To the Forman School Community:
Following last month’s announcement that Head of School Adam K. Man P’15 will be retiring at the end of the 2023-2024 school year, I want to share an update on the next steps toward finding a new Head of School for Forman.
The Board of Trustees is responsible for hiring a new Head of School and has formed a search committee to lead that process. This group of board members brings demonstrated commitment to Forman’s mission and values, as well as diversity of perspectives and opinions to the process. The committee consists of the following:
- Anne Buckley P’13, P’20
- Michael Cook P’15
- John Finnerty P’11
- Elizabeth Garber Daniels ’93
- Annette Jenner-Matthews ’87
The search committee is charged with running a transparent and inclusive process to hire the next Head of School. Communications with the community will have to be balanced with the need for confidentiality, but I am confident they will act with the highest standards of care and conduct. I assure you that the Board views the search decision as its most important responsibility as a fiduciary for the school community.
The first task of the search committee is to select a search firm consultant. The committee is utilizing resources from the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), communications with trustees at other schools, and Adam Man’s input to establish criteria and identify executive search firms that specialize in Head of School searches. The search firm will support the committee’s work in soliciting opinions from parents, faculty, alumni, and students to identify candidates who will best serve and shape the future of Forman School. Several of these firms have already been interviewed, and more interviews are scheduled soon. The selection of a search firm is expected this spring.
The task at hand is very clear: to find the best Head of School to build upon the tremendous progress and achievements the school has attained under Adam’s leadership. With input from all of you, I am confident the committee will be successful in its mission. As the process unfolds, I will keep you apprised of their progress. Thank you in advance for your support.
Eric R. Ebbert P’16
President, Board of Trustees
To read Adam K. Man’s retirement announcement, click here.