Dear Friend,

Happy Pit Bull Awareness Month to you and your loved ones! Here at Animal Rescue Corps, we're celebrating you and the good you do.

Our team has been busy placing recent rescues with our placement partners nationwide. It's hard to wave goodbye to these sweet survivors, but we know they will find true love with their forever homes...

That's a gift you give to animals time and time again. We love to see your compassion in action. Thank you!
Operation Caged Hell

You might remember Operation Caged Hell, the shocking June rescue you powered through your ARC support. Thanks to our wings, Animal Rescue Corps donors like you, we rescued 616 animals from unbearable, filthy, neglectful conditions at a Tennessee trailer.

It was among the worst we've seen -- law enforcement officials found even a caged human toddler. As you can imagine, the animals were in terrible condition, but you and Animal Rescue Corps changed all that. The three adult household members are now standing on trial, with the cruelty counts of the case leveraging ARC's detailed evidence packages.

Almost all the animals from that rescue have been matched with placement partners, with many already in forever loving homes. We've had 145 mice still waiting, and we're waving goodbye to 127 of them this past week as they go to start their new lives with placement partners in Indiana and New York. We're so happy they are starting their new lives!

They may have waited longer, but they've definitely been enjoying their vacation at our Rescue Operation Center (and we've been enjoying their company)!

BEFORE: Mice and Rats were Overcrowded in Filthy Conditions
AFTER: Loving Life in Their Happy Habitat!
Pit Bull Awareness Month

Animal Rescue Corps loves our pit bull friends, and we know these pups get an undeserved bad rap. Join us in celebrating our "pibble" friends and Pit Bull Awareness Month!

Bondy is just one of the individuals we celebrate. He was another rescue from Operation Caged Hell, and he's already found his forever home. His new family knew right away that this big mush of a pit bull mix was the perfect addition to their family. He's so loved and grateful now that he even smiles in his sleep!

This is a gift you give animals like Bondy when you support Animal Rescue Corps. 💙
Dudley Rolls Over for IRA Charitable Rollovers!
Dudley, pictured here, was languishing in an Arkansas shelter in a part of the country with low adoption rates. Things didn't look good for Dudley... but help like yours turned his life around when ARC rescued him as part of our shelter relief efforts last month. As you can see, it didn't take long for Dudley to find his new forever home... and he's loving it!

Did you know you might be able to use your IRA to help animals like Dudley? This kind of giving, known as an IRA Charitable Rollover or Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) can help you help animals like Dudley and save on taxes.

With an IRA Charitable Rollover gift, you can make gifts that count toward your annual IRA required minimum distribution (RMD) but that are excluded from your taxable income. A win-win for animals in need and for you! You have to be at least 70.5 years young to make this kind of gift, and you can distribute amounts in any size up to a total of $100,000 toward charity per year. Your gift must be directly transferred from your IRA custodian to your selected charity to be able to take advantage of these special benefits.

Here’s an example. Linda loves Animal Rescue Corps, and, like you, she can't stand to see animals suffering. She wants to be the wings to help animals and make a difference for them. Linda is 74 years old, and she has $350,000 in her IRA. She wants to donate $500 to Animal Rescue Corps this year. She simply authorizes her IRA custodian to directly transfer a qualified charitable distribution in the amount she specifies to Animal Rescue Corps. She won't pay income tax on the $500 she donates to ARC, and that gift still counts toward her RMD. She doesn't take an additional deduction on her gift, as she's already received her tax benefit by not paying tax on otherwise taxable income. And, best of all, she's protecting animals. Way to go, Linda!
Linda just helped power ARC's work, making more before and afters like these possible. ARC is people-powered. With you on our side, we are unstoppable!

You change heartbreak into gladness! Before and after: Lucy Dog and Mable Rose Cat
Your IRA charitable rollover gift must be received by December 31, 2020 for it to count toward your 2020 tax year, so please act today if you’d like to take advantage of this opportunity to save animals and save on taxes.

You've shown time and time again you will stand up for animals in need. Thank you for being part of the ARC family and helping animals like Bondy, Dudley, Mable Rose, Lucy, and more!
Volunteer Spotlight

Today we're celebrating joy-maker and volunteer extraordinaire, Sandy Carney!
Sandy always brings a smile to all of us at ARC's Rescue Operation Center with her hard work, humor, and radiant love for the animals.

She's been an integral part of the awesome crew of hard-working humans behind the Mouse Paradise video you saw above, serving as an amazing caregiver and interior designer to our mouse residents with countless hours of love and care... even curating and furnishing that fabulous mouse paradise!

We had the opportunity to catch up with Sandy and learn more.

What keeps you coming back? ARC. The leadership and the volunteers and the animals...I truly love. We are such a diverse group with a very strong thread of commonality running through... I have and do volunteer at several places, but ARC has my heart.

"ARC has my heart."

Any pleasant surprises or special moments you would like to share? Right off, I can't think of a specific surprise or moment to share but I will say there is something every day that I am there that something touches me...often it's a conversation, a hug, a smile and always the animals...

"...always the animals"
What's it been like working with the mice residents? Our little friends... the mice. Who would have believed little bodies so small and fragile could tug on my heartstrings so strongly.

I know I am speaking for most of us who have worked with them these last several months... At least a dozen times a day, I am exclaiming how cute they are and taking one out to go find someone else to tell that to!

The mice have won us all over... they have their own fan club at ARC.

"Who would have believed little bodies so small and fragile could tug on my heartstrings so strongly."

Thank you, Sandy! We're forever grateful to you for your conversation, hugs, smiles, mouse paradise creations, and, most of all, the special way you have with our residents, large and small. On behalf of the mice and ALL of Animal Rescue Corps: we salute you!

Thank you, Friend.

We salute you, too.
You make the world a kinder place.
We're forever grateful.

Animal Rescue Corps
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