Dear Founders,
What a wonderful time of worship last week! As we are on this Lenten journey with Jesus "through the wilderness," we want to be BUSY BUSY doing all we can to bless others. I have found my greatest blessings come when I start blessing others! Our time of Lent gives us a time of daily prayer and reflection, but it also gives us opportunities to be a blessing to others. Sometimes it is a simple smile when someone is having a bad day, or returning a shopping cart for someone that has just unload their groceries. I've learned that "God's will" for my life is "what is God leading me to do today?"!
Okay, now I've started preaching...
Thank you to Bienestar for coming last Sunday to share with us at the 1:30 p.m. service what you are doing for our community. This Sunday, we have Osvaldo Vargas, an Immigration Lawyer, coming to share with us after 1:30 p.m. worship. I hope you'll invite lots of people to come and hear what he has to say. I know these are frightening times we are living in, so it's important we know our legal rights.
A special thank you to Larry Rodriguez and Bam Noriega for leading our Lenten Series Extra! The weekly discussions give everyone an opportunity to share their own Lenten journey!
Have you heard? Pablo José Peñate is our new Worship Experience Designer! After years of serving in this capacity, Larry Rodriguez has decided to concentrate on other ministries. PabloJose has graciously taken on this role. I know he will build this Worship Experience Design Team!
This Sunday, I'll continue our Lenten Theme, Been There, Done That, Still Doing It!, with a message entitled, Heading To The Mountain. If you'd like to read ahead, check out Exodus 3:1-14 (Voice Version).
Let's come expecting a move of God's Spirit!
Pastor Keith
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Reading is taken from Exodus, Chapter 3,
Verses 1 through 14 (The Voice Version)
One day when Moses was shepherding the flock of his father-in-law, Jethro, the priest of Midian, he guided the flock far away from its usual pastures to the other side of the desert and came to a place known as Horeb, where the mountain of God stood. There, the Special Messenger of the Eternal appeared to Moses in a fiery blaze from within the bush. Moses looked again at the bush as it blazed; but to his amazement, the bush did not burn up in flames. Moses wondered, "Why is this bush not burning up? I need to move a little closer to get a better look at this amazing sight."
When the Eternal One saw Moses approach the burning bush to observe it more closely, God called out to him from within the bush. A voice from the bush called out, "Moses! Moses!" "I’m right here," Moses replied. “Don’t come any closer. Take off your sandals and stand barefoot on the ground in My presence, for this ground is holy ground. I am God, the God of your ancestors." A feeling of dread and awe rushed over Moses; he hid his face because he was afraid he might catch a glimpse of God.
"I have seen how My people in Egypt are being mistreated. I have heard their groaning when the slave drivers torment and harass them; for I know well their suffering. I have come to rescue them from the oppression of the Egyptians, to lead them from that land where they are slaves and to give them a good land—a wide, open space flowing with milk and honey.
The land is currently inhabited by Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites. The plea of Israel’s children has come before Me, and I have observed the cruel treatment they have suffered by Egyptian hands. So go. I’m sending you back to Egypt as My messenger to the Pharaoh. I want you to gather My people and bring them out of Egypt."
Moses answered, "Who am I to confront Pharaoh and lead Israel’s children out of Egypt?" God said, "Do not fear, Moses. I will be with you every step of the way, and this will be the sign to you that I am the One who has sent you: after you have led them out of Egypt, you will return to this mountain and worship God."
Moses said, "Let’s say I go to the people of Israel and tell them, 'The God of your ancestors has sent me to rescue you,” and then they reply, 'What is God's name?' What should I tell them then?" "I AM WHO I AM. This is what you should tell the people of Israel: 'I AM has sent me to rescue you.'"
| | Saints, we are saddened to report that J Michael Johnston passed away this week. Over the years, J Michael has been very active in our choir and the Trans*Unity Ministry here at FMCC. Please keep his partner of 30 years, Michael Kelly, in your prayers. A service has not been planned at this time. | | Mike Gullo will be our special musical guest this coming Sunday. Michael is a member of the Silverlake Chorus who use our facilities for their rehearsals. This chorus will host a concert in our sanctuary on April 5th at 8pm. More details will come next week. However, come and enjoy the beautiful smooth sound of Mike Gullo. You will be blessed. | |
USPS Rally - This Sunday!
Join our own Darcel Cole for a Rally this Sunday at noon in Burbank for a rally to support the USPS. The postal service has 640,000 employees (200,000 are Letter Carriers) and is a service that American rely on. This rally will educate the public on the repercussions of privatization of the USPS. Senator Adam Schiff or a representative from his office will be present.
| | Mr. Osvaldo Vargas from the Vargas Law Firm will be in attendance at the LatinX 1:30 service this Sunday. After worship, he will share information regarding immigration rights regarding deportation, DACA, border crossing, visas, and the path towards citizenship. | | Olena Shevchenko is an acclaimed lesbian human rights activist from Ukraine who has been honored as one of Time Magazine’s Women of the Year. She was with us two years ago in our 10 am service. Our Pastor of Justice, Lucia Chappelle reached out to her for an update and found out it is very difficult getting gender-affirming medications, etc. in Ukraine, and it’s almost impossible to leave the country without a passport matching one's gender identity. FMCC will take up a special offering on March 30th, as we honor Transgender Day Of Visibility. The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence have also committed to help in this effort. | | March 30, join us for a musical Sunday as we bring you Songs and Sharing! We will be blessed by songs from the Trans Chorus of Los Angeles, as well as sharing and testimonies from our own congregants in the Trans community. Our Trans*Unity Ministry is planning a spectacular day with fellowship, information, and refreshments after our 10am service. Beginning at 1:30pm, our LatinX congregation will also celebrate with Songs and Sharing from their trans congregants. | |
Our Latinx siblings, who worship at our 1:30 p.m. Spanish-speaking service, have had a long tradition of presenting a production depicting the events of Holy Week. Many of us have been awed by the incredible set they create on our chancel area. However, some of us have never experienced the grandeur and heartfelt efforts of the actual production, the language barrier playing a part. That changes this year! We may all share in this labor of love as it will be presented on Palm Sunday, April 13th, at a blended service of both congregations.
This service will be at 11:30 a.m. and will take the place of our 10:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. services. There are some unique and new aspects to this production, including making it multi-lingual. Our 1:30 pm folks are so excited to be sharing this with us, and also for the opportunity for the two congregations to get to know each other better.
They have graciously and warmly invited Reverend Eric Buter from our 10:00 a.m. service to direct this year's production. They have also invited any of you who might like to participate to join them in this dramatic celebration. You do not have to speak Spanish! If you are interested or have any questions, please see Reverend Eric. We hope that you will support, attend, and be blessed by The Passion of Christ (The Final Days, A New Beginning).
| | Our lay delegates Pamela Fairbanks and Oriel Mueller are requesting that congregants send them any questions and/or issues they would like raised as regarding the search for a new MCC denomination moderator. Please email them to Thank you. | | We need additional volunteers to help in the sound booth (see Don Mueller) and broadcast booth (see Sandra Contreras) | |
With God All Things Are Possible (Matthew 19:26)
GIVEN AS OF Mar. 9th. $106,875
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Thank you to all who have given so generously through our online giving portal. Our church cannot function without your generosity!! Feel free to continue giving through our website (on PushPay) or simply sending a check in the mail (4607 Prospect Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90027). Again, thank you.
Grand Total For Week Ending: 03-16-2025: $4,391.00
Facility Rental: $1,391.00
Helping Hands: $254.00
Roofing Fund: $245.00
Tithing: $2,501.00
| | Interested in Church Membership? Or, maybe, you just want to know more about our church's core beliefs and history. Set up an online meeting with Rev. Steve Swafford at for an individualized study! | | Hoodies now available for the LOW price of $40. Proceeds will go towards the LatinX Ministry. Sign-up sheets are available. Hoodies can be purchased by cash or PushPay, using "Special Offering / Other Designated Funds" | | Join us before and after worship for a time of Hospitality in the church courtyard. Martin Miny is heading a team of people to get coffee, juice, and pastries ready each Sunday. Volunteers are always welcome! | | Change In Covid-19 Protocols | |
As we continue to cope with Covid-19, we are changing our protocols. The new protocols are in line with the rest of LA County. Until further notice, here are our guidelines:
1. We will no longer require vaccinations and boosters for church attendance, though we highly encourage them.
2. We will make wearing masks optional. Please feel free to continue wearing masks as you feel comfortable.
3. We ask people that have symptoms of (or tested positive for) Covid, flu, monkeypox, or any other easily communicable disease to please refrain from attending until they are well.
As we have from the very beginning of the pandemic, we will continue to keep in line with the advice of the LA County Public Health Department. Thank you so much for your patience as we navigate new guidelines.
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Rev. Keith Mozingo (Moderator)
| | Dean Coffey (Vice Moderator) | | |
Ed Shaughnessy (Treasurer)
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Ina Serene - Trans* Unity
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MCC Kinship Groups
Kinship Groups offer a safe space of connecting with other people of similar struggles and challenges. We have groups for Trans, PAD, API, God-Talk, and Latinx.
If you have any questions, are interested in a particular Kinship group, or interested in forming another Kinship group, you may email Rev. Hector Gutierrez.
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Third Sunday of Lent | Rev. Elder Mark Byrd
Watch on YouTube | Watch on Vimeo
Advanced Copy
Exodus 15:22-25
Then Moses led Israel from the Red Sea, and they went into the Desert of Shur. For three days they traveled in the desert without finding water. When they came to Marah, they could not drink its water because it was bitter. (That is why the place is called Marah.) So, the people grumbled against Moses, saying, “What are we to drink?” Then Moses cried out to the Lord, and the Lord showed him a piece of wood. He threw it into the water, and the water became fit to drink.
Hello, I am Reverend Elder Mark Byrd and in just a few short months we will gather in the Arizona desert for the MCC Transformational Weekend with the theme of finding “Oasis in the Desert” …and yet right now, the world for us seems anything but an oasis. As we approach this third Sunday of Lent, I am drawn to this story from Exodus 15:22-25 where the only water to be found is bitter.
This story has always fascinated me. Certainly, God heard the cries of the people newly released from oppression… and God heard Moses crying out as well… and God said, Moses – see that piece of wood… that stick… that tree limb… that plant – whatever it was… throw it in the water. Now we can speculate all day on how this miracle happened… I mean after all, could not God have simply “said the word” and the water would have become fit to drink? Was the power and catalyst to change this dire situation in the property of the stick of wood or tree limb? Did Moses know the properties in this stick of wood could make the water sweet enough to drink? Was the miracle in the wood… or in Moses trusting God? Or was God simply saying to Moses you have, right beside of you, what you need to get through this dilemma.
In the harsh realities in which we find ourselves, it is hard not to grumble, be angry, mad, disgusted… and in our own laments, to cry out to God… because not only is the water bitter… we may find ourselves becoming bitter as well.
“Bitterness” – even when we may feel it to be justified – does not provide for us the emotional and spiritual substance we need to make it through the “deserts” of life in which we all find ourselves… in these most unimaginable, horrific, heart, gut and soul wrenching and life-threatening times.
In our grumbling, can we hear God saying to each of us, look first to the faith I have already given you… it is right beside of you and in you already.
Reflecting on this passage my mind also went to the passage from Jeremiah 17, and which has been sung as a spiritual through the ages. I now you know it, “Like a tree planted by the water – we shall not be moved.”
Here in Virginia Beach where I live, and along the bay where New Life MCC is located, the beaches are protected by sand dunes and on those sand dunes are not trees but sea oats. Fascinating thing about sea oats… they tell me their roots can go down forty feet or more… and not only that but their root systems also spread out horizontally and net like to help hold the sand dunes in place… and not only that, but when the dunes do suffer erosion and the tops of the sea oats get destroyed, washed, or blown away, sea oats are one of the first things to come back rejuvenating and growing again in ways that protect the dunes.
May we find the faith God has already given to us… right beside of and in us… so that the deserts of bitterness will not consume us… and like trees and sea oats, WE SHALL NOT BE MOVED!
May God hold us as we hold each other…
God Bless you my friends, both now, and for the journey ahead.
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MCC General Conference 2025 registration discount. Our denomination's General Conference is fast approaching. The Creating Oasis Transformational Weekend will transpire July 3-6, 2025 in Scottsdale AZ in a beautiful resort that the denomination has reserved for us
(More information from the denomination is included further below).
Pastor Keith would love to see a large contingent represent Founders MCC, the Mother church of our denomination.
If enough of us go, maybe we can go via a large passenger van, or even a coach that we can maybe also offer to our sister church in North Hollywood.
General Conference will be transpiring in early July. Now is a good time to make your reservations and book your hotel.
If you have any questions about registration, please contact us at
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Come . . . and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
Reunion | Refreshment | Revival
3-6 JULY 2025
Scottsdale, AZ. USA
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Registration for the Transformational Weekend
03-06 July, 2025
Regular Onsite Rate: $400 USD
Regular Online Rate: $225 USD*
Onsite Individual Day Attendance Rate: $200 USD per day
*Online experience will include General Sessions, pre-identified Programming Events, Workshops, and Worship Services. Additional connections to both those onsite and online will be made using the Whova app. We will not be hosting a 24-hour all-access conference like in 2022.
Use the link below to register for the Transformational Weekend.
| | Rev. Elder Cecilia Eggleston's invitation to all of us to join her in Scottsdale, AZ, USA for 2025 General Conference. | |
Our host hotel is an amazing, accessible resort. It is beautiful with incredible views of Camelback Mountain, two refreshing outdoor pools, large suite style sleeping rooms, tennis and pickle ball courts, large conference center, onsite restaurant and bar, and beautiful landscaping.
We searched to find not only an accessible hotel for physical accommodations, but also a financially accessible hotel. The Embassy Suites Scottsdale Resort is offering us an amazing rate of $119USD/night (plus taxes and fees) and includes free made to order breakfast, daily cocktail hour, and a complimentary shuttle to hundreds of local shops, restaurants, and activities.
Every suite has a living room (with a pull-out couch), and kitchenette which easily accommodates multiple parties to maximize savings.
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Come early or stay a few days after the Transformational Weekend and take in the history and culture of Scottsdale, AZ.
A few top places to visit:
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Want to help support someone attending conference? When registering there will be an option to give to the Go Global Fund. You may also donate directly by clicking the button below. A donation to the Go Global Fund will help subsidize other registration rates making it more affordable for others to attend General Conference, to provide online access to those outside the USA or to support Watch Parties in locations other than in the USA.
Donate Directly to the Go Global Fund
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Transformational Weekend Schedule
We are excited to announce an overview schedule for the Transformational Weekend!
Thursday, July 3, 2025
- Afternoon: Check-in and Welcome Reception
- Evening: Opening Worship & Social Time
Friday, July 4, 2025
- Morning: Morning Worship Celebration
- Afternoon: Plenary, Small Groups, and Free Time
- Evening: Reception & Social Time
Saturday, July 5, 2025
- Morning: Worship and Plenary
- Afternoon: Small Groups and Free Time
- Evening: Dinner Church Style Worship (included in your registration)
Sunday, July 6, 2025
- Morning: Closing Worship with Installation of the Moderator, blessing over the incoming Governing Board, current and outgoing Council of Elders.
- Afternoon: Optional Excursions
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General Conference Business Meeting
Registration for the Business Meeting will open in January 2025!
The Business Forum will be held on 31st May 2025 and the Business Meeting will be held online on 7th June 2025.
Watch for more information about the Discussion Circles being hosted prior to the Business Meeting.
There will be no cost to register for the Business Meeting.
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Engaging Programming
We are excited that a main feature of our Transformational Weekend will be opening ourselves and each other into the possibilities of what it means to be community today -- what it means to be church in 2025. To help us steer the conversation, we are inviting the Rev. Dr. Claudio Carvalhaes to join us in Scottsdale. You might remember him from our online conference in 2022.
To stay up-to-date on all the planning and relevant information visit the conference website at
If you have any questions, ideas, or comments, start a conversation with us:
We look forward to connecting with you during our Global General Conference 2025!
GC Sponsorship Opportunities
Interested in how you can support General Conference by becoming a sponsor? Use the link below to learn more about sponsorship opportunities.
GC 2025 Sponsorship Information
Click Here to Register for the Transformational Weekend
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Engaging Programming
Reunion | Refreshment | Revival
We are excited to have Rev. Dr. Claudio Carvalhaes join us for the Transformational Weekend as our keynote speaker aiding us as we open ourselves and each other into the possibilities of what it means to be church today.
Look for more speakers and events to be announced in coming emails!
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Focusing on Leadership Development
Flourish is committed to providing Leadership Development for both clergy and lay leaders. Leadership development is a process that helps people improve their skills, knowledge, and confidence to perform in leadership roles.
Some of the benefits of Leadership development can help people develop the following capabilities:
- Self-awareness: Being aware of oneself and how one interacts with others
- Resilience: Being able to adapt to challenges and
- Influence: Being able to impact the thoughts and actions of others
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Stay Informed
To stay up-to-date on all the planning and relevant information visit the conference website at
If you have any questions, ideas, or comments, start a conversation with us:
We look forward to connecting with you during our Global General Conference 2025!
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Ash Wednesday | Elder Velma Garcia
Watch on YouTube | Watch on Vimeo
Advanced Copy
Spiritual Gifts from the desert, and the oasis, for Ash Wednesday.
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a significant period in the Christian calendar leading up to Easter. It's observed by many denominations, including MCCs, Catholics, Anglicans, Lutherans, and Methodists.
On this day, churchgoers receive a cross of ashes on their foreheads, symbolizing a period of reflection and preparation for Easter, commemorating Jesus Christ's 40 days of fasting in the desert.
I can’t help but wonder how Jesus spent his days in the desert. Did he have an oasis to rely on? You know that fertile area in a desert environment, often with a natural water source like a spring, nature's little miracles in the midst of vast desert expanses or did he just do without?
Matthew 6:19 -21-- Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal, but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
I believe that the spiritual gifts from the desert and the oasis are: Spiritual Nourishment: Just as an oasis provides physical sustenance in the desert, spiritual practices like fasting and focusing on heavenly treasures (as mentioned in Matthew 6:19-21) provide spiritual nourishment. In times of hardship and testing (symbolized by the desert), turning to God and prioritizing spiritual growth can be a source of strength and renewal.
Temporary vs. Eternal: The desert's harsh conditions and the fleeting nature of material possessions highlight the contrast between temporary and eternal. An oasis, though vital, is a temporary relief in the vastness of the desert. Similarly, material wealth is temporary, while spiritual treasures are eternal.
Resilience and Faith: Jesus' 40 days of fasting in the desert demonstrate the importance of resilience and faith. Just as travelers rely on an oasis for survival, believers rely on their faith and spiritual practices to navigate life's challenges and remain focused on their spiritual journey.
In essence, these gifts reflect the journey of life, marked by challenges and trials, spiritual growth, and reliance on God to provide the sustenance and strength needed to thrive and find true fulfillment.
As children of God, all these gifts are available to us as well, no matter what challenges or trials land at our feet. May we continue to rely on God’s providence to strengthen and sustain us. May it be so! Ashe, Aho, and Amen.
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