

Jan 20-24

Dear WCA families,

We are excited to introduce you to WCA's new High School Principal and our new Upper School Office Administrator for middle and high school grades!

Mr. Greg Barkman

High School Principal

Greg Barkman has been involved in education, as either a teacher or an administrator, since 1993. His teaching experience includes public, Christian, and international schools, and has been focused primarily on middle and high school. His 12 years teaching in the U.S. include Cochrane Middle School in Mecklenburg County, Northeast Atlanta Christian School in Georgia, Fayetteville Christian School in North Carolina, and most recently, Buford High School in South Carolina. 

Mr. Barkman’s administrative experience comes from 16 years serving overseas in a Christian international school, where he held various positions, including Upper School Vice Principal, Upper School Principal, Lower School Principal, and Head of School. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Bryan College and a Master's Degree in Education from Columbia International University. 

Over half of Mr. Barkman’s life was spent overseas, growing up in Peru and later serving with his family in education in Papua New Guinea. He has been married to Chrissy Barkman (WCA Exceptional Children Program) for nearly 33 years, and they have two sons, two daughters-in-law, and one grandchild. He enjoys warm weather, outdoor activity, watching sports, learning, and deep conversations.

Mr. Barkman says, "I am very excited about joining the WCA team to serve staff, students, and families. I look forward to God's amazing plans for Weddington Christian Academy in the months and years to come."

Mrs. Mary Beth Roth

Upper School Office Administrator

Mary Beth Roth is excited to join the WCA staff as the Upper School Office Administrator. Mrs. Roth has been a follower of Christ since 1984, a mom since 1998, and an active part of the WCA family since 2016. She has volunteered with WCA's athletic department, prayer team, the PTF Executive Board, and WCA's high school exploration committee. Two of her children attended WCA, and her family attends Weddington Methodist Church. 

In her spare time, Mrs. Roth loves to read and watch historical dramas on TV. She and her husband Jason are UNC Tar Heels (born and bred), and they volunteer together with WMC's Scouts BSA Troop 120. Mrs. Roth is looking forward to investing in the future of WCA students!

Mr. Barkman and Mrs. Roth are wonderful additions to our WCA staff. God continues to bless and provide for WCA as we grow and expand. Please join us in welcoming Mr. Barkman and Mrs. Roth to WCA!


WCA families,

You are invited to WCA High School Open House on Thursday, January 23rd at 6:30pm. WCA is currently enrolling rising ninth and tenth graders.

Come meet Mr. Barkman, our new High School Principal!

Mark Your Calendar

Jan 20 | No School - MLK Day

Jan 23 | High School Open House, 6:30pm

Jan 31 | Hawk Heroes Breakfast, 7:30am

Looking Ahead

Feb 4 | PTF, 8:30am, WCA (ES & MS)


Due to set-up for Night to Shine

Feb 7 | WMC hosts Night to Shine at WCA

Feb 8 | HS PTF, 8:30am, WCA (9th)

Feb 10-14 | WCA Teacher Appreciation Week

Feb 10-12 | 8th Grade Trip to Savannah, GA

Feb 17 | Presidents' Day - NO SCHOOL

Feb 28 | Family Bingo Night

WCA Events Calendar


Families can subscribe to the WCA Calendar from the website.

  1. Click on Calendar icon (below the Support WCA tab).
  2. Click on the Calendar icon (beside the printer icon).
  3. Choose the type of calendar subscription you prefer (Google, Apple, Outlook).


Re-enrollment is now open for WCA,

WMC, WCP, and the public.

Information can be found at www.weddingtonchristianacademy.org.

Questions can be directed to wca@wcahawks.org.



No cost to attend.

WCA students may bring one guest as their Hawks Hero.

A hearty breakfast will be served by WMC's mens group.

There is no charge for the breakfast.

***Two drawings will be held to give $1,000 each for tuition!***

Names of all students who have enrolled for the 2025-26 school year

will be entered into the drawings.

One drawing will be held for Elementary students enrolled for 2025-26.

A second drawing will be held for EC, Middle School,and High School students who are enrolled for the 2025-26 school year.

Please RSVP if your child will attend.

RSVP for Hawks Heroes Breakfast




3rd-5th Co-Ed


6th-9th Co-Ed

Mondays beginning Feb 10


For details, see the registration page.

For additional information, please contact Linda Hastings.

Seekers in Sneakers - Registration
Hank's Runners - Registration

6th graders:

What goals do you have for making improvements

in the second semester?

  • Respect teachers.
  • Win our basketball championship.
  • Get a strong start academically.
  • Practice more at my sports - on my own - to be better.
  • Listening.
  • Do well in Math Olympics.


Jan 23: High School informational meeting, 7:00pm

Jan 31: Hawk Heroes Breakfast, 7:30am

January's service project: Homework Helpers (details soon)



Our next meeting is

Tuesday, Feb 4, at 8:30am

Location: WCA

Please plan to join us!

PTF meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month, 8:30am.

Location: WCA

Questions about PTF? Please contact parent Nicole Simoneaux.



The next HS PTF meeting is Thu, Feb 6, at 8:30am.

Location: WCA

Questions about HS PTF? Please contact parent Kimberly Dreyfus.

Weddington Methodist Church Youth Group invites middle school students to join them for their retreat!

Students do not need to attend WMC to be part of WMC Youth.

Registration fills quickly!

For details, click on the link below. Select the Retreat tab.

WMC Youth - MS Retreat

WCA's basketball teams are preparing for their final games on January 21st as they look ahead to play-offs and the Championship games. The girls are undefeated! Let's go, Hawks!

Tue, Jan 21 HOME vs Marvin Academy

4:15 Girls game

5:30 Boys game

Tournament Games

Tue, Jan 28 First round of tournament 4:15 & 5:30 Location TBD

Thu, Jan 30 Semi-Finals 4:15 & 5:30 Location TBD

Tue, Feb 4 Championship 4:15 & 5:30 Location TBD

For sports information, please contact Jared Sanders - Athletic Director.


Weddington Methodist Church

Events and Ministries

for Families and Youth

For more information,

please visit WMC's website.

Weddington Methodist Church






Ways to Support WCA

Hawk Fund - Every student benefits from the Hawk Annual Fund. This year, we are asking each family to support The Hawk Fund with a goal of 100% participation in order to ensure our vibrant community will continue STRONGER than ever. Click here to make a donation.

Sports Program All contributions will be geared towards the continued cultivation of a fun and supportive athletic environment. Examples may include: Equipment Renting, Venues, Transportation, and Athlete Recognition. Click here to make a donation.

Harris Teeter Together in Education Program: Please link our school number #2903 to your Vic Card. When you shop Harris Teeter brands, a percentage of your purchase is donated to our school.

Publix Partners Program: After creating a Club Publix account, you can link our school and earn money for WCA just by shopping at Publix. Instructions are attached here.

Quick Links

Hawk Fund

Sports Program Donations

Family Portal Access (personal login required)

School Calendar

Spirit Store

Lunch Menu

Prayer Request Form

Weddington Methodist Church

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