Dear Storm King School Community,

We hope this note finds you all enjoying a well-deserved, relaxing summer! The SKS

Head of School Search Committee has been busy as we narrow down the field of

candidates. In a previous message we promised to communicate with you throughout the process. This letter is in the spirit of that promise.

We’d like to share with you where we are at this moment.

  • Since last spring our consultants, Sally Mixsell and Eric Temple of Educators Collaborative, have been recruiting and vetting candidates for our search. We have met with them for periodic updates.
  • On July 28th, Eric and Sally sent an impressive group of 19 dossiers they deemed worthy of our consideration.
  • Having read through each candidate’s file beforehand, the Search Committee reviewed those dossiers together on August 4th and selected eight semifinalist candidates. These individuals represent an array of backgrounds and talents, all of which in one way or another meet the leadership profile as published in the Information for Candidates document.
  • We will be meeting the semifinalists in late August at an off-campus location, designed to maintain each candidate’s confidentiality (only finalist candidates will be made public). At the end of this meeting, the committee anticipates choosing three finalists who will be invited to campus in September with their spouse or partner, if applicable.
  • Once our finalists have been identified, we will communicate the process of bringing them to campus and how you may be involved in each visit. Finalist schedules will include individual and group sessions with the Board, faculty and staff, the senior leadership team, an Advisory Committee, and the Search Committee. Those of you who have met one or more candidates will be asked to share your impressions via a survey. We hope you will make every effort to help us in this important endeavor.

Please let us or the consultants know if you have any questions. We are excited by the quality of candidates and are eager to start meeting our semifinalists. More in early September!


Robert Ginsburg '72

Chair, Board of Trustees

Roger Auerbacher '66

Past Chair, Board of Trustees

Co-Chairs, Storm King Head of School Search Committee

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