How Cancer Affects Your Oral Health

Taking care of your oral health can understandably take a back seat when you are fighting cancer. However, it's important to work with your dentist before, during and after your cancer treatment to maintain your dental health.

Mouth-Healthy Recipe:
Beet Hummus

Not only will this bright and vibrant-colored hummus bring a smile to your face, but it will also help support healthy teeth and bones! Beets and chickpeas mingle with a dash of cumin and coriander for a slightly sweet hummus that’s sure to become a go-to appetizer or snack.

Keeping Your Smile Healthy at Every Stage of Life

Your oral health changes throughout your entire life. From birth to retirement and beyond, there are special concerns you should know about related to your oral health. Here are a few resources to help guide you through all the stages of your oral health.

New Health Trend: Intermittent Fasting

There’s a new diet trend joining the ranks of keto and clean eating. Intermittent fasting has quickly grown to the most popular diet for managing weight and improving health. Learn about the potential health benefits and risks of this new diet trend.

5 Ways to Achieve a Healthier Smile and Planet

It's easy to incorporate simple changes to save energy and reduce waste. You'll not only help the planet, you'll also help your smile by eating a well-balanced diet, hydrating and maintaining a regular oral health care routine.

Tips From an RD: How to Create Nutritious Meals

Did you know that the foods you eat affect your whole body, including your mouth? To help you maintain a healthy diet and meal planning routine, we talked with Katrina Samuels, a registered dietitian in Arizona, about the impact that food has on our oral and overall health.
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