St. Joseph's Honored for Environmental  Achievements

St. Joseph's Medical Center was recently awarded the prestigious Partner for Change award from Practice Greenhealth, the nation's leading health care community dedicated to transforming health care worldwide so that it reduces its environmental footprint.  In addition to being a Practice Greenhealth award recipient, St. Joseph's is also the first hospital in the state to be recognized as a Certified Green Business by the California Green Business Program

At St. Joseph's, we believe that being mindful of our environment is one of the many ways that we express kindness to our patients and our community.

Community Garden Provides Fresh Produce for those in Need

Nestled on a plot of formerly unused land owned by St. Joseph's, resides a hidden gem in our community - the Jerry Roek Memorial Garden. The garden is tended by generous volunteers, and provides a variety of produce that is harvested and donated to St. Mary's Dining Room to feed those in need in our community. 

Volunteers Needed 
If you would like to lend a hand and share your talents and labor, the Jerry Roek Memorial Garden is looking for your help. Email [email protected] to learn more and get involved.
Three Ways to Eat for the Environment

Our food choices affect much more than our health -- they also impact the economy and the environment. Here are three tips to help you make  environmentally sound food choices :
  • Purchase foods that are in season and grown locally.
  • Plant a garden and grow your own food to help reduce your trips to the grocery store, and by cultivating plants, you are introducing oxygen into the environment while removing carbon dioxide. 
  • Reduce your food waste by composting certain leftovers and scraps.
By making sustainable food choices, you are bettering the health of your family while helping to make the earth a greener place for all its inhabitants.