Headmaster Update
Dear Families,

As part of our Center for Leadership programming, we hosted Mrs. Ramirez Johnson as a speaker who addressed our entire student body. Mrs. Ramirez shared her experience as one of only four survivors in a tragic plane crash on American Airlines Flight 965 which resulted in 189 fatalities. Mercedes was traveling with her parents on December 20, 1995, en route from Miami, Florida to Colombia, South America when the plane crashed into a mountain near Buga, Colombia. She recounted her experience on the aircraft along with the pilots' steps to take emergency procedures when the Ground Proximity Alarm went off in the Boeing 757 when the flight was only 15 minutes away from the scheduled landing. Twelve seconds later, there was a loud bang from the rear of the plane. Traveling over 200 mph, the tail of the aircraft struck trees at the crest of the mountain resulting in the crash.

The students were riveted to their seats as Mercedes shared her account of waking up and eventually realizing what had happened. With broken bones and internal bleeding, she did her best to crawl from the plane’s wreckage. Eighteen hours later, a rescue team arrived and was able to retrieve the five survivors (with one succumbing to injuries later). After the investigation, she learned that the cause of the crash was pilot error. The pilot had entered an incorrect code into the onboard flight computer and the plane veered off course. Despite the devastating impact of losing both parents and enduring extremely serious injuries that would take up to a year to overcome, Mercedes used her story and the series of events that caused the crash to teach MC students important lessons regarding perseverance and living authentically. Her message was powerful.

One part of her story stuck with me. Initially, the rescue operations team in Columbia delayed their efforts to venture out to the crash site since they assumed everyone had been lost in the crash. The teamed deemed the operation a “search and recovery” mission because they could not imagine how anyone could survive the impact. Fortunately, one doctor who was part of an independent rescue team, insisted that there were survivors on the mountain. He called it a “search and rescue” operation and gathered a team to depart immediately to the crash site. Thanks to his determination, the team arrived in time to save the lives of Mercedes and those who were still alive.

This part of her story caused me to reflect on our Lord Jesus Christ and a verse in Romans (5:8) – But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Because of His love for us, God set out on a “search and rescue” effort for us. Someone once told me that the word “sin” comes from an archery term. The distance from the bullseye to where the arrow struck the target is called the “sin.” Sin means to miss the mark that God has set for us. God’s great love for us is seen through Jesus Christ, who died so our sin (distance from the target) would be removed. God was not satisfied with just a search and recovery but sent His only Son for a rescue.

As we move through this Lenten Season, let us reflect upon our own perseverance and determination and the love God displays to us through the gift found in His Son.


John K. Thornburg
At a Glance
Monday, March 28
Day 2

Tuesday, March 29
Day 3
MCPC Meeting - 6 PM
Wednesday, March 30
Day 4

Thursday, March 31
Day 5

Friday, April 1
Day 6
Grade 11 Prom - 6 PM
What's New?
"Stand with Ukraine" Benefit Concert - 3.27 at 9 AM
In partnership with Save the Children, Chi Vu '22 has organized and will participate in a concert benefiting Stand With Ukraine. The event will be livestreamed on Appassionato Music's YouTube Channel on 3.27 at 9 AM.
MC Parent Club - 3.29 at 6 PM
The next MC Parent Club meeting will be held on March 29 at 6 PM. MCPC attendees will meet in the cafeteria for an opening prayer followed by a discussion involving MC's Gala Celebration and the Summer Internship Program.

Official Parent Facebook Group
Be sure to join the official Parent Council Facebook Group for updated news and information. Click here to join the group or go to: https://www.facebook.com/groups/maldencatholicparents
Grade 12 Prom Ticket Sale - 3.31 at 2:15 PM
The Grade 12 Prom will be held on Friday, May 13 from 6 - 11 PM at Danversport Yacht Club in Danvers. There will be a DJ, buffet dinner and photo booth for the students. Students will need to submit the Code of Conduct form, permission slip and check for the ticket price of $80/per person by Thursday, March 31 at 2:15 PM in the cafeteria.

Student groups are advised to come together when they purchase tickets to ensure that they will receive the seating assignment of their choice. Information regarding arrival, dismissal, attire policy and outside guest policy can be found through this link. The Grade 12 Prom Code of Conduct form can be found through this link. The Grade 12 Prom permission slip can be found through this link. Please see Ms. Verrocchi or Mr. Grocki with any questions.
Grade 11 Prom - 4.1 at 6 PM
The Malden Catholic Grade 11 Prom will be held on Friday, April 1 from 6 - 10 PM at Spinelli's Restaurant in Lynnfield. There will be a DJ, buffet dinner and photo booth for the students. Information regarding the Grade 11 Prom arrival, dismissal, attire policy and outside guest policy can be found through this link. The Grade 11 Prom Code of Conduct form can be found through this link.
College Fair - 4.7 at 6 PM
Malden Catholic School and College Counseling will host the MC College Fair on Thursday, April 7 from 6 - 7:30 PM in the gymnasium. Representatives from over 95 colleges and universities will attend the event and all Grade 11 and Grade 10 students and their parents are encouraged to attend.

This event provides an opportunity for students to make direct connections with college representatives and gather information for the college planning process. Please see Ms. Parker or Mrs. DelGenio with any questions.
Grade 10 Sign Up For MCLI - 4.15
The Malden Catholic Leadership Institute (MCLI), a four-day, three-night retreat at Endicott College in Beverly, will take place from August 4 - 7. This is an immersive, faith-filled, service-oriented opportunity to grow as a class, as a school, and as a Church. Students will hear talks from amazing speakers, participate in group exercises to build trust and communication skills, serve people in need, spend quality time with one another, pray together and grow in fellowship and faith.

MC's Campus Ministry will hold a meeting for parents at Malden Catholic to discuss the MCLI retreat details on Monday, May 2. The cost for MCLI is $350 and a $100 deposit due Friday, April 15. If you have any questions regarding covering the MCLI fee, please reach out to Mr. Casey at caseye@maldencatholic.org.

All Grade 11 students are invited to attend, but please note that due to limited space, only 130 spots are available for students. All participants must be fully vaccinated. More information regarding MCLI can be found on the MC website through the following link.
Timothy J. E. Paquette - A Celebration of Life Event - 4.23 at 11 AM
Malden Catholic will be hosting a schoolwide event to celebrate the life of Tim Paquette '07 on Saturday, April 23 at 10:30 AM. The event will include a Mass, luncheon and Varsity Lacrosse game on Donovan Field to follow.

The event is in honor of Timothy Paquette '07 who passed away from ALS on June 27, 2021, and is the son of Rick & Elizabeth Paquette. All Malden Catholic families, alumni and friends are invited to attend. Please R.S.V.P. through this Eventbrite link.
Purchase Tickets for MC's 90th Gala Celebration - 4.28 at 6 PM
Tickets for the Malden Catholic's 90th Gala celebration are now available through this link. General admission Gala tickets are $175/person and Malden Catholic families receive a $75 discount by using the coupon code - PARENT90TH.

This amazing evening will be held on Thursday, April 28 at 6 PM in the Doherty Gymnasium and the event includes a Plus Ultra Award presentation, dinner and dancing to the sounds of the band, "Soul City"! 2022 is a momentous year for Malden Catholic – we are celebrating our 90th anniversary and the first class of Girls Division students to graduate in May 2022 along with the Boys Division. Truly, Malden Catholic is Leading Beyond all Expectations…generations of extraordinary young adults have and will continue to flourish from the education provided by this outstanding institution. The school has fostered and will continue to create men and women that exemplify leadership, character and success.

In this tradition, we are delighted to celebrate a couple who personify these pillars - Dr. Daniel J. McCarthy ’50 and Mrs. Margaret T. (Noonan) McCarthy GC ’50 as our Plus Ultra Honorees. Longtime benefactors of the school, Dr. and Mrs. McCarthy MC & GC 1950 have established scholarship funds for Malden Catholic Girls and Boys Divisions as well as a fund in memory of Margaret’s cousin Margaret M. Dunphy 1961. They are also members of the Plus Ultra and the Saint Francis Xavier Societies. We are most grateful to Margaret and Dan McCarthy for their tremendous dedication and commitment to Malden Catholic.
2021-2022 Yearbook Student Recognition Ads - 5.12
Senior parents are encouraged to purchase Student Yearbook Recognition Ads that will be displayed in Malden Catholic's 2021-2022 yearbook. The ads can be customized to feature the individual student and are available in three sizes: full page, half page or quarter page.

If you're interested in purchasing an ad, please create a Jostens account through this link. The deadline to order a MC Student Recognition Ad is May 12.
What's Happening Around MC?
National Honor Society Induction Ceremony
The National Honor Society is dedicated to advancing the attributes of scholarship, leadership, character and service in schools. Last week, Malden Catholic inducted 96 new members into the Brother Gilbert Chapter of the National Honor Society. For the Brother Gilbert Chapter at Malden Catholic, students become academically eligible for membership when after four semesters a cumulative average of 88% has been earned.

On behalf of the faculty and staff of MC, we would like to congratulate every new NHS member on their hard work, dedication to their studies, commitment to service and student leadership!
Chapel Blessing and Dedication Ceremony
MC held the Blessing and Dedication Ceremony for our new chapel last weekend which is appropriately named the Brother Thomas Puccio C.F.X. Chapel after our esteemed Xaverian Brother who has dedicated his life's work to Malden Catholic. This sacred space is in the school's main corridor and will provide a space for prayer, worship and reflection for students, faculty and staff whenever the school building is open. We are very grateful to Margaret and Paul Chisolm P'95, P'99 for their generous donation which provided us with this beautiful sacred space!
MC's Crystal 99
The most recent issue of the Crystal 99 is here! Editors-in-Chief Courtney Casaletto and Brooke Langis and Managing Editor Lilah Paige, as well as Editors Emerson Tully and Katelyn Cirame, worked extremely hard to edit and layout student-written articles regarding school news, sports and the arts along with opinion pieces. Copies of the paper can be found in the main lobby and in the Boys and Girls Learning Commons. A digital copy of Crystal 99 is available on the MC website.
Drama Fest Award Winners
Congratulations to Alexa DoVale '23, Emma Lafontaine '23 and Hoang Ngo '22 for winning the Massachusetts Education Theater Guild Acting Award for their respective character roles in "The View From In Between." The performance by the MC Drama club was the first to receive a standing ovation at the Massachusetts Drama Festival last weekend. Way to go!
MC Leadership Series Featured Speaker, Mercedes Ramirez Johnson
MC was pleased to welcome Mercedes Ramirez Johnson, one of only four survivors of an airplane crash, as part of our Leadership Speaker Series. Mercedes shared her story of "Second Chances," in which she encouraged students to live with intention, perspective and perseverance. We would like to thank Mercedes for visiting Malden Catholic and for sharing with us her moving presentation!
Connections Conference 2022
On Friday, March 18, Diversity and Inclusion Club moderators Dr. Stephen Baccari and Brother Tom Puccio accompanied nine MC students to Sutton High School for their one-day “Connections Conference 2022.”  With over 500 student participants from 40 Massachusetts and Rhode Island high schools, the Conference is designed to raise awareness about the need for social equity and for the examination of various obstacles in our lives to that equity. The “Connection Conference” is Sutton High School's annual social justice forum for students and educators, run by the local students and staff and featuring a variety of high quality presenters from area colleges, non-profit organizations, and the community. 

The keynote speaker was Dr. Ousmane K. Powers-Greene, an associate professor of history and program director of African studies at Clark University. The author of several books, he is a sought-after scholar, invited to present his work on racism on panels and at lectures around the world. Following his presentation, students attended their choice of two workshops from about 25 offered, then enjoyed lunch and some closing activities allowing students from different schools to get to know one another. 
Mock Trial and Boys Basketball State Championships Pep Rally
With much to celebrate at MC, the Boys Varsity Basketball team and the MC Mock Trial Team were cheered on by the student body at the MC Pep Rally to recognize their successes this past week. Congratulations to the Boys Varsity Basketball team and the MC Mock Trial Team on becoming State Champions! The MC Mock Trial Team will go on to represent the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the Nationals.

You may watch the Massachusetts Bar Association State Champion Mock Trial video here.
Boys Varsity Basketball State Championship Video
Check out the Boys Varsity Basketball team State Championship win on MC's YouTube channel through this link.