When writing about God and Jesus, The Daily Jot means YHVH as God and Yeshua Ha Mashiach as Jesus--the actual original names and the true nature and character of them.
Each morning before writing The Daily Jot, I peruse the headlines to get an idea of what to write. Some of the stuff that is going on looks like remnants of a satirical magazine from the 1970s, like Mad or Cracked. Problem is, these are real and people actually are making these headlines and other people are believing them. I can see how so many people are angry because the headlines are angry. Anger begets anger. Other headlines are just stupid-news not even worthy of coverage. Still others are headlines from stories that make no sense, falling somewhere between fake news and outright personal attacks. If you didn't have Christ in your life, you may well be full of fear, anxiety, and depression. Read on if you dare.
One of the most humorous headlines this morning is: "Biden campaign pitch: Make America normal again." Really? His idea of normal is abortion on demand with no restrictions, men saying they are women and using women's restrooms and playing women's sports, smelling women's hair and hugging them whether they want him to or not, using his position to help his son bilk China out of millions, saying that his biggest climate change proposal is to get rid of Donald Trump. Yep, that's Democratic frontrunner for President Joe Biden, wanting to make America normal again. He's a 76 year old white guy-isn't his Party the one that hates white privilege and believes old white men are the problem of society? He's the frontrunner of the Democratic Party hypocrisy machine.
Oh, then there are those who hate, and just want to call everyone else haters. How about these headlines: "CBS hosts laugh at dumping milkshakes on "right wing" politicians," "Actress: White Women complicit in abortion laws causing Black women to die," "Pelosi cover-up remark seemed to unravel Trump psychologically, "Democrat: Trump Administration murdering children," "Pelosi: Anti-abortion laws about white guys "fear" of women," "Abortion activists scream obscenities at pro-life teen," "New York Times: Pregnancy kills. Abortion saves," "States enacting abortion bans thought it OK to rape slaves,""NYC Department of Education: 'Individualism' Is 'White Supremacy Culture'." These are just from this morning.
These are the headlines of darkness. They reflect dark hearts and dark intentions. If you ponder them too long, they will have a dark impact on you. They are examples of the times in which we live. They are the product of the lights of the world being hidden under a basket-or, if you will, inside the four walls and the roof of churches across America. Yes, I'm big on getting out and engaging with people, shining that light even if it is uncomfortable. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, "For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." Christ said in Matthew 5:16, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." That's the answer to headlines of darkness.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
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An Appeal for the Children Suffering in Mozambique
By Pastor William Agbeti
[NOTE: If you choose to support the relief efforts of Pastor William Agbeti for the children impacted by the cyclone in Mozambique, please just note "Mozambique" in your donation notation or on your check. ]
I am weeping right now for the devastation that children in Mozambique are caught up in! I am therefore sending an appeal to readers and supporters
to consider sending immediate help for children in Mozambique affected by cyclone Idai.
Below is the plea for help:
Everyone might have by now heard of the devastation caused by cyclone Idai in Mozambique. Several 100s are dead and rendered homeless. Whole communities, including children, women and the elderly are without food and essential needs like water.Children are dying as a result and the nation has declared a s
tate of emergency.
Nearby Ghana, children in Mozambique are suffering from the impact of a cyclone that is predicted to have claimed over 1,000 lives |
The hardest thing to bear is that all these things are happening right in our backyard.
We hear the cries and pleas for help and cannot close our eyes and stop our ears to them.In the wake of all this, we cannot remain silent because the cries for help have become loudest of late.
We are therefore also calling for help in order to help affected children in Mozambique.
This is our very first attempt at international outreach.
I plan on leaving for the affected areas in a week, on an emergency errand. Even if we are able to save a few children from starvation or death, that would be a lot accomplished in the name of the Lord! My plans are to stay for a week only in Mozambique, and distribute essential commodities and medications recommended by doctors in Ghana, with documented approval.
My budget is $5000, including travel costs and essential items. Close to $4000 of this amount will go directly to help the children! Please extend a helping hand! I will be sending direct reports from the field, should conditions permit. Please send help now!
God richly bless you for allowing Him to touch and turn your hearts towards children in Mozambique.
NOTE: In case we are unable to raise the target amount, the entire funds raised will be sent to the Mozambique consulate in Ghana, with specific instructions to help children with it!
William D. Agbeti
The Daily Jot is totally reader supported. My wife, Chris, and I do not take a salary or receive any
remuneration for this work. Your gifts go directly to assisting us in maintaining this column, the website, outreach, and the Lord's work we do in Ghana, West Africa. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Have a Blessed and Powerful Day,
Bill Wilson
The Daily Jot