Community Health
Advisory Coronavirus (COVID-19)
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Weekly Message from the Executive Director
By the Numbers
This week we reported 21 positive COVID-19 tests for consumers and 10 positive tests for direct support professionals in our community. Sadly, one of our elderly consumers contracted COVID-19 last month and this week passed away despite having had the vaccination. These breakthrough infections continue to concern all of us as we try to stop the rate of infections in our region and throughout our state.
Finally, we had a few meetings this week with providers who are struggling to increase their percentage of vaccinated staff and are starting to lose some of their dedicated Direct Support Professionals, and they are preparing to lose many more, preventing them from providing services to the consumers they are already serving. VMRC lost another employee this week who refused to comply with the testing policy. VMRC is still just over 80% vaccinated but the regional centers and the providers throughout the Central Valley and in Northern California percentage levels are much lower. Fortunately, some of our local providers are providing very high vaccination rates regionally and for our consumers in Southern California and the Bay Area are reporting 90 to 100% vaccination rates at regional centers and provider organizations.
Your Regional Center Performance Contract
This year for our Performance Contract with the Department of Developmental Services we are asking for community input through a confidential survey. The performance contract includes "specific, measurable, performance objectives" and like every year we are asking for your input. "The annual performance contracts are designed to help consumers achieve quality of life, reach meaningful progress above current baselines, and developed services and supports to meet consumer’s needs." Please share your thoughts on this public input survey: TAKE SURVEY HERE.
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Tony Anderson
Executive Director
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Case Management Update - Children
Self Determination
Effective July 1, 2021, the Self-Determination program is available to all eligible individuals on a voluntary basis with no limit on the number of participants.
To be eligible for the program, you or your family member must:
1. Have a developmental disability and currently be receiving services from a California regional center, or be a new client of a regional center; and
2. Be over the age of three or, if under, be qualified for services through the Lanterman Act; and
3. Live in the community.
Our team is excited to share the following Self Determination orientation training including some trainings in Spanish!!
November 4, 2021 9 AM-12 PM in English with Spanish Translation
November 5, 2021 9 AM – 12 PM in Spanish
Evidence-based Intervention Practices for Young Children 0-3 with ASD and Their Families & Learn The Signs Act Early Resources
with Jennifer Fisher, MA and Diane Storman
Friday November 5, 2021
1:00pm - 2:30pm
Virtual Event
Can't attend the event live?
Register to receive access to the recording!
Are you aware of CAPTAIN or Learn the Signs Act Early? The California Autism Professional Training and Information Network (CAPTAIN) hosts a website full of resources for professionals including the ASD Toddler Initiative. The Learn the Signs Act Early Initiative provides free resources for families and providers and an in-depth look at developmental milestones, with the aim of improving early identification of children with autism and other developmental disabilities in order for children and families can get the services and support they need.
· Learn about how CAPTAIN promotes evidence-based strategies to support toddlers with autism and their families.
· Delve into the CAPTAIN website to access information and resources and go into detail in selected modules.
· Hear about the Learn the Signs Act Early Initiative and free resources for families and providers.
· Gain strategies for integrating the Milestone Moments materials into your work with families.
Come away with an understanding of the current research on early intervention and strategies to use with families of very young children identified with ASD or related social-communication delays.
Learning Objectives:
· Identify the self-learning modules for parents and evidence-based practices for young children ages 0-3
· Identify at least 3 resources obtained from the CAPTIAN website to support families and young children with ASD
· Describe two prompting procedures from the Evidence-Based Practice of the Prompting module
· Describe how to use “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” resources in early care and education work with children and parents.
· Describe two communication strategies to use when talking with families about their child’s development.
Jennifer Fisher participated as a teacher in the National Professional Development Center (NPDC) project as part of the demonstration site in Southern California at LAUNCH Preschool in Torrance, Ca. She is part of the leadership team for the California Autism Professional Training and Information Network project, which provides training, coaching and resources in evidence-based practices to district and SELPA wide educators as well as for parents and other local agencies within California.
Ms. Fisher provides support and training as part of the leadership team for the Desired Results Access Project (DRDP). Jennifer holds an Early Childhood Special Education Credential as well as an Administrative Credential.
Diane Storman has been navigating the developmental disability service system as the mother of a son with ASD since 1997. In 2000, she joined the Exceptional Family Resource Center (EFRC) as a Resource Parent. As her position evolved, she has managed EFRC contracts with First 5 San Diego, Imperial County Children and Families First Commission, California Children Services and Early Start Plus.
More recently, she has coordinated participation in Disparity and Service Access and Equity projects, as well as, conducting Early Start child find and outreach activities on EFRC's behalf.
Ms. Storman is a member of the statewide leadership team for California Autism Professionals Training and Information Network (CAPTAIN) and the Family Resource Center Network of California Steering Committee, and a trainer of the Standards of Quality for Family Strengthening and Support. She completed the Learning and Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities program at University of Southern California.
Non-Member: $50
IDA Agency or Individual Member: $35
IDA Parent or Student Member: $25
IDA CE Hours: Nursing, PT, Speech and Language $15
(you will be invoiced)
Limited number of scholarships available
San Joaquin County Public Health Services Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
Lead poisoning is dangerous to the growth and development of young children. It can make it hard for children to learn, pay attention and behave. Lead is most harmful to children under the age of six because they are growing rapidly and put their hands or other objects in their mouth. Most children with lead poisoning do not look or act sick. The only way to know if your child has lead poisoning is for your child to get a blood test for lead. Most children are tested at one and two years of age.
San Joaquin County’s Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP) provides services to the community with the goal of:
- Increasing awareness of lead hazards and providing education and assistance in order to reduce lead exposure,
- Increasing the number of children who receive a blood test for lead poisoning.
The CLPPP provides case management services and home inspections to families of children found to be severely lead poisoned. In addition, information and education are provided to the general public, medical providers, and community-based organizations.
Open to all residents of San Joaquin County free of charge. For more information go to this link http://clppp.sjcphs.org/
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Congreso Familiar is a conference dedicated to promoting education and leadership for Latino families who have young children, adults or relatives with disabilities.
Join them on Saturday, November 6th from 10am-12pm PST via Zoom to learn about the IEP process. This presentation will be in Spanish, and it is FREE of charge.
Tara Sisemore-Hester
Director of Consumer Services - Children
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Case Management Update - Adults
October is Spina Bifida Awareness Month—a time to celebrate the hundreds of thousands of people living with Spina Bifida. Every October, the Spina Bifida Association shares community stories that challenge us to raise more awareness and support for those living with Spina Bifida. As a community, we can do this by raising awareness about Spina Bifida either in our own circles or to the larger networks of which we are a part. It’s also a great time for us to challenge ourselves to find new ways to get involved in raising awareness and advocacy activities. Connect with the Spina Bifida Association, here https://www.spinabifidaassociation.org/awareness-month/
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SPOTLIGHT ON Mohamed Rashid
Friends, meet Mohamed!! I’m honored to know him. Mohamed has been a consumer of Valley Mountain Regional Center since 1995. He shared, “every Service Coordinator I have had has brought me to where I am today, 29 years later.” Mohamed is the youngest out of 9 kids. He has 7 sisters and 1 brother, and he is the youngest. Mohamed shared with me that he has Spina Bifida and is paralyzed from the waist down. Mohamed said, “my family pushed me to be very independent. They wouldn’t let me be non-compliant. They pushed me to do everything on my own. Yes, they did help me with some things, and they still help me with things, but they push me to do it on my own because in the future, I’m going to need to be able to do things on my own.”
Some advice from Mohamed, “Just because a person has Spina Bifida doesn’t mean they can’t do anything on their own. It will take a little bit longer to do certain activities. Don’t be ashamed of having Spina Bifida, yeah you have it but the Spina Bifida is not you. You are the person. Spina Bifida isn’t you. Basically, don’t let the disability take over your mental thinking and think you are just disabled. No just because you have a disability, you can think on your own.”
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Mohamed has been to several different day programs in the last 3 to 5 years and the best program that he has experienced is Vocational Coaching and Development Institute (VCDI). They teach people how to get employment and how to maintain employment. They taught Mohamed how to dress for an interview and how to make a resume. Mohamed was the assistant to the Director of vocational and development relations at VCDI for about 6 years. Mohamed was able to complete a 6-week internship at Senator Anthony Cannella’s office in Ceres, while he was at VCDI. Mohamed shared that he learned a lot about the legislative process – how bills are thought of and how they are made. He also learned how they push those bills into law. When I asked Mohamed about what he shared with people during this experience he said, “I opened their eyes to better understanding people with disabilities. I really enjoyed my time there and would have worked longer if that was an option. It also helped me build relationships with other professionals and legislators.” After that amazing experience, Mohamed went to work in the community at the Disability Resources Agency for Independent Living as a Community Organizing Advocate. He was able to meet with legislators and county personnel and advocate for consumers rights. He was in that position for 2.5 years.
Mohamed says, “thank you to my family and friends and mentors that have helped me build the advocate that I am today.”
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PDF Version of Flyer Here
The YLF is a six-day residential self-advocacy and leadership development program for students with disabilities. Post-YLF workshops of specific topics have been added after the weeklong event. If there are any in-person restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the YLF may be held virtually via Zoom or in a hybrid format.
Students must complete an application, write an essay and provide letters of recommendations. Students will also be interviewed by a YLF partner team in their local communities. This is a competitive process and not all students will be selected. Applicants must be sophomores, juniors or seniors during the 2021-22 school year ending by June 30, 2022, to be eligible to apply. All selected delegate’s expenses are sponsored through a public-private partnership.
YLF applications must be completed electronically and emailed to ylf@dor.ca.gov. The deadline to apply is December 17, 2021.
The 2022 application and related documents, including an outreach flyer can be found at https://www.dor.ca.gov/Home/YLF.
For other questions, please call the CCEPD office at 855-894-3436 or email us at YLF@dor.ca.gov.
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Christine Couch (she, her, hers)
Director of Consumer Services - Adults
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Clinical Update
Booster Shots for 3 vaccines!!!
Two days ago, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) expanded the authorization for Moderna and Johnson and Johnson to include booster shots.[1]
Yesterday, the CDC has endorsed this recommendation for Moderna and Johnson & Johnson with the following guidance:
“For individuals who received a Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, the following groups are eligible for a booster shot at 6 months or more after their initial series:
For the nearly 15 million people who got the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, booster shots are also recommended for those who are 18 and older and who were vaccinated two or more months ago.
There are now booster recommendations for all three available COVID-19 vaccines in the United States. Eligible individuals may choose which vaccine they receive as a booster dose. Some people may have a preference for the vaccine type that they originally received and others, may prefer to get a different booster. CDC’s recommendations now allow for this type of mix and match dosing for booster shots.”[2]
Dental Clinic coming in November!
FREE Mobile Dental Clinic for ALL Medi-Cal Members. By appointment only: 9 am to 6 pm. Register here: https://ib4.me/u34hUcr. Or Call at (408) 809-9500.
November 3, 2021 – VMRC Stockton Office, 702 North Aurora Street, Stockton, CA
November 10, 2021 – VMRC Modesto Office, 1820 Blue Gum Avenue, Modesto, Ca
[1] FDA. October 20, 2021. https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/coronavirus-covid-19-update-fda-takes-additional-actions-use-booster-dose-covid-19-vaccines
[2] CDC. October 21, 2021. https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/p1021-covid-booster.html
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Please continue to stay safe and healthy.
Claire B. Lazaro, MSN, RN, NP, PHN, FNP-C
Director of Clinical Services
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Community Services Training Opportunities and Service Provider Information
Training Opportunities
Weekly Community Services Department Provider Informational Session
Please join VMRC staff and other partner agencies via ZOOM every Friday morning at 9:00 AM! Question and Answer session and opportunities to hear about important vendor changes!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 961 6884 2952
Electronic Visit Verification Webinar hosted by the Department of Developmental Services
Date: October 26, 2021
Time: 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Webinar Link: Please register in advance
Valley Mountain Regional Center is pleased to have partnered with the University of New Hampshire and the Center for Start Services; Now We Have Hope: The Strength of the START Community is a documentary film about START programs and the people and families they support in North Carolina, Texas, and New York City.
Watch the film and learn more about START at
In collaboration with Valley Mountain Regional Center- please take the opportunity to respond to the survey (link) below. VMRC is pleased to partner with The Center for START Services- Your input is greatly appreciated.
START, which stands for Systemic, Therapeutic, Assessment, Resources & Treatment, is a comprehensive model of services and supports that optimizes independence, treatment, and community living for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD) and behavioral health needs.
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Dear Community Partner,
This survey is being conducted by the Center for START Services (CSS) at the University of New Hampshire's Institute on Disability/UCED in partnership with the State of California Regional Centers as part of the expansion of START services in California. Part of this process is an evaluation of the current service system for individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (IDD) and mental health needs (IDD-MH). The goal is to determine what services are currently working well in your region and where improvements are needed. This list of questions is intended to learn from you about existing services in your community for people with IDD-MH, including persons with autism. This survey includes services that may be funded by regional centers, county mental health/behavioral services or insurance.
Please rate each question listed using the scale found below and put additional explanations in the space provided. When responding about service availability in your community, please think about community as the area in which you or the people that you serve can realistically access needed services. At the end of the survey, we welcome you to identify any additional gaps in service effectiveness that you would like us to be aware of.
We are hoping to collect as many responses as possible from individuals working in or using any aspect of the service system (mental health, ID/DD services, education, drug/alcohol treatment, hospitals, justice, etc.), so please take a few minutes to both complete this survey by clicking on the link below, and then to forward this link to as many people within your organization and/or contact list as possible and ask them to complete it and forward it as well. The survey can be completed in a variety of languages by using the drop-down language field in the top right-hand corner.
If you have any problems with the link, please feel free to email me at ann.klein@unh.edu and I will be happy to assist.
We sincerely appreciate your help as we work together to enhance services in California for individuals with IDD and their families. Thanks for your time.
The CSS Team
More about “START”
CA START Open House
What is an Open House? A live, online forum (via Zoom) to provide an overview of the START model, CA START implementation, and information about the RFP process. There will be time for Q&A with the Center for START Services and CA START at the end of the forum.
Intended Audience: Potential providers of new START programs. While this forum is hosted by the CA START expansion, other interested providers are welcome to attend.
Option 2
Monday, November 1
1:00-2:30 pm PST/
4:00-5:30pm EST
Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Update
HCBS Compliance Grant Funding Information
2021/2022 FY HCBS Compliance Funding opportunity has arrived!
VMRC will be hosting Virtual Office Hours to assist with the HCBS Compliance Funding application process. Drop in with your questions related to your concept/proposal for funding. If you would like your documents to be discussed in detail during the Virtual Open Office Hours, email them to Anna Sims, asims@vmrc.net, prior to the session(s) you plan to attend. Include “Draft HCBS Concept/Proposal” as well as your vendor name and number in the subject line of the email. Please click on the flyer below to register for one or more of the Virtual Open Office Hours.
HCBS Compliance Funding Virtual Office Hours
HCBS Compliance Funding for the 2021/2022 FY Information and Documents
DDS has announced a new round of HCBS Compliance Grant Funding for the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year! Vendors with eligible service codes (see below) are strongly encouraged to apply for grant funding to assist with bringing your programs into compliance with the federal regulations by the compliance deadline of March 17th, 2023. Vendors are encouraged to thoroughly read previously approved grants, available on DDS’s website, to get ideas for their own grant submissions. The deadline for submission of grant proposals to VMRC is November 12th, 2021. No proposals submitted after that date will be accepted.
All available documentation related to the grant are available on DDS’s webpage at https://www.dds.ca.gov/initiatives/cms-hcbs-regulations/hcbs-compliance-funding/
HCBS Funding Letter FY 2021-2022
HCBS Funding Guidelines FY 2021-2022
HCBS Funding FY 2021-2022 Attachment C Documents
HCBS Funding FY 2021-2022 Budget Template
HCBS Funding FY 2021-2022 Attachment D (for informational purposes only, document to be completed by VMRC)
Eligible Service Codes List
Brian L. Bennett
Director Of Community Services
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October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM)
State Internship Program 2022
Earlier this year we highlighted our two candidates for the State Internship Program (SIP). It is with great excitement that I announce the SIP was extended into 2022. Therefore, some lucky candidates may get the opportunity to apply for this tremendous opportunity.
The State Internship Program is a partnership between DOR, VMRC, and State Agencies that allow individuals to intern for a state agency. With successful completion of 512 hours and a task analysis will obtain a Limited Examination and Appointment Program (LEAP) Certification.
To apply you must be a Valley Mountain Regional Center consumer. Make sure you have completed an intake packet with DOR. Contact your local DOR office and request to be a candidate for the 2022 State Internship Program (SIP). DOR will guide you on the path to qualify and submit for an interview with a state agency.
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) and it is awesome to be announcing this opportunity during this month!!!
Enos Edmerson Jr
Employment Specialist
For more than two decades, individuals who have a developmental disability have created ornaments used to decorate the Christmas tree at the State Capitol. The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) has been asked again to participate in the official State Capitol Tree Lighting Ceremony, and we are requesting ornaments from the community.
As in previous years, a child with a developmental disability will participate in an evening ceremony with Governor Gavin Newsom and First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom. The tree lighting ceremony will take place the first week of December.
All ornaments must be received at DDS headquarters by Friday, November 12, 2021. Enclosed are guidelines and suggestions for ornaments and a shipping form that must be included with ornaments.
If you have questions, please contact Amy Wall at (916) 869-8833 or amy.wall@dds.ca.gov.
| Free Mobile Dental Clinic for Medi-Cal Members! |
North Valley Hills Update
Dena Hernandez, Regional Manager (209) 473-6930
Please check out this FREE Personal Safety Training
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How to connect to SCDD through Social Media | |
COVID-19 Update
Valley Mountain Regional Center
· 941 positive consumer cases and 31 deaths
· 38 positive VMRC staff cases
· 4 positive volunteer cases
· 447 positive provider cases and 1 death
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Local County, State and National Public Health Resources | | | | |