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Community Health


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Weekly Message from the Executive Director

Tony Anderson

By the Numbers

This week we reported a total of 8 positive COVID cases (a decrease of 5 people), four were people with disabilities and four were direct support professionals, and like last week, there were no hospitalizations or deaths.

Looking Back at One of the Biggest Divisions in Our Community

This week Doug forwarded an article from the Stockton Record highlighting a reunion event of workers from the Stockton Developmental Center. It was a feel good story about employees coming back together in camaraderie around a common experience in providing service to people with developmental disabilities. However, for many years our system was starkly divided between the regional centers and the state's institutions. The two sides fought each other in their local towns, in the State Capitol, and in the US Department of Justice. Each side viewed the other side as doing wrong by people with developmental disabilities. Massive statewide and national organizations split and and it resulted in a major disbursement of power and political influence.

While we can all agree that in today's standards, doctors telling parents to disregard their children and commit them to a state institution at birth was wrong, laying blame and judgement on these parents who followed the doctors advice is also unfair and cruel. 

Today we are in a much better place and hopefully we have learned not to pass judgement on each other because of the pain it causes those who have dedicated their lives in service to people with disabilities. Let us discard the hate from the past, show each other grace for our good intentions, and stay keenly aware of the importance of being person-centered. 

And finally, let's just say thank you to those who served in the past regardless of the setting and the time. 

Stockton Developmental Center former employees met for last reunion after 25 years

The Stockton Developmental Center closed 26 years ago, yet for nearly three decades former employees have kept their friendships alive by meeting annually on the third Saturday in May. That was until Oct. 8 when more than 82 former employees gathered in downtown Stockton at Cancun Restaurant for their last "official" reunion.

Many long time advocates who play a critical role at VMRC today, like Greg Barnett, Melinda Gonser, and Christine Couch, once supported people in the developmental center in Stockton, but today are working on building community access for all people with developmental disabilities, which in many ways is contrary to the focus when they were inside the developmental center. These professionals make amazing contributions in the lives of people with disabilities today and if we discarded their contributions because of where they worked we would not receive the important benefits of their contributions today.

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Transportation Updates

The VMRC Transportation Updates meeting was held this week but very few people attended the meeting because the meeting notice had expired. We have now moved the updates meeting to every Second Thursday morning from 11 am to 12 pm at this zoom address:

Transportation Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 852 9566 2232

Passcode: 030358.

The meeting is for our consumers and families, community providers, and staff of VMRC to learn about the progress we are all making each week to return our community service system back to pre-pandemic levels. Today we learned we are now at 48% of original ridership for our commercial transportation providers and while we made good progress over last month we still have a long way to go. There is an urgency to this work because the state is set to end the "Alternative Services" model for day programs by the end of December 2022 and many programs are concerned about their ability to operate without the return of their consumers and the absence of the Alternative Services. The Department of Developmental Services will be convening a workgroup of transportation professionals from across the state to see how they might be able to impact this issue statewide. While there are other barriers to fully returning, such as workforce capacity issues and some reluctance to return to day programs (day programs are reporting 10-20% of their consumers are reluctant to return at this time), transportation is identified as the largest barrier to fully returning our community system back to our consumers.

Finally during the meeting today VMRC's transportation broker, R&D Transportation, expressed that it has become very clear to them that they need to make significant improvement to their communications with all their customers in our region and they praised the work of our transportation consultant, Melinda Gonser, for her efforts to understand and help VMRC address the current complaints related to our transportation services.

October Transportation Updates Report

The Sponsorship and Resource Table Registration Deadline has Now Passed. Thank You to All of Our Sponsors and Vendors! We Look Forward to a Wonderful Event on 10/29!

Thank You to Our Platinum Sponsors

Thank You to Our Gold Sponsors

Thank You to our Silver Sponsors

Thank You to our Bronze Sponsors

Malonzo Eldercare

Clinical Update

Dr. Claire Lazaro

Clinical Director

Be Protected! Get Immunized!

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now recommends the updated (bivalent) COVID-19 booster can be given to children 5 – 11 years for Pfizer, and 6 - 17 years for Moderna.[1] The bivalent booster covers the Omicron variant BA.4 and BA.5, giving added protection.

[1] CDC Newsroom. October 12, 2022.

Health Fair at Stockton: October 29, 2022, together with the Disability Fair

Health Fair offers:

·       Dental Screening

·       Vaccinations: Flu

o  COVID bivalent booster available to the following:

§ Have had COVID-19 more than 90 days ago

§ Pfizer for 12 years and older, and last booster was 2 months ago

§ Moderna for 18 years and older, and last booster was 2 months ago

·       Bone Density Testing

·       Blood Pressure testing

·       Cholesterol testing

·       Diabetes testing

·       Opioid Risk Assessment/Narcan distribution

Give away FREE:

o  Diabetes testing supplies (e.g., Blood glucose monitor, test strips, lancets)

o  Blood pressure machine

Need to register for:

·        Medicare Part D Plan Review

·        Comprehensive Medication Review

·        Contact VMRC to register

Above Flyer in PDF

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Case Management Update - Children

Tara Sisemore-Hester

Director of Consumer Services - Children

The sensory/special needs ballet class designed for boys and girls ages 5 to 12 has a few spots available. 

Self-Determination Program (SDP) Update

  1. Guidance for adjusting a participant in SDP’s budget when there are rates adjustments for vendored service providers was sent out to RCs on 9/15/2022 and was posted to the department’s website at Program Directives - CA Department of Developmental Services. The directive is available in other languages on the DDS website.


1.      Information regarding the rate implementation can be found at Rate Study Implementation – CA Department of Developmental Services

2.      Information about the state minimum wage can be found at Minimum wage (


  1. A directive regarding Self-Determination Program Financial Management Services Payments and Notifications can be found on the Department’s website at Program Directives - CA Department of Developmental Services . This directive is available in other languages on DDS Website.


  1. Correspondence outlining the services available to potential Self-Determination Program (SDP) participants and their families who have completed an SDP orientation and who are transitioning to enrollment in the SDP can be found at Person Centered Planning and Self Directed Supports Guidance ( The translated versions of this letter is now available on our website.


  1. The reimbursement rates for Self-Directed Support Services can be found on the department’s website at Reimbursement Rates - CA Department of Developmental Services.


  1. Two new FMS providers have been added to the departments FMS page, Fact Family and Essential Pay (dba Casa Fiscal) has been added to the department’s FMS page and can be found at Financial Management Service (FMS) Contact List - CA Department of Developmental Services.


  1. Information on the SCDD statewide Program Orientation for Self-Determination can be found at SDP Orientation | SCDD (


  1. For information about Electronic Visit Verification please visit Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) - CA Department of Developmental Services.


1.      There will be EVV office hours for just RC staff to discuss EVV and SDP: The dates, times, and links are: (Advanced registration is not required. Each office hour will have the same information presented)


1.      October 19th from 10:30am-11:30am:

2.      October 21st from 2pm-3pm:

3.      October 24th from 9am-10am:

4.      October 24th from 4pm-5pm:


2.      Guidance regarding the regional center service codes for SDP subject to EVV can be found at EVV Guidance RC Service Codes (

3.      There will be an EVV stakeholder meeting held on 10/25/2022 from 2 to 3 PM. To register use this link Webinar Registration - Zoom.

4.      There will be weekly office hours for self-advocates, participants, and families soon to specifically to answer questions about EVV and SDP.

5.      Recordings for previous EVV stakeholder meetings and FAQ’s about EVV can be found at Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) - CA Department of Developmental Services. The most recent FAQ from 11/2021 can be found at Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) FAQs - November 2021

6.      EVV newsletter the “Consumer and Family” edition from February 2022 is a good resource to share with your community and can be found at Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Newsletter February 2022

7.      If you have questions about EVV or would like to be on their mailing list to receive updates you can e-mail them at


  1. On September 15, 2022, the Office of Administrative Law approved amendments to the participant-directed services regulations under California Code of Regulations, Title 17 sections 57310, 57332, 58886 and 58888. The purpose of the amendments was to update maximum reimbursement rates for voucher services, non-residential services, and participant-directed services; and to add personal assistance, independent living services and supported employment to the list of participant-directed services. These amendments became effective September 16, 2022.


1.      Information is posted on the Department’s website as follows:

1.      The amended regulations that now include the 3 new services can be found at Browse - California Code of Regulations (

2.      Additional information related to this rulemaking:

3.      New service codes and rates:

4.      General information about participant-directed services:    


2.      If you have any questions about PDS, please email


  1. Coordinated Family Supports (CFS) is a new service option for adults who are over 18 and live in their family home. CFS provides assistance with the coordination of services and supports that allow adults to continue to live in the family home.
  2. The pilot of this program is projected to start 1/1/2023
  3. This service will be vendored.
  4. An informational webinar about this service in Spanish and English can be at Coordinated Family Support (CFS) Service - CA Department of Developmental Services.
  5. If you have questions or comments you can send them to

Case Management Update - Adults

Christine Couch

Director of Consumer Services - Adults

Posted by Maria Shriver on Facebook: Western culture tends to depict aging negatively, placing more value on youth than elderhood. As a result, many of us, particularly women, tend to fear aging. But groundbreakers like Vanessa Williams, Jaime Lee Curtis, Goldie Hawn and Rob Lowe show us that aging actually presents us with a unique opportunity to grow into a deeper, more authentic kind of beauty that radiates from the inside out. To find out how they’re doing it, we invite you to join us for our free online series, Radically Reframing Aging

During this free series hosted by Maria Shriver, you will:

Hear honest, unfiltered conversations with Vanessa Williams, Jaime Lee Curtis, Goldie Hawn, Rob Lowe and others on how to reframe our very notions of aging for a happier, more fulfilling life

Learn scientifically-proven practices for aging well from the nation’s leading scientists and clinicians working at the forefront of aging health

Receive actionable takeaways for living a healthy, engaged, and purposeful life.

This free online series begins on October 24 – save your spot by registering! Click this link: Radically Reframing Aging

Smart Homes Made Simple: Your Guide to Smart Home Technology, 2nd Edition


We are excited to announce the release of the brand new edition of our guide, Smart Homes Made Simple: Your Guide to Smart Home Technology, 2nd Edition. This guide was written to help people with disabilities, older adults, and their families learn to successfully integrate smart home technology into their homes and their lives.


“Smart home technology is one of the best resources for people with disabilities so they can live safely and more independently in a home of their own. These devices also help people perform everyday activities, thrive in employment, school, and in their communities," says PATF’s CEO, Ben Laudermilch.


Smart home technology can help with:

  • Connecting with friends and family
  • Turning on and off the lights
  • Setting reminders and alarms
  • Checking in with a caregiver
  • Locking and unlocking the door
  • Using telehealth services and health monitoring
  • Changing the TV channel or turning on music
  • And more!


We hope this new edition of our guide will help you explore smart home technology, develop a framework to choose your technology, and build a team who can support you in achieving your goals.


In addition to the digital version in English (508-compliant PDF), the guide is also available as a printed booklet.


You can request a printed copy of the latest edition of our guide at


Download the Guide

Community Services Update

Brian Bennett

Director of Community Services

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The Community Services Team will host Informational Sessions for all service providers of VMRC on the first Friday of each month- topics will be generated based on any recent DDS directive changes or other “hot button” topics related to the delivery of services and supports. The next meeting will be on Friday November 4, 2022.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 885 4896 2379

FREE statewide webinar, A Vision for a Thriving Direct Support Professional Workforce, on Wednesday, November 16th at 3:00 PM!


Register here:

·    A detailed overview of the new DSP Training Program

·    Previews of other planned workforce efforts, including a DSP internship program

·    Results of the Direct Support Professional Workforce Survey

·    Reflections on the Disability Thrive Initiative 2022 Training Series

Employment Update

Enos Edmerson Jr

Employment Specialist

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM)

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). This year’s theme is Disability: Part of the Equity Equation. Join me in celebrating NDEAM and continuing to celebrate the many contributions from individuals with disabilities to the workforce.

This week I wanted to celebrate our amazing Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) providers. The providers below collectively have allowed VMRC to surpass pre-covid levels for Fiscal Year 21-22. Please join me in celebrating our CIE providers below for their tremendous work in FY 21-22. Great Job to each of you!!!

Arc of Amador and Calaveras

Arc of San Joaquin

CVTC (San Joaquin/Stanislaus)

Futures Explored

Howard Prep

Lincoln Training Center

Lodi Unified School District

UCP of San Joaquin

UCP of Stanislaus


Watch Resources

Above Flyer in PDF Here

North Valley Hills Update

   Dena Hernandez, Regional Manager (209) 473-6930

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  Email your feedback about phasing out 14c  

SB-639 letter-writing online survey

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Family Resource Network (FRN) Update

Lisa Culley, Executive Director

Family Resource Network (FRN) has several new & exciting projects in development. Join a team of fantastic parents who assist families as they navigate different systems of care, including: regional center, education, social services, and more. Use your skills and experiences as a parent, or close family member of a person with disabilities, to share that information with other parents and family members throughout our network. Every day is different and we encourage diverse individuals to apply. Flexible schedules and full and part-time positions available. See flyer for more details and how to apply! 

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