The Holiday Season

The Beauty and Anxiety of the Gift Giving Season


This year seems to have passed at break-neck speed for many of us. Especially now that daylight savings time has been instituted and our days are spent mostly in darkness, there seems to be less time to get all the things done that we feel are necessary. As we prepare for an influx of family and friends, run out the clock on the year, and face crippling inflation while trying to provide food, shelter, AND GIFTS for those we value in our lives, we need ways to handle the stress of the holidays. We, at Divinitude, understand the struggle and are offering Wellness options for gift cards along with our usual discounts on packages. We want to remind you that Divinitude Monthly passes allow the passholder to get 10% off ALL SERVICES OFFERED at Divinitude to the tune of One Service/Week for the passholder for 30 days after 1st booked treatment. This is an excellent way to try a variety of services offered by Divinitude or just book what you love each week. Divinitude annual passes offer more to pass holders: 20% off ALL SERVICES, with no limits to how often you may book your treatments. (You may pay full price at time of purchase or choose a monthly option: cancel anytime.) For friends, family, colleagues you care about, or those you just want to buy something different for, we are offering single-use gift cards. Give the Gift of Wellness to your loved ones and to yourself this holiday season. They will thank you and you will have more options for the stress and anxiety the season can often induce for yourself!

If feeling the stress, consider booking an acupuncture appointment. If you don't have time for a full intake (90 minutes,) consider the Acupuncture Detox Stressbuster. This auricular form of acupuncture treats the whole body through needles in the ears and at $60, won't break the bank! We will feature more gift cards throughout this newsletter for massage, reiki, Chinese herbal medicine, and Coaching services. ALL GIFTCARDS AND PACKAGES WILL BE HONORED THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2025. Let Divinitude hold your hand throughout the rest of 2024 and 2025! Purchase your gift card at Divinitude today!

Echoes of Ancient Wisdom: The Emotions

Handling the Dark Season While Running On Fumes

Chinese Medicine Does Not Separate Humans From Nature or Their Own Nature

I identify as a Five Element practitioner within the rich and diverse traditions of Chinese Medicine. As a 5E practitioner, I learned to focus on the emotional health of my patients, rather than just a focus on body systems and biology. My intakes revolve around the emotions, asking into what brings them joy, makes them sad, what they worry about, have anger about, or fear, and what they value or inspires them and how they grieve. We believe that lumps and bumps come and go, but the reason they stick around is usually emotionally-related. All human beings are subjected to natural rhythms in an unnatural world. Rather than reducing them to the body in front of us, we dive deeper into teaching how you naturally interact with your world, and are naturally affected by your relationships, schedules, seasonal cycles and major transitions in life.

Understanding How the Emotions Move Energetically In The Body

According to Chinese Medicine theory, the emotions run with the blood, and as such often affect us through blood as unresolved emotional trauma can wreak havoc on our bodies in the form of blood stagnation or depletion (can lead to heart attacks, angina, menstrual issues, depression, etc,) heat in the blood (causing rashes, high blood pressure headaches, dryness, mania, etc,) and general changes in the quality and quantity of our blood that we can feel.

The emotions move differently energetically in our bodies. Anger rises. Fear Sinks. Worry is Circular. Grief is an abyss that comes in waves and moves first up and then down. Joy is upward and outward or it can also draw you towards something like a magnet. Understanding the direction our energy is moving while experiencing our emotions can allow us to identify what we are feeling faster in our processing and energetically apply remedies BEFORE they do damage and result in chronic illness, mental and emotional health issues, or ruin relationships that are emotionally-taxing on us.

What To Do With Emotions That Feel Out of Control

All of our emotions need balance. The first step to controlling our emotions, while still feeling them, is to learn to sit with them and observe your emotional reactions. This brings a level of consciousness to how we are acting while feeling our emotions. The next step is to refrain from changing the energy direction right away and FEEL WHAT YOU FEEL without actively responding to what you're feeling. Try to practice neutrality in judging yourself or anyone else while you are experiencing an emotional response to any situation. Next, try to practice empathy for anyone else involved in the situation. What are their feelings? Can you put yourself in their position, even if only for a moment, and try to see from their perspective? Finally, if a directional change is needed, try to aim for ending in a neutral position. Pull your energy inward. If anger is rising, is there a way to bring the energy down? If it's at a place where you feel rage, maybe the best thing you can do is push the energy up and out. You can engage in scream therapy, run around the block until too tired to feed the rising energy, or breaking something (I suggest's quite satisfying to throw it on the ground, doesn't ruin anything and easy to clean up.) If not dealing with extremes but still feeling anger on the rise, try breathing techniques and meditation, yin yoga and stretching or moving meditations like qigong. If fear has you in fight, flight or freeze mode, examine if your fear is rational or irrational. Focus on the people and things that you love and are grateful for. Fear is the lowest vibration humans can feel. The highest vibrations are love and authenticity. Be yourself as you examine your fears and know that focusing on all the love you have is the remedy. Worry can keep us up at night with circular thinking. If you have the inability to get out of a pattern of worrying about anything in your life, try to practice surrenduring to your circumstances. This is different than acceptance in that while you may surrender to the fact that things are beyond your control, you give yourself permission to work on what you can control instead. Grief is something many people struggle with. Can you ride that wave until it passes? Can you accept that it's a process that comes in waves until we climb out of the abyss? The opposite of Joy is sadness. Can you break out of the melancholy with surrounding yourself with those who make you feel loved and cared for? If all else fails, ground yourself in nature for any stuck emotions you feel.

At the end of the day, like everything else, emotions are just motion. When we mask emotions, we are resisting the way the energy needs to flow in order to move through us. What we fight, we make more of, leading to problems of all levels. Understanding how to feel all the feels without also feeling overwhelmed or overcome by them is a practice we all must come to terms with in order to have balance, fluidity and harmony in our lives.

If struggling to move through your emotions alone, please consider a 5E Acupuncture appointment, Massage, or Reiki appointment or any calming service at Divinitude!


Massage Matters: Give the Gift of Therapeutic Bodywork with Natalie Clark, LMT


Massage & Reiki Gift Cards


Normally, Natalie would be addressing you directly, but instead I will take a moment to brag about this amazing practitioner. She is not just my business partner, but also my massage therapist...and a great one, at that.  


What Natalie brings to the table at Divinitude goes far beyond just being a practitioner. She is one of the most caring, considerate and compassionate people operating in the field.


During this season, as stress and pain are on the rise, consider giving yourself or your loved ones the gift of massage. We have gift cards available for both 60 and 90 minute massages, as well as one for a 45 minute Reiki session.


The holidays, while filled with people we love, good food and good times, are also potentially stressful with strained relationships gathering together for periods of time longer than usual, strain on our finances, and disruptions in normal schedules. Therapeutic Bodywork is an excellent way to relieve yourself and a popular gift to give to others!

Book a Massage, Reiki, or Therapeutic Body Work such as Body Scrubs, Hot Stone Therapy, Dry Brush Exfoliation, Kansa Wand Therapy, and Aromatherapy with Natalie Clark, LMT at Divinitude by downloading the Wellyx App on your phone or on the Divinitude Website at


Coaches Corner: WellCoach Vs SoulCoach

Coaching is an integral part of all of my sessions, whether acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine or any of the other tools in my toolbox. While all of my treatments are designed to help my patients feel better immediately, it's the coaching that offers them tools and strategies to sustain that relief and start the process of intentionally working to heal themselves when they can't get to an appointment right away.

While I offer coaching with other therapies, some people just need to talk and feel heard and help with coming up with and sticking to a plan that meets their goals and needs. As a certified Health & Wellness coach, I use cognitive behavioral therapy and neurolinguistic programming to help my patients observe and recognize the patterns and behaviors that need tweaking for optimal conditions to occur.

The most important thing is to know you are not alone.

Divinitude offers two coaching tracts: WellCoach & Soul Coach. In a WellCoach intake, we will go over your health goals and any obstacles standing in the way of optimal health and wellness. This session will cover all body systems and symptoms, sleep analysis, and nutritional analysis. If in person, we will also complete a differential diagnosis process that includes tongue and pulse analysis. We will come up with a plan that can be implemented on a daily basis to help you meet your goals together.

SoulCoach sessions include all WellCoach analysis of body systems and symptoms, sleep and nutritional analysis. We will also dive deeper into your life to include emotional well-being, family-work balance, financial well-being, addiction issues and relationships that matter to you.. If you are struggling to love yourself or your life or attain optimal levels of happiness that has less to do with health concerns and more about the balance in your life, SoulCoach is a more comprehensive approach that can help.

For the holidays, we are offering Virtual or Office WellCoach gift cards, as well as a 30% OFF Discount Gift Card for a SoulCoach session. We also feature Coaching packages for more than one session. If needing more help than bodywork, please consider booking a WellCoach or SoulCoach session today!

Give the Gift of Health & Wellness to Yourself, Family & Friends!

Purchase Divinitude Annual Membership at $30/Month


Receive 20% OFF ALL Services provided by Divinitude. You may receive 20% off 1 service per week, combined group evaluations from coaches and practitioners at Divinitude, and an invitation to the Divinitude BaseCamp where you will find community support, study groups, class information, and resources for your own personal journey to knowing and loving yourself fully!

12 Payments of $30/month

Get 15% Off for One-Time Annual Payment 


15% OFF ACUPUNCTURE for 30 Days

Gift Card includes initial 90 Minute Intake that contains medical history review, differential diagnosis and first treatment, along with Two (2) 60 Minute Follow/Up Acupuncture Treatments. All treatments must be used within 30 days of purchase.


for 30 Days

Gift Card includes Three (3) 90-Minute Swedish or Therapeutic Massages Within 30 Days of Purchase. Offer not good for specialty massages such as Kansa wand, Thai Foot, Scalp or Face Massages, or Tui Na (Chinese acupuncture massage technique.)

15% OFF REIKI THERAPY for 30 Days

Gift Card Includes THREE 60 Minute Reiki Therapy Sessions within 30 Days of purchase with practitioner of choice. Offer not good for any other add-on services available. No Rollover benefits. All sessions must be completed within 30 days of purchase.


Gift Card may be used for Two (2) 45 Minute treatments (Back Scrub or Fire-Cupping) or Three (3) 30 Minute Treatments (Hot Stone Therapy, Hand Scrub, Foot Scrub, or Dry Brushing) in 30 day period after purchase.


15% Off WellCoach Initial Goals Assessment (60 Minutes) and Two (2) Follow-Up WellCoach sessions (3o Minutes) within 30 days after purchase. May be virtual or in-person, OR

15% Off One (1) Initial SoulCoach Goals Session which includes comprehensive lifestyle intake, chakral assessment, 5Element emotional regulation analysis, nutritional assessment, work-life balance assessment, values-in-action assessment, and goal evaluation & plan. Within this 30 day period, receiver is also entitled to Two (2) follow up coaching sessions to assess progress and support goal achievement. SoulCoaching is designed to go deeper than simple health/wellness coaching to improve balance, clarity, function and relationships with family, friends and colleagues in life.

Divinitude Monthly Pass

Not sure if you want an annual membership at Divinitude? Try the Divinitude Monthly Pass which gives 10% OFF ALL Services Offered By Divinitude, including acupuncture, massage, coaching, reiki, spa and herbal medicine services. You may access the discount code for one service each week within 30 days of purchase.

Purchase All Gift Card Packages Online

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