Daniels Training Services
January & February 2017

A slow January lulled me into a sense of complacency.  "Hey, this being at home and having time to work on my business is great!"  However, a very busy February, March (so far), and work scheduled for April - and beyond! - brought me back to the reality of my business.

I'm not complaining but time spent preparing for and providing training is time I can't spend on my articles and this newsletter.  Hence, the combined newsletter for January and February arriving in mid March.
Frequently Asked Questions

These are the questions that should be asked but aren't.  So I ask them for you!
Quick Links
Survey :
What is your hazardous waste generator status?

Survey :
Must you register as a shipper or carrier of HazMat?

Survey :
Do you need a Hazardous Materials Safety Permit?

Section 14 of the Safety Data Sheet - Friend or Foe? Using the SDS for HazMat Classification

The information contained in a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) can be an important part of your classification of a hazardous material prior to its transportation.  But how much of the information in an SDS can be relied upon?  And for what purpose?  The answer may surprise you.  More...

I don't just write articles!                


View our videos on YouTube My YouTube channel is filled with informational videos on a variety of regulatory topics.  Curious about universal waste in California?  How about the operation of a TSDF for hazardous waste?  It's in there, with more being added every day.


View our photos on flickr I upload a variety of photos to Flickr.  Perhaps you could use some of them in your training or promotional materials. 



I upload a lot of my Power Point presentations  to SlideShare/LinkedIn. Check them out for answers to your questions.

Drum of Hazardous Waste
Overview of the RCRA Permit Program

As a generator of hazardous waste are you required to have a RCRA permit?  What if you treat your hazardous waste on-site?  What if you store it for more than 90 days?  This short article summarizes the complex federal regulations of the RCRA permit program.  More...

New Size Requirement for the Identification Number Marking


Perhaps you missed it but January 1, 2017 was the deadline for compliance with the new requirement for the height of the identification number displayed on a non-bulk packaging of HazMat.  It's not too late! Read how to comply here.

Do you have a question?

Man with Question Mark


People contact me with questions and I answer 'em!
Logo of the International Air Transport Association

Video From IATA: What are the Dangerous Goods Regulations?
If you offer for transport hazardous materials (aka: dangerous goods) by air your carrier will require you to comply with the Dangerous Goods Regulations of the International Air Transport Association (IATA).  What are the Dangerous Goods Regulations? Watch IATA's short video to learn. 

Loading and Unloading of Rail Tank Cars


Train of Bakken Crude Oil

When loading or unloading big tank cars of HazMat, little things mean a lot.  Like the size of the letters on the warning sign.  And the placement of a physical barrier to the track.  Better read this article to be sure you're doing it right.  More...

Intermediate Bulk Packaging of Class 8 HazMat Labels, Markings, and Placards on an IBC
Do you ship HazMat in Intermediate Bulk Containers? Do you want to save time and money? How about displaying the required labels and markings on an IBC in the same way as on a 55-gallon drum? Curious?   Read here.




[email protected]


Upcoming Webinar Training
Want site-specific training for your employees but can't schedule Onsite Training?  Then consider site-specific Webinar Training scheduled at your convenience.  Less cost. Less hassle. Full compliance.  

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Three hours and $189 to compliance!

Testimonials from
Onsite Training
"Confusing subject made very understandable with the training. "
- Paul Ellis with Calgon Carbon in Pittsburgh, PA
in Your Area
Contact me now to schedule Onsite Training in 2017!
February 2 in Geneva, IL
February 15 in Rockford, IL
February 17-18 in Martin, SC
February 22-23 in Chandler, AZ
March 14 in Painesville, OH
March 16 in Morris, IL
March 22 in Rockford, IL
March 23 in Monroe, WI
March 28 & 30 in Lena, IL
April 7 in Elizabeth, NJ
April 13 in Ontario, CA
April 19-20 in Allen, TX
...and more to schedule.
Archive of Past Newsletters 
New to my Newsletter?  Want to see what you've missed?  Thanks to Constant Contact I now have an archive page for all of my past newsletters.
Please feel free to include a link to them from your website or blog.
Try Sonix Studio's free CSV Builder app for Hootsuite or Postcron .  It's a great tool for randomly selecting dates and times when using the bulk uploader.
Check This Out!

I hope you know by now that I provide training and consulting to help you comply with the regulations - international, federal, and state - that apply to any business that generates a waste or ships or receives hazardous materials.

Got a question?  Fire one off to me.  It doesn't cost you anything to ask.

Need training?  Contact me and I'll provide the training you need and help you comply with all applicable regulations of the EPA and DOT within the U.S. and those of the International Maritime Organization and the International Air Transport Association for transport outside the U.S.

Daniel Stoehr
Daniels Training Services, Inc.