Health, Wellness, and Vitality with Feng Shui
What's the first thing you think of when someone says, let's talk "health." Is it getting a check up? Diet and exercise? Maybe you wish you felt better or different? Maybe you are thinking about aging or caretaking for others, or you are dealing with a chronic condition. Could be physical, mental or even emotional. What and how you think about health will be based on your experience and perceptions - and it won't be the same as someone else. [That diversity is one of our favorite parts of Feng Shui. ☺️]

Enjoy...from the International Feng Shui Guild
Our members talked about health in our monthly brainstorming session a few weeks ago; and it has been interesting reflecting on the dynamics and dialog that came from that time together. We walked away with hope and intention for the coming years. We know Feng Shui can and does make a difference to health, vitality, and wellness. Scroll down for a wide variety of articles and tips - maybe just one piece will speak to you - maybe they all will. This message is for you.

Let's start with the basics, from Mindful Design...
Feng Shui and Health

As the idea of holistic health has become more mainstream, we’ve seen that there are so many possible ways to approach health and healing, from nutrition and exercise to reiki, and everything in between. While feng shui isn’t a substitute for going to the doctor, it can offer valuable insight and opportunity when it comes to your well being.

Health is about more than just your physical health. Because the tai qi is in the center, it touches all other areas of the bagua. Likewise, your health also affects all areas of your life; if you are feeling healthy, you’re more likely to have success in your relationships, career, finances, and more. This can make the tai qi a great area to work with if you want to apply feng shui concepts to your home but aren’t sure where to start.

Quick Tip: Remove Your Shoes Outside
"Feng Shui recommends that you should not enter your home with shoes on. Shoes are used extensively outdoors, and Feng Shui believes that they carry the negativity and anxiety of the entire day.

"Hence, carrying your shoes inside will also bring that negativity and anxiety inside your home which is not good for your health.

"Your shoes will also have plenty of dirt and bacteria acquired from outside. Hence, bringing them inside your home is like inviting those bacteria which can have serious health implications like respiratory ailments. You should always keep your shoes outside before entering your home to keep off negative energies and bacteria from entering inside."

Chronic Insomnia, New Careers, and Feng Shui Fixes

Question: My husband has chronic insomnia, related to job stress (really hates job). Aside from medical remedies, are there any cures that could help? (I already checked for arrow chi) Our bedroom is on the second floor in the career/life path section. We would like to make a change and start our own business. We are open to redecorating our bedroom. Thanks for any suggestions!

Answer: This question requires two answers. First, you need some immediate attention on keeping your husband healthy, and secondly, you need some advice to get that new career going, right?

You know you want the rest of the answer! ☺️ Click here to read more...
Color and Weight Loss

Color is a powerful tool for transformation. We use color to heal the body, lift our emotions, energize, relax, motivate and ground. Marketing companies have used the “color” tool for years to get people to embrace products such as fast food, donuts, and prescription drugs. My goal and intention is to provide color education that provides positive change.

As a feng shui consultant and magazine editor, I often receive questions such as this: “As one of my New Year’s resolutions I would like to lose some excess unhealthy weight. Is there anything I can do in my living space to help me?” My response is: One of the greatest gifts in understanding conscious design and feng shui is the connection we have with our environment.

Click here to read the rest including tips on incorporating the colors red and blue; as well as awesome weight loss tips.
Quick Tip: Date Selection and Health
"If you are planning an operation or medical procedure, an incredibly useful tool is Date Selection. The Chinese ancients detailed the predictable movement of energy and noted the dates that the energy is present. Date Selection takes a careful look at the Chinese calendar to identify beneficial dates to conduct specific activities and matches the date with the person’s Four Pillars of Destiny chart. It can be used for a wide variety of activities such as signing documents and proposing marriage/getting married, to opening a business and accounts receivable, as well as travelling, and seeking medical treatment. If you are planning to have an operation or are seeking medical treatment and you have the ability to select the date of your procedure, you can prevent a multitude of negative outcomes while speeding recovery. If a good date is not used, it can lead to needing multiple or repeat procedures, incomplete removal of something – such as a tumor, excessive bleeding, open wounds, or other unforeseen complications.

With a little attention to your home, you can use Feng Shui to support good health!"
Feng Shui Health Area of the Home, a quick tip for health intentions from Laurie Pawli, Feng Shui School of Chicago/Florida
Final Thoughts: Return Point - Essential for Immortality
From Josué Tai

Have you ever wondered why high-performance athletes, such as soccer players, end their careers at 30 or something years old?

It's not because their body is no longer physical, mental, or emotionally capable, except for boxers, who imprint their body, specially their head, with a tremendous amount of physical damage and stress, but that's another story.

According to the Yellow Emperor texts, the human body is designed to live around 130 years.

So, what happens to these athletes, when in theory sport is good for health and even a constant recommendation from doctors and specialists? The answer lies in an undermined concept called "energetic work" or "Qi Gong" /Chi Kung/.
Josué approaches his work from so many facets incorporating the technical aspect of Feng Shui but also this very important energetic and inner work. "The practice of internal activities leads us to recover or cultivate Qi /chi/ and this in turn, through meditation and internal alchemy, can be converted into Jing."

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As a professional non-profit organization, the International Feng Shui Guild mission is to

  • Advance the practice, teaching and use of Feng Shui worldwide
  • Promote and serve our membership with resources, networking opportunities, publications and a content-rich website
  • Unify the Feng Shui community by establishing and upholding universal standards in professional practice and education
  • Inspire public confidence in the professionalism of our members as demonstrated in our by-laws, Code of Ethics and the Feng Shui Universal Topics.

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Proudly celebrating more than 25 years