He Built His Own
Corn Picker

Don Perrion’s latest invention may be his most unusual yet. It’s a self-propelled single-row ear corn picker that’s 8 ft. wide, 16 ft. long and just 5 ft. tall. Don built his clever green picking machine from the ground up using parts from cars, trucks and old farm equipment, scrap metal from the junk pile, and new steel from a local metal shop. 
The operator rides in comfort on a cushioned bright red chair while steering a single front wheel and adjusting foot and hydraulic controls within easy reach. Perrion’s miniature homemade picker is designed specifically to harvest standing ear corn in confined areas under the netting in game bird pens. The netting, which stays up year around, hangs from support poles that are 6 to 8 ft. tall. Read More
He Turned His Riding Mower Into A Giant Weed Eater

When LaVier Schliefert has to mow rocky ground, he converts his riding mower into a giant “weed eater” by replacing the blades with heavy-duty weed eater strings.
Homemade metal adapters bolt to the original blade mounts. Each is fitted with 2 strings. Schliefert came up with the idea after breaking numerous blades and bearings on the rocks.

“I often use my Deere 345 mower with 56-in. deck to mow rocky areas for neighbors. The weed eater strings go right over rocks without a problem. When I want to mow grass again I just... Read More
Squirrel Cage Tractor

This is the most unusual tractor I've ever seen. "The Squirrel Cage Tractor" appeared in the August 1913 edition of "Gas Review," a magazine for gas engine enthusiasts published in Madison, Wis. All I know about it is what was stated in the magazine:

"The most novel tractor yet invented: it works on the principle of a squirrel cage. A 25 hp engine inside the drum climbs up the in-side like a squirrel in its cage and starts the wheel rolling. The machine, which was in-vented by Mr. S. A. Grant of Thompsonville, Conn., was tried out on his large farm, and it is reported to have pulled... Read More
Garden Tractor Powered by Charcoal

“Wood gas can be tricky, but just about anybody can make a charcoal gasifier work,” says Davis.

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“Hoop House” Glides Open & Closed

Vern Harris likes setting up hoop houses over his vegetable beds, but he doesn’t like the hassle of working under them. Most designs require lifting the plastic sides to get at the produce. So, Harris came up with hoops that glide on rails, making access as easy as pulling on two ropes.

“Anybody who is even slightly mechanical can build one,” says Harris. “If they run into trouble, I’d be glad to help. My hoop houses have let me grow greens even in the snow.”

Harris lives in Northwestern Washington State where winter temperatures are commonly in the 30’s and 40’s so hoop houses make year-round gardening possible. Read More
Farmall H Tractor WINNER!
This year's winner recently took delivery of his rebuilt 1948 Farmall H Tractor. Congratulations to Joe Davis, of Bridgeton, New Jersey. He's 81 years old and still works 6 days a week at a local nursery doing maintenance in the shop. 
Wait until you see next year's giveaway prize!
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