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Literally Flying Out Of The Door!

My son's came home for a visit recently and when going out to the backyard from the living room, it took a minute for them to figure out what was going on.  For the longest time we didn't have a lock by the handle of the sliding glass door, only by the floor, a lock that you do with your foot, whatever that's called.  So we recently (finally) put in a lock on the sliding door (which we delayed doing for years) - and my son's didn't know at first why the door wasn't opening when they tried to slide open the door, that's because now there's a lock they have to turn whereas before, like forever there was not. 

Anyway, we should have done this a long time ago, because now our power bill is $100.00 less a month, and in the heat of Summer, just from installing this lock making sure the door gets sealed when closed.  If you have doors or windows that you know air is escaping, get it worked on, it could be as simple as a good lock on it, but it will save you lots of money in the long run!

Fun Stuff & About Us:

For our monthly market report we are highlighting The Georgia Shrimp Company in Peachtree City, GA. Click that link above for the menu. We want to know! 👉Tell us what you like to eat here or if you’d like to eat here and you will have a chance to win a $25.00 gift card to this restaurant. 

Watch our market report video for The Georgia Shrimp Company.

Watch our LIVE show on our Hayfer Group Facebook page every Thursday Night @ 8. We answer Real Estate questions and other fun stuff.

If you want to see our past episodes of Ask Bill & Kate Thursday Nights @ 8 you can! It's on our website - https://hayfergroup.com/ask-bill-and-kate-episodes/

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Destination Of The Week:

Montedarema, Italy


See what's happening LIVE in Montedarema, Italy

Song of the Week:

Lenny Kravitz - Fly Away

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Market Insights for: July 27, 2022


Peachtree City Market Insights

Peachtree City Active Listings


Newnan Market Insights

Newnan Active Listings


Sharpsburg Market Insights

Sharpsburg Active Listings


Tyrone Market Insights

Tyrone Active Listings


Brooks Market Insights

Brooks Active Listings


Palmetto & Chatt Hills Mkt Insights

Palmetto & Chatt. Hills Listings

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