Headmaster Update
John Thornburg
Dear Families,

It has been nice to see that the warmer weather has finally arrived! There are signs of new growth and new beginnings as we emerge from the winter months. Our seniors were able to come together for two days last week, which is the first time we have had the full class in school this year. It was a wonderful experience to have them all in one space.

We are incredibly proud of the Class of 2021! They have faced unprecedented challenges with grace and perseverance. This year, they have provided an example to all of us showing ways that we can hold steady in the face of adversity and always keep hope alive. As a school, we would like to honor our seniors in a special way. We are in the process of designing a commemorative bench for the Class of 2021 which will be prominently placed on our campus. This bench will be made of granite with the school crest and words, “Class of 2021,” engraved in the bench to represent the immovable and steadfastness of our Senior class. This bench is to serve as an enduring reminder of these remarkable young men, our last "all boys" graduation class.

The school year is winding down as we move into our final months. Last week, we identified 17 student cases of COVID-19 within a seven-day period. This trend matches what is happening in many communities. The numbers are spiking with young people, and this raises concern about student safety. Although the MC facility remains the safest environment, extracurricular activities have proven to be challenging for mitigating the spread of the virus.

We recently released our Return to School for In-Person Learning Plan. It is our hope and prayer that we will be able to implement this plan. As we have shared, the trend for positive cases has increased, and the execution of this plan is dependent upon our ability to mitigate new cases. We will host a webinar Monday, April 26, at 6:30 PM to further discuss the plan and answer any questions. Please register for Return to School In-Person Learning Plan webinar on April 26, 2021 at 6:30 PM through this link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7732036660587688975

Thank you for all your support,

John K. Thornburg
At a Glance
Monday, April 12
Blue Day 1

Tuesday, April 13
Fifth Day
ACT Testing for Grade 11 | 7:45 AM
Academic Enrichment | 8:00 AM
Lunch Grades 9, 10 | 11:00 AM
Advisory Mandatory for Grades 9 and 10 Girls | 12:00 PM
Boys Impact Mandatory for Grade 9 | 12:00 PM
Advisory Mandatory for Grades 9 and 10 Boys | 1:00 PM
Girls ROX Mandatory for Grade 9 | 1:00 PM
Girls With Impact Graduation Ceremony Mandatory for Grades 10 and 11 | 1:15PM

Wednesday, April 14
Gold Day 1

Thursday, April 15
Blue Day 2
La Colabortiva Dress Down Day
Rosary in the Cafeteria | 7:30 AM

Friday, April 16
Gold Day 2
La Colabortiva Dress Down Day
Rosary in the Cafeteria | 7:30 AM
MC bldg
What's New?
Return to School for In-Person Learning
Since March 13, 2020, when our community first began this pandemic journey, the COVID-19 Task Force has created policies and procedures focused on mitigating risk. Our commitment to these protocols and to each other has brought us to the point where we can now bring all of the students back into the building. Although we still have some challenges to face, we can celebrate moving to our GREEN PHASE on May 3. This is a family reunion that is very exciting and has been a long time in the making!

With this shift, our YELLOW PHASE will end on May 3, and students will need to choose either the GREEN PHASE or the RED PHASE of learning. Students will then maintain their chosen phase until the end of the year. Please see our attached Return to School for In-Person Learning Plan.

Please register for Return to School In-Person Learning Plan webinar on April 26, 2021 at 6:30 PM through this link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7732036660587688975
Register for the Malden Catholic Virtual Gala on April 29
On April 29, Malden Catholic will recognize 2021 Plus Ultra Award recipients, the Malden Catholic Faculty and Staff, as we celebrate our 15th Annual Gala. While COVID-19 has changed the way MC students have been educated, it has not altered the value of the MC experience they have received. We will recognize, with gratitude, all that Malden Catholic's dedicated faculty and staff have done to safely provide our students with an outstanding education, in these un-precedented times. All Gala proceeds will directly
support Malden Catholic students - providing essential programs and opportunities that define the MC experience. Be sure to take a moment and register for the virtual Gala through this link: htps://www.maldencatholic.org/give/soaringbeyond.

We are excited, too, that our event will feature an online auction this year with many tremendous items and experiences donated by our MC families, alumni and friends. Register to view the online auction catalog which will have new items added until April 29. The online auction opens on April 23, so remember to bid early and often!

Also, please consider making a gift to Malden Catholic in honor of an MC educator who has made a difference in your son's or daughter's life. We also encourage our families to add a Teacher Tribute on the Gala website page for us to share. We will publish all tributes received on or before April 20 in our virtual Gala program.
Summer Internships - Business and STEM Leadership Opportunities
As part of Malden Catholic's Center for Leadership, we are thrilled to officially announce competitive opportunities for up to 50 Malden Catholic students to participate in internships in Business, STEM, and the Arts over the Summer. In addition to invaluable benefits which include networking and resume-building, MC is launching this program to allow our students to gain a better sense of what career they want to pursue after college, what type of major they wish to pursue in college, and help them develop better perspectives to assist in their college applications.  

To learn more about these amazing opportunities, click here.
ACT Testing Reminder - April 13
On Tuesday, April 13, all Grade 11 Malden Catholic students will take the ACT at 7:45 AM. Please note that this is mandatory testing. Each student has received information regarding his/her testing room and the door required for entry. Also, students should remember to bring pencils and a calculator to the exam.
Girls With Impact Graduation Ceremony - April 13
Congratulations to our outstanding Malden Catholic Grades 10 and 11 girls for completing the Girls With Impact Mini-MBA! All MC graduates, family members and friends are invited to join us for the live, virtual graduation ceremony on April 13 at 1:15 PM through the attached Zoom link.

After graduation, students will automatically be enrolled in the Girls With Impact boardroom and matched with a mentor to assist in enhancing their student's venture and network for college.
MC Parent Council Meeting -
April 14
MCPC Meeting - April 14 at 4 PM
The next MC Parent Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 14th, at 4:00 PM. Director of School and College Counseling Caitlyn Oates will discuss the course selection process for next year, as well as her suggestions on what students can do over the summer to prepare for the next school year. Director of Advancement Sarah Hamilton will also join us to discuss the details of Malden Catholic's exciting Virtual Gala which will be held on April 29. Please register for the meeting through this link or https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/250723749
La Colabortiva Dress Down Day - April 15 and 16
La Colaborativa is a Latin-led, immigrant-friendly program that helps residents in Chelsea, East Boston, Lynn, Malden and other surrounding communities by providing essential goods such as food, household products, and diapers to families in need. Since the beginning of COVID-19, many families have been challenged with their ability to provide proper nourishment and care for their children, and many have been required to relocate. 

The La Colaborativa Club members met last week and discussed the increasing number of homeless cases due to COVID-19. To support these families in need, the club will host a Dress Down Day for both the Blue Cohort and the Gold Cohort on April 15th and 16th. The group will also hold their next meeting on Thursday, April 15 at 6 PM. If you would like to join La Colaborativa, please email Mr. Kissel at kissela@maldencatholic.org.
Placement Testing for Incoming Students - April 14 and 15
Placement tests for Algebra 1 and Spanish will take place on April 14 and 15 for the incoming Class of 2025. The purpose of MC's Math placement testing is to identify students who have already completed an Algebra 1 course and are ready to move on to Geometry in Grade 9. The objective of the Spanish placement exam is to identify students who have the proper experience and skills necessary to be placed in Honors Spanish for Grade 9. 

Through the link below, students may choose their language choice and sign up for testing on either April 14 or April 15. Class placement in other subjects will be determined based on each student’s transcripts, recommendations and HSPT results.
MC Book Club - April 20
The next Malden Catholic Book Club meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 20th, at 6:30 PM.

The Book Club will be reading This Tender Land
by William Kent Krueger and reviewing discussion questions that will be sent out to the group the day before the meeting.

The club is open to all MC parents, faculty and friends, and we encourage you to join. If you are interested in being part of this engaging group, please contact
Missy Barrett at missybarrett727@gmail.com.
MC Summer Sports Camps and Classes for Grades 2 - 11
Malden Catholic is pleased to offer in-person sports camps and summer classes at the Malden Catholic campus for the Summer of 2021! We look forward to opening up our campus this summer. Please click below for more information.

To view the full list of Summer Class offerings and Sports Camps for 2021, click here.
Senior News
To honor our amazing Senior Class of 2021, MC is planning an active schedule of events that will be safe and enjoyable for our graduating Seniors. These events will be designed to meet all guidelines set by the state, local, and health organizations for COVID-19 restrictions. The timeline is as follows:

  • Yard Sign Delivery - Friday, April 16, and Saturday, April 17 - Signs will be dropped off at Seniors’ homes.
  • Adopt-A-Senior Baskets - Saturday, May 1 - Basket deliveries will begin at 11 AM to Seniors' homes.
  • Senior Beach Party - Wednesday, May 12, at 11:30 AM - Music and games will be held on the Brother Gilbert Stadium field.  
  • Baccalaureate Mass and Awards Ceremony - Friday, May 14, at 4 PM - Mass will begin at 4 PM and will be held on the Donovan Field. The Awards Ceremony will immediately follow the Mass.
  • 2021 Commencement Exercises - Saturday, May, 15 at 1 PM - Commencement Exercises will be held on the Br. Gilbert Stadium field.
  • Commencement Rain DateSunday, May 16, at 1 PM

Click here to read the most recent "Letter to Seniors."
Click here to view information about Tuxedo Rentals.
If you would like more information about Senior events, please visit our Senior News and Events page on the website.
What's Happening Around MC?
MC Gala Gift Baskets
The MC Parent Council Advancement Committee members have been working together to create beautiful baskets for the Malden Catholic Gala on April 29. We are very grateful for our MCPC volunteers and appreciate all of their time and assistance with our online auction that will feature over 40 gift items! Be sure to take a moment and register for the Gala through this link: htps://www.maldencatholic.org/give/soaringbeyond.
30-Day Challenge - Push Up Challenge Winners
The 30-Day Challenge Club had over 30 students, faculty and staff members participate in this year’s Push-Up Challenge. Participants did an initial test to see how many push-ups they could complete before breaking a high plank position. Then, they worked on push-ups for the next 30 days before recording their final scores. Congratulations to all of the Challenge winners for their determination and improvement over the past month:

  • Student Champion: Madelyn Ragucci '23 - 80 pushups, final score - 105.

  • Faculty/Staff Champion: Mrs. Reardon P'22 - 85 pushups, final score - 152.

  • Top Scoring Participants: Brandon Wong '23 - 98, Joseph Arria '24 - 95, Stevie Leigh Bannon '24 - 85.
Blessing of the Teams
On Wednesday, Campus Ministry provided a lovely blessing of the Girls Varsity Track and Field Team's final meet against Fontbonne Academy. To watch the video, please visit the MC YouTube channel or click here.
Spring Baskets
Over the past week, girls in MC's Students-in-Action group have been lovingly packing and wrapping spring baskets for "Housing Families" in Malden. These baskets are filled with treats and will be distributed to over 41 children that participate in the program. Way to go!
Pizza and Prayer
Evangelist Luke’s account (24:13-35) of several Apostles meeting a “stranger” while walking toward Emmaus after Jesus’ death reminds us that Jesus journeys with us still. The words of the stranger inspire a fire in their hearts, and finally, in the breaking of bread with him, do the Apostles realized that they are in the presence of their Risen Lord. Luke’s text was the theme for “Pizza and Prayer,” conducted by Campus Ministry and our XBSS Student Retreatants. After a prayer offered by Amy Nguyen ’22, a Scripture reading by Eavan Flood ’22, and a short reflection from Ms. Deirdre Foley, our student leaders coordinated small group discussions with the 15 students in attendance. Junior Matt LoPriore ended the evening with a prayer. We would like to thank everyone for joining us for this enjoyable event!
Green Team
The Green Team’s, founder Sarah Cirame ' 22 and Isabella Langis '22, joined Ms. Foley in giving back to the environment by spending time during Easter weekend cleaning up the City of Malden's bike trail.

If you are interested in joining the Green Team email Ms. Foley at foleyd@maldencatholic.org.
Virtual Good Friday Service
Malden Catholic's Campus Ministry hosted a virtual Good Friday prayer service that was open to all students, families, faculty and staff. We have included the Good Friday prayer that reminds us that we can lighten our load by remembering that Jesus is always with us on our journey:

Gracious God, help us as we draw to the close of our Lenten journey to be open to your presence in our lives, to respond to that presence in life-giving ways, to form ourselves as you would wish us to be, to minister in your name to all who share in our Malden Catholic Mission, and to be your witness to our world in all its needs. May the crosses we bear be lightened in the knowing that Your Son Jesus has walked the path before us and that he is with us still on our journey to be with You. We pray these things through Jesus, our brother, and St. Francis Xavier. Amen.
Mission Moment with Brother Puccio
Mission Moment: The Unsettling Message of Easter

Mr. Bob McCarthy, our Advancement Director, reads a lot. He often passes along to me interesting articles that catch his eye. A recent one from the Vatican News was written by a Cardinal whose title is “Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Human Integral Development.” I was amused. I may have seen the word “dicastery” twice in my life (it means “court” or “organization,” “a department of the Roman Curia”), and the whole title conjures up for me an image of a fusty old Church mired and entrenched in hierarchy and bureaucracy  I myself have been reading Sister Helen Prejean’s new book River of Fire, which traces her life-journey toward social activism – her pre-Dead Man Walking days. A group of MC colleagues were fortunate to meet virtually this week with Sister Helen for a “book talk”! The book also expresses her experience of the joy, the exhilaration of the Church’s “opening of windows” mid-1960s with Vatican II reforms. (I hope those reforms have hit the Dicastery!) Anyway, I thanked Bob and suggested that a new title for him might be Director of the MC Dicastery for Advancement. I can never remember his full title – it’s long -- and changes annually! 

I did not read the dicastery article! But I did read another he had sent along: “The Unsettling Power of the Easter Story,” a New York Times opinion piece by Esau McCaulley. (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/02/opinion/easter-celebration.html )

You can read more on our Malden Catholic Mission Moment Page.
NFHS Streaming Services
Streaming service is provided through NFHS for all home athletic events at all levels in both Doherty Gymnasium and Doherty Field. Both live streaming and on demand view back is available with a subscription. A month to month subscription is $10.99 and a portion goes back to Malden Catholic. Your subscription also allows you to watch any athletic event from any program in the country that uses the NFHS Network!
Register for Spring Sports
Spring Sports Registration is now open!

Parents/Guardians must register students by Friday, April 16th and be approved with a current physical by the Nurses’ Office to try out on April 26th for Softball, Baseball, Outdoor Track & Field, Rugby, Tennis or Lacrosse.

For Boys Registration, click here.

For Girls Registration, click here.
Fall II Sports Games Schedule