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#November 2021
He Who Wins Souls Is Wise - Proverbs 11:30

“You’re the one who calls a dead man to come and live again…”

The words from the 6th song on our album, Enter into Your Victory, rang out this past Saturday evening as we worshiped the Lord and praised him for the great miracles he’s done and is doing for our church! It feels like he truly has called out and caused dry bones to come to life during this past weekend of celebration and seeking the Lord.

On Thursday and Friday morning we heard of several testimonies of healings among our congregation. On Friday the co-worker of one of our members attended and immediately came forward to accept Christ. She was back with us on Saturday and brought her two daughters with her, as well. On Sunday we had three or four commitments to Christ and one of our members was baptized in the Holy Spirit! It was an amazing weekend that left us filled with a new zeal for the Kingdom of God.

Mario is still in charge of Operation Christmas Child in Croatia and this month was regional training for the upcoming Christmas season. His team is working hard at organizing and preparing logistically so that this Christmas season goes smoothly and effectively. Churches across our nation are preparing evangelistic events for children from unsaved, unchurched homes so that we can share the love of Christ with them. Last year our church saw lasting fruit from our Operation Christmas Child event. The co-worker of one of our members was invited to bring her children to our OCC event. She was so ministered to that she asked if she could come back for our Christmas service. It was there that she gave her heart to the Lord. She became a member and was baptized in water this spring, and now heads up our Children’s Ministries for small children on Fridays. Please be praying with us that all the OCC events planned this Christmas are followed by powerful testimonies such as this.
> We have had new commitments to Christ this weekend!
> Our Seminar/Celebration weekend was an amazing success.
> Since the purchase of our building not a Sunday has gone by that we have not had at least one new person in attendance.

We have been talking about some new ways to minister to our community through the gifts he’s given to members of our congregation by hosting workshops once a month. This month one of our members that teaches seminars on personal finances and investment will be hosting a free evening workshop for anyone who wants to attend. Our members can invite their friends and we are also advertising the workshop on social media and in our neighborhood. Please be praying that God will draw many who are in need and seeking his love and that souls will be saved.

We know that God is leading us into a new arena spiritually. For years we have been preparing for a harvest and training our people. Now we have the means to reap and pray that God will send us a great harvest of souls. 

Thank you for your consistent prayer and support of our ministry. May the Lord richly bless you.

Mario & Bonnie
> We need a new vehicle (about $ 28.000) - our van (24 years old) has several issues and needs to be replaced asap.
> For the Operation Christmas Child Events.
> For our Evangelistic Workshop.
Croatian Evangelistic Outreach