Proudly Serving Military Families



Agents & Haulers of National Forwarding Co., Inc. & Affiliates &
National Van Lines, International Division

Michael Czarnecki, Vice President, Claims & Customer Service

Hazardous and Costly Mold Situations
An article published March 27, 2023, by titled Army Finds Mold in 2,100 Buildings Following Service-Wide Inspection has advised of mold at Fort Bragg, Fort Stewart & Schofield Barracks. This is a serious issue that can impact household goods in any humid climate.

Should your crews come across any type of mold/mildew, water damage and/or infestations of any kind, please cease all packing and loading immediately – and call our office at 800-325-6889 directly for assistance. Cross-contamination of a trailer, warehouse or another service member’s items is HAZARDOUS AND VERY COSTLY. Every mold/water damage/infestation claim we can avoid is a small victory for everyone involved.

Below, please find a few helpful tips if you find yourself as the origin agent or destination agent on a shipment where an unusual, hazardous situation is occurring on an international shipment. Please note, these general rules apply to all DoD, DoS and GSA shipments:

Origin Agent

  • NEVER pack or load any part of a shipment where mold/mildew/water damage/infestation is present. Contact our Claims Department immediately at 800-325-6889. If you cannot reach us, please contact our emergency number at 888-993-6683.

  • Inspect for these situations on shipments that have been in storage, especially if the shipment or warehouse smells musty. This also applies to a residence – especially in damper areas such as basements, garages and crawl spaces.

  • Once an item is packed or loaded that has one of these issues, it immediately becomes our problem to handle. Even if exceptions have been taken against the shipment, the cost of mitigation is the responsibility of the TSP regardless of where the situation first developed. Please make sure to stop and call us for before the item(s) are packed and/or loaded for guidance. If the call is made after the fact, we’re already likely too late to prevent a costly mitigation.

Destination Agent

  • If you receive a shipment into SIT that shows signs of one of these catastrophic situations, contact our Claims Department immediately at 800-325-6889. If you cannot reach us call our emergency number at 888-993-6683. Stop immediately and ensure the shipment is secure. We will advise on how to move forward.

  • If a moldy/wet/contaminated/infested shipment is accepted into SIT, and we are not notified, the receiving agent (destination agent) may be held liable for mitigation regardless of the rider notes. 

  • If the shipment shows any signs of the situations noted above, do not deliver the items to the member’s home! If we deliver items that are affected in such a way, we will be liable for any cleaning or mitigation services to the member’s residence and property – which does not count towards our maximum liability. We also open ourselves to potential litigation should someone become sick or ill.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Claims Department at 800-325-6889 and/or [email protected]

2800 Roosevelt Road, Broadview, IL 60155 - 800-722-9144