March 22, 2024

Principal's Message

Dear Hutton Elementary School Community,


As we approach the final week of March and eagerly anticipate our upcoming spring break, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you. Together, we celebrated our first Hutton Math Night, and it was nothing short of a spectacular success. The joy, engagement, and enthusiasm displayed by our students, the dedication and creativity of our teachers, and the unwavering support from our families turned this event into a remarkable experience for all involved. Thank you for making it possible. Your participation and efforts have laid the groundwork for what I believe will become a cherished annual tradition at Hutton Elementary. We are already looking forward to making next year's Math Night even better, with more fun and learning opportunities for our students and their families.


In the spirit of continuing our journey of learning and community engagement, I am thrilled to announce our upcoming Family Literacy Night on April 16th from 5:00-7:00 PM. This special event is an invitation to all our families to join us in celebrating our One School One Book reading of "Toys!". It promises to be an evening filled with excitement, offering fun and interactive toy-related literacy and STEAM activities that will captivate the imaginations of our young learners. Moreover, it will be a wonderful opportunity for families to come together, enjoy delicious food, and celebrate the joy of reading. This year, there will be surprise Guest Readers and so much more.


To make this event as successful and enjoyable as possible, we kindly ask that all families RSVP by April 11th. Your timely response will help us ensure we have enough materials and food for everyone, making the evening a delightful experience for the whole Hutton Elementary community.


As we look forward to these exciting opportunities for learning and connection, let's also embrace the upcoming spring break as a time for rest, rejuvenation, and quality time with our loved ones. I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved together so far this year, and I am filled with anticipation for the many more wonderful experiences we will share as a school community.


Thank you for your ongoing support, collaboration, and commitment to making Hutton Elementary not just a place of learning, but a home of belonging, innovation, and joy for every student, teacher, and family.




LaTonya Simmons


Upcoming Events

March 25

Silverwood Reading Forms Due Date

March 25, April 8, 15, 22, 29

Lego Club

March 27

5th Grade Career Fair Field Trip


March 26

PTG Meeting

Library 6:30 PM

March 28

Choir Concerts

1st Grade

MPR 5:30 PM

2nd Grade

MPR 6:30 PM

April 1-5

Spring Break

No School

April 8-June 1

Girls on the Run

Mondays and Thursdays

3-4:30 PM

April 16

Literacy Night

MPR 5-7 PM

The Hawk Walk is coming in June. The PTG provides every Hutton student with a free Hawk Walk T-Shirt. Please use the link below to tell us what size shirt we should order for your child.

FREE Hawk Walk T-Shirt

Upcoming Events

New After School Opportunities

Green Club is coming

April 16th! It will be for grades 3-5 only.

They will meet every Tuesday from 3-4 PM.

Registration paperwork is required and will be coming soon.

Hutton Happenings

Dormant Oil Tree and Shrub Application

This is to inform you that weed and grass control spray will be applied to the shrub beds and mowing strips at our school on April 5th (during Spring Break). A variation of this schedule may occur as a result of inclement weather. This spray is to control unwanted grass and weeds in the shrub beds, around the trees and along the street curb areas. Our school has taken steps to keep school children away from the tree and shrub bed areas for 24 hours. We would like to ask that you and your children refrain from using these same areas during that period of time. Thank you!

2024 SPS Spray Schedule

Donations Needed

We are in need of clothing to support students if they need a change of clothes. Are you able to donate these items, new or gently used?

Young Boys: Pants, Underwear

Older Boys: Pants

Young Girls: Pants, Shirts

Older Girls: Pants, Underwear

Thank you!

Hutton Office

From Mrs. Snider

March Madness is underway at Hutton Elementary! Classrooms have been given their teams and projects are off and running. These projects are student-driven and are voluntary. We’ve already seen crests & posters. Word on the street is that there are some PowerPoints being done! Not only are classrooms competing for their college basketball team to win but they are also vying for top spot in the project category of their college. This has been a great opportunity for kids to learn about options for post-secondary education. If any of the students have questions, they can come and see Mrs. Snider.

5th Grade

Career Fair Field Trip

Wednesday, March 27th

Spokane County Fair and Expo Center

Mrs. Snider's Counseling Corner

College Wear Thursday

It's an exciting initiative to foster a college-going culture within our community! Wearing college gear not only shows pride in one's alma mater but also encourages conversations about education, career aspirations, and the value of lifelong learning. Wear your college gear on every Thursday.

Hutton PBIS

Together We Can

Upcoming Hutton Friday Spirit Days

March 29th: Wear Hutton Gear or

Hutton Colors (blue, red and white)

Our Amazing Students & Staff

Congratulations to the following students who earned Citizen of the Month for February! They exemplified Honesty in their classrooms.

We had a Pi Day Assembly on 3/14 to celebrate student work for the Soar Up Challenge. Every student put in effort to reach their weekly goal in Dreambox and Lexia. Most students either met or exceeded their goals in both! Names were drawn and one student from each grade level was chosen to throw a "pi" at Mrs. Simmons and Mrs. Dullanty.

Hutton's 1st Annual Math Night 2024 was a huge success! Thank you to all who came out for the fun. It was a pleasure to see students working together with their families and teachers to play math games together. They even got to take the math game home!

After School Art was so much fun! Our Hutton students took classes including Mixed Media, Crochet, Photography, The Art of Clay, Puppet Making, Improv and more!

The PTG Scoop

Hawk Walk

Mark your calendars for June 7th for Hutton's only PTG fundraiser...the Hawk Walk! There will be lots of communication coming out later in the spring, and this is a fun event to attend if you are able. If you know if any businesses who might be willing to sponsor this even, please email The funds generated from Hawk Walk fund all PTG events for the year, as well as school improvements, staff training, and special activities and clubs.  

We Have Some Vacancies

We will have officer and committee chair vacancies for 2024-2025. If you are interested in the exec board or chairing a committee, please email us at At our May 28th PTG meeting we will vote on budget and officers. All budget discussion will happen at our April 23rd meeting. Please plan on attending to share feedback!

Yearbook Sale

The yearbook sale is on now until March 31st.   Yearbooks are $18 and they will be delivered in June. Hurry and order yours before the deadline!

Chili Cook Off

March 29th we are hosting a chili cook off for the staff. Sign up here to bring in your best Chili recipe and the chance to win a prize!

Hutton PTG Website

Hutton PTG on Instagram

Hutton PTG on Facebook

Hutton PTG Meeting Zoom Link

Email for more information at

District News

Kindergarten/School Registration

Kindergarten Registration for 2024-25 School year began on January 1st. Please check here for more information about new district registration for the next school year. Sign Up below to receive updates as your student prepares for Kindergarten.

Kindergarten Prep


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Hutton Website

Thank you to our Community Partners!

We appreciate you.

SPS Website