The E-Newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i Reporting on the events & activities in our Diocese and beyond...
June 2017
Bishop's Calendar
***** JUNE *****
June 2
Chapel: The St. Andrew's Schools, Honolulu
June 3
Graduation: 'Iolani School, Honolulu
June 4
Service: The Cathedral (Pentecost)
June 4
Graduation: The St. Andrew's Schools, Honolulu
June 11
Sunday Visitation: St. Clement's, Honolulu
June 17
Governance Meetings, Honolulu
June 18 (to July 9)
***** JULY
(June 18) to July 9
July 15
Governance Meetings
July 16
Sunday Visitation: St. Mary's, Honolulu
July 23
Sunday Visitation: St. John's, Kula, Maui
Est. July 26
Non-Sunday Visit: Holy Innocents, Lahaina, Maui
Est. July 26
Non-Sunday Visit: Trinity By-the-Sea, Kihei, Maui
July 29
Legacy Society Lunch, Maui (Tentative)
July 30
Sunday Visitation: Good Shepherd, Wailuku, Maui
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Bishop's Message
The Bible and Prayer
 I am not naturally a contemplative. While I have great appreciation for those who practice centering prayer and other forms of Christian contemplative prayer (known in the Eastern religious traditions as "meditation") or the
via negativa. The repeating of one phrase over and over again usually leads me to sleep. That path does not seem right for me most of the time.
I am also not keen on the group Bible "study" that is sometimes called the "African" or "Lambeth" method [One person reads passage slowly; Each person identifies the word or phrase that catches their attention (1 minute); Each shares the word or phrase around the group (3-5 minutes, NO DISCUSSION); Another person reads the passage slowly (from a different translation if possible); Each person identifies where this passage touches their life today (1 minute); Each shares (3-5 minutes, NO DISCUSSION); Passage is read a third time (another reader and translation if possible); Each person names or writes "From what I've heard and shared, what do I believe God wants me to do or be? Is God inviting me to change in any way?" (5 minutes); Each person shares their answer (5-10 minutes, NO DISCUSSION); Each prays for the person on their right, naming what was shared in the other steps (5 minutes); Close with the Lord's Prayer and SILENCE]. Some find this method most helpful. I'm afraid that I often find it a bit boring.
My spirituality has been particularly shaped by certain Christian writers and saints: St. Paul, Augustine of Hippo, Francis of Assisi, Thomas a Kempis, Ignatius of Loyola, Francis de Sales, George Herbert, Jeremy Taylor and the Wesley brothers. Though such writers/saints were conditioned by their times, I resonate with what they teach or their example. In the Christian spiritual tradition, they are teachers of
"via positiva." In my spiritual journey, I connect best with stories and study, and pictures and poems.
My prayer is often shaped by the Scripture in three ways: 1. In-depth Bible Study (either as an individual or with a group), 2. Daily reading at Evening Prayer, and 3. A form of prayer that uses active imagination as suggested by Ignatius of Loyola.
It has been my habit to regularly - nearly always - be reading a commentary on a book of the Bible or a book on some aspect of Biblical thought. I am particularly fond of the work of Luke Timothy Johnson and James D.G. Dunn. Right now I am reading Daniel J. Treier's Commentary on
Proverbs & Ecclesiastes in the Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible series (Brazos Press, 2011).
As a Rector, I did sermon preparation with a parish Bible study group using a model from
The Roundtable Pulpit: Where Leadership & Preaching Meet by John S. McClure (Abingdon Press, 1991). I've never quite understood why clergy would meet with other clergy to do sermon preparation. It seems to me that doing Bible study with members of the congregation to be far more effective for meaningful and contextually appropriate preaching. I've also found programs like
Cokesbury's Disciple Bible Studies very helpful for group study. I have used series like "N.T Wright for Everyone Bible Study Guides" published by IVP Connect and "Daily Bible
Commentary: A Guide for Reflection and Prayer" published by Hendrickson to help with group studies. I would also suggest "Synthesis CE" or "Living the Good News" for adult lectionary-based Bible studies. There are others, of course, but the key is study of Scripture as a means to open us to the presence of God. Such study shapes the language of my prayer and my experience of the Holy.
Second, I find that the course reading of Scripture through reading the Daily Office important. This is not a time for study, but of ordered prayer. Some find saying the prayers using an online guide for Morning Prayer and Evening helpful (click
HERE). Some, like me, still use books. I admit that it is usually at night with a Prayer Book and Bible on my nightstand. It is the regular habit of reading the Bible. This is the time that I use to pray for others.
Lastly, I find a way of engaging Bible in prayer from Ignatius of Loyola to be both engaging and rather easy.
- I select a passage from one of the Gospels in which Jesus is interacting with others.
- I calm myself and I recall that I am engaging with the Word of God and that I want to listen to God. God is present and because God is always, I'm the one who needs to listen.
- I read the Gospel passage twice out loud slowly so that the story and the details of the story become familiar.
- I close my eyes and reconstruct the scene in my imagination. I try to see what is going on and watch the men and women in the scene. What does Jesus look like? How do the others react to him? What are the people saying to one another? What emotions fill their words? Is Jesus touching someone? I seek to enter into the scene through my mind's eye.
- Sometimes my mind will allow an almost movie-like scenario with a Gospel passage - usually set in my own life and community. Most of the time, however, it is my verbal imagination (digesting the words), reflecting on the scene and mulling over the actions like a passage from a novel.
- As I finish this time of prayer, I try to take a moment to speak person-to-person with Christ opening what comes from my heart and listening.
As Christians, the Bible provides the basis of our engagement with God. How do you encounter God? How do the stories and teachings from the Scripture shape your world-view and experience of the Divine?
Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Ask the Bishop
Thoughts on Flags and Patriotic Songs in Church
by Bishop Bob
I have recently been asked about my opinion regarding flags (specifically the flags of the United States and of the Episcopal Church) in a church. While there are no canons or rubrics regarding such things, I personally do not think either a flag of a civil authority (United States or Hawaiʻi) or a denominational flag (Episcopal Church) should be placed in t
(this is sometimes also the choir area in front of the altar) leading to the sanctuary with the altar. I think it important that there be no symbols around the altar except sacred ones (cross, crucifix, icon, banners, etc.). In a paraphrase of the language of the Book of Common Prayer (see the Proper Preface for Baptism, page 381):
Because in Jesus Christ our Lord the Creator of heaven and earth has received us as sons and daughters, made us citizens of God's kingdom, and given us the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth. Accidents of history make us the citizens of a particular "nation" (and nations come and go through history) and the brokenness of humanity make us the members of a Christian denomination. The realm of God knows no nation and no denomination. Ideally, therefore, I would suggest that such flags are best kept out of the direct sightlines of the altar (and ideally of the pulpit/lectern and baptismal font as well).
On the other hand, flags to the side of the nave, in the far aisles or hanging overhead (but away from the sanctuary/altar) might be appropriate. This is particularly true of memorials to those who have died in wars or as a celebration of the cultural heritage of a congregation. Good Shepherd, Wailuku, for example, has the flags of the nations of origin of all its parishioners hanging from the rafters.
With Memorial Day just past and the Fourth of July coming, I have also been asked about singing "nationalistic" hymns on during worship on Sundays. I suggest that the "National Songs" section of The Hymnal 1982 (Hymns 716-720) are prayerful and provide an aspirational impulse to a Christian's civic responsibility. I think we must look at the words of hymns very carefully. So, for example, the "National Anthem" (Hymn 720) might be sung on occasion (certainly not often), but it is important to sing the second verse in which there is a desire to prevent "war's desolation" and an acknowledgement that the nation's cause must be "just." Such hymns might be balanced with hymns like "Lift Every Voice" (Hymn 599) or the "Social Justice" section of the hymnal Lift Every Voice and Sing II (see LEVAS II, Hymns 225-229). Hymns are socially and historically conditioned. Notes in the bulletin and/or comments by the preacher can help such hymns have meaning in our own time and beyond their popular use.
Lord God Almighty, in whose Name the founders of this country won liberty for themselves and for us, and lit the torch of freedom for nations then unborn: Grant that we and all the people of this land may have grace to maintain our liberties in righteousness and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
[The Collect for Independence Day (July 4), BCP page 242]
Glimpses of Easter Around the Diocese
We share images of Holy Week and Easter from social media and your newsletters...
Our Community
2017 Faith Summit on Homelessness
On April 28 and 29, 2017, the second Faith Summit on Homelessness was held at the First Assembly of God in Honolulu, bringing together people from faith communities across Hawai'i, along with dozens of service agencies and government leaders to address the homeless crisis facing our islands. The event is sponsored by IHS (Institute for Human Services), The Office of the Governor's Coordinator on Homelessness, First Assembly of God and The Interfaith Alliance of Hawai'i.
With special guest speakers and over a dozen sessions and workshops over the two-day event, there was much to be shared and learned. The first day was geared towards faith leaders with topics such as Emerging Homeless Solutions and Turning Faith Into Action, and the second day focused on equipping congregations "with tools to be unified and effective." Groups from several Episcopal churches attended this event with a commitment to continue the discussion within their congregations and the rest of the Diocese, and to put what they learned into action.
Two of our own priests led workshops: Fr. Gregory Johnson from St. Mary's, on Ministries That Go Beyond Food and Shelter, and Fr. David Gierlach from St. Elizabeth's, on Standing With Hawai'i's Homeless Immigrants and Compact Migrants.
One of the highlights of the event is the presentation of the IHS Father Claude DuTeil Peanut Butter Ministry Award, and this year it went to St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church. The award is given to those who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and ministry serving the homeless, and is the second time an Episcopal Church in Hawai'i has received it. The first award, given at last year's inaugural Summit, was presented to St. Mary's Episcopal Church
To read the Star Advertiser article on this year's event, click
and a feature with Fr. Gregory,
Pictured at top, IHS Executive Director Connie Mitchell presents the award to St. Elizabeth members (from left) Peggy Graybill, Dcn. Steve Costa, Harlan Arakawa, Patsy Ching, Judy Kokubun, Charlie Kokubun and Ken Yamasaki, who graciously accepted it on behalf of the many volunteers of the church.
(Photo by Fr. Gregory Johnson)
Lay Leadership
Warden Boot Camp
Wardens from around the Diocese were invited to attend the first Warden Boot Camp, held at The Cathedral of St. Andrew's Davies Hall, on Saturday, April 22, 2017. The event was led by the Rev. Cn. Alexander "Sandy" Graham from the Office of the Bishop, whose intent was to let them know that they "are not alone" and to provide support, assistance, and continuing education to this special group of lay leaders.
They talked about the role of the vestry and bishop's committee that includes prayerful discernment, ongoing formation, helping to articulate the mission and vision of the congregation, identifying new leaders and manage resources and finances of the congregation. A variety of available resources was shared, and each person received Vestry handbooks.
They also discussed congregational Mutual Ministry Reviews (MMRs) that are written into diocesan Letters of Agreement and retreats.
Peter Lee, who has been the Senior Warden at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church on Maui for the past ten years, liked the idea of getting together. "Sometimes it can feel like you're operating in a vacuum," said Lee, "so it was great sharing experiences with others and finding out that we share some of the same challenges."
With several churches going through the search process, Lee felt that he was able to contribute in that area having just gone through a search that lasted nearly three years. He would like to see this Boot Camp become an annual event. (Lee is pictured standing in the far right picture.)
"It was really a privilege to gather with people who have a passion for their Churches and have been called to this particular form of leadership," said Graham in a newsletter he recently created for wardens, which is just one of the ways he is reaching out to support this ministry.
Graham shared the pictures above of wardens engaged in a group building activity that involved building towers using only Peeps (marshmallow chicks) and bendy-straws. Take away: Don't use Peeps and bendy-straws in church construction!
Stewardship and Beyond:
How Clergy and Lay Leaders Can Create Stronger Congregations
The Parish of St. Clement in Honolulu was the site of Stewardship and Beyond, an important workshop for clergy and lay leaders that was held on Saturday, May 6, 2017. The theme, "How Clergy and Lay Leaders Can Create Stronger Congregations" was led by Michael Durall, who has authored numerous books on congregational organization, development and stewardship.
Questions asked of participants elicited a wide range of sentiments: "What is the purpose of your church?"; "Does your church have a soul, and how would you describe it?"; "What do you yearn for in the life of your church?"; "What is a metaphor for your church?"
Durall offered up ideas and insight to assist participants in addressing the needs and challenges of their church.
The answers "may make us weep" but could also serve as a catalyst. He also shared some simple yet effective possibilities for concerns brought up: Choose a church bill and pay it! Give loose plate offerings to outreach or as seed money for new ministries. Reach a segment not served by other churches and start a new worship service to attract them.
Jane Tonokawa from Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Kailua found the workshop really helpful, and had wished there were more people in attendance to network with and to get insight on what they do. With copious notes, she made sure to highlight the items that pertained to her own church.
Carolyn Remedios, also from Emmanuel, enjoyed the workshop and encourages others to participate in these "valuable diocesan opportunities" for learning and growth. She is pictured above talking with Mike Durall.
(Photo by Cn. Alexander Graham)
The Rev. Cn. Alexander Graham, who organized the event, shared a reflection from Mike Durall of this time with the group:
"...someone said that Episcopalians are uncomfortable talking about money and evangelism. These attitudes always surprise me, given the numerous references in Scripture about generosity as a keystone to a life of faith.
I often ask church-going people if they would make a sacrifice for a larger cause or
the greater good. Ninety percent or more say they would. Many comment, 'I wish
my church asked this of me.' These responses cross all denominational lines, church size, and socioeconomic status. People will give willingly to causes that are near and dear to them. Don't be afraid to ask!"
Diocesan Mutual Minsitry Review (MMR) In Progress
During last October's Diocesan Education Day (in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of Convention), the Bishop introduced Dr. Kim Payton, an organizational psychologist who is working with the Diocese on a new strategic plan, the third in his ten years as Bishop. To help develop this plan a Mutual Ministry Review (MMR) of the Bishop is being conducted to help him discern his role in moving the Diocese forward.
Focus group meetings are currently being held throughout the Diocese giving voice to congregants as part of the MMR process. Pictured above, Church of the Holy Apostles in Hilo had a great turnout at their May 9 focus group gathering, facilitated by the Rev. Ernesto "JaR" Pasalo from St. Nicholas in Kapolei.
(Photos from the Holy Apostles Facebook page) Below, a focus group meeting took place at Trinity By-the-Sea on Maui on May 19.
(Photos from the Trinity Facebook page)
Baibala-Pule BacPac Project Thriving
The Baibala-Pule project was first shared in the
February 2017 E-Chronicle (under the ECWO section). The project addresses the needs of the incarcerated (pa'ahao) and the difficult journey they face when released back into the community. The Rev. Kaleo Patterson and Dr. Ha'aheo Guanson spear-head this program that
is designed to assist
with character development and spiritual integration from a cultural perspective, and makes available clergy to assist with counseling and outreach during re-entry into society. The program includes Hawaiian history and culture, prayer, chant and dance, and continues to expand as different needs are identified.
The BacPac project was born out of one of these needs, and provides pa'ahao with a backpack filled with supplies and basic necessities when they are released. As the word has spread about the work of the Baibala-Pule project, so has the support.
Churches like St. Peter's in Honolulu are now supporting the project by donating BacPacs filled with basic necessities such as toiletries, detergent, sheets and pillows and other everyday items. Pictured above from left, filled backpacks and pillows were blessed at St. Peter's on April 2, and made its way to Laumaka Work Furlough a couple days later; "Kaipo" received his Bacpac from Ha'aheo Guanson and Terry; "Wendell" with Rev. Kaleo Patterson is happy to receive his Bacpac. He will transition from Halawa to House of Blessings.
The word has also spread to the neighbor islands, and Rev. Lani Bowman is now the coordinator on the Big Island of Hawai'i. Bowman, who is a deacon at St. Augustine's Episcopal Church in Kapa'au, will work with churches there to donate "Komo Mai BacPacs" and is currently interfacing with the Hawai'i Community Correctional Center. Doug Little from Holy Apostles Episcopal Church in Hilo has also joined the project, bringing with him a background in prison re-entry work from the mainland.
On Maui, a
representative from Ka'ahumanu Church and Maui Coming Home Consortium recently delivered a BacPac to "Colburn" who was so happy to receive one. Someone from their church will stay in touch with him.
Pictured above left, the Pacific Peace Forum hosted a Makahiki night at The Cathedral of St. Andrew on Friday, May 5, which was attended by re-entry pa'ahao and church volunteers, for a night of sharing, food and fellowship.
Also lending their support is the University Women's Campus Club who held their spring luncheon at the Mandalay Restaurant in Honolulu on Saturday, May 6. Upon learning about the BacPac project, they had two BacPacs prepared (pictured above right) and presented to Guanson who was there to speak to the group on non-violence. The Campus Club is over 100 years old, and has an on-campus thrift shop that is 45 years old!
For more information on this program, contact Dr. Ha'aheo Guanson at (808) 330-3771 or
e-mail her
. (Photos contributed by Kahu Kaleo Patterson)
Godly Play: Helping Children Explore Their Faith
Godly Play, a creative, imaginative approach to Christian formation and spiritual guidance for children, has become a familiar method used by a growing number of congregations throughout the Diocese, thanks in large part to Jenny Wallace, the Godly Play Foundation trainer for Hawai'i.
Wallace, who has long been involved in youth and family ministry in the Diocese, has been a passionate supporter of Godly Play for many years, and
is also active in Godly Play as a trainer liaison on the Foundation Education Committee and part of the International Council.
"In Hawaii, we average 2-3 Godly Play Core Training sessions each year," says Wallace. "The Episcopal Church in Hawai'i has committed to generously underwriting the training of storytellers and leaders in local congregations."
This has allowed her to offer Core Training not only on O'ahu, but also on the neighbor islands, eliminating the travel costs that would otherwise be prohibitive for some congregations. Pictured at top is the Godly Play Core Training that took place at St. James' Episcopal Church on the Big Island of Hawai'i on April 28-30, 2017. The training brought together interested people from both St. James' and St. Columba's. "It was a wonderful, spirit-filled training," said Jenny Wallace. "Thanks to Susan Acacio and all who participated!"
This year, she introduced Commuter Core Training where the training hours were spread over three Saturdays in the Godly Play rooms of three different churches: The Loft of St. Peter's/St. Andrew's (pictured above with teachers Stephanie Wight and Beth Young with Godly Play in action), Emmanuel and St. Christopher's. Ten of Hawai'i's churches have active Godly Play programs with recently trained teachers. "Other folks have trained but may not have a program in place," said Wallace.
Several denominations have also started Godly Play in Hawai'i and some churches are becoming Member Congregations of the Foundation. "It is a vital and supportive community," said Wallace noting that
Lee Dickson, the Executive Director, visited Hawai'i in November of last year for an evening of "Talk Story" at Epiphany Church.
Below, Kimberlee Seah of Christ Memorial on Kaua'i shares photos of the creations made by her class. Christ Memorial is one of the newest churches in the Diocese to offer Godly Play. "I'm in love with this curriculum," gushes Seah. "It's simply amazing!"
Seah also shared the following story: "Recently, my daughter Grace (age 7) yelled to me Sunday morning asking, 'Mom, what season are we in again?' I said, 'Easter.' She replied, 'Great, I'll wear white.' It was matter-of-fact. She knows the colors of the seasons because of the Circle of the Church Year lesson, and all the other ways the Godly Play lessons integrate the colors and seasons."
Wallace is available for Core Training, but also offers shorter workshops and consultations. She is eager to tell stories to circles of children for various groups and in worship. If you would like to learn more, contact Jenny through the Office of the Bishop or browse the Godly Play website
(Photos contributed by Jenny Wallace)
Episcopal Church Women
Monthly Meeting Gathering
The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) held their bi-monthly meeting on Saturday, May 27, 2017, at the Cathedral of St. Andrew's Von Holt Room. Two dozen women attended the meeting which was followed by the making of Anglican prayer beads. Louise Aloy, President of the ECW, had originally learned how to make the prayer beads while attending her very first ECW Triennial meeting in Minneapolis back in 2003. Aloy, pictured above left, gets ready to distribute kits she put together so that each person could make their own prayer beads.
"It was good to share this knowledge so some of the women can start their own prayer bead ministry," said Louise. She added that they make great gifts, especially for those that are homebound.
The event ended with a wonderful lunch of salads, sandwiches and "onolicious" desserts.
(Photos contributed by Louise Aloy)
Our Schools
We share photos of the graduating classes of 2017 from our Episcopal-affiliated high schools. Pictured above, Seabury Hall in Makawao, Maui, held their graduation ceremony on Saturday, May 27, 2017. (Photos from the Seabury Hall Facebook page.)
Pictured above from left, 'Iolani School seniors held their traditional Candle Lighting Ceremony during the Baccalaureate Service in St. Alban's Chapel on Sunday, May 28, and graduated on Saturday, June 3, 2017.
(First two photos from the 'Iolani School Facebook page, far right photo by Kim Teruya.)
Pictured above is the graduating Class of 2017 from the St. Andrew's Schools. Their graduation took place on Sunday, June 4, 2017. To view a video of their traditional gathering and song around the Cathedral fountain, click
(Photo from the St. Andrew's Schools Facebook page.)
The St. Andrew's Schools: Celebrating 150 Years
Ascension Day holds special meaning for the students of The St. Andrew's Schools-The Priory, that is steeped in tradition and celebration. It was on this day in 1867, that Queen Emma founded St. Andrew's Priory School for girls. A special video honoring Queen Emma's legacy and the school's 150th Anniversary can be viewed
HERE, and a feature article
that was recently featured in Midweek can be read
In the courtyard of the school is the historic coral cross that is decorated each year by the junior class and presented as a gift to the school.
Pictured at top from left is Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick by the coral cross at the annual Senior Parent Reception, hosted by the Bishop, his wife Bea, and Head of School, Dr. Ruth Fletcher. The event officially kicked off graduation festivities. Next, school chaplain, the Rev. Annalise Castro, enjoys the festivities; Seniors Line up for a delectable feast being served up, and Bishop with wife Bea chat with parents.
At right, the decorated cross is revealed on Ascension day, Thursday, May 25, as presented by the Class of 2018.
(Photos from the St. Andrew's Schools Facebook page.)
O'ahu Regional Confirmation Services
Churches on O'ahu celebrated the annual Regional Confirmation Service at The Cathedral of St. Andrew on Sunday, April 30, 2017, and at St.Timothy's Episcopal Church on Sunday, May 21, 2017.
From St. Christopher's, Paris Michael Gandee was confirmed and Eva Perez-Mesa was received.
From St. Elizabeth's, five were confirmed: Havea Langi, Jr., Lui Ameto Langi, Naomi Mavis Langi, Kaleihua Paunani U'ilani Langi, Gloryann Tokoma'ata;
From St. John the Baptist, Remebios Olpindo Wayte was confirmed.
From St. Mark's, two were confirmed: Steven Severin and Irene Kendig; five were received: Darlene Weingand, Colleen Sullivan, Sean Rist, Gerald Tacino and Jerome Nicolas.
From St. Mary's, Ronald Nelson and Lucille Nelson were received.
From St. Peter's, seven were confirmed: Beth Kurren Cox, Sheri Lynn Yoshida, Christine Marie Seniuk, Junko Cecilia Kobayashi-Uyetake, Bryan Minoru Matsumoto, Tara Lin Emi Arimoto, Nicholas Ray Allen.
From St. Paul's, ten were confirmed: Rudy Agassid, Faustino Bilan, Janelle Katelyn Cabanit, Jennifer Dalmacio, Jarvis Davis, Roxanne Davis, Chealsy Leano, Jessa Grace Sagun, Jaclyn Topinio and Joselito Topinio; four were received: Crismalyn Joy Cardona, Joe Kenneth Tunac Marquez, Fernando Domingo, Venie Domingo; four were reaffirmed: Noreen B. Agassid, Rudy Agassid, Jr., Janet Cabanit and Joey Cabanit, Sr.
From St. Stephen's, Brittany Leigh Lanoani'omelia Cox was confirmed.
From St. Timothy's, Re'Tasha Lo-Oki and Robert Andres were confirmed.
(Photos from church news and Facebook pages)
Mahalo from Central Middle School to St. Peter's
On Wednesday, April 26, 2017, St. Peter's Episcopal Church, along with Harris United Methodist and the Nu'uanu YMCA, received an award from Central Middle School that says "Behind Every Great School is a Great Community - Thank you for supporting Central Middle School, 2016-2017. Members from St. Peter's meet monthly with school administrators to support the school's mission and outreach. Volunteers provide meals, tutoring assistance, serve as chaperones, work on campus beautification projects, participate in food pantry drives and even judge pep rallies! Pictured above are the Rev. Diane Martinson (center) with two of the many church volunteers, Velma Lee and Elizabeth Winternitz.
(Photo and information from the St. Peter's newsletter)
Good Samaritan's Special Bond in Palolo
 Good Samaritan Episcopal Church may be a small congregation, but their hearts are anything but small, overflowing with the love of Christ. Members often engage in joint outreach and share in special activities and events with other Episcopal churches in the Honolulu, but there is one special place they have a close bond to: the Palolo Chinese Home. Members visit often, especially during holidays, bearing gifts and spending precious time with the residents. Pictured above from left, Alice Chinen and Mildred Ogai made Easter basket table decorations and delivered them to the home; Janice Motoshige visits the Kato's, and members pose for a group shot. After many years, Mildred visits with Helen Matsushima, the tender moment captured at right,
(Photos from the Good Samaritan Newsletter)
Pacific Peace Forum
On Friday, April 7, 2017, the monthly Pacific Peace Forum topic was on Tax Reform that took place at the Cathedral of St. Andrew's Davies Hall. Over 50 people attended the forum to discuss
the need to reduce taxes by tax cuts and credits on families struggling to make ends meet. Special speakers included Sen. Gary Hooser and tax attorney, Roger Epstein.
- Hawai`i ranks second nationally in how heavily low income households are taxed.
- Hawai`i has the lowest wages resulting in half the residents of Hawai`i living paycheck to paycheck.
- The lowest income households pay over 13% of their income in state and local taxes, while those at the top pay less then 8%.
The Pacific Peace Forum is a collaboration between the Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center and the Cathedral of St. Andrew, to provide peace and non-violence education and training, and social transformation advocacy.
For more information e-mail
Dr. Haaheo Guanson or Kahu Kaleo Patterson. (Photo contributed by Kahu Kaleo Patterson)
ECWO: The Episcopal Church of West O'ahu
St. Nick's Beach Clean-up
Pictured above, St. Nicholas Episcopal Church in Kapolei held a beach clean-up and potluck in observance of
Earth Day on Saturday, April 22, 2017, at Nimitz Beach in Kalaeloa. At center, Fr. JaR leads the pack and youth with gloves and trash bags are ready to clean! The group enjoyed a hearty potluck afterwards, with the Windisch's shown at right.
(Photos contributed by Shana Valenzuela)
Providing Shelter at St. Stephen's
When the Diocese of Hawai'i addressed the growing homeless crisis at its annual meeting two years ago, churches stepped up their response to those in need, a few even opening up their properties.
Recently, St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Wahiawa was featured in an article appearing in the Star Advertiser, after providing temporary shelter for family in need. Pictured here are Lorenzo Allen and Malia Namakaeha with their 6-month old daughter Mikiala, who are grateful for the kindness and generosity of members who have taken them in, providing shelter, food, supplies, rides and lots of love. To read the Star Advertiser article, click
(Photo by Bruce Asato, contributed by Kahu Kaleo Patterson)
Kaua'i Regional Confirmation Service
Kaua'i's Regional Confirmation service took place on Saturday, May 13, 2017, at St. Paul's Kekaha, one of two churches that make up the Episcopal Church on West Kaua'i. The service featured the St. Paul choir and a potluck reception followed. "It was lovely," said Junior Warden Lyn Farman, "the Holy Spirit was definitely present."
Pictured above with the Bishop are St. Paul members, Laurel Morley Coleman and Chequita Marie Loston who were confirmed, and Narreinar Pawsheun Williams who was received. (Photos contributed by Lyn Farman)
Moloka'i Regional Confirmation Service
Moloka'i kicked off the annual Confirmation Services on Sunday, April 23, 2017, at Grace Episcopal Church. Seven were confirmed: Cindy Lou Fisher, Christine McGuire, Edward Pierre Castro, Emma Yolanda Velasco, Linda Christine Johnson, Lorna Ann Huzinga and Phyllis Berfield; four were reaffirmed: Helen Elkins Troy vonTempsky, Jule Ann Kamakana, Michael Cornelius Grinnell and Elizabeth Rose Kamakana Juario.
The newly confirmed are pictured above with Bishop Bob. In the front row are Christine McGuire, Helen Elkins, Eddie Castro, Emma Velasco, Lorna Huzinga, Phyllis Berfield and Linda Johnson; in the back row with the Bishop are the Rev. John Lunn and Cindy Fisher. (Photo by "George" as contributed by Grace Episcopal)
Maui Regional Confirmation Service

The Maui Regional Confirmation Ceremony took place at St. John's Episcopal Church in Kula, on Saturday, May 27, 2017. Pictured above is the group of newly confirmed with the Bishop.
(Photo by Fr. Craig Vance)
From Good Shepherd, CarolAnn Yamaguchi and Merle Suzuki Kaluakini were confirmed; Dixie Loughrey and Maureen VanDenburg were both received and reaffirmed, and Guiller Evangelista was reaffirmed.
From Holy Innocents, six were received: Charles E. Hill, Sue Anne Hill, David Reid, Marivic Blando, Gary Sagert and Wynne Simplot.
From St. John's, Karen Lisa Worthington and Mark David Crowe were confirmed.
Pictured above, St. John's Rector, the Rev. Kerith Harding; little usher Jimmy is Rev. Amy Crowe's son from Holy Innocents
(photo by John Decker); Rev. Amy Crowe
(photo from the Holy Innocents news); and the laying on of hands by the Bishop
(photo by Fr. Craig Vance).
Big Island Regional Confirmation Service
The Regional Confirmation Ceremony on the Big Island of Hawai'i took place at St. Augustine's Episcopal Church in Kapa'au, on Saturday, May 6, 2017. Pictured above is the group from Holy Apostles (not in order of the photo) Terry Douglas Little and Leilani Dalere were confirmed, and Ann Elizabeth Little and Janet Monica Snyder were received.
From St. Augustine's, (not in order of photo) four were confirmed: Isaac Jordan ChuHing, Mark Ruiz Sahagun, Kara Jane Fernandez and Zebadayo Z. A. O. Bartholomy; and Eileen Hartwings (at right) was received.
From St. James', (not in order of photo) three were confirmed: Michael Virtue, Doreen Virtue and Steve Kittell; two were received: Kathy Ann Dunn Lindsey and Robert Kamaile Lindsey, Jr.
(All photos contributed by the churches or from their Facebook pages)
St. James' Beach Baptisms
The Rev. David Stout, Rector of St. James' in Kamuela, started up a Sunday beach service at the Kawaihae Boat Harbor several years ago, bringing worship opportunity down from the mountain to the sea. The evening service has grown in popularity over the years and experiences breathtaking sunsets and on occasion, rain. On Sunday, May 6, 2017, the service was to include a few beach baptisms (a common occurrence during this service) and although the evening started out cloudy and rainy, the sun broke through just as it was setting, creating a stunning backdrop for a most blessed event. Pictured here are Aurora, Amory, Owen, Zack and Kate, whose faces clearly reflect the joy and light of God within.
(These stunning photos are from the St. James' Facebook page)
St Augustine's is Blue Zone Certified!
We are thrilled to announce that we are Blue Zones Project certified! You may have wondered what is a "Blue Zones Project" and what are the benefits of becoming one. Well it has evolved into a global initiative of adopting the lifestyle principles of areas around the world, like Sardina, Italy and Okinawa, Japan and others, that live healthy lives reaching age one hundred. Faith-based communities play an important role in improving members well-being and longevity. We also are a resource in helping our community by supporting them with access to free Blue Zones Project materials such as healthy recipes and tips to a healthier lifestyle.
One of our favorite and fast-growing activity is called a Moai (a small group that meet regularly to incorporate healthy lifestyle). Our Moai is comprised mainly of our Sunday School children and a few adults that walk for about an hour after Sunday service. As you can see by their smiles, it is fun to get fit and healthy! (Article and photo from the St. Augustine E-Newsletter)
Presiding Bishop Responds to President's Decision to Pull U.S. Out of Worldwide Climate Accord
[Episcopal News Service]
President Donald Trump
announced June 1
that he would pull the United States out of the Paris Agreement, a 2015 pledge to limit climate change signed by 196 nations.
The agreement includes a plan to decrease carbon emissions and limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius, and a commitment from wealthier nations to provide $100 billion in aid to developing countries. The
agreement is the first-ever binding, international treaty in 20 years of United Nations climate talks. The Presiding Bishop's statement follows:
 With the announcement by President Donald Trump of his decision to withdraw the commitment made by the United States to the Paris Climate Accord, I am reminded of the words of the old spiritual which speaks of God and God's creation in these words, "He's got the whole world in his hands." The whole world belongs to God, as Psalm 24 teaches us. God's eye is ever on even the tiny sparrow, as Jesus taught and the song says (Luke 12:6). And we human beings have been charged with being trustees, caretakers, stewards of God's creation (Genesis 1:26-31).
The United States has been a global leader in caring for God's creation through efforts over the years on climate change.
President Trump's announcement changes the U.S.'s leadership role in the international sphere. Despite this announcement, many U.S. businesses, states, cities, regions, nongovernmental organizations and faith bodies like the Episcopal Church can continue to take bold action to address the climate crisis. The phrase, "
re still in," became a statement of commitment for many of us who regardless of this decision by our President are still committed to the principles of the Paris Agreement.
Faith bodies like the Episcopal Church occupy a unique space in the worldwide climate movement. In the context of the United Nations, the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement, we are an international body representing 17 countries in the United States, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe, and Asia and the Pacific. We also are an admitted observer organization to the UNFCCC process, empowered to bring accredited observers to the UN climate change meetings. Furthermore, the Episcopal Church is a member of the worldwide Anglican Communion, the third-largest Christian tradition, and we remain committed to ensuring that Anglicans everywhere are empowered to undertake bold action on climate change mitigation and adaptation.
We know that caring for God's creation by engaging climate change is not only good for the environment, but also good for the health and welfare of our people. The U.S. is currently creating more clean jobs faster than job creation in nearly every other sector of the economy, and unprecedented acceleration in the clean energy sector is also evident in many other major economies.
My prayer is that we in the Episcopal Church will, in this and all things, follow the way, the teachings and the Spirit of Jesus by cultivating a loving, liberating and life-giving relationship with God, all others in the human family, and with all of God's good creation.
In spite of hardships and setbacks, the work goes on. This is God's world. And we are all his children. And, "He's got the whole world in his hands."
The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry
Presiding Bishop and Primate
The Episcopal Church
Presiding Bishop Preaches on 'Forgiveness, Repentance, Healing and Reconciliation in Haiti
[Episcopal News Service] Presiding Bishop Michael Curry preached a sermon "on the occasion of the liturgical signing of the covenant of reconciliation" on May 23 at the Episcopal Theological Seminary in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. All clergy in the diocese attended the special liturgy.
"Mutual forgiveness and repentance, healing and reconciliation are hard work and they often take time. Healing and reconciliation do not happen quickly. But it happens, if we are willing, to allow God's grace to work in us, for God's grace is sufficient. God is able," said Curry in his sermon.
On April 24, the Episcopal Church
announced that Curry, Haiti Bishop Jean Zache Duracin, Haiti Bishop Suffragan Ogé Beauvoir and the diocesan Standing Committee had entered a covenant agreement that "seeks to address and resolve many of the issues of conflict that have been burdening the diocese."
The May 23 liturgy included a formal signing of the covenant, which took effect in April. To read the sermon in its entirety, click
Pictured above, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry (center), Bishop of Haiti Jean Zache Duracin (left) and Bishop Suffragan of Haiti Ogé Beauvoir (right), talk before the solemn Eucharist on Tuesday, May 23, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. (Photo by Michael Hunn via Episcopal News Service)
California Hosts Eco-Justice Conversation
By Lynette Wilson, Episcopal News Service
[Episcopal News Service - San Francisco, California] "The work of saving God's creation is nothing less than the work of God." Presiding Bishop Michael Curry spoke these words during a May 19
sermon framing creation care in terms of the Jesus Movement here at
Grace Cathedral.
"This is God's world," he said, encouraging those present to affirm and to encourage one another in the care of God's creation.
"I am convinced that God came among us in Jesus to show us the way to not just become the human family, but the family of God. And that's why we're here because the environment, no, the creation, is part of the family of God ... God's family is the entire created world and universe."
The Episcopal Church has witnessed the presiding bishop's thoughts on the Jesus Movement unfold in his dynamic preaching and speaking since he took office in November 2015. His May 19 sermon, put creation care and environmental justice squarely in that context.
The presiding bishop preached to an interfaith congregation in a packed cathedral as part of a larger eco-justice conversation on safeguarding climate, food and water hosted by the
Diocese of California
May 18-20. On May 18, the cathedral held a benefit conference for the
St. Barnabas Center for Agriculture
, an Episcopal college in northern Haiti, and two Bay Area environmental groups. A May 19 panel discussion explored climate change's effects on agriculture and food security. Lastly, on the morning of May 20, Curry presided at an EcoConfirmation service. READ MORE
Condemnation of Bishop's Arrest in the Philippines
[Anglican Communion News Service - CCA] The Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) has condemned the arrest and detention of the Bishop of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente (Philippine Independent Church) - Bishop Carlos Morales last week. Bishop Morales was arrested with his wife, driver and a companion at a checkpoint in the village of Gango in Ozamis City in the Philippines.
The Christian Conference of Asia is a fellowship of churches and ecumenical councils; its General Secretary, Dr. Mathews George Chunakara, said in a
: "The CCA considers the illegal arrest and detention of a religious and spiritual leader like Bishop Morales appalling and a violation of human rights." Dr. Mathews George Chunakara called for the immediate release of Bishop Morales and his companions. "It is unfortunate that Bishop Morales has been accorded with such maltreatment. Despite introducing himself as a bishop, he was illegally arrested, handcuffed and detained in a crowded holding cell in the city's police station."
The bishop is facing charges of "harbouring a Most Wanted person", who was travelling with the bishop in his car and is an alleged member of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP).
While condemning the arrest and detention of Bishop Morales, Bishop Antonio Ablon of the nearby Pagadian Diocese of the IFI said that the accusation of the police against Bishop Morales was baseless. He stated that as a religious leader, the bishop has an obligation to provide protection or sanctuary to any person who is in distress or politically persecuted.
Members of the church held a protest outside the police station to call for the release of the bishop and his companions. The IFI is a member church of the CCA and the World Council of Churches (WCC).
On a lighter note...
Central New York Bishop Finds her Spiritual Center Atop A Motorcycle
[Episcopal News Service]
Central New York Bishop DeDe Duncan-Probe isn't the kind of Harley-Davidson rider who publicly promotes her love of motorcycles. Riding, for her, is like a form of personal prayer, not a Sunday sermon. But on a recent ride through upstate New York, she had stopped for water at a store, and some men walked in and asked whose cool, new motorcycle was parked outside.
That's mine, she said, striking up a conversation with the men. Eventually, their questions turned to what she does for a living.
So she told them: "Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Central New York." And much to her delight, the conversation turned to the topic of faith, a discussion as lively as the one about the Harley Softail Slim. Her motorcycle had become a tool for evangelism.
"It's given me opportunities to share the love of Christ in ways that are wonderful and include other people," Duncan-Probe told Episcopal News Service in a phone interview. "I've just been blessed with conversations that wouldn't have happened otherwise."
Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor
The electronic Hawaiian Church Chronicle is the official news publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i. All policy, editorial and administrative decisions are under the direction of the editor in consultation with the Office of the Bishop. The Chronicle welcomes suggestions, story ideas, comments and opinions from its readers. E-mail articles, letters, news and photographs (electronic files preferred) to:
, or snail mail to: Office of the Bishop, 229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI 96813 |
(808) 536-7776
The Chronicle does not assume responsibility for the return of photographs or manuscripts.
The deadline for submissions in the next August issue is July 23, 2017.