Let's Talk About Pain Medicines
Thanks to the support from Security Health Plan and Marshfield Clinic Health Systems, WHL is facilitating another round of Let's Talk About Pain Medicine workshops. This is a free community-based education workshop, talking about safe and effective ways to use prescription opioid medicines.
The 60-minute workshop can be facilitated in-person or virtually. Participants receive a workbook to guide them through the workshop and take home, along with fact sheets, a quiz activity, and drug deactivation kit.
Workshops can be scheduled now - January 2022.
Let's Talk About Diabetes - Ways to help not get diabetes
Thanks to the support from Security Health Plan and Marshfield Clinic Health Systems, WHL is developing and will be facilitating 12 community-based workshops on ways to prevent diabetes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 out of 3 (88 million) Americans have prediabetes, and, out of that number, 84% don't even know they have prediabetes.
The 60-minute workshop can be facilitated in-person or virtually. Participants receive a workbook to guide them through the workshop and take home, along with fact sheets, a quiz activity, and chance to win a cash prize drawing.
Workshops can be scheduled now - January 2022.
Improving Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementia Care through Health Literacy - Supporting Unpaid Caregivers
Thanks to the support from the RRF Foundation on Aging, WHL is working closely with a co-creation team of unpaid caregivers, to recraft our Improving Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementia Care through Health Literacy curriculum to meet the health literacy needs of informal and family caregivers in communicating with health professionals and providing care to those they serve. WHL is partnering closely with the Alzheimer’s & Dementia Alliance of Wisconsin, the Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources, and numerous Aging and Disability Resource Centers across Wisconsin to implement the program and provide health literacy training and support to unpaid caregivers across the state.
The 60-minute workshop is facilitated virtually. Participants receive an electronic workbook to guide them through the workshop and for future reference.
Workshops can be scheduled now - December 2021.
If you are interested in bringing any of the above programs to your community, please contact project manager, Caitlyn Mowatt, at caitlyn@wisconsinliteracy.org.