Saturday: 05:00pm (SJE) | Sunday: 8am/10;30am (QR) | 9:15am (SJE)
Daily: M/W/F 8:15am (SJE) | Tu/Th/Sa 8:15am (QR)
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Thanks, Fr. Dan, Parish Council and Parents Club for a fabulous Family Fall Fest! And thanks to our parish photographer Larry Zabinski for capturing the memories. | |
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time | |
First Reading – The foreigner Naaman humbles himself and receives God's healing. (2 Kings 5:14-17)
Psalm – "The Lord has revealed to the nations His saving power." (Psalm 98)
Second Reading – If, like Christ, we hold out even to death, we will reign with Christ. (2 Timothy 2:8-13)
Gospel – Ten lepers show faith in obeying the Lord, but in thankfulness one goes a step farther—straight into the kingdom of God. (Luke 17:11-19)
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All are invited for faith, fellowship and fun... | |
Join Us for Healing of the Family Tree and General Physical Healing
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament family and friends on Tuesday, October 6th at 7pm at Queen of the Rosary Church (750 W. Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove Village, IL). for Healing of the Family Tree & General Physical Healing. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with the Eucharist is the most powerful means of healing intergenerational iniquity and transgression referred to in scripture.
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October Winter Supper
Thank you again for your generous support of our Good Samaritan parish outreach to those in need through your donations to the Poor Box to support Catholic Charities Dinners and your donations of time and food to support PADS Suppers. As we transition to Fall, we will pack suppers for guests housed in local hotels. Please use the button below to help support our first Winter Supper of the season.
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Blessing of the Pets
Our pets are a blessing to us. In honor of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi on October 4th, please join Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament to bless our pets on Saturday, October 8th at 10am on the north steps at Queen of the Rosary Church. House pets only, and all pets must be leashed or in carriers. Questions? Use the button below. to e-mail the Parish Office, or call (847) 979-0901.
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Holy Hour for Aging
In honor of Respect Life Month, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Respect Life Ministry dedicates the October Holy Hour to honor life and pray for aging and respectful end of life for all. This Holy Hour will be celebrated on Wednesday, October 12, 2022 at 7pm at St. Julian Eymard and will begin our 40-Hour Devotion.
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October is Respect Life Month
Join Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Respect Life Ministry to help grow a culture that supports life from conception until natural death. Follow this link to discover more about the many opportunities to support life between now and the end of October, or click the button below to download a flyer with calendar.
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October is Month of the Holy Rosary
The Holy Spirit pulls you into deeper relationship with the Holy Family through this meditative devotion. We meet weekly on Tuesdays at 7pm at St. Julian, and we also gather at Queen of the Rosary on the First Saturday of each month at approximately 8:45am to pray the Joyful Mysteries. And during the month of October, Month of the Most Holy Rosary, we invite you to join us for these additional opportunities for Group Rosary Prayer:
Pilgrim Fatima Welcome Rosary, 10/8 | 1:30pm | SJE
Nightly Rosary, 10/9 - 10/14 | 7pm | SJE
Pilgrim Fatima Farewell Rosary, 10/15 | 12:00pm | SJE
Rosary Rally, 10/15 | 12:00pm | SJE
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Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Do you have questions about the Catholic faith? Want to know more about becoming a Catholic? Have you been baptized, but not celebrated other Sacraments?
If these questions sound like you, our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) may be right for you. Please contact our parish office to discover more about the program starting soon: (847) 979-0901.
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Let's Talk About Annulment
Why apply for a Catholic Annulment? if any of the following situations sound like yours, the church has resources to help. Please contact the office by October 28, 2022 to save your seat at an upcoming Info Session.
- You’re a divorced Catholic who has fallen in love and wants to remarry in the Church.
- You’re a divorced non-Catholic who has fallen in love, and your Catholic fiancé wants to marry in the Catholic Church.
- You’re divorced and already remarried [Catholic or non-Catholic] and you want to bring your civil marriage into the Church.
- You’re a divorced non-Catholic who wants to become Catholic and also remarry.
- You’re a divorced Catholic who wants the option to remarry in the Church in the future.
- You’re a divorced Catholic who is looking into getting an annulment for “peace of mind.”
Contact the office at (847) 979-0901 or
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Join Us for One or More of These Upcoming Events! | |
As Fall really sets in, we transition back to Winter Suppers. Our first Supper is Thursday, October 6th and we will send food to the hotels. | |
All are invited to join us for a Mass for healing of the family tree and general physical healing
on Thursday, October 6th at 7pm at Queen of the Rosary.
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Blessing of the Pets on Saturday, October 8th at 10am at Queen of the Rosary. House pets only and all pets must be leashed or in carriers. | |
Our Lady of Fatima Pilgrim Statue arrives on Saturday, October 8th at 1:30pm. All are invited to pray the rosary to welcome Our Lady. | |
Children's Liturgy of the Word at the 9:15am Mass at SJE. Children 4-years and older are invited to a child-based lesson on the scripture of the day. | |
Parish offices will be closed in observance of Columbus Day on Monday, October 9th. Daily Mass will be celebrated at 8:15am at St. Julian as usual. | |
Holy Hour for Life to pray for dignity in aging and end of life on Wednesday, October 12th at 7pm. The Holy Hour will begin our 40-Hours Devotion for Life. | |
The 40-Hours Devotion for Life will conclude with Benediction at 11am on Friday, October 14th at St. Julian Eymard. | |
We bid farewell to the Pilgrim Our Lady of Fatima during the America Needs Fatima Rosary Rally on Saturday, October 15th at Noon at St. Julian. | |
Question of the Week
What sins are holding me captive? How do I show my gratitude to God and to others for their forgiveness?
Post Your Answer on Facebook!
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The fourth graders are working on designing solutions to natural hazards that are caused by Earth processes. We have some future engineers in our class!
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Looking for service hours? Watch the parish calendar for trips to Alexian Village and other service projects such as the Fall Rake 'n Run, Pancake Breakfast and more!
View Parish Calendar.
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For everyone who participated in our earlier trip to Feed My Starving Children, we received an update that those meals have arrived in and are now nourishing children in Cambodia. Great job, teens. Stay tuned for our next trip and more!
Our next YM meeting is Sunday, October 16th in Shea Hall at 6pm.
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(847) 979-0901 |
Worship sites:
Queen of the Rosary
750 W. Elk Grove Blvd.
St. Julian Eymard
601 Biesterfield Road
Queen of the Rosary School
690 Elk Grove Blvd.
(847) 437-3322 |
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