September 26, 2024
Dear Caedmon Community,
We hope this email finds you energized and optimistic about the Head of School search. We have now completed the interview process for our next Head of School. The Search Committee, along with our consultants RG175, will be hard at work in preparing its recommendation to the Board of Trustees.
First, we would like to express our deep gratitude for your engagement over the past three weeks. You have shown up, asked great questions, and provided meaningful feedback in your survey responses. Each candidate noted how warm and welcoming the entire Caedmon community is.
As we listen and incorporate all your feedback, we want you to know that you are being heard. We recognize, within our community, there will be differing opinions, and sometimes, there will be consensus. We acknowledge we will get both, and respectfully, we consider it all.
Second, we are stewards of the school. A position statement for the next Head of School was created based on interviews with parents, faculty, students, alums, administration, and board members to capture Caedmon. We are committed to hiring a candidate that reflects our mission statement, understands our values, and possesses the necessary qualifications to fill this role.
Third, Caedmon is many things and mostly, it has many wonderful people, some who have been at the school for decades. It has been under great leadership for over 60 years and we expect for this to be the case for many more. When a decision is announced, we will welcome you in a space where we can talk about how we move forward and what the transition process will look like. The specialness of Caedmon is in its teachers, its families, its admissions, its administrators, its students, its alums, its fun, its creativity and its care.
We understand you may be eager to hear more about the next steps on selecting a candidate and the decision, and we assure you that we will communicate those updates once we have them.
If you have any questions or additional feedback, please reach out to us at
Katie and Michael