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Community Health

Advisory Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Weekly Message from the Executive Director

Tony Anderson

By the Numbers

This week we reported 20 positive cases for consumers (a 50% drop from last week) and 16 positive cases for direct support professionals. Fifteen of the consumers were vaccinated and the others refused to report and all of our consumers are at home recovering and none were hospitalized. We reported no deaths this week, which is a welcome relief given that last week we lost two consumers who have been suffering from COVID for a very long time (neither were able to get vaccinated). Currently 80% of our consumers 50 years old and older have received at least one vaccination and across all ages 40% have been fully vaccinated (includes the 5% who have received their boosters). Finally, we are happy to report that we received 13 more booster cards from staff at VMRC, which leaves us with only 17 more to go before the March 1st deadline. Since we are not allowed to have employees who have not received their booster vaccination (if eligible) or have a qualified exemption, past March 1, 2022, we will place these employees on unpaid leave for a month. If they are unable to comply we will begin the process of recruiting for their position. We want every one of of our employees to stay on our team and continue serving our consumers and their families and we are doing everything we can to support them in getting their boosters.

Powder Infant Formula Recall

This week one of our great advocates and long time managers, Julie De Diego, shared important information for our staff to alert our community and community child care providers to be aware of an urgent recall of some commonly used powder infant formulas. The alert says:

"The products under recall are Similac, Alimentum, or EleCare powdered infant formulas brands that have a multidigit number on the bottom of the container starting with the first two digits 22 through 37, contains K8, SH, or Z2 and with an expiration date of April 1, 2022, or after.


The FDA, along with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and state and local partners, are alerting consumers to avoid purchasing or using the powdered infant formula products if: 

  • the first two digits of the code are 22 through 37; and 
  • the code on the container contains K8, SH or Z2; and 
  • the expiration date is 4-1-2022 (APR 2022) or later."

Cronobacter and Salmonella Complaints about Powdered Infant Formula

Do not use recalled Similac, Alimentum, or EleCare powdered infant formulas If you want to check if your powdered formula is part of the recall, you can enter the product lot code on the bottom of your package on the company's website. If you have questions or need information about the recall, you can Submit Questions/Get Assistance .

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The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) Extends Several Waivers to the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act, the California Early Intervention Services Act, and parts of Title 17 Codes and Welfare and Institutions (W&I) Codes - (download Extensions)

There are eight waivers that the department is extending out to various new deadlines. One ending as early as March 26th and another ending as late as April 19, 2022. Some of these waivers have long term amendments already in place and others have deleted whole sections permanently.

Department Directive on Requirements Waived due to COVID-19 (4/1/2022)

This one modified the Health and Safety process for providers returning authority to DDS. It waives Early Start and Lanterman Act in-person requirements for IFSPs and IPP meetings when requested by the parent or legal guardian and consumer respectively through the end of this fiscal year.

Department Directive on Requirements Waived due to COVID-19 and Additional Guidance (4/7/2022)

This one allows for remote public meetings, remote services, and supplemental staffing in residential.

Department Directive 02-032520: Requirements Waived due to COVID-19 (4/14/2022)

This is the directive that discusses remote eligibility, presumptive eligibility, and waives the Family Cost Participation Program and Annual Family Program Fee requirements. It previously referred to In-Home Respite workers but that's been removed.

Department Directive 01-033020: Additional Participant-Directed Services (4/19/2022)

This directive added Personal assistance, Independent living skills, and Supported employment to the list of service options that could be done through a participant directed method using an FMS. Since VMRC previously had no options under participant direction we added the following: respite, day care, transportation, nursing and day services.

Department Directive 01-041520: Requirements Waived due to COVID-19 (4/5/2022)

This one has almost been completely deleted but the references to Competitive Integrated Employment and Parental fees still remain. The waiver for CIE stops the rule that a consumer must be competitively employed for 30 consecutive days, six consecutive months or 12 consecutive 

months for a service provider to receive associated payments and allows for a break in employment due to COVID.

Department Directive 01-061520: Extension of Early Start Services (4/6/2022)

This waiver allows VMRC to continue children in Early Start services beyond their third birthday during the COVID-19 State of Emergency. This is a rare event occurring temporarily while the responsible education entity works to transition children to educational services during the COVID crisis.

Department Directive 01-100220: Waiver of Half-Day Billing Requirements for Day Services (3/26/2022)

This one waives the half-day billing requirements when a vendor is providing traditional services but does not apply when a vendor is providing Alternative Services.

Department Directive 01-111920: Waiver of Self-Determination Program Budget Restrictions for Financial Management Services (4/13/2022)

This one allows people in Self-Determination to waive the fee for fiscal management services and use those fees for other services.


Case Management Update - Adults

Christine Couch

Director of Consumer Services - Adults


SPOTLIGHT ON Crystal Enyeart!!  

Friends, meet Crystal Enyeart. She lives on her own and tries to stay healthy. She has been on her own for 12 years. Sometimes it’s hard and sometimes it’s not too hard to be on your own and independent. Sometimes it’s overwhelming because Crystal says she has to be responsible for everything. When it’s good, it’s amazing because Crystal lives on her own, makes her own decisions, sees her friends when she wants to and does exactly what she wants to do when she wants to do it. 

Crystal says to get some help when you decide to move out on your own. It’s ok to ask for help, especially when you need it. You can ask a family member, a friend that you trust, and you can even ask your service coordinator for services and supports like supported living services.

Crystal takes walks during the day, and she has a goal this year to keep on losing weight and be healthy. Exercising walking, eating healthy, especially salads. Drinking a lot of water and cut down on sodas. She wants to be healthy so she can lose weight and she can buy new clothes; she knows she will feel better and healthier. 

Crystal is an amazing self-advocate. She shared it feels good to help people out and reach out to other people and makes sure their needs are met and their rights are protected. People can learn to speak up and say what they need and speak out about what they like and want in their lives. Crystal learned how to speak up and advocate for herself by practicing for a long time. Crystal wants you to know it’s important to be able to speak up when you are independent and live on your own. If you don’t speak up for yourself, nobody else is going to do it for you. If you need help speaking up, you can ask other self-advocates, you can ask your family or your friends or your church, or SAC6.

Crystal shared if you believe it, you can do it.  


John's Cake Story

Check out this cake baked by John Stahl. John lives in Modesto and is becoming quite the baker! During the pandemic, John has learned to bake and enjoys making cakes. 

He researches his recipes online. His care home staff assists him with purchasing all of the needed ingredients and even a cake baking kit. His favorite cake to bake is a Confetti cake which is in the picture. 

Thank you to Tricia Qualls for sharing this yummy cake and John’s story!!

Black History Month

The CROWN Act, which stands for “Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair,” was created in 2019 to ensure protection against discrimination based on race-based hairstyles. The Act extends statutory protection to texture and protective styles such as braids, locs, twists, and knots in the workplace and public schools. 

People should not be forced to divest themselves of their racial-cultural identity by changing their natural hair in order to adapt to predominantly white spaces. Check out this video to learn more about the history or “Hair Story” of black hair.



Be aware of potential callers who are not your Service Coordinator. People have reported that they received a voicemail to return a call to the new social worker with a 925 area code. If you return the call, they will charge you a lot of money. Please be careful. If you receive a message that you have a new social worker and it’s not a 209 phone number, you might not want to return the call. Ask someone for help, before you return the call. Thank you to Tatiana Supnet and Karen Jensen for letting us know about this scam happening in our area.

Do You Need Help Identifying Currency

Need help with your paper money’s denomination? NLS partners with The Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) to provide currency reader devices, free of charge, to eligible individuals who are blind or visually impaired.

The currency reader, called the iBill Talking Banknote Identifier, is the size of a key fob but can announce a note’s value in one of three ways: voice, pattern of tones or pattern of vibrations. Just insert the corner of a note into the device and press the button on the side to have the denomination identified. The currency reader does not identify foreign or counterfeit banknotes.

Bureau of Engraving and Printing US Currency Reader Program - National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS) | Library of Congress

The program is part of the US government's Meaningful Access Initiative to assist individuals who experience difficulties identifying US currency.

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Clinical Services Updates

Claire B. Lazaro, MSN, RN, NP, PHN, NP-C

Director of Clinical Services


Updated COVID-19 Vaccination Schedule

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has updated the COVID-19 vaccine schedule adding the possibility of getting the second dose of mRNA vaccine at 8 weeks instead of 3-4 weeks for some individuals 12-64 years old, especially males in getting an optimal dose of the vaccine, increasing it’s duration of protection, and helps in lowering the small risk of myocarditis associated in teens and young adult males. Images below from CDC. 

[1] CDC. February 22, 2022.

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SMILE California

SMILE California is a Medi-Cal Dental Program that offers a lot of resources for all. Here is a link to their February Bulletin. (English and Spanish). Past Member bulletins

Mental Wellness

During this pandemic, it is most important to take care of your mental health and well-being. Care givers are vulnerable and tend to forget to take care of themselves. The Warmline Family Resource Center has organized Mindfulness and Acceptance Practices. Click this link to see the flyer and register.

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What is the Affordable Connectivity Program?

The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) program that replaces the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (EBB Program) to help low-income households pay for internet service and connected devices.

If your household is eligible, you can receive:

  • Up to a $30/month discount on your internet service
  • Up to a $75/month discount if your household is on qualifying Tribal lands
  • A one-time discount of up to $100 for a laptop, tablet, or desktop computer (with a co-payment of more than $10 but less than $50)

Prevent a Wandering Incident

The National Autism Society put together this resource called Big Red Safety Box to prepare caregivers in preventing a wandering incident. Big Red Safety Box

"Wandering, elopement, “running” or bolting behaviors among those within our community present unique safety risks, and create extraordinary worry and stress among caregivers.

Drowning fatalities following wandering incidents remain a leading cause of death among those with ASD. The National Autism Association is committed to providing direct aid and support to those at risk. As such, we are pleased to provide you with this toolkit."

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Case Management Update - Children

Tara Sisemore-Hester

Director of Consumer Services - Children

Spotlight on: Aiden and Keira

Why do we love Valley Mountain Regional Center? We have had someone in our court since the beginning! VMRC helped us get our diagnosis with the help of our early interventionist, a support system when I am not sure where to go, assistance getting both children's mobility devices, behavior classes for me and behavioral therapy for the children and reliability for the last 12 years that we have been clients. 

We love both case workers we had/have and are so grateful for VMRC!

Written By Malinda Morrow – Aiden and Keira Morrow’s mother


Waiver Extensions: Early Start

For section “Early Start In-Person Meetings”, the waiver of in-person service coordination meeting requirements is hereby rescinded. Trailer Bill AB 136, effective July 16, 2021, amended Government Code section 95020(c)(1), allowing, until June 30, 2022, individualized family service plan meetings to be held by remote electronic communications when requested by the parent or legal guardian. The waiver of in-person eligibility determination meeting requirements, as provided in this section is extended and remains effective until rescinded. (Amendment effective 7/29/2021)


Effective immediately, section “Early Start Remote Services” is hereby deleted from this Directive. Trailer Bill AB 136 amended Government Code section 95020(d)(5)(A), specifying that early intervention services may be delivered by remote electronic communications. (Amendment effective 7/29/2021)

Effective immediately, section “Lanterman Act In-Person Meetings” is hereby deleted from this Directive. Trailer Bill AB 136 amended Welfare and Institutions Code section 4646(f), allowing, until June 30, 2022, services and supports meetings, including individual program plan meetings, to be held by remote electronic communications when requested by the consumer or, if appropriate, the consumer’s parents, legal guardian, conservator, or authorized representative. (Amendment effective 7/29/2021)

Extension of Early Start services for children who have not received an offer of FAPE by the school district, will continue until 4/6/22.

Coach2Coach: Reflection and Connection

Friday, March 4, 2022

12:00pm - 2:00pm (PST)

Virtual Event


with Dana Childress, PhD.

Stacey Landberg, MS, CCC-SLP &

Lisa Katzman, PT, DPT


Attend Live - this event will not be recorded

IDA will co-host the first Coach2Coach event of 2022. 


Stacey Landberg, MS, CCC-SLP and Lisa Katman, PT, DPT will engage in a Q & A on reflective practice with EI expert and author, Dana Childress, PhD. Content will include understanding connections between reflection and adult learning theory, discovering how different types of reflection can be used throughout our work and how reflective practice supports our connections with caregivers and relationships within their family. Video modeling of real home-visits will be reviewed for participants to practice identifying and using evidence-based coaching strategies in their work immediately.  

Learning Outcomes:

1. Integrate self-reflection into your early intervention work. 

2. Describe how reflective practice supports our connection with caregivers

3. Understand the relationship between reflective practice and adult-learning theory

Non-Member: $50

IDA Agency/Individual Member: $35

IDA Parent/Student/New Clinician Member: $25


IDA CE Hours: Nursing, PT $20 (2 hour) 


(you will be invoiced)


ADA Requests: Contact IDA @ 

with ADA request by Feb 25


Limited number of scholarships available


Important Notes: 

  • Do not pay and sign-up for this event if you are already registered for Coach2Coach 2022! 
  • This will be the one and only Coach2Coach event that IDA will co-host in 2022. Don’t miss your chance to attend! 

Dana Childress, Ph.D. is an Early Intervention Professional Development Consultant with the Partnership for People with Disabilities at Virginia Commonwealth University. She has worked in the field of early intervention (EI) for more than 26 years as an educator, service coordinator, supervisor, trainer, author, and consultant.


Read more here

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Lisa Katzman, PT, DPT is a Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Pediatric Physical Therapy and Early Interventionist with over 30 years’ experience. Lisa received her Master of Physical Therapy from the University of Southern California in 1987 and completed the Harris Early Childhood Mental Health Training Program in 2009.


Read more here

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Stacey Landberg, MS, CCC-SLP, has devoted her career to supporting

communication and connection between children and their caregivers. She has worked in the homes of hundreds of families across southern California and she has guest lectured across the United State to early childhood specialists and therapists since 2015.

Read more here

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Register Here
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We are excited to announce the following self determination orientation opportunities:


Tuesday, April 19, 2022 9AM-12PM Spanish

Thursday, June 16, 2022 1PM-4PM English with Spanish Translation


Monday, August 8, 2022 1PM-4PM English with Spanish Translation

The Department of Developmental Services has posted FAQs for the Participant Choice Specialist positions at the following link: Self-Determination Program – Frequently Asked Questions - CA Department of Developmental Services

Participant Choice SpecialistFAQ Webpage

Community Services Update

Brian Bennett

Director of Community Services

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VMRC Community Services will be hosting an Informational Session for Prospective Mentor Providers (Family Home Agency) 

Friday, February 25th from 9:00-10:30             

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 899 1490 8555 

Passcode: 138901 


What is a Family Home Agency (FHA)?

A residential service model for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities

  • Unique shared living experience 
  • Services provided in private family homes 
  • Nurturing, comfortable setting with individualized support 

Who is California MENTOR?

  • Most experienced & largest FHA Provider throughout California 
  • Enhancing lives through quality FHA services since 1997
  • Personalized services and family connections
  • Trusted Regional Center and DDS partner
  • Comprehensive recruitment & matching process 
  • Exceptional support for Mentors & Clients
  • Mentor support and networking groups
  • Exciting social events

For more information about this event please contact: 

VMRC FHA Coordinator, Linda DeLaurenti at 209-955-3642 or

Community Services Training Opportunities and Service Provider Information


Weekly Community Services Department Provider Informational Session


Info-Sessions will occur 1x per Month on the FIRST FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH


Zoom Link to upcoming Monthly Sessions:                     

March 4th 2022, 9-10 am                 

April 1 2022, 9-10 am                        

May 6th 2022, 9-10 am  

June 3rd 2022, 9-10 am  

July 1st 2022, 9-10 am   

August 5th 2022, 9-10 am    

October 7th 2022, 9-10 am  

November 4th 2022, 9-10 am  

December 2nd 2022, 9-10 am  


Zoom Link to upcoming Monthly Sessions


Upcoming Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Training Opportunities

The HCBS Final Settings Rule applies to all vendors who provide services in a setting that serves more than one regional center consumer. The intent of the Final Settings Rule is to ensure that people with developmental disabilities receive services that integrate them fully into the community to the same degree as people without developmental disabilities. It ensures quality of life! They also ensure that the residential settings that services are received in are home environments rather than institutional environments. All settings must optimize and enhance choice rather than regimenting it. The HCBS Final Settings Rule protects consumers rights including the right to privacy, dignity, respect and freedom from coercion and restraint. The Final Settings Rule goes into effect March 17th, 2023, all providers with the service codes listed below, must be compliant by that date.

VMRC will continue hosting trainings for Residential Providers, Day Type Services Providers and Employment Services Providers. Service providers under the following service codes are strongly encouraged to sign up for one of the trainings provided. It takes time and effort to implement these requirements. Eligible service codes are Residential: 096, 113, 904, 905, 915, 910, 920; Employment Services: 950 and 954; Day Type Services: 028, 055, 063, 475, 505, 510, 515, 855

The attached flyers (insert here) have registration links on them for the following trainings. You must register to take the training. Once you have registered you will receive a link for the zoom session on the date you have chosen. For attendance purposes please have each staff taking the training register with their own contact information including their email address. Any last-minute changes to the scheduled trainings will be communicated to the registered individuals by email at the email address they have provided.

HCBS Trainings for Residential Providers

March 17th, 2022, 1:00pm – 2:00pm

March 22nd, 2022, 10:00am – 11:00am

HCBS Trainings for Day Type and Employment Services

March 15th, 2022, 3:00pm – 4:00pm

April 5th, 2022, 3:00pm – 4:00pm

May 4th, 2022, 3:00pm – 4:00pm

HCBS for Day Program and Employment Providers January through March 2022

HCBS for Residential Providers January through March 2022

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North Valley Hills Update

Dena Hernandez, Regional Manager (209) 473-6930


It’s that time again- REGISTER is now open for the CHOICES 2022 Everyday CHOICES Everyday HEROES Conference on Friday, May 20, 2022, 9:30am-12:20pm on ZOOM! It’s FREE but if you want a conference t-shirt- YOU MUST REGISTER! If you have any questions or need help-you may call the CHOICES Institute voice mail line at 209-473-6950 and a CHOICES member will call you back.  

Register for CHOICES 2022

SCDD honors California pioneer Johnnie Lacy. Because you did what you did, we can do what we do. Thank you!

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How to connect to SCDD through Social Media

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Self-Advocacy Council 6 (SAC6)


Weekly Virtual Chat


Come hear from SSAN representative to 

SAC6– Robert Balderama and meet the 

SSAN Officers: Desiree Boykin, Paul Mansell, Robert Levy, & SCDD Self Advocacy Coordinator– Riana Hardin

WHEN: Friday, February 25, 2022

TIME: 11:00 AM -12:15 PM

WHERE: ZOOM - computer, tablet, cell phone

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 826 7662 7732

Passcode: 653419

PDF Version of the SAC6 Flyer Here


Family Resource Network (FRN) Update

Lisa Culley, Executive Director

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Project DATA 

Family Resource Network (FRN) is still taking referrals for the Project DATA technology lending program! If it would be helpful to use a tablet to access services for virtual day program, Early Start services, medical appointments, appointments with your Service Coordinator, and more.

Please complete the referral by clicking the link on the flyer, or speak with your Service Coordinator, or call the FRN office at 209-472-3674. We can also help you connect to internet services in your home. 

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