

Nov 11 - 15


WCA congratulates the newest members of WCA's Junior Beta Club!

Beta Club is a national honor society based on

achievement, character, leadership, and service.

Connor Stephenson 7th, Osya Oner 7th, Caroline Verrier 8th, Katelyn Hamilton 7th, Liv Miles 8th

Mark Your Calendar

Nov 11 | Veterans Day - Red/White/Blue Day

Regular school day

Nov 12 | WCA Papa's Pizza Spirit Night

Nov 13 | Veteran's Day Chapel

Nov 18-22 | WCA's Week of Thanks and Giving

  • Hawk Fund Campaign begins

Nov 20 | Week of Thanks and Giving Chapel

(1st-9th), parents invited. See below for information.

Nov 20 |Final day to return OCC Shoeboxes

Nov 22 | Thanksgiving Program (JK, K), 8:45

Nov 25-29 |Thanksgiving Break


Dec 3 |PTF (JK-8) 7:00pm, WCA

Dec 5 |HS PTF 8:30am, WCA

Dec 5 |Christmas STEAM Day

Dec 20 | Semester 1 ends

Dec 21-Jan 6 | Christmas Break

Jan 6 |Teacher Workday

Jan 7 | Semester 2 begins

WCA Events Calendar


Families can subscribe to the WCA Calendar from the website.

  1. Click on Calendar icon (below the Support WCA tab).
  2. Click on the Calendar icon (beside the printer icon).
  3. Choose the type of calendar subscription you prefer (Google, Apple, Outlook).

Veteran’s Day at WCA

Monday, Nov 11


WCA will honor veterans and share the significance

of this national holiday with students.


Show patriotism by wearing red, white, and blue.



All-American Breakfast Casserole

Patriotic Potatoes

Freedom Fruit


Wednesday, Nov 13

Dear WCA families,

Get ready for WCA's Week of Thanks and Giving. It will be a week filled with gratitude and generosity!

Each day will be filled with Thanksgiving fun, including daily spirit wear themes and special activities. In the spirit of gratitude, we are also asking parents and friends to help sustain our WCA mission by making a gift to the WCA Hawk Fund during WCA's Week of Thanks and Giving.


This annual campaign helps support the school's operating expenses each year, and has always played a vital role in ensuring the school's stability and sustainability.

Why We Give

Through donations to WCA's Hawk Fund, the WCA community has helped support the mission and vision of our school by funding unique projects. Over the last year, the Hawk Fund purchased two new sets of classroom iPads and helped equip our new WCA Annex. Hawk Funds donations support quarterly STEAM events that are created and developed by WCA staff to challenge the minds of our students. Educational space enhancements, activities, and events like these would not be possible without your extremely generous and heartfelt donations.


Again we ask for your prayerful consideration as we look toward the future of WCA, seeking to fulfill the plans and purposes God has for us. Please consider making a donation to the Hawk Fund during WCA's Week of Thanks and Giving. If your company has a matching program, please consider seeking the matching gift.




Monday, November 18 – Patriotic Day

Students will participate in a Thankful Tree project.

Tuesday, November 19 – Tacky Tuesday

Wednesday, November 20 –

-Crazy/Caring Sock Day

Wear crazy socks and please donate a new, warm pair of socks for Operation Reachout.

-Week of Thanks and Giving Chapel (1st-9th)

Parents are invited to attend this special Chapel.

Parents, please arrive for Chapel 8:15-8:30, after carpool drop-off has ended.

- Last collection day for Operation Christmas Child Boxes.

Thursday, November 21 – Jersey Day

Friday, November 22 – Hawk Spirit Day WCA Spirit Wear

Please bring your food items for your class Thanksgiving donation box.

Thanksgiving Program (JK/K), 8:45, Sanctuary



Students are to wear Chapel attire with their crazy socks on Wednesday. Uniforms are not required for the other Spirit Days (M, T, Th, F).


We are grateful for your continued prayers and support.

8th Graders

What have you learned or accomplished that you're proud of?

  • I'm getting good grades in social studies.
  • Becoming a member of Jr. Beta Club
  • Doing well in math
  • Learning math vocabulary
  • Transferring and dilating shapes in math
  • Successful volleyball season - for our wins on and off the court
  • Learning Spanish


Nov 11: Veterans’ Day - Red, White and Blue Day

Nov 12: WCA Basketball begins

Home games - Girls 4:15, Boys 5:30

Nov 12: Papa’s Pizza Night


Dec 5: HS PTF meeting, 8:30am, WCA

9th grade science - Testing soils for absorption

Art Cub - Grades 1st-4th

Art Club Registration

MS/HS Art Cub - Grades 5th-9th

Art Club Registration


The new spirit wear store opens November 15.



Our next meeting is

Tuesday, Dec 3rd, at 7:00pm

Location: WCA

Please plan to join us!

PTF is alternating our meeting times for ES/MS meetings.

Morning meetings will be at 8:30 at the Hemby House.

Evening meetings will be at 7:00 in the Multipurpose Room

(Family Life Center)

Questions? Please contact parent Nicole Simoneaux.



The next HS PTF meeting is Thu, Dec 5th, at 8:30am.

Location: WCA

After the November meeting, HS PTF will meet

the first Wednesday of the month at 9:00am.

Questions? Please contact parent Kimberly Dreyfus.

WCA's winter sports are about to begin!

For additional information, please contact jsanders@wcahawks.org

Girls Basketball Schedule 2024-25

Boys Basketball Schedule 2024-25


Weddington Methodist Church

Events and Ministries

for Families and Youth

For more information,

please visit WMC's website.

Weddington Methodist Church






Ways to Support WCA

Hawk Fund - Every student benefits from the Hawk Annual Fund. This year, we are asking each family to support The Hawk Fund with a goal of 100% participation in order to ensure our vibrant community will continue STRONGER than ever. Click here to make a donation.

Sports Program All contributions will be geared towards the continued cultivation of a fun and supportive athletic environment. Examples may include: Equipment Renting, Venues, Transportation, and Athlete Recognition. Click here to make a donation.

Harris Teeter Together in Education Program: Please link our school number #2903 to your Vic Card. When you shop Harris Teeter brands, a percentage of your purchase is donated to our school.

Publix Partners Program: After creating a Club Publix account, you can link our school and earn money for WCA just by shopping at Publix. Instructions are attached here.

Quick Links

Hawk Fund

Sports Program Donations

Family Portal Access (personal login required)

School Calendar

Spirit Store

Lunch Menu

Prayer Request Form

Weddington Methodist Church

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