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Community Health

Advisory Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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By the Numbers

This week we reported 15 consumers, 16 direct support professionals, and one VMRC staff all tested positive for COVID-19.  This is the third week in a row reporting 15 consumers testing positive for COVID-19. Of the 15 consumers, all are now in their homes recovering and quarantining. One consumer was hospitalized, but has now returned home. They all live in different settings, with six living with family, two in SLS, one in ILS, and the remaining six living in licensed care. As of now 235 VMRC staff are vaccinated, representing 63% of all staff, and 3004 consumers are vaccinated, representing 21.7% of all of our consumers, which is actually an estimated 33% of all eligible consumers. While VMRC ranks among the top regional centers for vaccination rates for our seniors and older adults, we are among the bottom  few when it comes to vaccinating children 12-15 years old. 

News & Announcements from DDS

This week the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) published an excellent update on state level news impacting our community that includes information on "COVID-19 vaccines, wellness bulletins, stakeholder opportunities, energy savings options, & DDS website updates."  This publication talks about the full approval status of the Pfizer vaccination and explains that the vaccinations for 12-15 year old's and the booster for immunocompromised are still under "emergency use".  DDS also includes information on how you can get lower rates on your energy bill, get access to their Wellness Toolkit, and participate in the Elder and Disability Justice Coordinating Council. Finally, they are excited to rollout their new website refresh and would like you to check it out.  You can view the updates newsletter by clicking this link:


And Finally

This week DDS extended the directives from the department that are emergency directives and guidance to help keep our consumers and community safe.  While there were no major edits to the directives, there have a few edits over the past few months. Here’s the link to the latest lists of extension:

Tony Anderson

Executive Director

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Early Start


Extension of Early Start services:

This waiver is extended to October 8th, 2021.


From our Friends at the Infant Development Association (IDA)


“I have to go outside?” Sensory Processing

In a Post-COVID World

with Stacy Frauwirth, MS, OTR/L

Friday September 10th, 2021

12:00pm-1:30pm PDT

Virtual Event

Can't attend the event live? 

Register to receive access to the recording!

As we start to emerge from our COVID cocoons, our families are facing a new set of challenges related to sensory processing and regulation. Many children are getting exposed to a much more sensory enriched world than they have experienced in the last year and a half; may be facing new sensory challenges related to masking and social distancing; and may be adjusting to new schedules and routines, increased structure, and increased demands for social interaction, and sensory, behavioral, and emotional regulation.


This presentation will apply a sensory processing lens to our “return to normal,” examine the difficulties children and families may face, and discuss strategies for preparing and supporting children and families.

Learning Objectives:

1.  Participants will understand the impact of factors related to COVID on sensory processing, self-regulation, and behavior.

2.  Participants will be able to identify situations related to the return to in-person experiences that might present sensory-related challenges for children and families.

3.  Participants will be able to identify strategies to prepare and support children and families for experiences presenting sensory and regulatory challenges.

Stacy Frauwirth is the Director of Child Development Services at Through the Looking Glass in Berkeley, CA. Stacy is a licensed occupational therapist with more than 25 years of pediatric clinical, teaching, and supervisory experience.

Non-Member: $50

IDA Agency or Individual Member: $35

IDA Parent or Student Member: $25


IDA CE Hours: Nursing, PT, Speech and Language $15


(you will be invoiced)


Limited number of scholarships available



Mark Your Calendar:


September 13th - 12-1:00 PM Now What? Reviewing Current Public Health Guidelines for Early Care and Education/Early Intervention


September 23rd - 12-1:00PM  Brown Bag Conversations - Special Invitation to Directors, Administrators and Other Interested Persons


October 19th- 12-1:00PM     Brown Bag Conversations - Special Invitation to Directors, Administrators and Other Interested Persons


November 18th - 12-1:00PM  Brown Bag Conversations - Special Invitation to Directors, Administrators and Other Interested Persons


Further details:


Self Determination


Effective July 1, 2021, the Self-Determination program is available to all eligible individuals on a voluntary basis with no limit on the number of participants. 


To be eligible for the program, you or your family member must:


1. Have a developmental disability and currently be receiving services from a California regional center, or be a new client of a regional center; and


2. Be over the age of three or, if under, be qualified for services through the Lanterman Act; and


3. Live in the community.



Our team is excited to share the following Self Determination Orientation Training, including some trainings in Spanish!!


September 30, 2021 2 PM- 5 PM in English with Spanish Translation


October 8, 2021 1:30 PM-4:30 PM in Spanish


October 13, 2021 1:30 PM- 4:30 PM in English with Spanish Translation


November 4, 2021 9 AM-12 PM in English with Spanish Translation


November 5, 2021 9 AM – 12 PM in Spanish


2021 Virtual Provider CME Program

Driven by Excellence in Treatment, Teaching and Research

Shriner’s Hospital is excited to announce their Q3, 2021 series of Virtual Provider Continuing Medical Education (CME) webinars focused on developmental disabilities. 

Our mission is to improve the lives of children by offering outstanding specialty care education programs for medical professionals. Our monthly CME webinars are offered at no cost to you.

Join Us!

Management of Gait Abnormalities in Children with Cerebral Palsy - What Every Pediatric Provider Needs to Know


September 14 at 6 p.m. PST with Assistant Chief of Pediatric Orthopedics and Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Jon R. Davids.


Register Here!


Audience: Pediatricians, PCPs, RNs, School-based Nurses, Physical Therapists and other licensed health care professionals



Learning objectives:

·    Identify the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) for children with Cerebral Palsy (CP).

·    Describe the rationale for Single Event Multilevel Surgery (SEMLS) to improve gait in children with CP.

·    Discuss the Diagnostic Matrix approach to clinical decision-making for surgery to improve gait in children with CP.

·    Compare and contrast the most common surgeries performed to improve gait in children with CP.

·    List the use of orthotics and post-operative physical therapy to achieve the best outcomes follow SEMLS.

·    Describe how and when to refer a patient with gait abnormalities.



Caring for Children with Spina Bifida and Associated Conditions - What Every Pediatric Provider Needs to Know


September 29 at 6 p.m. PST with Medical Director of the Spina Bifida Program and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist Dr. Maya Evans.

Register Here!


Audience: Pediatricians, PCPs, RNs, School-based Nurses, Physical Therapists and other licensed health care professionals



Learning objectives:

·    Describe the physiologic differences between children with myelomeningocele and other forms of spinal dysraphism.

·    Identify the symptoms of shunt failure and tethered cord.

·    Outline the fundamentals of neurogenic bowel, bladder, and skin management.

·    Describe the frequently seen cognitive and learning differences in persons with myelomeningocele.

·    Familiarize the learner with community resources for education modifications, therapy, and durable medical equipment. 

Tara Sisemore-Hester

Director of Consumer Services - Children

Case Management Update - Adults


COVID-19 has had a profound impact on mental health. Remember to prioritize your mental health and emotional well-being so that we can thrive! Do you need help with your mental health? If you don’t know where to start, this infographic might help. Check out:

The Self Advocacy Council 6 also shares Mental Health Tips in their weekly Zoom Chat. Check them out on Friday’s at 11am!!

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SAC6 and VMRC are excited to invite you to attend the next FREE statewide webinar "Advocacy: From Informed to Empowered" by the Disability Thrive Initiative on Wednesday, September 8th at 3:00 p.m.


The pandemic set off the alternative services model to increase flexibility, choice, and control for people with disabilities over their supports and services. The disability community has had even more reasons, and opportunities, to get involved in advocacy at every system level starting with their personal service needs.


Have you heard the phrase, “nothing about us without us?” Within the disability rights movement this is more than just a saying, it is a call for action. We ALL have rights, and people with disabilities must have a seat at every table where the decisions affecting their lives are made. We invite you to join us and learn from advocates who are creating change both in their own lives and across our state.


Our FREE webinar will provide valuable information about your rights and how to speak up for yourself:

  • Why education about disability rights is important 
  • Why your voice MATTERS  
  • How to gain confidence and advocate for yourself if your services are not meeting your needs
  • How advocates can actively create systems change


This webinar will include guest speakers from Disability Action Center , Disability Rights California, Service Center for Independent Life, Valley Mountain Regional Center SAC 6 and advocate Aviva Kristen.

TASH is excited to announce our Autumn 2021 webinar series, Beyond Survival: Thriving with Quality Support, to air Thursdays at 1:00 PM Eastern, September 2nd – October 7th.

For the past year, surviving the COVID-19 crisis and keeping people safe was the task at hand. However, individuals with disabilities need more than survival. People can have rich full lives in spite of the pandemic. Join us for six weeks as we share tools for planning, quality assurance and training for staff, families and individuals with disabilities. We will be discussing the framework of Social Role Valorization, learning about Charting the Life Course and the benefits of Council on Quality Leadership (CQL) accreditation, as well as hearing from leaders in the community living world about lessons learned during COVID-19. Beyond Survival is a training for individuals at all levels of an organization, families and self-advocates.

Check out this link to learn more:

Spotlight On Nic Allen

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I’m excited to introduce you to Nic Allen, our SPOTLIGHT this week!! Nic loves the movies. His most recent movie job was a small part in a MAJOR MOTION PICTURE. It’s due out in the Spring of 2022 – we will be watching for Nic on the big screen. Right now he is working on another feature film!! He wants to be an amazing actor and loves the screen. He is incredibly passionate about music and wants to be a DJ. Nic sings, listens to music, and makes endless playlists. He collects CD’s and loves watching Disney movies in his free time. Light sabers and dueling is fun for Nic, and he is a fan of Star Wars!!


Nic loves animals and some of his favorites are tigers, lions, hyenas and snakes. Naps help him feel rested and energized throughout the day. Having a sense of community through clubs is important to Nic and one day he wants to have his own club!


Nic has a part time job at Toot Sweets Bakery in Stockton and attends Futures Explored Film school. 


Thanks to Nic and his circle of support for submitting this great picture and information to share with all of you. If you want to be featured in our SPOTLIGHT ON series, please email me, or call, 209-955-3615.  

Christine Couch (she, her, hers)

Director of Consumer Services - Adults


Clinical Update

Great News!!!

The Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 vaccine has gotten the full approval of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).[1] This is a huge breakthrough to the goal of herd immunity and getting majority of our country vaccinated. This eliminates the doubt of other people that it only got the emergency use authorization. This boosts the hope to get more people vaccinated. Lets get vaccinated!!!

[1] FDA. August 23, 2021.

SANDIS COVID-19 Tracking Data (Prepared by Jessica Pate):

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Please continue to stay safe and healthy.

Claire B. Lazaro, MSN, RN, NP, PHN, FNP-C

Director of Clinical Services

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Community Services Department Updates


VMRC’s Quality Assurance Team continues to closely monitor the Caldor Fire, Airola Fire and Washington Fire. Service Providers and persons in these areas are encouraged to monitor social media, radio, and television reports. Be ready to evacuate as conditions could change with little notice. In the event that a relocation or evacuation is necessary, communicate to someone (if you are unable to notify the regional center) where you are going.

When wildfires create smoky conditions, there are things you can do, indoors and out, to reduce your exposure to smoke. Reducing exposure is important for everyone’s health – especially children, adults and people with heart or lung disease.

Below is a link to a Wildfire Smoke Fact Sheet - Reduce Your Smoke Exposure:

AirNow reports air quality using the official U.S. Air Quality Index (AQI) a color-coded index designed to communicate whether air quality is healthy or unhealthy for you. When you know the air quality in your area you can take steps to protect your health. You can check air quality at:

Cal Fire Links to Washington, Airola and Caldor Fires:



Weekly Community Services Department Provider Informational Session

Please join VMRC staff and other partner agencies via Zoom for a Question and Answer session and opportunities to hear about important vendor changes. Every Friday morning at 9:00 AM.

 Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 961 6884 2952



Valley Mountain Regional Center’s partner creative arts employment services and employment training program, Futures Explored, has Landscaping Equipment available to a non profit program looking for tools to enhance their program – (tools include (1) lawn mower, (1) blower, various types of shovels, rakes – multiple high quality landscaping tools) please contact or call Brandi 916-317-4817 for details and for a complete listing of tools and materials available and to arrange pick up.                                          

Training Opportunity - Save the Date - Coming Soon!

Supported Living Orientation - Independent Living Services Orientation

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Via Zoom

Brian L. Bennett

Director Of Community Services

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North Valley Hills Update

Dena Hernandez, Regional Manager (209) 473-6930

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PDF Version of the above Flyer Here

How to connect to SCDD through Social Media

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Family Resource Network Update from

Lisa Culley, Executive Director

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Family Resource Network is hiring-current opening is for a Bilingual (Spanish) Family Resource Specialist. Assist other parents with your knowledge about IEPs, Regional Center services and more to provide parent-to-parent support in a well established, community-based organization. Please click here for more information.

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PDF Version Here

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PDF Version of Flyer Here

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Self-Advocacy Council 6 (SAC6)


Weekly Virtual Chat


Let’s Check In with each other!

WHEN: August 20, 2021

TIME: 11:00 AM -12:15 PM

WHERE: ZOOM - computer, tablet, cell phone

Come and Learn About Home & Community Based Services (HCBS)

What is it and what does it mean for YOU?

From VMRC HCBS Coordinator - Anneliese Sims

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 815 6760 9944

Passcode: 474395

You must enter the Password

OR you can call in:


888 475 4499 US Toll-free

877 853 5257 US Toll-free

Also – VMRC Update by Tony Anderson and Mental Health Tip of the Day by Dr. Dave Demetral and Peter Hackett of Person Centered Services!

PDF Version of the SAC6 Flyer Here



California Memorial Project 19th Annual California Remembrance Ceremony

Register Now

Join us for our live webinar event:

Disability Rights California’s Peer Self-Advocacy (PSA) program and the California Memorial Project (CMP) will hold its 19th annual Remembrance ceremony to honor and celebrate our peers who lived and died in California state hospitals without the recognition they deserved. We will acknowledge our peers still living in these institutions today, many who died and are still dying from the Covid-19 pandemic. By sharing stories, poems, songs, artwork, cultural perspectives and a moment of silence, we will celebrate their lives so they are seen and heard - they are not to be forgotten.


September 20, 2021

1:00PM - 2:00PM

Register Today

COVID-19 Update

Valley Mountain Regional Center

·    803 positive consumer cases and 30 deaths

·    38 positive VMRC staff cases

·    4 positive volunteer cases

·    366 positive provider cases and 1 death

Local County, State and National Public Health Resources

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