

Feb 3-7

8th grade science students demonstrate how light travels in a straight line.

Congratulations to Ella Faizi,

winner of the Upper School drawing for $1,000 tuition break!

Mark Your Calendar

Feb 4 | PTF, 8:30am, WCA (EC, ES & MS)

Feb 6 | School Store, 8:00-8:15am

Feb 6 | HS PTF, 8:30am, WCA (EC, 9th)


Due to set-up for Night to Shine

Feb 7 | WMC hosts Night to Shine at WCA

Feb 10-14 | WCA Teacher Appreciation Week

Feb 10-12 | 8th Grade Trip to Savannah, GA

Feb 17 | Presidents' Day - NO SCHOOL

Feb 18 | Teachers Workday - NO SCHOOL FOR


Feb 28 | Family Bingo Night

WCA Events Calendar


Families can subscribe to the WCA Calendar from the website.

  1. Click on Calendar icon (below the Support WCA tab).
  2. Click on the Calendar icon (beside the printer icon).
  3. Choose the type of calendar subscription you prefer (Google, Apple, Outlook).


WCA's After School Program

will not be available on Friday, February 7

Students should be picked up at dismissal.

Due to set-up and preparations for WMC's Night to Shine, which is hosted at the FLC, there will be no After School Program on Friday, Feb 7.


Opportunity Scholarship applications for 2025-26 school year

opens February 6. For information, please visit the Opportunity Scholarship website. They can answer any questions you may have. 

WCA’s 3rd-8th grade students are getting excited for our first annual Spelling Bee! Teachers are hosting classroom-level Bees to determine the top two winners for each class.

The class winners, along with last year’s grade-level finalists, will compete in a Grade-Level Preliminary Round.

Winners of the Grade-Level Preliminaries will be finalists competing in WCA’s first annual Spelling Bee held at WCA on March 3rd.



3rd-5th Co-Ed

Mondays beginning Feb 10


For details, see the registration page.

For additional information, please contact Linda Hastings.

Seekers in Sneakers - Registration
Run Club 6th-9th

To celebrate the 100th Day of School, students in 1st-5th grades compiled 100 reasons why they love WCA.

What do you love about WCA?

  • Everyone looking out for me, caring about me.
  • We have the best teachers!
  • This school helped me grow in confidence and challenges me academically.
  • Sharing God's word.
  • I've learned more about Jesus and we can talk freely about Him.
  • We do a lot of activities and learning games.
  • Teachers and all the people in the school. They're fun to be around, inspire me to be more Christ-like and encourage me.
  • Teachers and their Christian influence and support. They cheer us up.
  • I like the WCA community in general. Both the (WMC) church and the school are loving.
  • WCA and the (WMC) church are so connected. Everyone at school and church are kind and welcoming.
  • We have a big field for recess and PE!


Feb 6 | HS PTF, 8:30am, WCA (9th)

Feb 7 | NO AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM Due to set-up for Night to Shine

All students need to be picked up at dismissal.

Feb 7 | Freshmen service project: Night to Shine

9th graders participate in the Red Carpet experience.

Feb 10-14 | WCA Teacher Appreciation Week

Feb 17 | Presidents' Day - NO SCHOOL

Feb 18 | Teacher Workday - NO SCHOOL

Feb 28 | Family Bingo Night

Freshmen shared their own presentation at Chapel

to teach 6th-8th graders about The Lord's Prayer.



Our next meeting is

Tuesday, Feb 4, at 8:30am

Location: WCA

Please plan to join us!

PTF meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month, 8:30am.

Location: WCA

Questions about PTF? Please contact parent Nicole Simoneaux.



The next HS PTF meeting is Thu, Feb 6, at 8:30am.

Location: WCA

Questions about HS PTF? Please contact parent Kimberly Dreyfus.

1st Day of Spring Sports: February 10th

Coaches Notes

Last week started on a high note with a fun and spirited pep rally, setting the stage for an exciting victory by our boys’ basketball team over Our Lady of Assumption. This hard-fought win propelled them to the semifinals of the TCAC Conference Tournament. On Thursday, the boys traveled to Covenant Classical and played hard but ultimately fell to the #1 seed.

Meanwhile, our Lady Hawks earned a first-round bye on Tuesday and then delivered a dominant performance in their semifinal matchup against Marvin Academy on Thursday, securing their spot in the TCAC Conference Championship. The championship game is set for Tuesday at 4:15 PM here at The Hawks Nest. Let’s pack the stands and cheer them on as they compete for the title of conference champions!


Please use the links below for information and registration.

Registration deadline is Friday, February 7.

Spring Cheer
Flag Football

For sports information, please contact Jared Sanders - Athletic Director.


Weddington Methodist Church

Events and Ministries

for Families and Youth

For more information,

please visit WMC's website.

Weddington Methodist Church






Ways to Support WCA

Hawk Fund - Every student benefits from the Hawk Annual Fund. This year, we are asking each family to support The Hawk Fund with a goal of 100% participation in order to ensure our vibrant community will continue STRONGER than ever. Click here to make a donation.

Sports Program All contributions will be geared towards the continued cultivation of a fun and supportive athletic environment. Examples may include: Equipment Renting, Venues, Transportation, and Athlete Recognition. Click here to make a donation.

Harris Teeter Together in Education Program: Please link our school number #2903 to your Vic Card. When you shop Harris Teeter brands, a percentage of your purchase is donated to our school.

Publix Partners Program: After creating a Club Publix account, you can link our school and earn money for WCA just by shopping at Publix. Instructions are attached here.

Quick Links

Hawk Fund

Sports Program Donations

Family Portal Access (personal login required)

School Calendar

Spirit Store

Lunch Menu

Prayer Request Form

Weddington Methodist Church

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