Santa Fe Catholic High School

Preparing Students for College and the World 

August 23, 2018
Important Dates
  • Aug 27- Senior Parent Meeting (MPC) 6:30pm
  • Aug 30- Freshman Retreat
  • Aug 31 - NO SCHOOL, Data Day for Teachers
  • Sep 3- NO SCHOOL, Labor Day
  • Sep 6- Half Day- Teacher PD
  • Sep 10- Sophomore & Junior Parent Meeting (MPC) 6:30pm
  • Sep 11 - Grandparents' Mass 10:00am
  • Sep 17- Senior Parent Meeting (MPC) 6:30pm
  • Sep 25- Picture Day
7:00am - 3:30pm

The Hawk Weekly is an electronic newsletter that is emailed to parents that highlights important dates, events, and current news. 


The cut-off time for information going into the Hawk Weekly will be Tuesdays at 12:00pm. 


Publication will be  Thursday.  


Find previous newsletters here

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Advancement News
Grandparents' Mass & Brunch
Grandparents' Mass and Brunch is a little over 2 weeks away! We don't want to leave anyone out, so please follow-up with your grandparents, and remind them to RSVP by phone, email, or click  here to RSVP online.

We need volunteers to help us set up on Monday, September 10th, 2018 from 12:30pm - 3:00pm in the gym, as well as the day of the event, 8:30am - 1:00pm. T o sign up please click   here

Parents/Guardians, please make sure you have completed your fingerprint screening and other necessary documents to be able to volunteer. Click here for volunteer information. If you have questions, please  contact Heidy Aviles at .  

Yankee Candle Sale
Yankee Candle Sale ends September 10th! This is a great way to purchase gifts and decorations for the holidays while helping to benefit SFC's Parent Guild. SFC receives 40% of all sales. NOTE: No sales tax. Thank you for your support. 

Save the Following Dates:
  • October 5th, 2018- Tailgate Homecoming Party
  • November 11th, 2018- Hawks' Scramble Golf Tournament- details to follow
  • March 9th, 2018- Renaissance XXXVI- details to follow
September Lunch Order
Click here to download form. A reminder that orders are placed monthly. Deadline to order for September is August 27th, 2018.
St. Joseph's Educational Foundation:  Clay for Kids

Click here for more information and student/parent volunteer opportunities.
Parent/Student Handbook
Revised August 2018
Click here to review the 2018-2019 Parent/Student Handbook.
Campus Ministry News
Service Hours 
Each student at Santa Fe Catholic is required to perform 100 hours of community service for the four years of attendance (or 25 hours for each year the student has attended SFC). Seniors will not receive their official transcripts until their hours are complete.

Thirty hours of the student's requirement must be with a NON-PROFIT organization that is not their church or Santa Fe. Service that benefits family members, individuals, or private businesses will NOT be accepted.

Deadlines for service hours are as follows:
* December 8, 2018 (for hours completed summer 2018/1st Semester 2018/2019).
* April 9, 2019 for SENIORS (if 100 are not completed the student will not walk at graduation OR receive a diploma until the hours are turned in).
* May 10, 2019 (for hours completed by underclassmen in the 2nd semester).
If hours are not turned in within the semester completed they will not be counted towards the student's 100 hours.

Service must be turned in to the following website: WE NO LONGER ACCEPT HARD COPIES OF THE FORMS.

The following activities do not count as service opportunities:
* Regular practice time and meeting times for extracurricular activities and clubs.
* Church activity related to worship (including altar serving and music).
* Rehearsal time for school music or dramatic productions.
* Service related to armed services recruitment requirements.
Service opportunities will be announced through the Hawk Weekly.

Volunteer Opportunities
You're invited to a Diocesan Convocation: "The gift of sacred mystery."
Click here for more information.

Science Mentoring at Resurrection Catholic School 
Do you enjoy helping others and being creative?  Do you need high school service hours?  Science Mentoring at Resurrection Catholic School in Lakeland may be for YOU!  If you're interested in being a Science Mentor and receiving service hours, click here for more information. 

Steps for Seniors
Click here for more information.
Athletic News 
Athletic Passes
Click here to purchase a 2018-2019 Athletic Pass.

Fall Sports Pictures
Senior athletes may pay $60 to have a senior banner made. This banner will be hung in the gym or near the football field throughout the fall sports season. Banners will not be made until $60 is paid. Please click here for the order form. Return completed form to Mrs. Lopez in the Learning Commons to purchase a senior banner.

Fall Sports
Please contact the coach below if interested in playing the sport:

Cross Country: It is not too late to come out for cross country. We meet out by the track at 3:00pm every day. Get in shape for your winter sport or simply get in shape. Cross country will challenge you and it will also change you.

Football: Coach Joe Faiola-

Girls Volleyball:  Coach Bruce Guth-

Golf: Coach Cory Kuppers-

Swim:  Coach   Hoskins-
Calling all returning and new recruit swimmers!  If  you are interested in joining the  swim team, email or call 863-259-9990.  Swi m practices are M-F 4:30pm-6:00pm.  
Textbook/Classroom Information
English Classes
English classes will be using digital curriculum materials again this year. Materials for all English classes will be delivered, completed, and submitted online. Rather than purchasing a textbook, each English student is required to pay a materials fee for the 2018-2019 school year. Click links below for purchasing information.
Guidance News
Dual Enrollment Classes
All students scheduled to take dual enrollment classes with Polk State College will need to take the PERT test. PERT test scores must be turned into the Santa Fe office. Students who have already taken the SAT or ACT test may be exempt from the PERT test if their scores are high enough. Please contact Polk State at (863) 297-1000 to either set up the PERT test or confirm that you are exempt from taking it. Students who plan to use ACT or SAT as their qualifying score must have their official qualifying score sent directly to Polk State College. If you have questions contact Mrs. Garzarelli at

Scholarship Opportunities
Click here for more scholarship opportunities.
Booster Association News
Support SFC Athletics!
Each year, the largest fundraiser for our SFC Booster Association is the Fall Sports Program and Football/Gym signs. The profits from these programs bring in over $10K a year that go directly to our Crimson Hawk Athletics program. Do you own a business or know someone who might be interested in supporting SFC? Do you have a Senior you'd like to recognize or a group of SFC Crimson Hawk athletes? Take a minute to view the form and check out the affordable prices.  
Please contact Christine Jenkins at 863-660-1246 with any questions.  
Remembering Mrs. Deal

Mrs. Deal worked in the former library, now the Learning Commons, for many years. Her daughter felt she would want something to be done in her memory to benefit the students in the Learning Commons.

We are collecting donations in Mrs. Deal's memory. Click here to donate online or mail donations to:

Santa Fe Catholic High School 
3110 Hwy 92 East
Lakeland, FL 33801

Class of 2019 Senior Parents  
Dear Class of 2019 Parents,
 All senior portraits should have been taken. If your senior has not booked his/her appointment please do so before Friday, September 14. All SFC seniors must have their senior portrait taken at Perspectives Photo in Lakeland. The sitting fee is $50. Click here to book an appointment and for more information.

All school rules on grooming apply, refer to pages 22-23 in the Parent/Student Handbook  
2019 Europe Trip
Itinerary: Madrid, Granada, Aranjuez, Seville, Cordoba, Barcelona
When:  March 22 - 31, 2019
Price: $3599. Good until October 2, 2018
Price includes: Air, hotels, breakfast and dinner daily, tours. 

Support SFC!
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you'll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to SFC. 

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Please remember to visit our website .
Phone - 863.665.4188   ~   Fax 863.665.4151