Headmaster Update
John Thornburg
Dear Parents,

I hope this weekly update finds you and your family well. It seems as if our New England weather has decided to turn back to summer after our wintery snowstorm last week! I am thankful for the respite and the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors for a few more days. The ability to get some sun, keep the windows open, and spend time outside certainly seems to elevate everyone's spirit, which was evident as I walked around the school today.

We had our first MC Parent Council meeting last week and over 35 parents joined me and Principal Redman to share their thoughts and ideas. It was a great first step in developing opportunities for additional student and parent engagement. There were many fabulous ideas shared and Mrs. Redman and I will follow up on each one over the next few months. I have attached a short video to provide you with a synthesis of the meeting. Please be on the lookout for our next steps.

I am hosting the first Headmaster Coffee this week on Tuesday, November 10 at 8 AM. I look forward to spending time with our parents to visit, get better acquainted and discuss all things Malden Catholic. We have planned a series of Headmaster and Principal Coffees throughout the months of November and December, and the full schedule is below so you can find a convenient time in your schedule to attend.
Thank you for all your support.
John K. Thornburg

Also, be sure to follow me on MCHS Headmaster Twitter for the most recent school updates and important MC announcements. Click here to follow Headmaster Thornburg on Twitter.
At a Glance
Monday, November 9
Blue Cohort Day 1
Samaritans Visit | Junior Theology Classes
Virtual College Visit: Framingham State University | 2:20 PM

Tuesday, November 10
Gold Cohort Day 1
Veterans Day Prayer | 8:00 AM
Coffee with The Headmaster | 8:00 AM
Report Cards Emailed | 5:00 PM
Virtual College Visit: Dean College | 2:20 PM
Virtual College Visit: Northeastern University | 2:20 PM

Wednesday, November 11
Veterans Day
Offices Closed

Thursday, November 12
Blue Cohort Day 2
Praying of the Rosary | 7:30 AM
Virtual College Visit: Suffolk University | 2:20 PM
Virtual College Visit: University of Southern Maine | 2:20 PM

Friday, November 13
Gold Cohort Day 2
Dress Down Day
Praying of the Rosary | 7:30 AM
Virtual College Visit: Wesleyan University | 2:20 PM 
Virtual College Visit: Saint Anselm College | 2:20 PM
Dear Malden Catholic Families,

Hello! My name is Seamus McGuire, and I am the new Chemistry teacher at Malden Catholic. I studied Biology and German at the University of Dallas, a small, private, Catholic university in Texas, and I am so excited to be at MC. I started teaching at the Dallas German International School in the Kindergarten classroom and have been teaching at the high school level in Malden for the last two years. In my free time, I enjoy baking and spending time with my wife and dog. I played lacrosse from the seventh grade through my senior year of college and have coached lacrosse and soccer for the past few years. I look forward to playing a role in the athletics department and to leading the Lancers to victory!
I am still amazed by the fact that I get to start my day off by joining in prayer with the whole school community. I love how the Xaverian values and Catholic social teachings run through the core of Malden Catholic. As a Chemistry teacher, I get the opportunity to shape my students into critical thinkers and lovers of science. This opportunity, along with the Catholic elements of the school, has made me love every second in the classroom so far! I look forward to the rest of the school year and growing along with the Malden Catholic community

Mr. McGuire
Seamus McGuire
Science Teacher
What's New?
Salute to Veterans
This is an important week as we honor our veterans on Veterans Day. We hosted Command Sergeant Major of the US Army, Training and Doctrine Command Daniel T. Hendrex and his colleagues last week as part of our Malden Catholic Center for Leadership Speaker Series. Students, Faculty and Staff learned about important leadership concepts and listened to inspiring stories from our Armed Forces.

We will have a Prayer Service for Veterans on Tuesday at 8 AM for MC students, faculty and staff. We will also share a Salute to Veterans on Wednesday with our school community on all Malden Catholic social media platforms. This short program will honor the different branches of our Armed Forces and help all of us reflect on the sacrifices our veterans have made for our freedom.

Please check out our MC Facebook page on Veterans Day for the service.
Lawn Signs Are Now Available
We have created lawn signs to help promote our school during the 2020-2021 admissions season. We will be distributing a sign to each student today and tomorrow and ask that you put the signs up in your window or your yard. We will not be able to host a traditional MC Open House event this year, so we need your help spreading the word about Malden Catholic to families with students in the incoming Class of 2025.

Additional signs will also be available at the front desk if you are not in school this Monday or Tuesday or if you have friends or neighbors who would also be willing to support our school. The Class of 2025 applications are due by December 15.
Bread of Life Food Drive
Malden Catholic is once again supporting the excellent work provided at Bread of Life, a faith-based ministry serving the communities north of Boston. Beginning Tuesday, November 10 and running through November 23rd, MC will collect non-perishable food items to help support Bread of Life's mission to "to feed the body and nurture the soul." Please put your food items in the box located in the front lobby or by Door 11.
Virtual Coffee with The Headmaster & Principal Tomorrow at 8 a.m.
We will begin our Coffee with the Headmaster Principal series starting November 10 from 8 - 9 AM. Each coffee hour is hosted virtually, and the link will be sent out the week prior to the event. This provides an opportunity spend some time with our leadership team to become better acquainted, share thoughts and ideas and have a discussion. We look forward to spending time with you in the weeks ahead!

Please register for tomorrow's Headmaster Coffee through this link.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (571) 317-3122
Access Code: 774-401-877 

The next coffee dates are listed below:
  • Tuesday, November 17 at 8 AM with Principal Redman
  • Tuesday, December 1 at 4 PM with Headmaster Thornburg
  • Wednesday, December 9 at 4 PM with Principal Redman
  • Tuesday, December 15 at 8 AM with Headmaster Thornburg
Meeting for Senior Parents - 11.17 at 3:30 PM
We will be hosting a Meeting for Senior Parents on Tuesday, November 17 at 3:30 PM to provide some time for senior parents to meet with Headmaster Thornburg, Principal Redman and the Boys Division Leader, Bob Bucchino to review the events and plans that will lead up to graduation. We will also have Senior Class Advisor, Mr. Robert Gregory, joining us as well. This will give us the opportunity to set the stage for celebrating and honoring our seniors throughout the year. 

Please register through this link
Sunshine Club - For Families in Need
Malden Catholic would like assist MC families who are struggling during this challenging pandemic.

We provide opportunities for families to help other MC families through our MC Sunshine Club. If you need short-term assistance in the form of gift cards/support for supplement food or supplies, please contact Mrs. DelGenio in MC's School and College Counseling Department, at delgenios@maldencatholic.org for a confidential discussion. The MC Sunshine Club is here to help!

If you would like to assist, please donate to MC families in need by writing a check to: Malden Catholic with "Sunshine Club" in the note line and mail the check to 99 Crystal Street Malden, MA 02148.
Thank You Command Sergeant Major Hendrex!
We are forever grateful to Command Sergeant Major of the US Army, Training and Doctrine Command Daniel T. Hendrex, and his colleagues SFC Lilian Jones, SSG Wayne Hartman and SSG Tyzell Goldman for traveling all the way to 99 Crystal Street to join us in person last Wednesday to kick off our new Malden Catholic Center for Leadership Speaker Series! It was a true honor. The group shared their incredible personal leadership journeys along with the essential characteristics required for personal leadership, ethics, grit, adaptation and ways to maintain focus in our daily lives at home, in school, and in life. Everyone who watched the presentation learned a tremendous amount. If you were not able to join us live, check out the presentation on Malden Catholic's YouTube page. We look forward to having you all back, Command Sergeant Major!
MC Parent Council Notes
We held our first MC Parent Council Organizational this past week and over 35 parents were able to join us for the virtual meeting. We greatly appreciated hearing from our MC moms and dads and the suggestions were tremendously helpful in shaping key activities and programs in the months to come.
Here are the key suggestions from the meeting:
  • Forming a “buddy” or mentoring program for 9th Grade families. Thankfully, there were a lot of parents willing to help. 
  • The development of opportunities for students to interact and socialize.
  • Offering a series of virtual “career days” for juniors and seniors.
  • Moving forward with the MC Sunshine Club to help families in need.
  • Identifying ways parents can support students while interacting with each other.

If you would like to hear Headmaster Thornburg's recap of the MC Parent Council meeting please click this link.
MC Language Medalists
Last year, Malden Catholic had multiple gold medalists for the National Language Exams in Spanish, Latin and Italian.

We want to congratulate the National Language Exam winners for exemplifying their knowledge and passion for foreign languages.

National Spanish Exam: Congratulations to Sebastian Banol (Level 1), Jorge Ortiz (Level 1), Francisca Landaverde (Level 2), Jasmine Lee (Level 2), Rocio Rodriguez (Level 2), Aaron Babu (Level 3), Samuel Hanna (Level 3), Evan Kelati (Level 3), Luke Stockless (Level 3), Gyavira Zimaze and Ty Blumberg (Level 4)

National Latin Exam: Congratulations to Alondra Enciso (Latin I), Lily Baglio (Latin II) with the highest score in the program, Courtney Casaletto (Latin II), Karina Rahman (Latin II), Sam Sanzone (Latin III), Brandon Wong (Latin III) and Joe Meuse (Latin IV).

National Italian Exam: Congratulations to our silver medalists Rosario Turco (Level 1) and Jaddan Iantosca (Level 3).

Great job to everyone who scored well! We are so proud of all of you!
Mission Moment
Brother Puccio - Thank You Veterans
On a sunny September 16, 2015, morning, a Sikorsky Blackhawk helicopter landed on the infield of our baseball field, and 600 Lancers stood in review, creating a pathway from the field to the Doherty Gymnasium, where we greeted U.S. Army first-lieutenant Brian Thacker and second-lieutenant Walter Marm, recipients of our nation’s Medal of Honor, the highest award for valor-in-action against an enemy force. It was our special honor to thank these veterans for their service. 

Less dramatically, Malden Catholic has regularly made outreach to our veterans a part of our ministry through ventures such as iPods for Veterans and Wounded Warrior projects. 

Veteran’s Day, originating as Armistice Day, November 11, 1918, the first anniversary of the end of World War I, became a national holiday in 1938. Malden Catholic joins all Americans in thanking veterans for service in war and in peace, praying:

God, our Father, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all veterans of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them day by day with your grace; strengthen them in their trials; give them courage to face the perils that beset them; and grant them your abiding presence wherever they may be. In time of conflict, help them to protect the weak and innocent, and help all men and women everywhere to contend against evil, establishing justice and peace. May those who have died in service of peace and liberty, now rest in your close presence, and may we always honor and respect those whose sacrifices have secured the freedoms we enjoy. Bless our veterans today and always, Amen.  
COVID-19 Update
COVID-19 Update
As you know, we are committed to establishing a culture of health and ensuring the safety and well-being of our entire Malden Catholic community. We appreciate the support everyone has demonstrated, and I can assure you that our students, faculty and staff have been following the safety guidelines. As part of our protocol, we are committed to notifying our entire community in the event that we become aware of a positive COVID-19 case and this communication serves to provide you with an update. 

We have recently been informed of two unrelated positive COVID-19 cases within our school. In both cases we have determined that there has been no in-school exposure and there is NO RISK to our school.

Our Re-entry protocol guidelines state that Malden Catholic will communicate when a positive case of COVID-19 is identified, but due to privacy laws, we cannot reveal the individual’s identity. We ask that everyone in our school respect the privacy of all those within the Malden Catholic community. We also strongly encourage all families to diligently follow the guidelines set by the Department of Public Health and that all members of our community avoid travel, do not gather in groups and follow all social distancing protocols.

Sports Events This Week
Our sports season is in progress. If you have not already reviewed the guidelines for fall sports, please take a moment and read Malden Catholic's Return to Fall Athletics Plan found on our website. Click here for the Return to Fall Athletics Plan.

If you need MC masks, they are now available though our uniform supplier, Collegiate House.