Health is about so much more than medicine. Find out how Reach Out is fostering whole community growth.


Amplifying Voices

Fostering Conversation and Connection in the Inland Empire

Hello friends,

This month, we're talking a lot about the holistic meaning of the term "health," and specifically considering ways to improve health throughout our communities.


Whether it's our young people, who are struggling with mental health and the stigma surrounding finding care, or considerations around how to keep healthcare providers from leaving the Inland Empire to pursue more lucrative positions in other areas, there is a lot to think about in the realm of keeping our community healthy.


Thank you to all the partners who work with us to progress this important focus, and the funders who make it all possible with their generous support. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you'd like to get more involved. If you know someone who may be interested in finding out more about Reach Out’s mission, I hope you’ll forward this to them and encourage them to subscribe!



Reach Out Insights


 4 minute read

Destigmatizing mental health in our youth

Young people are especially susceptible to some of the more pernicious outcomes of mental health issues. They are at the mercy of rapidly changing biologies, and depending on their community and family situation, external stresses can affect their mental states.


Unfortunately, the mental health stigma in our country is a major barrier to getting help, especially for this population. This month's blog, based on Dr. Evita Limon-Rocha's talk at our NICC conference, covers:


  • The prevalence of mental health problems in young people
  • The impact of stigma, and
  • How we can work to destigmatize mental healthcare.

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 4 minute read

The Complex State of Healthcare in the Inland Empire

In an insightful and enlightening chat, Reach Out brought two of our key partners together to discuss the issues facing the healthcare sector in our region and to explore how collaboration is making a difference. Alison Elsner of the San Bernardino County Medical Society and Ruthy Argumedo of Molina Healthcare share their insights into the healthcare worker shortage in our area and how to improve healthcare in our communities.

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Industry News

The Surgeon General thinks it is. Here are a few tips for helping your kids navigate social media:


  1. Talk openly with your kids about published statistics and your own concerns
  2. Model responsible behavior (no phone at the table, restrictive devices before bed, etc.)
  3. Set limits for hours or use parental control apps
  4. Exercise your right to monitor their activity on a child's device in an open and communicative way. You are not trying to invade their privacy - you are working to keep them safe.

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Reach Out is working actively with our partners throughout the Inland Empire to combat the growing shortage of healthcare workers in our community. You can help too!


  1. Support programs that encourage young people to explore healthcare careers. We need more providers from the communities in the IE. Patients are more likely to visit and listen to providers who come from their community.
  2. Contribute to efforts to keep providers here by supporting incentives and loan-forgiveness programs in the community that will encourage healthcare workers to stay in the IE.
  3. Be a good patient. By preventing chronic disease and following doctors' recommendations, you can keep yourself from increasing the burden on existing healthcare staff.

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Partner Corner


Motivating Action Leadership Opportunity

MALO stands for Motivating Action Leadership Opportunity. MALO is represented by Tongan community members of the City of Ontario, located in the Inland Empire, and is led by and for Tongan Americans striving for self-determination as an organization.

By motivating actions, through leadership and creating opportunities, MALO develops ways to share the beautiful culture of Tonga. MALO shares readings in the Tongan language, shares traditional arts and performing arts, and strives to inform and support the Pacific Islander community in the IE and beyond. 


Reach Out and MALO built our partnership during the pandemic, when MALO was fundamental in bringing vaccine awareness to the Pacific Islander community. This is an effort that continues, and our partnership has grown, allowing us to collaborate on events and work together to help protect and ensure the longevity of this rich community.

Check out MALO 

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