mugs $10
- Canvas tote bag $25
- T-shirts from $20 - $23 (XXXL)
Contact the church office at (808)
244 4656 for more information and to buy some great memorabilia. (Photos from the Good Shepherd Facebook page)
Centering Prayer Workshop at Holy Innocents
By Paula Baldwin
A common interest in the practice of centering prayer brought people together on Saturday, March 18, 2017, at Holy Innocents Episcopal Church in Lahaina. Brother Jim Vorndran led us in a workshop to discuss and discern the value of centering prayer to live in a spirit of radical optimism. Seventeen of us heard the story of the Black Jaguar from the ancient people of the Americas. We centered together, we ate together, we discussed and discerned together. Some quotes from the group: "a beautiful day of quiet blessings"; "inspirational music, comfortable sharing of thoughts and experiences"; "time to encounter God."
Christ Church Celebrates 150 Years
On March 4 and 5, 2017, Christ Church Episcopal in Kealakekua celebrated their sesquicentennial with a Heritage Weekend "Honoring the Past." The weekend events included a play, exhibits and a guest speaker to honor "the gifts and sacrifices of those who came before us in this specific place."
Nancee Cline, Christ Church's historian and author of Queen Emma's Church in Kealakekua, Crossroads of Culture, embraced the challenges of researching and helping organize their sesquicentennial activities.
"When Queen Emma stayed in the Hulihe'e Summer Palace, she rode her horse 15 miles to attend services here at the Christ Church mission," she said in an e-mail, sharing historical accounts of Christ Church. "According to a letter Rev. Charles Williamson wrote in 1868, crowds of adoring subjects came to church whenever she did. So many attended that they could not all fit inside the chapel; 'many have been obliged to follow out the Hawaiian mode of sitting squatted on the ground.'"
It is fitting then, that the folks at Christ Church included a play about Queen Emma in their weekend activities. Pictured above left, Denyse Woo-Ockerman portrays Queen Emma in a one-woman play written by Jackie Pualani Johnson, called
Vespers at Hānaiakamālama.
The play was originally performed as part of the Diocese's own sesquicentennial celebration in 2012, that came about as a vision of the Rev. Moki Hino. Ockerman received a standing ovation for her performance and continues to perform this moving account of Queen Emma throughout Hawai'i.
The center photo features quilts made by living artists of today from Aloha Quilters of Kailua-Kona
to "represent the weavers, embroiderers, seamstresses and quilters of the past, and to celebrate generations of women-named and unnamed-and the beautiful work of their hands."
The third photograph features the Rev. Samuel Davis' Koa fount, and in the background, his glass plate photos from the 1870s that disappeared from the church more than 100 years ago. Rev. Davis, the church's second vicar, arrived in 1872, when photography was still very young. From old accounts, they know he sold his photographs including some to bishops and other clergy in England. For Cline, tracking them down and getting them reproduced has been a story of creativity, discovery and perseverance that began in 2006.
Other local historians have cared about these original glass plates for decades," said Cline. "
This has absolutely been the most fun of all my history detective mysteries!" (Photos contributed by Nancee Cline)
Prayer Shawl Ministry at St. James': Providing More than Warmth
St. James' Episcopal Church in Kamuela has a wonderful ministry for all persons who like to sew, knit, crochet, or quilt. The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets twice a month, the first and third Thursdays of each month, from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM, and try to get together for lunch. Last year, they gave away 67 shawls to people on their prayer list and any person who in need of a little comfort. They give lap blankets to patients at North Hawaii Community Hospital and quilts to graduates of high school or college who are relatives of any church member. The material and yarn are paid for out of the church budget so anyone can be involved as there is no personal cost to take part, and all are welcome to join this fun ministry. (Photo from the St. James' Weekly E-News)
Kamp Kamuela: Bringing Joy to Keiki and Volunteers
Spring Break for the keiki and folks at St. James' Episcopal Church in Kamuela was filled with excursions and activities that brought endless smiles to both the children and volunteers that helped make it possible. Twenty children took part in the week-long program with as many adult volunteers involved who made sure that they all had a great time. Pictured above, the children experienced a number of fun activities that included outrigger canoeing, a visit to an animal sanctuary, beach picnics, ukulele lessons, hundreds of water balloons, and lots more! To view more photos of Kamp Kamuela, visit the
St. James' Facebook page.
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's Easter Message 2017:
"Go forth to be people of the Resurrection.
Follow in the way of Jesus.
Don't be ashamed to love.
Don't be ashamed to follow Jesus."
To view the Presiding Bishop's Easter video message, click on the image above.
Ghana Reconciliation Pilgrimage a 'Homecoming'
Photo and article by Lynette Wilson, Episcopal News Service
[ENS-Accra, Ghana] Most Episcopalians and Americans know the United States' history of slavery, and how Union and Confederate soldiers fought a bloody civil war opposing and defending it. But lesser known is the horrific story that preceded slaves' journey to the New World; a journey that carried them from Africa to plantations and cities in the Americas and the Caribbean.
It was a pilgrimage that the presiding bishop described as akin to going home.
"I was really thinking of it as a kind of 'homecoming' for me as an African-American, as someone born and reared in the United States. Whenever I've come back to Africa, whether east, central or west, I've often had that strange feeling like I was coming to a land that knew me before," he said, while standing in the courtyard of Elmina Castle, a castle built by the Portuguese in 1482.
"But this time, knowing we were coming to the place of [initial] enslavement, of embarkation, where the slaves began their journey through the middle passage ... knowing that was like returning to the roots of who I am. And when you go back to your roots, you're really going home."
Pictured at top, Anglican Diocese of Tamale Bishop Jacob Ayeebo, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, and retired Bishop of Tamale Emmanuel Arongo share a laugh during a service at St. James Anglican Church in Binaba, a church built by a United Thank Offering grant.
Anglican, Episcopal Women Gather at
Annual Look at Women's Status
Article and photos by Mary Frances Schjonberg, Episcopal News Service
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and House of Deputies President Gay Clark Jennings told women from across the Episcopal Church and throughout the Anglican Communion gathered for the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women that their advocacy is God's work.
The UNCSW promotes women's rights in political, economic, civil, social and educational fields, and makes recommendations on urgent problems regarding women's rights. The conference has convened annually or biannually since 1946; it reached a turning point in Beijing in 1995 when it adopted a global policy
framework for gender equality and the empowerment of women that identified 12 areas of critical concern.
Curry, in his sermon during a March 21 Eucharist at the Episcopal Church Center, said the UNCSW does more than "raise consciousness and awareness" about the issues facing women.
Participants also aim, he said, "to encourage the powers that be in the world to enact legislation, to engage policy, to change in ways that promote true human equality as God intended from the beginning, to promote ways to emancipate women that they might in turn emancipate their children and not only their children but their communities and their nations."
Church of Ireland Refugee Working Groups Launch Resource on Supporting Asylum Seekers and Refugees
[Anglican Communion News Service] The Church of Ireland's Refugee Working Groups have launched a new resource on supporting asylum seekers and refugees in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. The 14-page document summarizes how the Church of Ireland has supported asylum seekers and refugees in recent years and highlights opportunities for members of the Church to become more involved in this area of ministry and service.
The Rt. Rev. Patrick Rooke, Chairman of the Republic of Ireland Working Group, said "This is an excellent resource for all those who want to be informed about the refugee crises and what the response of the two Governments and the Church of Ireland has been. The many statistics and other factual points it contains are testament to the research and information gathering involved."
The Rt. Rev. Ken Good, Chairman of the Northern Ireland Working Group, said, "It is clear that public awareness of the plight of asylum seekers and refugees fluctuates considerably depending on the emotional impact of media coverage. This resource seeks to provide helpful information to keep before us the scale of the human need while also acknowledging people's fears and concerns. Being informed about the facts is important. It is also encouraging to read some good news stories about the practical ways in which Christian Churches and other agencies are responding to this crisis."
The resource is available online
Pictured above from left: The Rt. Rev. Ken Good, Chairman of the Refugee Working Group (Northern Ireland); The Most Rev. Dr. Richard Clarke, Archbishop of Armagh; The Most Rev. Dr. Michael Jackson, Archbishop of Dublin; and The Rt Rev. Patrick Rooke, Chairman of the Refugee Working Group (Republic of Ireland). (
Photo Credit: Church of Ireland)
On a lighter note...
Episcopal Church Memes Uses Facebook Popularity to Mix Laughs, Evangelism
[Episcopal News Service] The Rev. Art Bass is a trial lawyer and Episcopal deacon in Cleveland, Tennessee. He also happens to be the mastermind behind one of the most popular Episcopal-themed pages on Facebook - a page he maintained mostly in anonymity until he was confronted with his growing online popularity at a diocesan workshop.
One of the speakers at the workshop was advising congregations to use social media to reach parishioners and the community. One of the examples cited as effective outreach on Facebook was the widely popular humor page Episcopal Church Memes.
Bass listened quietly. After the presentation, he went up and introduced himself to the speakers. "That's me," he told them. "
I post those funny photos and captions."
Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor
The electronic Hawaiian Church Chronicle is the official news publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i. All policy, editorial and administrative decisions are under the direction of the editor in consultation with the Office of the Bishop. The Chronicle welcomes suggestions, story ideas, comments and opinions from its readers. E-mail articles, letters, news and photographs (electronic files preferred) to:
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The deadline for submissions in the next June issue is May 23, 2017.