December 6, 2020
~ Building Community One Positive Story at a Time
Your BuzzAround supports the dignity of all human beings, is actively anti-racist, and supportive of good law enforcement policies. 
Raynham Athletic Club (RAC) and the Bridgewater Raynham Regional High School Transition Partnership Program (TPP) Working Together.
     The RAC gained staff that work incredibly hard with a positive attitude. The students help maintain the facilities cleanliness by disinfecting machines, floors, weights, etc. They also fill the hand sanitizing bottles, fill the spray bottles, and make sure the rooms are properly supplied with paper towels. Next spring and summer when you see the beautiful flowers blooming near our entrance, you will have to thank the students. They spent time planting, trimming, and weeding the area. Students have also worked in the childcare, interacting with the children, cleaning the toys, and making craft projects. Other jobs the students have completed are bulletin boards, trash pickup, shredding, and signs. The students arrive with smiles, determined to learn skills that will help benefit them when they are searching for jobs in the future. Before they leave, they check in and communicate with the RAC staff letting them know what they have completed and advocate for themselves. Their hard work does not go unnoticed and we at the RAC are very appreciative of them!
     When the TPP students were interviewed by Shanzai, a RAC staff member, Vicki (age 18) said she is “always excited to come here and see everyone.” She looks forward to coming to work on time and greeting the staff here at the RAC. Angelo (age 20) said his favorite job is to “clean the floor”, because he likes to “kill germs and keep things super clean”. Ashley (age 19 )said, “Teamwork makes the dreamwork.”
Historical Tidbit: 
New England's Dark Day 
"May 19, 1780 was a remarkable dark day, which extended over the eastern states. It commenced in the area early in the morning and continued till the morning of the 20th. The atmosphere here appeared to be filled with a dense smoke, but there was no known cause which could produce such an effect. The grass and leaves appeared to be drenched in a gloomy green. The darkest time of the day was between eleven and two o'clock. Many families found it necessary to light a candle when they ate their dinner (noon-time meal). In the night it is said there was not a ray of light even of the feeblest class to distinguish an object though ever so near.' The real cause of this darkness has nestled in conjecture to the present day." A recollection from Hilda (Morton) Thomas (1899-1991) Back in 1780, there was no way to find an explanation as to what was happening because there were no meteorologists. The revolutionary soldiers spent the day in the taverns or churches not sure what was to come.  Today, scientists believe that wildfires in Canada caused the darkness due to high amounts of ash particles in the atmosphere. And the next day it had passed, changing like weather in New England always does! 
sue and her plant 2011

~ Respectfully submitted, Sue Basile
America The Beautiful... Shine Us into the
New Year
As we continue to show our love and support for each other... through the darkest days... lights are going up all over town.
Between now - January 14, 2021 we will be posting the pictures & videos you share.
Each week, one lucky submission will receive a $25 gift certificate to... where else... Johnny Macaroni's!
We want to hear the unique ways you are powering- up: tell us about your solar, wind and renewable energy projects!
Lets light the way to 2021!! [email protected]
Town Clerk   508-824-2700
Assessors    508-824-2704
Selectmen        508-824-2707
Building Dept.       508-824-2708
Board of Health      508-824-2766
Planning         508-824-2745
Veterans Service Officer 508-828-4527

Public Library
limited capacity, call to schedule appt

Council on Aging
Building remains closed.
Director will be in the office Monday, Wednesday and Thursday to process bills, stay in touch with state agencies and attend to phone messages.

Food Pantry
2nd and 4th Thursday of the month
9:00a - 11:00a
494 Church St, Raynham
Karissa Santos
won a
$50 gift certificate to Beauty Counter products through Independent Consultant
Christine Harkins! The Clean Revolution

Play our
Historical Tidbit Trivia Game
at the bottom of this newsletter.
You could win a
$25 gift certificate to Johnny Macaroni's!
(Route 106)
East Bridgewater, MA 02333
Selectmen’s Meeting Agenda
7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Regular Selectmen’s Meeting  with remote public access :Please join our live broadcast on the Raynham Channel (Comcast Channel 98 or Verizon Channel 34) or use the “GoToMeeting” online and/or call in using your phone for the Citizen & Community Input portion of the Agenda.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States (Toll Free): 1-866-899-4679
United States: +1 (669) 224-3318
Access Code: 220-595-605 
1)     Call To Order - Chairman
2)     Pledge of Allegiance
3)     Acceptance of Minutes - 11/ 24 & 12/1, 2020
4)     Department Heads (attendees online)
a.      Bryan LaCivita, Fire Chief – Monthly Report
5)     Appointment
6)     Public Hearings (attendees online)
7)     Completion Old/Continuing Business
a.      Job Description for Town Accountant/Budget Manager
8)     New Business
a.      January 12, 2021 Town Meeting Closing Warrant and Quorum Vote
b.     Phase VII Sewer Betterment Assess
9)     Town Administrator’s Report
10) Selectmen’s Report
11)  Correspondence
a.      Board of Health – Senior Clerk Recom
12)  Press Time
13) Emergency Business
14) Citizen & Community Input
15) Performance of Administrative duties
·        Approval of Town of Raynham Invoice and Payroll Warrants
·        Approval of Raynham Police Invoice and Payroll Warrants
16) Adjournment
The Laliberte Parent Organization is super excited to be able to offer this fun activity for the holidays.
Baker Jackie’s is selling several fun and yummie holiday kits and has generously offered to donate 20% of the proceeds to the LPO.
If you haven't tried Baker Jackie's before, make sure you do now. She is a very talented and creative baker. Check out the flyer below for all the information.
Deadline to order is December 11th, pick-up is December 19th!

Raynham Special Town Meeting
on the Grounds of the Middle School
November 21, 2020
Hearty Raynham folks making sure the business of the town continues, Great job, everyone!
Fuel Assistance Application info for Raynham Residents.
Fuel assistance season has just started. You may qualify for fuel assistance.
This sheet will explain how we are doing the fuel assistance application process right now at the Senior Center.
Contact the Senior center for more information: (508) 824-2740.

Balsam Christmas Trees now available. Prices between $29 and $75, while supplies last.

1000 Plymouth St (Rt 104) • Bridgewater • (508) 697-0357
Gingerbread House Contest

Hi Everyone!
We will be hosting some seasonal festivities ONLINE this year- check out our first contest!
There will be 1 winner per category. ( The categories are: Color, Classic & Creativity) We will post each submission on our page with an assigned number. The voting poll will be posted towards the end of December!
Please feel free to call our office with any questions! 508-824-2743
Our Kids Bedtime Book Club
Takes place every Mon and Wed from Dec 9 - May 10th and will focus on racially and culturally diverse stories.
6:30-7:00p is for 2.5-5 year olds
7:00-7:30p is for 6-10 year olds
Please have your kids join us every Monday and Wednesday to listen to multicultural stories read by our team of diverse college students. It's not only important for kids to learn about other people and cultures, but it's also great for them to interact with diverse leadership!
The book club will start off with various holidays and how they're celebrated around the world! Each month will be centered on a different theme.

Registration with Eventbrite will add you to the book club email list. Admission is rolling, so you can join anytime before May. You will receive an email every week with the titles of the books that will be read the next week and the links to join the google meets. You can then chose which dates you'd like your little ones to attend. We hope you'll join us!
Katie’s Kreative Manis
Get ready for the Holidays & snaz up your fingernails with Color Street temporary designs! 

Tons of fun! 

*100% real nail polish strips * Easy one step application * No dry time/smudges/streaks
* Made in the USA 

Independent Consultant Katie Ray 
(774) 274-7492 

Raynham COA Grab & Go Lunches

Don't forget, we're doing grab and go lunches in coordination with Bristol Elder Services. Call 508-824-2740 to sign up for weekday lunches you pick up at the Senior Center, 2215 King Philip Street.
The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum with astronaut
Victor Glover
This was a live discussion Dec 3, 2020 with astronaut Victor Glover, who is currently orbiting 200 miles above us on the International Space Station Glover speaks about the ISS, his experiences as astronaut, and so much more!

Check out the video of this historic interview!

This program is part of an ongoing partnership with the National Museum of African American History and Culture to celebrate Victor Glover's historic first trip to the ISS. When Glover arrived at the ISS as part of the SpaceX Crew-1 launch, he became the first Black astronaut to live on board the space station as part of a long-term mission.
Great job, Micaila!

Our Veteran's Services Officer: Micaila Britto was asked to speak on a panel with the Veterans' Bonus Division, Massachusetts State Treasury under the leadership of Deborah B. Goldberg, Massachusetts State Treasury. Micaila posted "So honored to have been asked to participate in this diversity event!!"

Debrorah Goldberg had on the panel: State Representative Linda Dean Campbell, Phylis Wilson of the Women In Military Service For America Memorial, Gina Trites from Veteran's Bonus Division of the Massachusetts State Treasury as well as Raynham's Veterans Service Officer Micaila Britto. Ms. Goldberg posted: "Across the #ArmedForces, #servicewomen continue to make a huge impact on ensuring the safety of our nation. We were happy today to recognize their efforts and the increased opportunities they are paving for the next generation."
Have fun with us and bee
entered to win a
$25 Gift certificate to Johnny Macaroni's!
(Route 106)
East Bridgewater, MA 02333

 Historical Tidbit Question:
In 1780, why was there was no way to find an explanation as to what was happening?

Email us your answer at: 

Please include your name, phone number with your answer.

By entering, you give us permission to print your name in next week's Buzz Around.
On December 9, 2020 we will randomly pick a winner from the correct answers.

“As my sufferings mounted I soon realized that there were two ways in which I could respond to my situation -- either to react with bitterness or seek to transform the suffering into a creative force. I decided to follow the latter course.”
~ Martin Luther King Jr.

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” ~ Rumi

“The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world.” ~ Marianne Williamson
Healing is a process. It takes time, it takes intention, and sometimes it takes work. Our love can heal those around us, our community, our world and ourselves. This season, give yourself & those in your life the gift of healing. Give time, compassion and forgiveness. We all need it! ~ Jacquie
The Buzz Around is brought to you this week by: Jen Bellody, Janice O'Brien, Jacquelyn Rose & Sebastian Ladoulis
Copyright 2020 Buzz Around Raynham.  You have our permission to share and copy this issue in its entirety as much as you like. If you take it in part, please give credit: ("Buzz Around Raynham 12/6/20")

Disclaimer: At the Buzz Around, we promote community and family. There will be links to town committees and other non-profit groups, as a way of sharing local information. Individual groups are responsible for how they represent themselves on their websites and in their promotional materials. The Buzz Around is not responsible for their website content.