Headmaster Update
John Thornburg
Dear Malden Catholic Families,
He has Risen! From all of us at Malden Catholic, we wish you and your family a Happy Easter. May the joy of Christ’s resurrection surround you, and His blessings comfort you. Someone once told me that we should live as if “Christ died yesterday, rose from the grave today, and is coming back tomorrow.” Easter is a great time to remember all that He has done for us and has promised.
I recently went to get my COVID-19 vaccination. I made sure to arrive precisely at the scheduled time and follow all the protocols. Once inside the vaccine facility, I found myself at the end of a long line of 50 or more people. Almost immediately, I heard several others begin to complain and make comments such as, “This is ridiculous!” and “How could this happen when I have an appointment.” The mood became negative. In my mind, I too became frustrated that I had to wait. Then, someone in line spoke up and said, “C’mon guys, give them a break! They are putting their lives on the line for us, and the vaccine is free.”
This comment put things in perspective for me. I had to wait for a few extra minutes to receive free protection from a deadly virus and others were willing to risk their well-being to make sure I was safe. My thoughts immediately switched to appreciation for what I was about to receive.
As we approach Easter, this was good reminder for all of us. Although this past year has been challenging and sometimes overwhelming, Christ’s love is always with us. We remember today that He paid the price so we could have eternal life. Though there are many inconveniences in life, what we have received from Him are blessings beyond compare. 
“For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)

John Thornburg

At a Glance
Monday, April 5
No School - Easter Monday

Tuesday, April 6
Gold Day 1

Wednesday, April 7
Blue Day 1

Thursday, April 8
Blue Day 2
Senior Spirit Day - Boston Sports Day
Mandatory Meeting for Seniors in Gym | 1:30 PM
Rosary in the Cafeteria | 7:30 AM

Friday, April 9
Gold Day 2
Senior Spirit Day - MC Spirit Day
Last Day for Senior Classes
Rosary in the Cafeteria | 7:30 AM
MC bldg
What's New?
National Honor Society
On Monday and Tuesday of last week, Malden Catholic hosted the induction ceremony for the Brother Gilbert Chapter of the National Honor Society. On behalf of the faculty and staff of MC, we would like to congratulate every new NHS member on their hard work, dedication to their studies, commitment to service and student leadership!

Both ceremonies are available on MC's YouTube page.

All photos from the event are available on the Malden Catholic SmugMug page.
Grade 9 Course Selection Video
Course of Studies
The 2021 - 2022 Malden Catholic Course Catalog is now available online. MC's Department of School and College Counseling has sent a letter and link to all students regarding the course elective selection process. The course selection meetings will be on remote days for most students, but some will have in person meetings. MC students should review the video for their grade level prior to meeting with their counselor.

You can find the 2021 - 2022 Course of Studies Catalog here. To view the Course Selection videos by grade, click here.
Gifts Needed for MC Gala Auction
Mark your calendars and hold the date for Malden Catholic's 15th Annual Gala. This exciting annual event will be held on April 29 at 7 PM. We will honoring our Plus Ultra Award recipient, the MC faculty and staff throughout the evening, and will have over 40 exciting online auction items to bid on! This is an event you won't want to miss!

This year, our MCPC Advancement Committee is coordinating our online auction and we need your help! Please reach out to our Director of Advancement, Sarah Hamilton at hamiltons@maldencatholic.org if you have items to donate such as:
  • Lottery Tickets
  • Vacation Homes
  • Award Miles
  • Gift Cards
  • Restaurant Gift Certificates or
  • Sporting Event Tickets.
Senior News
To honor our amazing Senior Class of 2021, MC is planning an active schedule of events that will be safe and enjoyable for our graduating Seniors. These events will be designed to meet all guidelines set by the state, local, and health organizations for COVID-19 restrictions. The timeline is as follows:

  • Seniors Return to the Building for In-Person Learning - April 8 – 9
  • Senior Spirit DaysThursday, April 8 and Friday, April 9 - April 8th is Boston Sports Day and April 9 is MC Pride Day. Seniors can wear their blue and gold apparel or a college sweatshirt.
  • Mandatory Meeting for Seniors - Thursday, April 8 - The Senior meeting will be at MC at 1:30 PM. Remote students, please join this meeting via computer or tablet through this link: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/575097005
  • Yard Sign Delivery - Friday, April 16 and Saturday, April 17 - Signs will be dropped off at Seniors’ homes.
  • Adopt-A-Senior Baskets - Saturday, May 1 - Basket deliveries will begin at 11 AM to Seniors' homes.
  • Senior Beach Party - Wednesday, May 12 at 11:30 AM - Music and games will be held on the Brother Gilbert Stadium field.  
  • Baccalaureate Mass and Awards Ceremony - Friday, May 14 at 4 PM - Mass will begin at 4 PM and will be held on the Brother Gilbert Stadium field. The Awards Ceremony will immediately follow the Mass.
  • 2021 Commencement Exercises - Saturday, May 15 at 1 PM - Commencement Exercises will be held on the Brother Gilbert Stadium field.
  • Commencement Rain DateSunday, May 16 at 1 PM

Although we realize that a prom is an important event for the Senior class, we are not able to host a prom this year. In our efforts to maintain our Culture of Health and Safety, we will not be hosting a prom, this year. Based upon state gathering guidelines, a maximum of 100 people can be allowed to gather indoors, and the number of MC graduates and their dates would exceed this limitation. Also, we are not able to bring students together from different schools without the risk of spreading COVID-19 to a broader community. In fact, after having conversations with several private schools in our area, we all agree that having students from other schools together could easily facilitate the spread of the virus within our community and other communities as well. 

Click here to read the most recent "Letter to Seniors."
Click here to view information about Tuxedo Rentals.
If you would like more information about Senior events, please visit our Senior News and Events page on the website.
MC Summer Sports Camps and Classes for Grades 2 - 11
Malden Catholic is pleased to offer in-person sports camps and summer classes at the Malden Catholic campus for the Summer of 2021! All camps and courses will be operated under MC's "Culture of Health and Safety" protocols for COVID-19. We look forward to opening up our campus this summer. Please click below for more information.

To view the full list of Summer Class offerings and Sports Camps for 2021, click here.
Alondra Enciso Torres ’23 and
Gladys Vega, Director of La Colaborativa
MC's New Club - La Colaborativa April 8
Malden Catholic is launching an exciting new club, "La Colaborativa," a Latin-led, immigrant-friendly program that helps residents in Chelsea, East Boston, Lynn, Malden, and other surrounding communities by providing essential goods such as food, household products, and diapers to families in need. Since the beginning of COVID-19, many families have been challenged with their ability to provide proper nourishment and care for their children, and many have been required to relocate. La Colaborativa volunteers are dedicated to assisting these families while they are in transition. (Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley, Governor Baker, and others recently visited La Colaborativa in person to see their work!) In a time where help is needed most, this will allow students to come together and truly make a difference. 

This MC student-led club will be led by Alondra Enciso Torres ’23 and club moderator, Mr. Kissel. Club meetings will discuss ways that members can donate items and raise funds with student activities to directly support La Colaborativa. The first meeting will be on Thursday, April 8th at 6 PM via Zoom. Please email Mr. Kissel at kissela@maldencatholic.org to receive the link and learn more about La Colaborativa.
Pizza and Prayer - April 8
Campus Ministry is hosting Pizza and Prayer on Thursday, April 8th at 5:30 PM in the cafeteria for the Blue Cohort. This live event has space for 25 students and pizza will be served.

If you are interested in attending the event, please email Ms. Foley at foleyd@maldencatholic.org to be added to the list.
Sr. Helen Prejean - April 9
The Malden Catholic community is looking forward to reconnecting with our good friend, Sister Helen Prejean on April 9, where she will continue leading this personal, reflective, inspiring and entertaining discussion of her most recent book, River of Fire. We are so blessed to continue this unique event! An excerpt from the previous live discussion session is attached.

This event is limited to current group of participants. If you have any questions, email Mr. Dustin Batista at batistad@maldencatholic.org.
Robotics Team - April 10
Malden Catholic’s Robotics team will compete in a virtual Botball competition on Saturday, April 10th beginning at 11:00 AM. The team will run their robots (Skyfall and Moonraker) to gather select ore from caverns, rescue Botguy, add satellite to the communication tower and much more! The robots will earn points for each task completed in under two minutes or risk disqualification.

A link will be provided for viewing the tournament. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Caristinos at caristinoss@maldencatholic.org. Good luck, Lancers!
Evelyn Maridiaga
Angelina Ang
MC Lancer Student Art
Students enrolled in the Studio Art 2 have spent their year using different mediums for a variety of art projects. It is our pleasure to share some of these art projects with the community.

The seahorse image was created with the use of scratchboard. In this assignment, students use a white paper coated with a black film and scrape the surface to reveal the white underneath. This is a challenging medium, since it is the direct opposite process of working with a pencil on white paper and it is not possible to erase any mistakes. This is a tense, creative process and MC students have done an exceptional job with this medium over the year.

The bottles in the adjacent image are drawn with charcoal. In these charcoal drawing, students used shading to create an illusion featuring form and depth. This year, students have created amazing images utilizing this medium and brought the bar to a whole new level!
MC Parent Council Meeting - April 14
MCPC Meeting - April 14 at 4 PM
The next MC Parent Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 14th at 4:00 PM. Director of School and College Counseling Caitlyn Oates will discuss the course selection process for next year, as well as her suggestions on what students can do over the summer to prepare for the next school year. Director of Advancement Sarah Hamilton will also join us to discuss the details of Malden Catholic's exciting Virtual Gala which will be held on April 29. Please register for the meeting through this link or https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/250723749

MCPC T-Shirts
The MC Parent Council has created t-shirts for all proud Malden Catholic parents and grandparents. They are available for only $10. Shirts may be ordered through the MCPC website page.
MC Book Club - April 20
The April Malden Catholic Book Club meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 20th at 6:30 PM. The Book Club will be reading This Tender Land by William Kent Krueger and reviewing discussion questions that will be sent out to the group the day before the meeting.

The club is open to all MC parents, faculty and friends, and we encourage you to join. If you are interested in being part of this engaging group, please contact Missy Barrett at missybarrett727@gmail.com.
Students Write Letters and Bring Gifts to Xaverian House
In celebration of the Feast of St. Joseph, Malden Catholic students wrote letters and prepared gift bags for the members of the Xaverian House in Danvers. St. Joseph is one of the patron saints of the Xaverian Brothers and on behalf of the students, MC Campus Ministers, Deirdre Foley and Stephen Baccari, delivered letters, gifts and Zeppole pastries to the retired Xaverian Brothers. The Brothers greatly appreciated the letters and the gifts!
Connections Conference
Sixteen boys and girls from Malden Catholic participated in Connections Conference: Listen, Learn, Act!  Fighting for Justice in our schools and communities, an exciting online social justice conference was hosted by Sutton High School on Wednesday, March 24th. Students from over 40 high schools joined together and met in breakout rooms with other students and engaged in rich discussions about important issues including: Colorism & the Beauty Industry, Talking About Privilege, Mental Health and Social Justice: The Impact on Academics and Athletics and Patriarchy Heals Everyone: We Can All Heal Together and How to Build a Social Justice Group at your School.  
Going forward, MC students are looking forward to introducing some of the concepts from the conference to MC's Diversity and Inclusion Group and to the MC Community.
"Overall, I felt like it was such an amazing experience to be a part of and I was more than glad to be given the opportunity to attend." 
Emerson Tully '24
TKS - Exclusive MC STEM Opportunity
Malden Catholic students have been invited to apply for a unique STEM-based program entitled, The Knowledge Society (TKS). This program is designed to train students to maximize their ability to make an impact on the world with a 10-month program that focuses on using emerging technologies such as blockchain, genomics, space tech and nanotech to solve important problems to shape the future. The program was created by entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley, who have built and sold companies and designed this unique experience with successful CEOs and global leaders, while also adopting new ideas from innovative companies like Google and SpaceX.

A limited number of students will be chosen from over 80 schools in the Boston area. The tuition is $439/month for the virtual program. Two seats for TKS have been reserved for MC students and the application deadline is April 5th. For more information, please see the attached link.
Mission Moment with Brother Puccio
Mission Moment: Holy Thursday …..  Reflection.

Though folks at home will be reading this on Easter or later, I am writing on Holy Thursday; so I would like to reflect on this day, marking the start of the Easter Triduum, the summit of the Church’s liturgical year. In fact, I’d like to think back one more day, to my Wednesday afternoon Theology class. We had been talking about “Who is the person Jesus?” We established that Jesus was undeniably a real person in history. There are references to both him and his followers in writings of Suetonius and Pliny and other Roman and Hebrew historians. These place him during the reign of Tiberius when Pontius Pilate was governor of Galilee. Then, there are, of course, the Gospel accounts by men who had lived and travelled with Jesus.
When our attention turned to questions of “Who is Jesus to us today, and how do we know him or ‘connect’ with him?” we considered that we can know Jesus through his words in Scripture, we can speak with him in prayer, we can see him in one another, and we can share in his graces in the sacraments. No sharing is more intimate than the one in Holy Communion. There, he gives us himself: body and blood. Jesus instituted the sacrament of the Eucharist at his Passover supper that we commemorate on Holy Thursday. (You can read more on our Malden Catholic Mission Moment Page.)
NFHS Streaming Services
Streaming Service for all home athletic events at all levels in both Doherty Gymnasium and Doherty Field. Both live streaming and on demand view back is available with subscription. A month to month subscription is $10.99 and a portion goes back to Malden Catholic. Your subscription also allows you to watch any athletic event from any program in the country that uses the NFHS Network.
Register for Spring Sports
Spring Sports Registration is now open!

Parents/Guardians must register students by April 16th and be approved with a current physical by the nurses office to tryout out on April 26th for Softball, Baseball, Outdoor Track & Field, Rugby, Tennis or Lacrosse.

For Boys Registration, click here.

For Girls Registration, click here.
Fall II Sports Games Schedule