Headmaster Update
Dear Families, 

Deer hunting season in Wisconsin is a significant, state-wide event. Hundreds of thousands of hunters wear blaze orange and head out to the woodlands. It was not uncommon when driving along a country highway to see dozens of tiny orange specks dotting the landscape. My family lived in Wisconsin for many years and we all become accustomed to the enthusiasm surrounding deer hunting season. 
My father had purchased an old single shot 20 gauge rifle from K-Mart years earlier and when I was young he took me pheasant hunting a few times, but neither of us were ever were able to bring anything home. Although I am not much of a hunter, I purchased a deer hunting license. After much encouragement from my friends, I pulled the rifle out of the attic to repurpose it as a hunting gun. 
In fact, I decided that my sons should to come along with me to learn how to hunt. Equipped with new blaze-orange outfits, we found a large parcel of public wooded land to wander through on a brisk fall day. There was a myriad of trails and other hunters were out that day as well to hunt. Thinking most deer would move to less used areas, I directed my two sons to follow me off the trail. I rushed forward to make sure to outpace any other would-be hunters. 
We bushwhacked into a densely wooded area that seemed to be ideal location and waited for several hours. Unfortunately, not a single deer crossed our path! The sun began to sink down and we decided to head back to the car... and we soon realized that we were lost. We stumbled and trudged through the trees and eventually found the parking lot. Our journey had been difficult and along the way, my sons had lost confidence in my abilities. In my rush to be a deer hunter, I had not studied a map or brought a compass. I had become too focused on the results and not enough on preparation. Had I taken the time to review the map and reflect on our journey, things probably would have turned out differently. 
Reverence, reflection, and prayer are essential aspects of our faith. They don't come easily as our fast-paced world with endless amounts of data and connectedness pulls us in many directions. We rush ahead to get through our tasks for the day hoping for time to rest at the end, but the end never comes. There is always more to accomplish. The story of Elijah (I Kings 19) tells of God coming in a "still small voice." Parker J. Palmer shares that listening to God's Spirit can only happen when we quiet ourselves.
We held the blessing and dedication ceremony for our new chapel this weekend. It is appropriately named the Brother Thomas Puccio C.F.X. Chapel after our esteemed Xaverian Brother who has dedicated his life's work to Malden Catholic. This sacred space is in the school's main corridor and will provide a space for prayer, worship and reflection for students, faculty and staff whenever the school building is open. It is a place where our entire community can be reminded to take time each day to connect with God. I invite you to visit our chapel the next time you are in the school building.  
In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:6 
This weekend had much to celebrate in our school community. Our Mock Trial Team put MC on the National map on Friday, as they were named State Champions of the Mass Bar Association’s 2022 High School Mock Trial Program! On Saturday, a talented group of our students competed in the Massachusetts Educational Theater Guild's preliminary round of their annual Drama Festival with a script penned by our students. The MC Boys Basketball team has been amazing all season and reached the State Championship Game this weekend where they earned Malden Catholic's first basketball State Title. We congratulate all of our amazing students on these outstanding accomplishments!

Thank you for your support,

John K. Thornburg
At a Glance
Monday, March 21
Day 4
No School - Headmaster's Holiday
Spring Sports Tryouts - 2:30 PM

Tuesday, March 22
Day 5
Wednesday, March 23
Day 6
Activity Period - 12:51 PM
Leadership Speaker Series: Mercedes Ramirez Johnson

Thursday, March 24
Day 7
NHS Induction Ceremony - 6:30 PM

Friday, March 25
Day 1
End of Third Quarter for Underclassmen
Grades 9 and 10 Semi-Formal - 7:00 PM
What's New?
MC Book Club Meeting - 3.22 at 6:30 PM
The MC Parent Book Club Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 22 at 6:30 PM via Zoom. The March MC Book Club will be discussing Mary Jane, a funny, wise, and tender novel about a fourteen-year-old girl’s coming of age in 1970s Baltimore, caught between her strait-laced family and the progressive family she nannies for—who happen to be secretly hiding a famous rock star and his movie star wife for the summer.

You may dial in to the club meeting through the attached link: https://sanofi.zoom.com/j/9307039967
Meeting ID: 930 703 9967
MC Leadership Series Featured Speaker: Mercedes Ramirez Johnson - 3.23 at 1:15 PM
We are honored to welcome Mercedes Ramirez Johnson, who will speak live to the MC student body on Wednesday, March 23 at 1:15 PM as part of the MC Leadership Speaker Series. Mrs. Johnson is a survivor of a commercial airplane crash and now shares her story of "second chances" in schools and organizations across the U.S. and Canada.

Mercedes poses the question: what will you do with your second chance? Many people feel so overwhelmed by daily pressures and obligations that they find themselves in Survival Mode, operating with the assumption that there will always be a tomorrow in which they can fix today’s problems, right today’s wrongs and take care of the truly important things they wished they’d done today. Second Chance Living™ is a transformational program that moves participants to put their challenges in perspective and to carefully consider how the choices they make will profoundly affect their future. Mercedes’ message focuses on personal success, overcoming challenges and finding authentic fulfillment. Through her gripping, poignant and yet humorous account of her plane crash and long-fought recovery, Mercedes proves that everyone can achieve their dreams.
National Honor Society Induction Ceremony - 3.24 at 6:30 PM
The Brother Gilbert Chapter of the National Honor Society is pleased to announce that this year’s NHS Induction Ceremony for new members will take place on Thursday, March 24, 2022 at 6:30 PM. Each inductee will be able to invite two guests to this event.
Support for Ukraine - 3.24
Malden Catholic would like to provide support for the people of Ukraine by donating much-needed supplies. We are looking for the following items to be dropped off in the front MC lobby by Thursday, March 24.

  • Children and Adult Pain Relievers: Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Aspirin, Vitamins
  • Gauze
  • Cotton Balls
  • Bandages/Bandaids
  • Butterfly Strips
  • Eye Wash
  • First-Aid Kits
  • Medical Adhesive Tape
  • Tweezers
  • Anti-bacterial Ointment
  • Antiseptic Wipes
  • Emergency Blanket
  • Gauze Pads
  • Feminine Hygiene Products
  • Toothpaste/Toothbrushes
  • Liquid Soap

Please contact Dr. Baccari or Ms. Callahan with any questions.
Mission of Deeds Annual Buy-a-Bed - 3.25
Members of Malden Catholic's Campus Ministry team are inviting MC students to support this year’s Buy-a-Bed Drive by donating any amount to the charity in Theology class by March 25. Theology teachers will accept daily cash donations and every contribution goes a long way toward buying a bed. Let’s see which Theology class can contribute the most!
Grades 9 & 10 Semi-Formal Dance - 3.25 at 7 PM
The Malden Catholic Semi-Formal Dance for Grades 9 and 10 will be held on Friday, March 25 from 7 - 10 PM in the MC gymnasium. There will be a DJ, appetizers and refreshments for the students. Information regarding the Semi-Formal arrival, dismissal, attire policy, and outside guest policy can be found through this link. The Semi-Formal permission slip can be found through this link.
MC Parent Club New Date - 3.29 at 6 PM
The next MC Parent Club meeting will be held on March 29 at 6 PM. MCPC attendees will meet in the cafeteria and discuss the MC Summer Internship Program, along with opportunities and the application process.

Official Parent Facebook Group
Be sure to join the official Parent Council Facebook Group for updated news and information. Click here to join the group or go to: https://www.facebook.com/groups/maldencatholicparents
Grade 12 Prom Ticket Sale - 3.31 at 2:15 PM
The Grade 12 Prom will be held on Friday, May 13 from 6 - 11 PM at Danversport Yacht Club in Danvers. There will be a DJ, buffet dinner and photo booth for the students. Students will need to submit the Code of Conduct form, permission slip and check for the ticket price of $80/per person by Thursday, March 31 at 2:15 PM in the cafeteria.

Student groups are advised to come together to purchase tickets to ensure that they will receive the seating assignment of their choice. Information regarding arrival, dismissal, attire policy and outside guest policy can be found through this link. The Grade 12 Prom Code of Conduct form can be found through this link. The Grade 12 Prom permission slip can be found through this link. Please see Ms. Verrocchi Mr. Grocki with any questions.
Grade 11 Prom - 4.1 at 6 PM
The Malden Catholic Grade 11 Prom will be held on Friday, April 1 from 6 - 10 PM at Spinelli's Restaurant in Lynnfield. There will be a DJ, buffet dinner and photo booth for the students. Information regarding the Grade 11 Prom arrival, dismissal, attire policy and outside guest policy can be found through this link. The Grade 11 Prom Code of Conduct form can be found through this link.
College Fair - 4.7 at 6 PM
Malden Catholic School and College Counseling will host the MC College Fair on Thursday, April 7 from 6 - 8 PM in the gymnasium. Representatives from over 85 colleges and universities will attend the event and all Grade 11 and Grade 10 students and their parents are encouraged to attend. This event provides an opportunity for students to make direct connections with college representatives and gather information for the college planning process. Please see Ms. Parker or Mrs. DelGenio with any questions.
Purchase Tickets for MC's 90th Gala Celebration - 4.28 at 6 PM
Tickets for the Malden Catholic's 90th Gala celebration are now available through this link. General admission Gala tickets are $175/person and Malden Catholic families receive a $75 discount by using the coupon code - PARENT90TH.

This amazing evening will be held on Thursday, April 28 at 6 PM in the Doherty Gymnasium and the event includes a Plus Ultra Award presentation, dinner and dancing to the sounds of the band, "Soul City"! 2022 is a momentous year for Malden Catholic – we are celebrating our 90th anniversary and the first class of Girls Division students to graduate in May 2022 along with the Boys Division. Truly, Malden Catholic is Leading Beyond all Expectations…generations of extraordinary young adults have and will continue to flourish from the education provided by this outstanding institution. The school has fostered and will continue to create men and women that exemplify leadership, character and success.

In this tradition, we are delighted to celebrate a couple who personify these pillars - Dr. Daniel J. McCarthy ’50 and Mrs. Margaret T. (Noonan) McCarthy GC ’50 as our Plus Ultra Honorees. Longtime benefactors of the school, Dr. and Mrs. McCarthy MC & GC 1950 have established scholarship funds for Malden Catholic Girls and Boys Divisions as well as a fund in memory of Margaret’s cousin Margaret M. Dunphy 1961. They are also members of the Plus Ultra and the Saint Francis Xavier Societies. We are most grateful to Margaret and Dan McCarthy for their tremendous dedication and commitment to Malden Catholic.

Gala Online Auction Volunteers
Starting on April 14, 2022, Malden Catholic will begin auctioning off a number of fun and unique items to raise money in support of MC students and school programs. Parent volunteers are needed at this time to help collect auction items for the Gala.

If you are available to help with the auction, please sign up through SignUpGenius.

Please reach out to Sarah Hamilton at hamiltons@maldencatholic.org with any questions.
2021-2022 Yearbook Student Recognition Ads - 5.12
Senior parents are encouraged to purchase Student Yearbook Recognition Ads that will be displayed in Malden Catholic's 2021-2022 yearbook. The ads can be customized to feature the individual student and are available in three sizes: full page, half page or quarter page.

If you're interested in purchasing an ad, please create a Jostens account through this link. The deadline to order a MC Student Recognition Ad is May 12.
Seeking International Student Host Families
Malden Catholic has partnered with Ivy International Group to connect future MC international students with potential host families in the community. Hosting a student is a rewarding and enriching experience and all host families receive 24/7 support, guidance and a monthly stipend. For more information, please contact Wendy Wang at wwang@usivy.net.
What's Happening Around MC?
MC Mock Trial Team Named State Champions
Congratulations to the Malden Catholic Mock Trial Team, which on Friday was named State Champion of the Massachusetts Bar Association’s 2022 High School Mock Trial Program!

Malden Catholic prevailed against Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter Public School in South Hadley (PVPA) at the 36th Annual Statewide High School Mock Trial Competition Finals, which was conducted virtually before a panel of three judges. The state title is Malden Catholic’s first Mock Trial State Championship. Next up for Malden Catholic is the National High School Mock Trial Championship, which will also be conducted virtually, May 5–7.

Started in 1985, the Massachusetts Bar Association’s Mock Trial Program began its 36th year in January. Ninety-five (95) high schools from around Massachusetts competed in the 2022 program, which placed high school teams from across the state in simulated courtroom situations where they assumed the roles of lawyers, defendants and witnesses in hypothetical cases. The teams competed in over 150 trials using a virtual format from January through March.

The Mock Trial Program is administered by the Massachusetts Bar Association. Nearly 80 lawyers and judges across the state also volunteered as coaches and judges this year.

The MC Mock Trial Team would like to dedicate this historical moment and thank in the most special of ways team founder, Brother Timothy Hoey.
Photo credit: Mrs. Eilish O'Brien
Trial Performers Pictured:
Bottom Row: Dia Bachawati ’24, Sophia Barchard ’23, Ashley Reardon ’23, Courtney Casaletto ’22, Eavan Flood ’22 and Co-Captain Lily Baglio ‘22
Top Row: Co-Captain Emma Pohl ’22, Matt Zubricki ’23, Isaac Toscano ’23, Luca Morelli ’22 and Olivia Gowrie ‘22
Malden Catholic High School Wins Mass. Bar Association's ...

Friday, March 18, 2022Mock Trial Central Malden Catholic Wins Mass. Bar Association's 2022 Mock Trial State Championship Advances to nationals after prevailing over South Hadley's Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter Public School in virtual...

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Massachusetts Science and Engineering Fair Outstanding Cross-Disciplinary Project Award
We would like to congratulate Chengxiang Lou '23 for receiving the Massachusetts Science and Engineering Fair Outstanding Cross-Disciplinary Project Award for his 3D printed mechanical apparatus for microplastic degradation and recycling project.

Cullen Mustone '24 and Aaron DaSilva '22 were also recognized at the Massachusetts Science and Engineering Fair for being nominated for one of the best 40 projects in the fair.
These two projects along with two more nominations from MC will be participating in the State Fair at MIT on May 4 and May 5. Great job, Lancers!
Drama Fest Production
Congratulations to the MC Drama Club's cast and crew for their spectacular performance of "The View From In Between" at the Massachusetts Drama Festival this past weekend.

The play was written by Alexa DoVale '23 and Emma Lafontaine '23. The playwrights commented, "Having enjoyed the experience of playwriting, we both have decided that this will be part of our future career plans." Alexa and Emma would like to thank everyone who made this play production such a huge success!
Spirit Week
MC Student Council sponsored Spirit Week and celebrated with a dress-up day, jersey day, luau-themed MC Pep Rally, and a day to dress in green in honor of St. Patrick’s Day. The week ended with a Mass to honor the Feast day of St. Patrick and St. Joseph. We loved seeing everyone's very creative Spirit Week attire!
La Colaborativa's 3V3 Basketball Tournament
Last week, members of MC's La Colaborativa held a 3V3 Basketball Tournament as part of Spirit Week. We would like to thank everyone who participated in the event and we are happy to announce that the tournament raised almost $400 in donations! Way to go!
McKinsey & Company Youth Leadership Forum 2022
Congratulations to Yolandy Vargas '24, Andrew Gagnon '22, and Elizabeth Foy '24 who have been selected to participate in the McKinsey & Company Youth Leadership Forum 2022 in Boston on Friday, April 1 and Saturday, April 2. This year’s applicant pool was highly competitive, consisting of over 100 applications from students in grades 10-12.
St. Andrew Dinner at St. John's Seminary
Last week, the MC Boys Division had an opportunity to attend the St. Andrew Dinner for Catholic boys interested in the priesthood. The dinner consisted of prayer, discussion and testimony from local parishes.
College Acceptances
MC's School and College Counseling department would like to remind Grade 12 students to update their acceptances and final college selection for the MC College Acceptance Board. Please send all of your current information to Mrs. DelGenio at delgenios@maldencatholic.org.
Malden Catholic's Boys Varsity Basketball Team Wins First State Title
Congratulations to the Boys Varsity Basketball team for winning Malden Catholic's first basketball State Championship!

After reaching the State Finals this past weekend at the Tsongas Center, the Boys Varsity Basketball team beat Norwood High School 95-40 to claim MC's first State Title. Way to go, Lancers!
Tony Felder Jr. makes his points in a big way, leads...

Felder scored 20 points in the first half to pace Malden Catholic (22-2) to a 44-17 lead at the break. The 5-foot-9-inch guard caught fire late in the third quarter and stayed hot early in the fourth, when he hit his eighth 3-pointer while...

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Winter/Spring Sports
MC Winter Sports Awards
Winter sports awards will be held on Wednesday, March 23.
MC Spring Sports Tryouts
Spring sports tryouts will be held on Monday, March 21.